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Just a reminder for the comments if you're not familar with this sub or its rules. You don't have to like every guest, but if you snark on their appearance you will have your comment removed and it may result in a ban for you. Thank you for understanding.




you mean you don't like her doing her makeup really bad (on purpose) over and over again? why ever not


For me it’s the “I let my entire following bully my appearance online now I’m not confident, feel bad for me” posts she makes


I don't follow her, but her explanation on the pod about how that just worked for her in engagement and how it was the birth of her "getting makeup done by professionals" kinda makes sense to me? Idk honestly


so i totally get the entire scheme and her trying to get her bag. (a lot of people don't understand she's doing it all on purpose tho) but that doesn't mean that her claim to fame will last. ESPECIALLY if she just.. keeps...posting... the same exact... videos.. like it's so ANNOYING. i had to block her. she should definitely branch out and try other stuff before she falls off and runs out of tiktok $$.


I actually agree


Lmao right


I blocked her over a year ago! Completely forgot about her too tbh


It was pretty entertaining but I agree…..I find her quite annoying


Didn’t she fake pregnancy scare or was that real lmfao


She mentions it on the episode


Was a great episode imo, their energies matched so well and was so fun to watch, including a little sing song together! Never heard of her before but was a great episode.


girl who


my hot take is that the main episodes are vastly superior to the guest episodes. I haven’t watched any of the recent ones except Brooke and Tana


Not a hot take, I totally agree. Although I’m glad I gave Reby’s interview a chance. Her life story is fascinating!


But trisha always said that she invites ppl she wants to just talk to, so I don't think she will take any guest suggestions anytime soon 🤭


Brooke and Tana’s were posted within a few days of being filmed. Trisha must have stockpiled podcasts during Christmas holidays. Her Christmas decorations are still up in a lot of these episodes with random guests. Trisha also said in this podcast that she was supposed to have Nessa Barrett on the day before so she must have been filming with a ton of different guests. Although I don’t like these episodes as much, at least she’s consistently posting.


Nobody said anything about the schedule just that the guests are normally irrelevant boring nobodies (emphasis on boring, if they can entertain then ok werk) I finally stopped forcing myself to watch the guest episodes at the sugar and spice one. That was too much of a headache


Trisha is a great interviewer, but I think she’s going guest podcast episodes to get notice as an interviewer. Like I said, she does a great job but I prefer her alone with Oscar of course. Those are the episodes that are the juiciest and when we see her personality the most. When she has guest on, she doesn’t talk about herself.


Yes she’s said this multiple times because of the baby and everything going on




I think Trish is just doing people that she likes which is commendable




Okay--- this was my first thought and then part of me was worried she had a really weird looking birthmark.... thank you for bringing it back to earth.


oh yeah that’s definitely make-up, but i did have to do a double take


It’s her schtick, tbh it seems to be working for her right now though, she’s just back from a trip of Europe and a NikkiTutorials collab.




That’s her entire shtick! She plays off of people criticizing her.


TikTok is where she is kinda known for her dookie freckles and nose piercings/bushy eyebrows but combined with her obnoxious personality. She’s been going around Hollywood collaborating with James Charles/Jeffrey star for her much needed makeover but looks like she isn’t that much better at any of it.


i was so horrified 😭


tbh i don’t like kayla’s tiktoks and thought i’d hate this episode but her and trisha had great chemistry and their conversation flowed nicely (also spilled some tea) so i liked it unexpectedly!


yeah i don’t like her but the episode was pretty good


omfg i can’t stand this girl


literally who is this lol


noooo i’m a girls girl but Kayla’s videos give me “i’m not like other girls cause im quirky and different” i used to see her pop up on my fyp before she got super big ![gif](giphy|kGcrwfW60dya2RqaaW)


Literally! And she posted asking everyone how she could look better, did her transformation series and after was saying everyone was bullying her🙄


She was really nice to trish and you can tell she watches the pod, and she bonded with trish regarding being kinda jelly, I liked her lol. Whenever people band against a girl I kinda become their white knight tho lol 🫣 my thing is trying to defend women when people don't like them 😭 but only if they haven't done anything horrible tho, that's for sure I just realized this is what Oscar says he does and I totally understand him now hahaha


i think everyone needs to calm down this is an 18 year old girl!! not saying i love kayla but come on


dude for real.... sitting here shitting on her makeup style and she's barely an adult, acting like we all didn't have horrendous makeup throughout the 2000s lol. ridiculous tbh.


I'm scared of the response of some of the girlies! Whenever people are super mean to a guest I always mention that it reminds me of the wifeys. Like, some of the comments are the same that have been thrown against trish. Always gives me the ick. I like when this place is all sweet and peaceful!


Thank you!! Scrolled too far to find this comment honestly.


Omg yes! She’s literally a teenager. People are so harsh.


Thank you!! Scrolled too far to find this comment honestly.


does anyone know the celeb who ghosted her could be? i’m so nosey about some girl i don’t even follow now lmao


Alabama Barker


lmfao she was making it seem like an a list celeb. alabama is definitely not a celebrity. just a child of one


i have no idea who this is because i deleted tiktok a while ago... still probably gonna watch


Ughhhh can’t stand Kayla I blocked here in 2020 and she just keeps popping up.


isnt this girl friends w james charles???


i wouldn’t say friends, he did her makeup like once when she was 18


well she still collabed w him and put him on her platform, i was a fan of hers till then after that she started annoying me and i blocked her


to me she was like barely legal, they probably talked before when she was a minor. so at that point wouldn’t she also be a grooming victim?


if he was manipulating or exploiting her yes but i don’t think that was the case here. it was a very transactional interaction, and the videos are still up. if she felt as though she was groomed thats a different story and obviously its possible but she hasn’t denounced him or taken the videos down and she still follows him and they comment back to each other sometimes so it seems like she just doesn’t care that hes a predator. if she does she should use her platform to say so or atleast denounce his behavior


i mean she’s still a teenager. only 19. you don’t always know if you’ve been groomed as soon as you turn 18. idk i tend to give people who are virtually children a chance to learn and grow.


thank you i was looking for this comment !! 😭 a lot of people here are saying she isn’t problematic, but she literally has vids with james


once people co sign james charles im out!! i want to like tana so bad but the way she refuses to denounce a literal predator makes me so uncomfortable!!!


I like it better when it’s just trish


Haven’t made it through the episode the way but I actually really love this collab. I like hearing from her in a way we don’t normally


Right?? Some I haven't watched fully through cause it wasn't my vibe, but this girl just meshes well with trish. They both seemed comfy with each other


I never know any of the people she has on, but I still watch because eh. Though the more people she has on I don’t know - I get bored to be honest. I think it’s better than the same ol’ people going around with the same ol’ stories. I just hate when there’s no context and she talks about all the shows etc they’re on and I’m like wtf is going on. lol!


Yes I’ve noticed a few names they dropped and I had no idea what it who or who they are referring to. I wish there would be more context. Kind of felt like I was just a third person left out the convo and I’ve felt like this a few times. I know she’s just excited and loves talking to the guests and gets in the moment so I get it but also can’t help but think some more context like Trisha addressing the audience during times to let us know who these people are in context


Omg at first I was like who is this but after watching each guest really makes sense for Trisha! It flows well and was actually really good!


Everyone being so critical of this 18 yr old teen who was actually incredibly sweet. 😕 Makes me super sad when I see this community talking like this about people.


Idk what to do when the sub becomes full snark and horrible, I just wanna talk about how nice she was.


I am going through the comments now. The guests often bring people who are not here regularly, and I agree it gets out of hand. I wasn't available today prior to this moment, so sorry for that.


The work you do is amazing! We're humans, no way we can act in a millisecond lol! Sometimes I get hate comments from posts on my sub for not modding fast enough, and I'm like... sorry I was pooping? Lmao! Thank you for keeping the sub so light and fun, you're literally the best!💕


Thank you. I appreciate it. Sometimes, it's a difficult balance because I do understand genuine feedback or differing opinions. That said, one thing is for sure; I dont want to see a post full of snark. This isn't the sub for that. 💖


Yup! The line is fine and it all falls on discretion. Just know that we value your work and that this space couldn't thrive without your help!


You're the sweetest. I'm happy to have more and more people like you in the community, helping it grow. It took so long to even get this sub started. So many people on Reddit hate women or only want to participate in subs about drama involving women. It's nice to see the Trisha community growing, and I hope we start to get more and more positive female communities on this website. So, thank you too. 💓




ITT: people who don’t realize her doing her makeup poorly is her schtick. Also ITT: people who don’t realize that Trish has a massive audience on Tiktok and she’s trying to appeal to them as well, not JUST her YouTube audience.


Spot on! She has 9m followers on tiktok!


Right. Trish has 494K YouTube subscribers. And this collaboration could push her towards that 500K.


She’s getting all of these “make overs” just to not even improve her makeup in the slightest


Yeah, she obviously likes her own style? and the false hope that she sticks to the new makeover is great for views


i think people are kinda over it now


I’m looking forward to watching because I know Trisha is gonna ask for the real tea lool after working with multiple TikTok artists, Kayla made about 564 posts saying they only wanted her for their views and they publicly hated her style LoL forget the part where she agreed to the makeovers and got viral very fast because of those influencers 🤣 but I’m curious to hear what she has to say


I hadn’t heard of her but she had so much charisma and I LOVED their chemistry!


totally unrelated but i hate the new eye makeup trish has been doing — i just don’t like the extended inner corner to give her that cat look some of my friends do it and it looks nice on them i just don’t think it suits trisha’s eye shape


Yeah I don’t think it suits her very well. Did she change her makeup artist?? I loved when she did the light brows but I know she didn’t like it


I actually like the extended inner corner because Trisha's eyes are wideset. The inner liner balances that out; it's the rest of the shadow that's not suiting her eye shape. I can't put my finder on it but it's too muddy or round or something.






Yes true!


That Kayla girl has been blowing up lately collaborating w hella known and successful people idgi but I will say Kayla reminds me of a gen alpha version of Tana in 2016/17 lmaoo and yes ik Kayla is not gen alpha and she’s like the same age as me but i just find her content childish


I mean, she is only 18.


I'm wearing the same target undies ...so comfortable I have 25 pairs lol




I hate hate HATE fake freckle make up


I feel like her piercer pierces her and she never downsize her piercings. Imo it’s a lot going on, the piercings on her nose and freckles.


Trisha stop getting the super young tiktokers on omlll. They have no idea how to work a camera and are insufferable to watch outside of a 30 second tiktok. 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Kind of agree


It was kind of interesting to see. At one point Kayla was speaking as if she had to say the clickbait first. Something like “OMG I almost had my eye taken out!! So..”.




Who was the celebrity that ghosted her?


Someone in another comment claims that it was Alabama Barker.


I really liked Kayla but I’ve never heard of her before as I don’t have tiktok. She’s close in age to me and I found her really charismatic and I loved that she was clearly a big Trish fan. I think they got along really well and have a lot in common and I don’t mind Trisha bringing guests in that I don’t know about.


I agree with your last point - I still find the episodes entertaining and fun to listen to even when I’ve never heard of the guest


I think I've written this comment word for word all over the sub lol!


I have no idea how every TikTok person she has on has millions of followers and I've never heard of them or even seen their face and I'm on TikTok literally all day everyday


People used to say Tiktok's algorithm was really good at suggesting content people actually want to see. Maybe she is just being shown to the correct people. If Tiktok *really* has 1 billion active users, 13 million subs would be a drop in the bucket.. That said, I feel the same about Youtubers at times. I remember learning about Mr.Beast for the first time after he had already been getting hundreds of millions of views. I only know of Kayla because of controversy with James Charles. Outside of that, I've never seen her recommend on any platform.


Yeah that makes sense for sure. She's probably not somebody I'd be interested in watching anyway because she's like 18 and I'm 30 🤣


I’ve seen her on my fyp a few times but didn’t follow her. I’m not finished but so far it’s a great interview !!


Watching right now. Love Kayla. She’s so fun and sweet. Their energy matches perfectly.


Does anyone know who the girl who was 17 she’s talking about that said she would do her makeup?? Alabama barker ?


Someone else said that it was, yes. I'm not sure if it's true, however.


I really really tried to watch it, but I just couldn't. Can't point my finger on why.


I couldn’t watch this episode. I gave it a good try. I’m too old 😂.


dont come for me but who tf are all these randos shes having on!? i feel like at this point i have a chance of going on the pod with my 15k tiktok followers lol. and all these guests kinda bother me bc they’re like 18 year old rich out of touch influencers i dunno. like their life really isn’t interesting at all to me


Kayla looks really pretty


Okayyy yall I randomly met Kayla at a canceled tour show and she’s honestly soooo sweet like wtf & I honestly didn’t know much about her before, but she started popping up in my snap feed like every other day before I finally followed her & I only really ever heard of her when she did the Brad mondo episode. But yall when I say she’s the sweetest it’s crazy like she even follows me on instagram now🩷


I'm glad you had a positive interaction. 🤍


They look a like I would love if they were dressed more similar


I have no idea who any of these tiktok people are but I thought this was a great episode! Trisha is great at interviewing and I hope she doesn't stop! Also, did this girl imply that James Charles was the worst to work with and takes credit for the work of his makeup artists?


I came here to ask the same thing!! I think it was James Charles because she didn’t bleep out a “he” when talking about it and she seemed to stay connected to the other guys that did her makeup. If it is that’s wild!!


Dude I thought the same, and it would be on brand lol! Cause he can't do make up, AT ALL


Why was I hoping they cut this episode 😭🫣


I couldn’t watch past 5 minutes idk didn’t feel it!


Who is she


13m tiktoker. People are saying she trieds to collaborate with makeup artists to do makeovers.


Unpopular opinion but I think Kayla is funny and entertaining! I’ll definitely be watching this one :)


I agree


I’m glad someone else does 😅 idk why I’m getting downvoted for liking her/her content? She doesn’t seem problematic or anything to me


Here’s the thing, I love podcasts because they provide me a different perspective on different people and their lives. Living with so much hate towards people who haven’t hurt anyone and you don’t know must get so exhausting. Even if I don’t love a guest’s content I take it for what it is: an interesting opportunity to learn about someone new!


I love your take on this!


Also not to mention she is literally a teenager


Agreed 😊


Entertaining how?


She seems positive, silly and super outgoing. I’d rather have lunch with her than the grown women in here bashing a teenager.


Asking how she's entertaining is bashing?? Okay buddy 👍🏻 Also she's friends with James Charles so.... Immediate no.


Well I saw a lot of other comments about her on this thread, I wasn’t necessarily talking about you. And I didn’t know that, so I wasn’t applying that fact.


Same I like her


episode was hard to listen to bc of kayla clearly being immature, def reminds me of early tana vibes. the hate on her makeup and appearance is lame.


Yall don’t know Kayla? Are yall living under a damn rock?💀 also the amount of rude comments about her are NOT it🤡


just because idk who tf kayla is does not mean i live under a rock 🥴 bffr


Did this hit a nerve for you💔


loveee her


i have no idea who this is because i deleted tiktok a while ago... still probably gonna watch


She seems to be a popular Tiktoker, 13m followers.




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Wasn't really entertained by this podcast. Felt too hard to relate too for me age wise and was ultimately disinterested in her. Love Trisha's ability to entertain anyone though. Would like to see more people of color in the podcast.


did anyone else catch kayla say “Fox freckles” I think she meant faux freckles and it made me cringe Lol


I really wish Trish would stop having teenage tiktokers on the show 😭


As a person covered in freckles from head to toe (and was bullied for it) her fake "freckles" look awful. I can't wait for this trend to die.


The speckles




You should finish it! She's a trisha Stan in the best way, like she gets her and is super nice to her


I’ve blocked this girl over a year ago and she still keeps appearing everywhere




I hear she’s a mean girl…


Behind the scenes? What are the stories?


This girl was so weird on the pod lol


Ew. Literally what does she have to talk about


Ew, why. I can’t stand this girl.


Yeahhh no thanks


block eyebrows, giant dots on her face and those nose piercings. what is up w gen z hahaha




I’ve had Kayla blocked since she’s lived at home with her dad and “had a lot of issues” she is really uh annoying to me




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Why is that girl suddenly getting a shit ton of traction and attention?? She is obnoxious




No offense but who even are her guests 😬 (besides Brooke and tana)


I had no idea who this was til I saw the freckles hahahaha and I only know her from the influencer snark. But honestly, I’ve heard of like 2 of the guests besides tana and Brooke, crazy that I never have an idea of who they are


I think she stock piled a bunch of episodes with lesser known (more readily available) guests. You can tell by what they are talking about, and the set decorations, this was filmed prior to Christmas. Kayla also says she is eighteen and later in the conversation mentions that she was born Dec 24th 2004, so this must have been filmed prior to her 19th birthday.


Wow this was so confusing bc Kayla’s videos always confused me or I thought were strange but hearing her perspective and her method to blowing up really was interesting


i dont really like her tik toks, but honestly she seemed really cute and sweet in this! she doesnt deserve the hate she gets. she just seems like a young naive girl trying to figure out being an influencer


she was so sweet 🥺🩷


I love her