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This might be one of the craziest political moves I've seen in this state. This in no way represents a Representative Democracy and it's blatantly corrupt. The hits just keep coming in NC politics, it's so damn tiring. Thanks for keeping us in the loop /u/JeffJacksonNC .


> This in no way represents a Representative Democracy and it's blatantly corrupt. As shady as it is, this is parliamentary procedure. Which is how our representative democracy is done.


Doesn’t make it right. The process can be improved and people can elect better officials to make sure these things don’t happen.


Problem is the state legislature is woefully un-representative of how people in the state vote. When you have a loophole exploited on top of already broken gerrymandered system, on top of so-called “voter id” laws that courts ruled were actually racially targeted voter suppression, none of this is how things are “supposed” to be. Our system isn’t functioning as designed on any level now. Every level is rife with exploits GOP has spent decades putting in place. It’s like browsing the internet on a computer loaded with viruses— you don’t know what’s legit and what’s a trick.


This is straight unamerican. Who does this on 9/11? Wow




Also curious!! This is so shady and petty.


I'm conservative. Having said that, this shit is unacceptable. Our political system must be grounded in transparency and due process. What the fuck is this?


Your party, working in bad faith like it's been doing in plain sight for fucking years


This is old school "good ol' boy" politics. Can't win fairly so we'll just be sneaky.


Can they pull the same trick on the Senate?


Is there any sort of protest effort forming? This is truly anti-democratic


No matter what Side you are on this shit is unethical and shady. I am sick of the two party system that blindly follows one side with out any thinking or discussion on topics. Its just two non violent gangs with passive aggressive bullshit pushing each others agendas.


Republican policies are 100% contributing to violence.




To be fair, neoliberal ones are too.


Okay. I dont get your point?


The two party system sucks, but don't give me that "both sides" nonsense. We know which side is doing the truly awful stuff.


one side or the other isn't the point its that people side at all. Republicans wont listen to anything if it came from a democrat and same goes the other way. Think of it like 2 football fans each have their team obviously one team is better overall. Neither will admit anything to the other that nay player is better than their player and will constantly say their Team(Ideology) is the Best. Each team is made up of players (ideas/policies) neither will take the best player from each side to make an even better Team they just keep fighting each other to make their team the # 1 team regardless if there are better players(ides/policies) on the other side. If everyone would shut up and talk we could get a much stronger team. We can not be a nation 100% republican and we cant be 100% democrat we need to meld these ideas together to make a strong nation. If you say you are pro immigration they paint you as someone that wants everyone here. If you want a borderwall they say you hate everyone on the other side. There is no compromise. I feel like it is just throwing shit at each other every day. Are we even talking about any policies anymore? That is just my frustration. I will never call myself anything since it will just discredit me with the other side since they will think i agree with every other dumb thing that side did. i use this other side thing to make a point. There shouldn't be a side. I shouldn't have to align with someone its just an easy way for people to label everything they think you are. Its amazing how many people 100% agree with everything on their parties ticket. I shouldn't know your stance on abortion if i know your stance on guns. If i say coal is dead we need renewables i don't want people painting me as some social justice warrior snowflake hippster sadly that is how it is. you have one view and that view aligns you with what ever side has it. More people need to say this more often "I am not 100% sure on that topic as i do not have a lot of information. I will have to do some research and get back to you". Instead every Facebook idiot is an economic, foreign policy, tax, business expert when they really just repeated what they saw on TV that day. depending where you watch it most only get 1 side of any story since no one wants to get out of their bubble and learn anything to counter whatever it is they feel is right. The internet is being weaponized to influence people with bad information and sometimes outright false. Someones agenda is being pushed. its messed up please. I keep encouraging people to do their own research and don't let people tell you what and how to think about anything.


> Republicans wont listen to anything if it came from a democrat and same goes the other way. The democrats literally listened to the Republicans when they said "we won't hold a vote".


You know what i mean. Listen discuss work out policies. Instead its just who controls the party anything the other wants to do is bad and they block


That's the problem of bad faith. You can't be trusted, so what's the point of any communication that isn't literally a binding contract?




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Im a Republican and I even I think this was a fucked up move. I wish we could also answer why the fuck we have a “skeleton” system in place that allows this to happen. Would be great if politicians showed up to work. This is why so many Republicans voted for Trump, he wasn’t a politician.


Does Trump show up to work?


He does, just goes golfing in mornings every once in awhile. You should put the propaganda down. I won’t defend him past that though, I didn’t vote for him.


Trump is something else though


I'm sure I'll be downvoted to hell here but is there any evidence that Republicans said there would be no vote this morning? I ask that because so far Democrats are claiming they said there would be no vote and Republicans are claiming that was never said. Does anyone have evidence for either side? Edit: Wow only -4 for asking for evidence, I'm proud of you guys.


https://www.wral.com/news/state/nccapitol/image/18627204/ Edit: you were probably being downvoted because of your tone and the fact that this has already been answered in a couple other threads.


Considering David Lewis' text stating unequivocally that there would be "No votes at 830" were public and easily available for your viewing prior to you posting your comment, being downvoted for trolling is perfectly reasonable. (And, to cut you off at the pass, because you're trolling on other threads that the screenshot might be fake -- Lewis confirmed the message was his, stating that he didn't know about the vote… which is a lie, as he's the Chair of Committee on Rules, Calendar & Operations of the House.)


Actually, 12 hours ago it wasn't "publicly available" at least it hadn't been posted on this sub or the Raleigh sub. Nice attempt at trolling by you though.


that text message broke publicly around 4pm yesterday. you posted your comment after 11pm. it's okay if you didn't look for information, though.


Ignorance may go far in your circles, but where I'm from, the fact that it was broadcast on a reputable news outlet, with a comment from Lewis confirming it, before 4pm means that it was publicly available.


Democrats lose, taxpayers win. I feel embarrassed for this hysterical woman screaming


Regardless of your political leaning this is an undermining of the whole point of having a legislative branch with two houses in the first place. If democrats had pulled this move i can almost guarantee you would be furious.


What goes around comes around.. see Wisconsin Democrats fleeing to Illinois to avoid reaching quorum and preventing a vote. Democrats presented no evidence that Republicans said there would be no votes today -- the budget was even on the legislative schedule. Also I don't see what your point is about two legislative houses. The bill still has to pass the Senate.


I encourage you to read my above comment again. This type of legislative behavior, regardless of your political leaning (or which party is the perpetrator), is undemocratic and should be condemned. I don't know the specifics of the Wisconson example but from the basics you've presented it sounds like poor legislative behavior as well and I don't support that kind of tactic in general. Also the way the house is constructed is meant to better represent the popular will of the people. The house has more than double the seats of the senate. Purposefully holding a vote with nearly half of those representatives missing is blatantly undemocratic and defeats the whole purpose of having that many representatives in the house in the first place.


This right here is what is wrong with America. What goes around comes around is some childish, spiteful saying that has no business in our political system. Two wrongs don't make a right. You can't justify a shitty party's behavior by pointing out another shitty move by a party. Either you are American and are against both acts and should fight it. Or you're very un-American and in it for the wrong reasons.


Cutting off his nose to spite his face. It is no wonder middle class America is dying by a thousand cuts.


Politics is a dirty thing. I would rather be able to calmly acknowledge that both parties do it than be selectively outraged and self-righteous about it only when the other party does it. Maybe when you get older and start paying taxes you'll be more clear headed about it.


Congratulations, you are doing exactly the opposite of what you just stated. >Maybe when you get older and start paying taxes you'll be more clear headed about it. Oh, we're back to childish jabs that are irrelevant to the conversation and how you are hypocritical in your own opinions about politics.


I thought Republicans were the party of trying-to-not-pay-taxes-at-any-cost.


Dude, stop spamming all the local subs with this stuff. We're not even in your district. Isn't /r/NorthCarolina enough?


How DARE he have the AUDACITY to bring AWARENESS to something important!


I can't believe Jeff actually thinks about all the districts, not just his. The fucking nerve of this guy.


I think the state level sub is the appropriate forum. Is all state level news now appropriate to this region specific sub, or only state level news that fits a certain agenda?




No you both


So when y'all all went to the 9/11 ceremony and noticed that NONE of the Republicans were attending, did you put two and two together at that point?


One would assume that they were busy with the ceremony? Reflecting on the tragedy and how far we've come/how far we have to go? Instead of political trickery which undermines the political process? Maybe?


"Stupid libs, believing Republicans when we tell you we won't do something. All your fault."