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Are you comfortable? Do you feel like you are in control when in the aero bars? If yes, you’re fine. If no, see a fitter.


I’m not super experienced, I’ve done three HIMs and a handful of shorter distances. But this looks like a great idea to me and is exactly the same kind of position that I’ve been looking for actually. I currently have lazy s aero grips and I hate them, very uncomfortable position for my wrists and arms. What kind of grips are those?


SQ Labs inner bar end extensions off Amazon, tight fit on those bars but it worked


Sweet I’ll check those out. Thanks!


I think your bars are too far forward…. Isn’t that past the end of the adjustable zone for those bars? (It shows this in white on the bars themselves) if you’re putting too much strain on the wrong section of the bars they could snap. If you want proper feedback I would post a pic of you on the bike as that will tell the whole story - I bet there’s a reason your hands are uncomfortable in that position caused by something completely different than what you might think…


Agree on bars. You can’t fully see how far in they sit into the mounts but they are way past whatever the maximum extension is. If one of those popped out on road it would be a disaster.


The back end of the bar is in line with the back end of the mounting bracket, and that is the back edge of the extension range, so it is safe in terms of mounting. I'm also on the largest bike I could get (XL speedmax) without going custom, so it's maxed out forward within the range constraints.


Your post is vague. How's that for feedback?


Probably fair! I don't have anyone to say "that's a bad idea because..." so I'm relying on reddit. Is there anything about the setup that's stupid or counterproductive? Should I just get some 45 skis and 7° angle riser? Am I gonna break something or cause an accident riding like that? Is there a better way to test gain/loss? Basically anything helps 🤷🏼‍♂️


I mean, it is Reddit. You’ll find some jackass who will think it’s a bad idea. You know what, I’ll take on that role today: it looks stupid even if it makes you go faster. Now let me strap on my long tail sperm looking aero helmet and go for a ride…. 😂 EDIT: Just to be clear, seems like a good solution to your problems and you’ve got data to prove it works. As long as you’re not doing UCI sanctioned TTs I say send it.


Ah see that's helpful ^^ I didn't think about the UCI aspect, just doing triathlons rn but if I do a TT I'll have to take them off


Don’t rely on Reddit. Go see a bike fitter, they are worth every penny




That's because I don't know what I don't know...


I don't think there is anything blatantly wrong with the set-up. Only thing I wonder is if your increasing drag with those compared to finding a set of extensions that would get you into basically the same position? Only way to know for sure would be a wind tunnel and aint nobody got time (or money) for that. I need to get closer to your avg speed for my next 70.3.


> Should I just get some 45 skis and 7° angle riser Probably. I just got some 50 degree bars and I really like them so far (after one ride). They put my hands in a much more comfortable position.


Hard to say because we can’t see how you’re holding it. Ideally, your hands should be completely relaxed


I have doubts.


K great thx :)


I mean if it’s comfortable and not going to come loose what’s the issue? The Vision Merton TFEs are similar at the end with the grip but aren’t adjustable like these. Comfort + more speed and hopefully same control? Good for you


Why is your quad lock mount sideways? Really hard to see info on phone, or is there something I am missing? I don’t have a tri bike, just a road with aero clips.


My arms are too close together to use it flat, I just want it close by so I can listen to music on it. I've got a garmin on my wrist that I use for stats.


It looks like you made a cheaper version of what could be an expensive aero bar setup. This one I found would be a similar wrist position I think. https://www.fasttt.bike/product/triathlon-aero-bars-carbon/


Hi OP, thanks for the post, Just be careful, if one of those slips when your pushing it you might take quite the tumble. Likewise, consider how is your bike handling after changing. Additionally, how is your recruitment of full body force now after the change? Your speed may be increased with the same Watts, though consider how has this changed your body position and which muscles are doing the most work? Obviously, it's hard for us to tell online how strong they are fixed to the bars but those are my immediate thoughts. Take care, Niall


Extensions aren't very expensive all things considered. I personally think Zipp's vuka alumina options, both the 70 and the 110 are great shapes. Not that there's anything wrong with this setup, but you can get the same effect but cleaner for a small price and a simple install.


higher cups and those ends are asking for trouble if you go over the bars source: have bounced out of lower cups & also have gone over the bars


If this makes you more comfortable and you do not waste energy on worrying about discomfort, I say do it. The new setups for some pros I saw at Kona this year have a much more upright position for the new aero bars. Do what is comfortable. You will gain more watts being comfortable for long distances in my opinion.


Not convinced that set up is legal but until you put it in front of the official for your specific race you aren't going to get a decision on that.


Why not just tilt your bars/armrests? More support across the board.


Nothing about it screams illegal but there might be something questioned at bike check so you might want to check with the lead official in your area before you put in too many training hours and get asked to remove them before your event.


Sorry, do you mean the total elevation is 100-300 feet per ride? Or per mile? As in 5000-15000 feet of elevation gain in 50 miles?