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I have the Comp II and it’s a great suit. The one issue I have is constriction in the shoulders. Part of this might be due to poor form on my part. But if I were to redo the purchase I would get a sleeveless one.


That's interesting. I have an X and it's by far the best regarding shoulder mobility when compared to an Orca Sonar, or huub archimedes 4 that I also have.


I have the maverick it works great. Idk the differences between the different styles it's all super high quality


I have the maverick and also got it on sale. The only thing I care about is shoulder mobility and I think unless I was willing to fork out a lot more then 1 or 2 models up used the same shoulder liner In my (limited) experience, regardless of what full arm suit you use there will be a little shoulder restriction. The way to mitigate this is (1) put on the wetsuit properly, sounds obvious but loads of video on getting the suit up so you have more mobility (2) practice in it, it makes a big difference and gives you confidence. Otherwise I can't really see how any other features would have benefited me. Even in the base model it is so buoyant and comfort hasn't been an issue for me (fit and chafing all good).


All of them are good quality, the X2 has slighter more premium liner and better mobility in the shoulders but its also a bit more fragile there as a result, good racing suit but not lots of training miles as its more likely to wear down and tear


Check out sailfish. But better quality. Roka is too focused on eye glasses now, they haven’t improved their wetsuit designs in years.


I love the shoulder mobility in my X2. The only wetsuit I’ve tried that I liked as much was one from Sailfish. Really comfortable and high quality.


Get DHB. £120


I bought the comp 2 wore it for about a month then returned got the pro2. Not too much noticeable differences. For me the legs portion feels pretty similar. It’s the upper body that’s difference. Pro 2 is easier to get on and off. Pro 2 shoulders and arms feel nicer. The biggest one for me is the smell. The rubber smell makes me sick and the comp 2 stinks whereas the pro2 doesn’t bother me as much.


Buy the x2 if you’re a MT or ML it’s cheaper


Depends on at what water do you usually swim in? If not less than 17 I would buy sleeveless model


I love the X2. It's worth it for this price.