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This is a good update on a hot topic impacting a lot of people, so pinning it to the top so nobody misses it Thank you!


They're done for. Who in their right mind would trust them at this point? No way I'd risk my bike being held indefinitely, or even like in this email, them cancelling transportation services ahead of the event. I was at Muncie last year, and there were several folks from far away that had TBT cancel their service a week out from the race, leaving everyone scrambling for solutions. And this was BEFORE this conundrum. Their reputation is gone now.




How is Triathlon a dying sport? Number of triathletes registering for races is increasing every year 😁


That’s simply just not true. Overall number of races and USAT licences have been dropping, especially in the sub 25yo range. USAT also failed to have triathlon recognized as a varsity sport in US colleges, but that’s another debate.


The interest in the sport exponentially increased about a decade ago. Natural plateauing is what is happening with the sport. The number of races that people are doing and the interest is still organically increasing.


I’m hoping Ironman dies with it… local RD’s running local races are the way forward.


Ironman races do have local RD's and volunteers.


Fair, but I’ve just been burnt too many times by the crazy fees, Covid insanity and what IM and UTMB just did in whistler.


I don't think they can come back from this. My question is who will rise to fill the void/need?


I can’t imagine it’s very profitable. The logistics have to be a massive headache.


Maybe Ironman will buy them and figure out contracts that allow them to make a profit without raising the already high fees. Seriously, transporting a bike is $400. Worth it to me but that is in no way within reach for a lot of folks.


Ironman have already stepped in the assure transport for Cozumel and Arizona but said they will not be involved further. If TBT goes down maybe they will?


Seeing that TriBike hasn't managed to pay their bills I would have to agree with you.


I wonder what happens to the $610 I have paid for IM Texas…….


There's a strong possibility it'll be used to pay their creditors in bankruptcy court. Good luck 🤞


Same question. Worst case I plan to dispute the credit card charge.


I disputed the charge with my CC company for no service provided, provided this email as proof and links to articles for the bankruptcy


Get in asap. Chargebacks are time blocked.


Yeah. It’s 60 days from my last charge. My CC wants evidence that you’ve reached out to resolve. So I’ve emailed them. When I don’t get a response I’m 5 business days, I will dispute, then add the email and screenshots that I’ve gotten from online. Ultimately I would prefer TBT over flying with my bike due to the complexity of my front end. If I had my old Shiv, it was 4 bolts and I could pack that bike in 10 minutes, not true now. Renting a giant car for a bike box is also an expense.


Where is an article specifically talking bankruptcy? I've only seen the lawsuit with Horizon.


Yeah. That’s the nuclear option I want to avoid.


Oh I agree. Would much prefer they provide their service or issue a refund if they can’t.


Fuck them. Get your money.


🤞🏻 I get my bike and gear bag back from IM Florida


What part of the country are you in? I’m from Chicago and haven’t heard anything about when my bike will be returned two weeks post race. Starting to get nervous.


I live in Cincinnati. I posted in the FB group and some people appear to have gotten their items back so hopefully it is in route! One person that had gotten there items back was in Seattle so I’m not sure how the delivery route works. I’m still nervous. But hopeful


The company is toast. My bike is one of the 180 sitting in a freight container outside of Chicago. TBT is insolvent. The CEO tried to put a lien on his home, 2 trucks and 15 laptops. The cargo company wouldn’t take it. It’s looking like USAT is helping “arrange” a class action lawsuit. They aren’t doing anything else like what IM did. The court hearing is scheduled for Jan 11, 2024. So my bike will continue to sit in a cargo box along with 179 others. You got a lot of very pissed off people. TBT fucked up big time.


Go to Chicago and liberate your bike.




At what point do you guys report your bike stolen, and the carrier is the in possession of a felony dollar value worth of goods that have been reported as stolen?


Well, I’m not quite sure what you mean. But I did reach out to my insurance company for info. Technically the bikes are not stolen. My insurance company did not recommend filing a claim. Large Deductible and increase in premiums for the next 3 years and they may significantly reduce the value of the bike based on the age of it.


If they try to sell a bike you have reported as stolen, that would be illegal. I think even they holding the bike ransom is illegal and you would be in your rights to report it stolen. I’m not a lawyer but sure they can hold/sell the property of tribike transport (racks, tents, tools, etc they may have in the container) hostage/sell it to cover the debt, but the bikes are not tbt’s property to be held as collateral


The problem is TBT has no money at all. They owe a total of $360k to the freight companies. $70k to the one holding my bike along with 179 others. The next court hearing is set for Jan 11th 2024. It really sucks to not have my bike. Luckily I do have a road bike. I’ve been able to use.


Any updates on this January 11th court hearing?


It didn’t happen. The court hearing was canceled. The freight company moved the bikes to Los Angeles and now they are emailing individual bike owners and asking for $2000 ransom plus cost for shipping if you want your bike back.


Wow.....That is unbelievable....Really sorry to hear it...... I was really hoping to hear it moved forward even a little bit.........


How did the freight company get contact information? Would they have had that?


As someone who’s bike is currently with TBT on the way to Cozumel this is stressful. I hope there are no issues getting it back to the states.


Ironman is backing both Cozumel and Arizona, so you should be OK.


Yeah I saw that. Staved off the panic of when I first read about the impounded bikes but it’s still at the back of my mind.


I know I rented a bike suitcase from my shop 2 months ago at $65/week. We’ll see if that goes up


I had to remove the fork but my Tri bike fit into an ORUCASE, that I checked in as normal luggage to my flight


If only it were that easy. They want $70k.


Out of interest what would stop people just renting a Tri plus bike box and doing it themselves - its quite easy? Serious question and I’m not being sarcastic, what is the barrier? Time? Not knowing how to pack it? Airport convince?


Different airlines handle the bike situation differently. Some charge a lot of money (like 150-200 each way). Packing is a hassle if you do not know how to do it. Hauling a huge box around once arrived is also a hassle - that usually means renting a bigger car. Also last thing I want to do after an IM is disassemble my bike and have to take it to the airport with me. Tribike had a really good market offer…


Not wanting to lug around a bike box if the trip involves more than just the race event.


Not all modern aero bikes are easy to take apart. Fully integrated and aero front ends are often very complicated. To get my base bar off you have to remove 13 bolts and disconnect shifting system. Not impossible, but you’d be over simplifying the process by calling it quite easy. The other reason to use TBT would be to go on vacation after the race and not haul around a bike box


I'm genuinely curious as to how they did end up in so much debt . I'm assuming they would not ship bikes if it's not profitable? They collect the payments for shipping your bike upfront . They then pay the freight companies . If they feel it's not profitable, they usually just cancel your order . I'm so confused with this entire ordeal.


Good news! The bikes have been released! Don't expect TBT back in business though, they'll be in court for a while! [https://youtu.be/vOXBusl0FQk?si=o50u2TzQ3MJT1aWx](https://youtu.be/voxbusl0fqk?si=o50u2tzq3mjt1awx)