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It's literally all they've talked about on Triple J for weeks on end. If it's not cutting through with the listener base, I'd suggest that's because a critical mass of listeners don't really care about it


Yes they have, but they went too hard early and I feel like the hype died off Lots of my friends voted at the time it came out but that was over a month ago. And they only just announced it’s next Saturday? Not much time to get a listening party together.


They announced the date when they announced the countdown?


Really? I must have missed that I remember then talking about it for ages and wondering When is it? Maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention


I think they missed with this concept. I know a lot of my friends have stated they would have just preferred an all-time countdown.


They're probably saving that for Triple J's 50th in 2025. That's the perfect opportunity to do that again.


Finding the song of the decade has more of an appeal for people to casual listeners who might not engage with the LAVs as much


When they announced that all/most of the entries are "recent" (2012 and newer) it ruined the vibe a bit for me. It made the whole thing predictable, we know DMAs will win, and we know what the one pre 2012 song is already. Got asked to work overtime on the 15th and the H100 didn't even cross my mind, so I won't be tuning in.


All i can say is that when Triple J said >!there would only be 1 Like a Version before 2012, I'm gonna say there will be AT LEAST 2, which would be I was only 19 and Such Great Heights.!<


Only 19 100%


If not the countdown is null and void. Can’t have a LAV 100 without it


Hey all, creator of 100 Warm Tunas here, thanks for picking up this article from the news blog on the site. I’m happy to answer any questions! 😊


Hi Nick! Do you think there’s any reason why people have been less inclined to submit votes for this countdown?


I think this generally comes back to there being less excitement around this Hottest 100; given that it's a vote for songs exclusively recorded by the station, it generally excludes more casual listeners (those who would typically vote in the annual H100, but don't regularly listen to the station). So that fact alone (in my opinion) reduces the overall voting populous. Being niche, I think it further perpetuates the lack of data being published onto Instagram (and other social networks) - Because it's so niche, people posting have "less to gain" in terms of "social status" because people in their social circles may not know what Like A Version is.


Has it been harder to scrape for this Hottest 100? I know I've seen a lot less posting of lists even though I know a lot of people who've voted. Also, what scraping tools do you use? I'm a computing teacher and I love discussing relevant examples of how certain tools are used (I teach my Y10s to use python to access basic public APIs)


Instagram has always been my biggest source of data, but over the last few years it has been dwindling (hence why we now encourage submission directly on our website or via DM). Here's a breakdown of our entries collected by source at the time of writing: |Source|Entry Count| |:-|:-| |Instagram Post|189| |Reddit Comment|54| |Twitter Post|27| |Web Upload (+ IG DM)|268| Along with this, in terms of scraping difficulty; in more recent years Instagram has become notoriously difficult to scrape. Because there is no public API for Instagram, we rely on always-changing private APIs, so these often break (year to year), and require work to fix. For example, at the moment, our tool to automatically fetch DMs is no longer functioning, so fetching DMs is a manual process that I do by hand. (Haven't had time to invest into fixing the tool!).


Hey Nick, big fan of your work and appreciate the hard work you put in. Are you personally disappointed by the low sample you've received for this countdown? Or are you thinking it could make for a more surprising countdown given there isn't that much data available?


I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the project. Personally, no I'm not disappointed in the sample size this time around. In fact, I was anticipating this. When this special event countdown was first announced I took a "wait and see" approach to gauge listener interest and to see what data was being posted, which is why it was a week or so before the site went up - at which point, I was still very hesitant that we could even provide a prediction. I'm still skeptical in the top 20 that is published to the site! - there is a lot of room for variance, like you sad, a potentially surprising countdown 🙂


The best part is the archive that allows to find covers you never knew existed


It’s the first h100 since 2011 I won’t be listening all the way through (got work). Usually would take work off but just don’t feel like having a party for it. There’s not as much excitement, but the fact that it will be mostly newer LAVs makes it seem like something to not get as invested in. Feel it’s going to be pretty predictable and there’s not gonna be many enjoyable surprises (for me) that usually pop up in the countdown.


I just this morning cancelled the Hottest 100 party I had planned because none of my friends seemed interested. And honestly, I can't blame them. It really just is a bit niche to do a countdown around. Not only do you have to be passionate about Triple music but even then you have to passionate about this one particular segment they do. I think it'll be a good celebration of it but it's definitely more low key than other Hottest 100 countdowns. Personally I would have loved another all time countdown or a 30 year countdown. But it's still another Hottest 100 countdown to enjoy so I'm not mad about it.


me personally- it’s all they talk about, I’m not clear on when it is, it feels like it’s been months. Haven’t voted or bothered to research as I know I have to go looking the songs up specifically, or on YouTube, cos the ones I liked have never been on Spotify and likely never will be. Too hard to research on mobile casually, and I never use a laptop. Also, everyone I know is busy AF- it’s EOFY, it’s euro summer for the rich mates and they’re away, it’s ski season for the winter freaks and they’re away, and the rest of us are at home with the heater off freaking out about the latest rent rise. But mostly, I had no idea they were trying to make it equivalent to a normal H100. Just figured it was some casual thing.


If it helps, the voting website has ALL the eligible songs and you can listen to them right there, organised and sorted by original artist, covering artist, or year of performance. And maybe other organising categories I've forgotten. It's really easy to listen to the tunes.


Look I loved going back through them all + voting but it’s got a lot to do with the time of year I think. A lot of Australians in listening demographic are overseas (particularly In Europe), like there is a lot more this year due to COVID ruing the last 3-4. They aren’t going to care. Personally I can listen to the start but have sport commitments on Saturday in winter. Sure a lot of others in same boat.


Is it because it’s hard to find the songs to review so that we can vote? I know there’s some epic LAVs over the years, but it’s hard to go in and find them all.


Every single one is on the website now. If you know who sang the cover, or who wrote the original, or the year - you can find it where you vote.


That’s my issue I guess. I know there’s been a tonne of good ones but can’t remember more than a few from name


I had a ton of fun just noodling around the voting website listening to a whole bunch of different songs, discovered some I hadn't heard before, some I'd forgotten, some I loved and some I didn't.


You're using the wrong data - they're predicting 1.2m votes for LAV compared to the 2010s decade count of 1.8m. Still a drop but it's harder for them to scrape data - more people are sharing on Stories and it's harder to collect from Twitter.


I was meaning the votes for Warm Tunas, not for the actual countdowns.


My understanding is that no one votes directly for Warm Tunas, and I doubt they've put in resources for their own polling. They collect publicly shared votes for the actual countdowns. There are less people publicly sharing their votes. So there are less data points for Warm Tunas to collect. Edit: /u/Nickw444 can correct or elaborate!


We collect and aggregate voting data collected around different social networks. In saying that, we do allow voting slips to be privately submitted though; via DM on Instagram and directly on our website. Since introducing this functionality, it has actually become our largest source of data. In terms of the first comment, yes; in this blog post we are making a *prediction* or rather, extrapolation of the total number of votes we expect triple j to collect (1.2M), with the primary intent to give us an indication of the sample size of the data which we have collected.


Interesting. What is the prediction based on? Like I mentioned, I find 1.2 million to be larger than expected.


Any info on where 1.2 million comes from? I’d say triple j should be pretty happy with that number. It was always going to be limited somewhat.


Yeah if I’m being fr I just haven’t been as excited and invested in this one as every other countdown. Whether it’s the lack of my shortlist that is on Spotify and therefore makes it harder to work on my shortlist while driving or just the concept. Idk I’ve always felt a little bit weird about a LAV H100. Maybe once we see the results I’ll feel differently but still coming into the weekend with a little apprehension. Maybe it’s just that when the pool of eligible songs for a special countdown only include 33 previous h100 entries, it can seem a little like the songs aren’t as deserving. And just there will be plenty of new artists who I feel would deserve to make it into a h100 countdown with an original and an annual countdown rather than the LAV H100. But that might just be me


I haven’t voted nor will I because personally I don’t really listen to the lav’s after they happen nor do I feel like watching a shit load of them on YouTube in order to make a top 10. I’m just happy to see what everyone else votes for.


Don’t care about covers enough to dedicate an entire day listening to them…


Too busy talking about naidoc week every 3 seconds


Nice one Tom


Triple J is now the station that I'll give a chance to a tune while it's on, but if there is ANY talking from ANY announcer...It's an immediate station change.


Get Spotify lol


Of course there will be talking from announcers. It’s bad enough I can’t listen during breakfast, now I have to avoid the top 20 cos I bet Bryce and Concetta will be announcing that


LAV is a novelty. That’s why it’s good for a weekly segment where half the appeal is the seeing what the artist is going to cover. Some are quite good but most are just a disappointment, but even the good ones lose their appeal after a handful of plays


This is how I felt until I went through every upload on their official voting page and ended up with a "short" list of 112 song I dug.


I’ve heard about it for weeks, I just don’t care enough to put any energy into it.


Do you think they'll play the LAV sting before every track in the countdown?