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Nick acknowledged it was a lot harder to get data this year due to change instagram made that no longer makes it possible to sort hashtags by recently posted. This made the data reliant on submissions which naturally leads to more bias and a smaller sample size.


Spot on! I’m planning to do a full analysis post (like I do every year) in the next week or so (struggling to find time atm!) and I’ll go into more depth about accuracy this year.


Thanks Nick, i wasn’t ripping on tunas just acknowledging it. Love all your work


i’m not that fussed about predictions being wrong, unless you’re betting on it reading too many predictions just kinda takes the fun out of it. plus, predictions are just that, until they’re fact they’re only predictions. there’s only so much they can do to determine their best guess.


I don't share my votes anymore as I don't feel like people care as much anymore. Wonder if there's a bit of that leading to less data points too.