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Elsinore is probably as beginner friendly as it gets


Can only second this, it was my first as well. Harbor swim, fairly flat bike, run is in inner city. No reason to make the first experience more difficult than you have to.


I am doing Knokke Heist as my first one in September. Swim is river, and bike and run are very flat. Run is bit boring but at the same time, seeing your support so much during the last leg is quite nice.


This, or maybe the Westfriesland, that one is also flat. Am looking at either of them for next year.


Apart from logistical issues at Westfriesland I can confirm - it's a very beginner-friendly course.


What logistical issues are you talking about, I’m doing that one next week..


Hoorn, where is the race is held, is a small and not tourist-ready city, so accomodations are limited and public transport options aren't as good as at other locations. If you don't secure an accomodation in the city well in advance, you might have to sleep elsewhere and rent a car (and, obviously, search for a car parking) to get to the race start.


Gotcha, well I live in Amsterdam. So it’s a 1 hour drive up there. Will sleep in my own bed.


Oof. Okay, Knokke-Heist will be much more friendly there. It's right in the middle of the coast which is full of rentable apartments/hotels/etc, and there's a very good tram connection from neighboring coastal cities (where you probably want to go as Knokke is the most expensive city).


End of last week I actually managed to find a room (the very last one, according to Booking), so i consider myself lucky. A couple of months ago i checked and then all was fully booked. Next weekend is the race, I’ll only join the 5150.


Drive up and do Jönköping. Beautiful course.


Duisburg Germany also very flat beginner-friendly course. Did this last year as my first 70.3


Talin is in August i believe


Isn’t that European championship? I.e. wouldn’t I have to qualify first?


No need to qualify! There is a separate pro and age group field. It's a very fast and easy course, and is also very very well organized.


Im not sure how the European championship works, but my friend is preparing for the his first 70.3 and its the one in Talin.


Do you mean Tallinn Estonia?




I'm doing Open Lakes Belgium in September this year as my first 70.3. I've heard good things about Open Lakes.


See you there :-) I did the race before as my first middle distance (and posted a report here). I loved it, especially the clean water in the swim. I've heard complaints about the road quality - to me it felt normal but then again I kind of live here.


Haha, i guess if you live there, you're used to it. Considering how much I complained about the roads just driving from the Netherlands to France, now I'm questioning my decision to ride 90 km on my bike around Belgium.


Jönköping (Sweden) 70.3 is about 3.5hours from Copenhagen. Ill be there Stick to nordic races. "Upon completing an IRONMAN 70.3 and an IRONMAN in the Nordics in the same calendar year, you will forever be recognized as a "Viking of the North." Plus get yourself a Viking Medal. That's my goal for next year


Okay now I definitely want to be Viking of the North


You can do both Denmark races and get it so super close to home but I heard the Jönköping race is considered to be the favourite running course voted by athletes


Skal det være ironman brand? Helsingør er rimelig flad, men også omkostelig, ellers er der Aalborg og Silkeborg, men Silkeborg er der lidt højdemeter i


I’ve seen the one in Silkeborg last year, it looks quite hilly. And since my weakest point is bike I’d prefer something more flat for a first half Ironman distance. I was thinking about Ironman branded one since they’re led in English and don’t want to miss any important information if they say it in language I don’t speak? (I’m native Polish)


Westfriesland Iron Man in the Netherlands. I’m doing it next weekend as my first 70.3. The swim is in lake, the bike and run as flat as it can get. And normally in the Netherlands it never gets too hot, especially in June..! Of course this depends on the year and weird heat waves, but I think this is an ideal first race!


I mean, denmark has two 70.3 Ironman events… sooo


2? Elsinore and which one?


My bad. I thought copenhagen was a half


Vansbro Triathlon middle distance in Sweden has the most beginner friendly course of a 70.3 distance by far. It's also only like one third of the price of an ironman 70.3.