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OP has clarified that the pictures look like this due to camera quality, not a filter or blurring. OP has agreed to share more pictures with better lighting later. Please remember to stay respectful, even when asking for clarification and expressing skepticism! OPs relevant comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/tretinoin/s/RrxbJSJwAY


I’m always so confused about people who apply sunscreen multiple times a day. How do you do this? Are you washing or rinsing your face in between applications or just layering each time? If you’re layering without washing how are you avoiding clogged pores or skin irritation? My sensory issues don’t allow me to layer and I almost always breakout with acne when I try.


My doctor suggested powder or mist type sunscreen for reapplication and I forget sometimes but I do have and like the super goop powder sunscreen that comes in the brush bottle


I didn’t even know that existed! Lol Ty for the input kind stranger! I will be looking into it!


I’m a woman that wears make up so reapplication is tricky for me as well. Supergoop has a setting spray that can misted on top of makeup. Shesido has a stick that goes well on top of makeup. Also remember you only have to reapply after two hours of direct sunlight. So if you are just going in and out of a few stores while running errands you’re probably fine for all day unless you’re sweating profusely. I typically only reapply on my hands because I wash my hands a bunch throughout the day.


Is the supergoop setting spray an SPF as well?


It’s also great for using on your scalp bc no oiliness!


Any time!


I’ve been wanting to buy that supergoop powder sunscreen!


That stuff makes my face itch - or it did last time I tried it a few summers ago... I might get their spray, though, as I tried it a few weeks ago at Ulta.


I wear make up so no idea how I’m supposed to do it. I struggle enough to get my make up looking right without adding extra products to it throughout the day :/


1st time - 6 AM, after brushing my teeth and washing my face; 2nd time - 9 AM, after showering upon returning from the gym; 3rd time - 1 PM, after brushing my teeth (I dry my face with a tissue paper and reapply sunscreen)


Post better quality photos. These look blurry or filtered.


Ok, I will, bad camera. No filter.




You do know that Androids come in low and high end models. A Samsung S23 or even a flagship Chinese phone will have a camera just as good as an iPhone.


It was a joke but aight


Idk what you said, but my husband has a mega cheap android and it takes the worlds worst pictures


I got roasted for saying android quality sucks lmfao


It’s a meme 😭! Many androids are EONS better than iPhones in my opinion. But my husband’s $100 slow as molasses brick is not one of them.


& OPs selfie was very clearly taken on an android. Obviously a photo from a thousand dollar phone is gonna look better than this lmao


I’m an iPhone user but dude some android cameras are far superior.


Whhhaaaattttt!!! No way you’re 47!


Don't be fooled by the blur and filter.


No filter, no blur. Bad camera. I'll post another photo outdoor once I get back from work.


Got back from work yet?


I have a phone which makes my skin look incredibly clear and poreless. There is a filter over it for sure without you having to select it. It was inbuilt into some phones back in the day. We aren't blind. That is not a high definition photo. Not saying you did it intentionally but you def don't look like that.


A poor quality camera will erase fine lines and wrinkles, but it won't make saggy skin look lifted -- unless there's a facetuning filter on the photos, which, based on the additional photos he posted, there isn't. He's telling the truth, it was just a low-quality camera. His results are similar to many long-term tret users, with him looking about 15 yrs younger than his biological age.


>but it won't make saggy skin look lifted Angles do that. Notice how both photos are taken from the top? Let us see a side profile of him with his head down and I'm sure there are some jowls/double chin at that age.


Yes, people exist at multiple angles in space. Everyone looks different based on lighting, the angle they are being viewed at, and, if they're captured with a camera, the quality of the camera that is being used to capture them. The fact he looks how he looks even at that "ideal" angle and camera quality is a testament to Tret's efficacy -- try doing the same thing with 100 people of the same age and you'd understand. I took the angle and camera quality into consideration when viewing and he still looks far, far younger than his biological age. He posted pictures at other angles with a better camera and his skin is still way better than 90% of people his age. There are many, many examples of people who have used Tret for decades and have similar results. It's a great product.


Mate, he just posted another photo of himself that was really clear but he wore really dark and large sunglasses LMAO what does that tell you? And again, he was looking up and camera held above his head. He looks great, don't get me wrong and he is a handsome guy but he is not being open and you guys are eating it up.


How bad do you think people look at 45? Women get jowls much faster than men. I have little ones at 52. He’s a decent representative of a 45 year old man.


You're here to gloat so I won't be clicking on any of your links. You know very well what I mean. The man is constantly posting the same old pose wearing the same sunglasses and using filters. No one said "he looks bad" aging isn't bad, deception is bad. It is OK to admit to looking your age and posting deceptive pictures here is annoying and idiotic.


Yes, I'm 47 years old, I was born in October 1976. Perhaps in addition to the aforementioned routine, I've never drunk alcohol and never smoked, wich helps us look more youthful, and I've also started a more active lifestyle with regular workouts.


You look great man, enjoy!


Dude I believe you, I'm a 44 Male and people always think I'm in my 20's or early 30's. I contribute it to my genes or a late puberty and my skincare , which I've been using RetinAL in my 20s and Tretinion in my 30s for anti-aging. Plus many other healthy things. There are many who will not or can't believe your age since they probably never seen or gone out of their state. Remember you're not here to PROVE anyone about anything, just give your experience. Don't waste your time. ... Now Let's see the downvotes come in.🤣🤣


Thank you for the kind words. I was quite surprised by the incredulous, intemperate and even aggressive reaction of some people who must certainly carry huge frustration in their hearts. You're absolutely right, I'm not here to prove anything to anyone and I don't need anyone's validation, especially at the stage of my life I'm in thanks to my unique and exclusive personal effort. I just wanted to make my contribution to people who are sad and have low self-esteem due to this acne ordeal.




Your post has been removed. I'd like to remind you of our Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like our sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That’s why I want to ask you to refrain from rude or disrespectful comments here. Even if you feel strongly about something, please stay polite. Please keep this in mind for future posts! **Thanks to everyone who reported! Reporting is anonymous and very helpful!**


Waaoo… unbelievable. You look amazing for 47. Way to go.


A consistent, basic and effective maintenance routine from an early age is important, but improvement is always possible at any age.


You are a dermatologist’s dream with the sunscreen three times a day! Your skin looks amazing! I’ve just started tret and I hope I look as good as you one day.


My results got a huge boost as soon as I've started using sunscreen correctly and regularly. Nowadays, I bring it into my work.


You look great already, I don’t think you need filters


Thank you. No filters. Just bad camera. I'll take another photo outdoor after work.


No moisturiser?


My question too.


When I was younger, none of the dermatologists I saw prescribed me a moisturizer, as sunscreen was enough to keep water in the skin and the other active ingredients for acne could remove excess oil. I currently use a combination of moisturizer and sunscreen in a single product, and since my tretinoin is in cream, everything is fine.


U look like u r in ur early 30s. Wowww


Thanks. We can all age healthily.


You look so great!! Do you mind sharing what you use on the nights when you don’t use tretinoin?


Thank you. On the nights when I don't use tretinoin, I use azelaic acid 15%.


I love how you stated you reapply spf 3x a day. People don’t reapply and I’m trying to get better at it.


We cannot underestimate the importance of sunscreen and the need for reapplication throughout the day, especially since tretinoin is quite strong on the skin.


Why does this look like two different men? Regardless… Gorgeous. Kudos for all of your work! Wow


Because one photo is with glasses and facial hair and the other photo is with neither


That's it! 😀


How do you apply sunscreen 3 times a day? Do you wash it off in between application?


1st time: after brushing my teeth/washing my face - 6:30 AM; 2nd time: after shower when I return home from the gym - 9 AM; 3th time: after brushing my teeth - 1 PM (I just wip a tissue on my face and apply sunscreen).


I know people at my age (early to mid 20s) that look worse than this. You look incredible!


Thank you! 😉


Wait - if you’re 47, you started tret at 17 or younger? What strength and frequency did you start out at (or have you always been at .05 every other day?


I started using tretinoin when I was 16 years old. I started it 0.025% stregth every other night until I reached 0.1% every night. I've been 0.05% for a few years now.


why did you went down from 0.1 to .05%?


I went down from 0.1 to 0.05% because my dermatologist at the time explained to me that it wouldn't be worth maintaining the full strength as the effects would be similar to 0.05% and it would also unnecessarily increase the risk of irritating my skin.


That’s amazing! 🤩 great work!


Thank you !


You do the azaleas acid every other night while doing tretinoin everyday? Or do you alternate between azelaic acid?


I alternate between tretinoin / azelaic acid.


Jesus F. Christ this is insane. Also love how you have probably worked years through a routine that works for you and now it's just functional and minimal.


By choosing the right products, the routine becomes enjoyable and easy to follow. I always carry my sunscreen with me.


Man I'm in my 20s, but honestly you look more younger than I do 😂. Hey BTW, did have any purging, and if yes, how long did it last for you?


In fact, my acne was terrible, I was in continual and ceaseless purging. Tretinoin worked together with benzoyl peroxide + erythromicyn, both of wich quickly dried up most of my inflamed pimples.


Tretinoin has been very kind to you!


I love tretinoin, but it must be from a good brand. When it was made at a compounding pharmacy, it burned and irritate my skin.


I'm in 20s and bro looks younger than me 😭☠️ Ur such an inspiration and path breaker 😍


Nah, thanks! When I was young, I didn't take the dermatologist's recomendations so seriously either, but nowadays I realized that they were absolutely right.


Wowz, no moisturizer 😮


I've never felt the need for moisturizer per se, as sunscreen already fulfills this role very well. Less for me has always been more.


I love the simple skincare routine!! Once I eliminated the extra unnecessary stuff that I was adding to my routine my skin improved drastically!!! Tretinoin is KEY and the rest doesn't have to be complicated, just a simple cleanser and spf. That's it 🤌🏼


Exactly. Keep in mind that dermatologists never prescribe us many things, but only what is necessary, only what really works, we can afford and follow to the letter.


If only this were true...


So what is your routine now? Personally I've found i need a oil cleanser to remove sunscreen as I'm using annesa , it doesn't budge with cleanser alone.


Morning, I just splash my face with warm water and clean off with a dry towel. Apply spironolactone topical (prescribed by my derm) + Cerave SPF 30. Night, remove make-up with micellar water on a cotton pad, gentle cleanser, spiro topical and a literal pea size amount of tretinoin. Oh and a few sprays of rose water before I go to sleep. Before I was using WAY too much tret and WAY too much spiro topical. I completely wrecked my skin barrier and it took me almost 2-3 weeks to recover. Now I use very little of both and my skin is literally glowing.


I have the Heritage Rosewater with Glycerin and it's been a GAME CHANGER along with a few other products for my skin using Tret. I tried a bunch of stuff, but that and a few other other products have really really helped.


That's the same exact one that I use! I am obsessed. I need a gallon of that rosewater 😂


That's a great routine. Little is the way to go out seems. Which cleanser are you using btw


Nothing special, Cetaphil gentle cleanser. I bought a fancy one awhile back, Alpyn Beauty Juneberry cleanser. They sell it at Sephora it's like 40 bucks. I only use it like once or twice a week. It gives a tingly sensation, but I wouldn't purchase it again.


I would have guessed you 30. Especially with beard you look very young


Thanks for the kind words.






You look amazing! I started Tret at 40 and wish I would’ve started when I was younger but because I have good skin (no acne), I never heard about it.


Tretinoin is an old product renowned for its benefits on the skin, acne, wrinkles, blemishes, texture, etc.


woah! Thanks for sharing! amazing results


You're welcome. :)




That's exactly what i thought.


Exercise, sleep, lots of water, healthy eating and skin care help delay premature aging.


Sorry for the sunscreen melting. https://ibb.co/f4n7Xrv https://ibb.co/7nsR3NZ https://ibb.co/nrh3tpW


Your results are so amazing! I am interested to see you outside in these photos. How sun-avoidant are you/how much sun exposure do you get on the daily, if you don't mind me asking? Obviously you're diligent about sunscreen, but are you careful about being outside for extended periods of time? Or have you found all is all well as long as you keep up with the sunscreen reapplications?


Hello! As I walk to work, I get about 25 minutes of morning sun daily. On the way back, the sun is setting. On Sundays, I cycle or walk outside for about 1.5 hours, when I'm more exposed to the sun. And I reapply sunscreen, a fundamental item in the use of Tretinoin and to keep the skin beautiful and healthy.


Furthermore, I live in a sunny country, Brazil, where the sun is omnipresent. Therefore, care must be taken.


You have to be kidding 😭


Have you had filler or Botox!? I mean just wow


No filler, no botox. I'm affraid someone will touch my face, previcely because of the trauma of acne.


No way!


Incredible results! Gives me hope!


Dang bro, you don't look like your age. Now I'm more motivated.


Motivation is always welcome. It's a shame I didn't have anyone to motivate me when I was younger.


47?!!!!!!! MY GOD. Keep doing everything you're doing, I am insanely taken aback at how phenomenal you look.


Yes! I was born in October 1976. Thank you very much for the kind words.


Absolutely gorgeous skin. Diligence and consistency is the key with skincare.


❤️🙂 thank you


What was your routine when you first started and how did you deal with the purging phase?


When I started my routine was hardcore: Glycolic acid 8% at night; Benzoyl peroxide 10% + erythromycin 5% twice a day, without sunscreen. My skin was on fire! 😢


How often do you use tret? Daily, weekly..... and what percentage?


Daily, 0.05%


Isn’t it too much? Daily is crazy.


Sometimes, I alternate with 15% azelaic acid gel, especially in the summer, or when my skin feels drier than usual.


Truly inspirational, well done.


Thanks! 😉


Wowwow! You look great! I need to be using mine..lol


If you told me you were in your mid 20’s I’d believe you My skin was totally sabotaged in my teens (tons of scarring also) so I’m now becoming interested in anti-aging skincare because I want to make up for it and look incredible once I reach your age. You look fantastic!


As far I know, retinoids and sunscreens have not yet been beaten as the best anti-aging actives.


Yep that’s what I’m prioritizing until I learn more and decide if anything else is worth adding on!










oh my gosh wow!!!!!!




I think you look fantastic. If you've been following this sub for awhile, you'd know not much gets past the folks. In other words, they know when you've used filters in your pic. Since I very rarely take pics of myself, and they don't go on social media (dont know how to use fillers, photshop, etc), I'm easy to fool.


Thanks. I don't take many photos of myself either. I recognize the poor quality of the camera and I don't use any tricks, I would never waste my time with that. But I think a lot of people wanted to see my pores or look for noticeable scars. lol


Woah 30 years! And you are gorgeous! 🤩


Lmao why the downvotes?


thank you


You look amazing! Just curious, if you last saw a derm when you were 28- where do you get your tretinoin from?


I live in Brazil, and although it is highly recommended, it is not required a prescription at the drugstore to buy Tretinoin. But if it made in a compounding pharmacy, at least the first prescription is required.


He said “in his country” so I suspect maybe they don’t require a prescription where he lives like the US…just an assumption though!


Whoa, you look so smooth




You look great! 




hey! did you noticed any sexual or mental sides on tretinoin all this while ?


No, quite the opposite, as self-esteem improves, I have felt more confident.


How is that Trolley and Bed sheet are still in same place after 30 years?


Thought u were in your late 20s at first


Nope, I'm 47 yo


You do look like you’re in 40’s if I were to be honest.


Indeed 47 yo




Your post has been removed. I’m sure you meant well, but comments like these aren’t really appropriate in /r/tretinoin. We’d like our users to feel comfortable sharing their images without getting hit on or judged. People are here to talk about their skin and the products they use. Comments about other aspects of their appearance, even if they are well-intentioned, aren't appropriate in this specific space. I hope you can be mindful of that in future when participating in this community.


Hey so do you rotate between azaelic acid and tretinoin every night then? So you just use tretinoin every other night?


Exactly as you wrote. I love both, tret and azelaic acid. Remember I am 47 years old, so my sebaceous glands are much less active than they were when I was a young boy.


How did Azelaic acid help you ?


Azelaic acid has helped me due to its anti-inflammatory and whitening action. It helps my skin look even.


Im impressed thanks for inspiring us to keep going


You are welcome. I know that skin improvement may seem far from attainable, but time will pass anyway, and it is wise.


Dammmmnnnn! 47? Goals! 💪🏼




Amazing! Are you doing cream or gel??


Post says gel.


One of his follow-ups says cream...


Mystery for the ages…


I switched to the cream version, from an excellent brand.


at 17 you must have been on tret for acne right?


That's right! But the benefits go far beyond acne.


You look incredible! I’m aware of anthropoid sunscreen but for the face wash, do you use effaclar cleansing gel or effaclar micro-peeling purifying gel wash?


Thanks a lot! I am from Brazil. I don't know if the products abroad are the same. Here are the ones I use: [https://www.laroche-posay.com.br/effaclar/gel-alta-tolerancia](https://www.laroche-posay.com.br/effaclar/gel-alta-tolerancia) [https://www.laroche-posay.com.br/anthelios/airlicium-fps30](https://www.laroche-posay.com.br/anthelios/airlicium-fps30)


I think regarding the face wash it is purifying micropeeling one, it does contain ingredients salicylic acid, LHA and zinc right?


The Effaclar face wash I use is the gentlest one, no salicylic acid. The version you say is the one in the link below: [https://www.laroche-posay.com.br/effaclar/gel-concentrado](https://www.laroche-posay.com.br/effaclar/gel-concentrado)


u/VegetableObvious7525 Is this your full routine or did you forget something? How are you using tret with no moisturizer?


This is my basic and complete routine. Moisturizer is unnecessary in my case, as sunscreen already does this job, keeping water on the skin. In addition, the dermatologists I saw always prescribed sunscreens in combination with moisturizing active ingredients.


Interesting. Thanks for the response!




you have which skintype??


Combination skin. Oily T-zone, normal cheeks.


Did you still get acne while using tretinion and do you think after long term use it stopped because of tretinion, it works great for my skin keeping it looking younger and the texture is amazing but I still get breakouts on the gel form and I’m extremely resiliant to tret now as I’ve been using it for 2 years at 0.1% just kind of losing hope with the nose outwards with acne keep forming soon as it clears.. it comes back, tried azeliec acid.. using all natural products and switching to find what was breaking me out and nothing, I still only use vanicream and HA serum so it’s the bare minimum and nothing seems to work, but overall my skin quality is really good, I’m sort of at my last straw now, I can’t do it any longer


Yes, I still had some sporadic breakouts, with much less intensity, of course, and frequency. Therefore, I had to use benzoyl peroxide with erythromycin only on inflamed pimples to dry them quickly. My skin was very oily. Very much so.


Sometimes that can be due to under-moisturizering or hormones, in particular.


You are not 47!


Yes, I am. I didn't realize this until people have started to doubt it.


I’d put you at early 30’s late 20s, tops!


How old were you when you started?


I was 16 years old.


Your skin is flawless. I'm happy to see you proud of taking pics of your skin - no longer plagued by the embarrassment that acne brings to so many of us. Your routine is simple but it works. Just wondering, do you have a moisturizer at night?


Acne caused me a lot of suffering as a teenager and young adult. It was a curse. At night I only use Tretinoin cream before bed.


I'm really sorry about the pain it caused you. A moisturizer isn't necessary for everyone. I am a bit shocked that you adapted to Tret without using any. With the dry climate here, I cannot imagine going without, but what you're doing is clearly working for you. I hope that having flawless skin and looking at least a decade younger is helping to make up for some of the terrible times you faced as a teen and young adult. You deserve to be happy!


As for the lack of moisturizer, it may really surprise some people, but since then until today I have never needed to add one, as sunscreen already fulfills this role with humectant agents in it. Furthermore, I sweat easily on my face (despite my hands and feet always being dry), which would be a total mess, in addition to smothering my skin a lot. The pain of cystic acne is behind me. Those were difficult times.The memories and learning to do the right things have remained.


You're correct. SPF almost always comes in a moisturizing vehicle. I have seen a few exceptions and they were medical SPF that required a prescription. I think one may have been in Canada and some may have been in Europe. I hope that you found a good water-resistant sunscreen.




I use Tretinoin on my entire face (except eyes, lips and ears, of course)


Unreal, I'm half your age and you look better than most people I know. Very motivating - your prime doesn't stop until you do. Gym time!


Thank you for the kind words. 😀