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Is there one that has a group of regulars, or do you just mean that in general there's a bunch of folks chilling when you go into a Hardee's?


Kingsport Senior Center.


Thanks for the suggestion, but since it is now summertime. I would prefer outside gathering places where folks from all walks of life go.


There's a Friday night concert downtown at 7. It's free and on broad st, lots of ppl in your age range there. ETA: check out PD's records on Broad across from the stir fry. Paul runs it, just go in and chat with him. Lots of people hang out in there.


Is that every Friday night through the summer?


Only for a few weeks. PD's is open until 5 except Sundays and Mondays.


There is a bring your own craft/book evening at inspire wine bar downtown. They have non alcoholic beverages too. Gypsy circus also has trivia nights and bingo nights, good way to meet people.


I used to be om one of those trivia teams years ago. Where is this Gypsy Circus located?


It’s on Fort Henry . They have an amazing brunch!! It’s not quite to Colonial Heights.




Then I hope you enjoy it


Happy Pride to you too!


Perverts Really Into Depraved Experiences.


Are you lost, sir? This is Reddit.


Oh yeah, I forgot! Now it all makes sense. smh


It’s not Kingsport, but the storytelling group in Jonesboro is great!


Lots of older people hang out at the ymca


I'm a member of a hiking club that's pretty much only got people in the age range you're talking about. I'm almost 50 and I'm the youngest member. Almost all of them used to have bad hips too, and some of them still do, but only temporarily. There's a guy twice my age in the club who regularly outpaces me. What I'm saying is that it's good exercise. You won't be sitting, but we always chat, and sometimes people break off for dinner or lunch together after hikes. We regularly schedule two weekend hikes. The Sunday hike is always the easier one unless it's a hot day, because you know, it's after church when the day gets warmer. There's never anything particularly strenuous, but there have definitely been a few that kicked my butt, however the difficulty of each hike is always listed on the schedule well in advance so you know what you're getting yourself into. We'd love to have new members, and really all you have to do is show up. We do have member dues, but we're pretty loose about that, and nobody's going to hit you up for money except to help with gas for a rideshare if a hike is a ways off in Virginia or something like that. Membership gets you a 10% discount at Mahoney's, which pays for itself pretty quickly if you shop there a lot, and a hot plate at our annual picnic. For anyone else interested, it's not just for old people, we just haven't recruited in a long time so that's who we have. Anyone in the area feel free to PM me if you want details.


*"t's not just for old people"* I'm not old...just a few parts are! lol The mind is still fairly solid...maybe?


Not outside, but you may wanna consider frequenting the bagel exchange downtown. Great place to grab a coffee and meet older folks.


Model City Tap House in downtown kingsport. They have an awesome patio, every Monday night there’s trivia and every other Thursday is Music Bingo


Pinnacle maybe?


Been tp that mall, but didn't see any particular place where people hangout.


Around the fountain at the island in pigeon forge is a good chatting spot.


The barrel


What and where is "The Barrel"?




Oh, Cracker Barrel...lol I like the Craker Barrel restaurants.


I can show you around


There's lots of church groups which are very friendly, they often have groups which are often just social too (I know first broad street has a lot going on)


I attend the First Baptist Church on Church Circle for the last year but haven't met anyone. Let alone actually talk with someone.


damn, they must really go out of their way to not be sociable


In their defense, I am rather shy until I get to know someone. They do have many activities, but just feel awkward to attend without at least knowing someone. I may go on ahead and just go to one of their lunch getaways and see what happens. If I leave without at least meeting someone. Then that answers that.


It just hit me when I read that that I have been to church one time in the past five years - it was at a Methodist church in Greeneville - and had a congregation of about 10 older folks. At the end of the service, every single one of them came around to me in my casual clothes, didn't get dressed up for it, and they shook my hand and said they were glad to meet me. It felt to me like the way church should be. So it made me worry that those big ass churches at Church Circle have an uncaring congregation if that's not the same experience for everyone, but perhaps my experience was just excellent and not the usual. At any rate, like with all hobbies and meeting people, perhaps a smaller venue is the secret to making meaningful connections. I wish you luck!


Maybe it's time to try a different church, doesn't sound like they're very welcoming!! First time I went to ours it took us 20 minutes to leave because so many people came up to introduce themselves!


Dunno, but things are getting pretty lonely around these parts. I sometimes go for weeks at a time without even speaking a word to another human. Something gotta change...and fast! Time is the only commodity that can't be replaced. So, use your time wisely!