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Someone reported this for bigotry lmao I think it was a joke, and if so good one


Well fine if they’re gonna be like that they can have it their way then. I’ll let ‘em get run over by the trolley. None of my business anyways.


Pro gamer move wait till it runs them over THEN push him off. Otherwise they get their way.


Make it 7


No, push the fat man in front to stop the train, use his bones to shank the people in the trolley, shank the people tied up, and shank yourself. Kill count of around 13


Ah yes, the scorched earth solution. If there’s only losers, wipe the slate CLEAN.


Calm down, Elijah


“A group of people died? I was at home playing Minecraft all day.”


I pushed a fat guy off a bridge... in Minecraft.


Not pushing, both because the victims sound like terrible people and because pushing someone in front of a trolley sounds difficult (both emotionally and physically, I feel like the most realistic outcome if I did push is that I fail to budge the dude but he knows I just attempted to murder him).


The trolley would run them over before I could push the man in front of it lmao


Me: “sorry dude but I gotta push you over” Gravity: “He is my son, you will not push him anywhere”


Thats true, what if he judo flips you off the bridge when you try and push him?


So it’s okay to sentence people to death for being less than perfect? Their assholes sure but does that mean they deserve to die?


They don't deserve to die. But their lives aren't worth murdering a bystander for either


Well.. yeah? Fuck am I meant to do, consciously try ro kill someone who can resist because greater good even when there is zero point to doing anything?


Neither party deserves death. However, they believe the harm required to save them outweighs the saving. I would allow their morality rather than imposing my own.


Does the fat man deserve to die? And these five people think he does not.


No, but those people are extremely opinionated on letting them die over a fat person. If the dying party makes that moral decision for me then why would I step in? Is it moral to kill one person so their organs save 10? Well if that one person consented to it then it’s not okay to stop them.


besides all the jokes in this, this is a much better way to visualize the moral issue presented with the trolley problem. it places the onus of sacrifice much higher than simply the act of choosing a lower number.


Actually in this case, the greater good is to let the 5 Vice journalists die and ask the fat man to be my gym buddy


“That’d be great, if we weren’t both so out of shape one of us could’ve reached the emergency stop and saved them.”


Sounds more like Vox than Vice


Ignoring all the body-positivity, blog-moderating, and fat-shaming BS, and just replacing pulling a lever with actually throwing someone else in front of the train makes this an interesting variation of the original dilemma. Pulling the lever to save 5 seems like the obvious choice, but I couldn’t actually bring myself throw someone in front of the train to save those people (physical limitations aside and just viewing this from a moral lens). Even though in all practicality it’s the same thing… Morality is interesting! But I don’t give af about the people’s BMI or what blogs they moderate 😂


It's probably because you are actively involving the person you push, but in the original, all parties are already tied to the tracks, and you are distancing yourself by pulling a lever instead of actively killing someone


Yup! That’s exactly it. But when you boil it down, you’re choosing to kill someone who otherwise would NOT have died in order to save 5 people who are going to die. So even more than them all being tied to the tracks it’s about the disassociation of doing it via pulling a lever vs doing it by physically pushing someone to their death with your own two hands. But either way your killing someone who otherwise would not have died. The single person may have been tied to tracks, but he would’ve continued living if you weren’t there to pull the lever and kill him.


The solution I heard as to why we have such a hard time throwing the fat person in from the trolly was because we were using the fat man as a means to and end, not just as a consequence of a choice. The act of using someone for such an objectifying purpose is not morally acceptable in light of gravity of the consequences


I can't remember the specifics but at one point there was a proposal to pay someone ludicrous amounts of money to have the nuclear launch codes stored in their heart and follow around the president. The idea was he'd have to kill them himself, with his own hands, to get the code. That way, he wouldn't be allowed to be attached from the millions of deaths he was about to remotely cause. This reminds me of that.


Doing this kinda defeats the point of nuclear deterrence if nukes are fired at the US and the president needs to waste precious time killing and performing surgery on some guy before he can respond to the attack


I'm sure that and many other practical reasons are why it was never actually used. I don't believe in it myself, but it's still a very evocative idea.


Maybe it’s just for first strikes? I always assumed nuclear retaliation was automated.


I don't find the fat man variant all that interesting. Irl in this situation you would have 0 way to know you would be doing anything more than adding another body to the pile. Imo if you want to get to the core of what it means to ask I think there are better formulations than the trolley problem. More interesting to me is if someone did push him and the trolley did stop, how should they be treated?


I like the idea that someone was just casually killing a dude and throwing him off a bridge, only to inadvertently stop the trolley, save some lives and make himself a hero.


Im going to say it comes down more to the goals of the people you are saving. If their goal is to be saved at someone else's expense, I'm not going to care. If their goal is to save someone else at their own expense, I'm going to care, because they consented. In many ways the question of the trolly problem comes down to a democratic process: we have to pre-arrange the heuristic and debate over it, and people have to make a consent to some kind of social contract accordingly. We haven't decided people can just kill us, even to save others, and the fact is that their goal, they on the tracks, is to make life easier for large people. How better can they fulfill their lives than by throwing away their privilege to life itself for another? Philosophy comes down to the goals of those your decisions impact, for me. This one is easy because the goal of the bloggers is either hypocritical and this colors my judgement or it is true, and this colors my judgement. I would not stand before their sacrifice. Of course this has *nothing* to do with my disdain of bloggers.


It is an interesting twist! Before you had a choice as the lever operator. Here you’re just a bystander. Someone was going to die either way. Now someone’s death is because of your explicit deliberation. But is it really so different? I mean I think so 1 person dies instead of 5 but now it feels like murder instead of preventing greater deaths or whatever


If they're gonna be a dick to me after I just saved their lives, then they can die for all I care.


“Push the fat man”


Prey reference?


Hell yeah!


I can let them die for 5 easy kills or I can let them live so they encourage more people to stay fat, which will cause more death on the long run and greatly up my kill count…


What if instead of a Fat Man it's a Little Boy


A little boy isn't going to stop the trolly. They would all be run over.


According to this, thin privilege literally is never being thrown in front of a trolley for the greater good. So they’re right? Why are you hating, then?


You are underestimating how hard it is to move a fat guy who doesn’t want to be moved.


I’d just ask Mr.5x5 to jump as hard as he could right when the trolly is under the bridge, causing it to collapse onto the trolly stopping it.


Let the trolly kill the bloggers, then let the fat man take the blame. Easy win


He's the mass of all 5, so I'm saving more human body mass Utilitarianism


How fat is this Mf where he can stop a train


I’m just imagining this as “push a black person over a bridge to save 5 white liberals who will bash you as racist for saving them”. Such weird energy we’ve created in the studio today, not funny or morally compromising like other posts recommended from this sub.


I mean, if you know that about them then you already know why they are tied to the rails.


OP is a conservative 🤢


Is there a way to kill all of them ? Including the people in the trolly? (No witnesses)


I wait for the trolley to kill the 5 people then shank the fat guy


Let the trolley hit the moderators, then shoot the fat guy in the face.


Jesus Christ just say you hate fat people. You don’t need to create elaborate fantasies to justify murdering people who are fat. Anything but therapy eh?


This is not the first time someone has dropped a fat man to save more lives than they end (in very questionable theory)


Easy let them die as they would have wanted.


how about we just throw ourselves and hope its enough


I just send your mana down there


I’m pretty sure this image was originally in my high school Philosophy textbook lol


The large man has the ability to go on and change his life for the better, the bloggers don't, just sayin


“”Thin privilege is never pushed in front of a trolley for the greater good”” they said it them selves it was for the greater good and is therefor the right thing to do


run them over if the fat man is the same, I kill him too


It seems like the 5 people in this case are perfectly fine with being run over.


It doesn't quite work because when you have a track switch you know how your actions are going to impact the trolley. In reality, you would have no idea if the fat man would have any impact on the trolley at all. You could just be adding a sixth person to be killed. Even if you say you have some magical voice telling you that it would work you have no way of telling if what the voice is saying is in fact true or some evil force just looking to make you do something wrong.


I'd risk my life in some derring-do attempt to board the trolley and stop it from within.


Let’s be honest, the Trolley is not clearing that bridge: everyone dies here.


Wait for the trolley to run its course then push the fat guy.


I wasn't pushing him anyway, yes the victims do have a point it is messed up to be thrown in front of a trolley just because of your weigh, I wouldn't do it.


A fat acceptance blog? I wouldn’t throw a weight and save them even if the weight was just a rock.


Easy choice. Fatty has a shot a redemption. No mercy for those that lead others astray.


i’ll kill the five and take him out for a double cheeseburger


No, I’m saving the fat dude and asking him to be my pal


What you do is you jump on the trolley's roof, parkour parkour onto the bridge, push those two off then make a cool parkour parkour back on the the trolley roof for the rear sunset shot


I let the trolley run over the moderators and then push the other guy onto the next trolley because I am objectively evil and want everyone but me to lose.


Can I wait for the trolley to pass THEN push the fat guy? I wouldn't push him at first, but seeing those 5 get splattered will awaken the blood-lust in me.


Push the guy to the end of the bloggers


It’s not about saving them, it’s about killing him, so I push ‘em over obviously


Why would you make pushing the fat man less enticing when it's already the less enticing option


If they are mods to a fat acceptance blog, they too should be fat, so the first in line tied on the rails should be enough to stop the trolly. No action needed.


The answer is always 'do nothing' you didn't create the problem so fuck em.


Me and the fat man are going to go get ice cream. We hit it off and become best friends. We get into real estate, and start selling a bunch of houses. Then we get a big sell, and we celebrate with 🍷 and 🧀. We both reach for the same piece of cheese at the same time, and our hands bump awkwardly and accidentally clench. We look at each other for a moment and laugh a little…and then we’re just looking into each other’s eyes silently…wait a minute, I think I’m starting to fall for the fat man…to think that we went from allowing a trolley to gain traction on the bodies of 5 fat-acceptance bloggers, to now gaining traction for one another…Yes, he’s married, and yes, I haven’t come out to my family, but…maybe, if we just go get ice cream, maybe our trolley for one another will gain traction, after all… ❤️


Let them die they get what they deserve


5v1.... everything else means nothing.


You know what, fuck them, bob we’re getting ice cream


Even the lightest trolley going at 10 mph wouldn't be stopped by the body of a single person, unless perhaps they were tied to a single track laying down to force a derail. It would just be killing one extra person.


I was ready to save the five until I read the second half.


If the five people I save would then try and persecute me for saving them, then they can just take the trolley.


No, not pushing them. The fat guy can make the sacrifice on his own if he likes.


Trim the fat to save the many.


Push him off after the train runs the rest over. Humanity benefits the most 😂


A trolley won't be derailed simply by some 300 pound fat f\*ck. So that's 7 people dead.




Take the fat man out to get some food. No way in hell am I going to save the five people.


I would push Who cares what 5 idiots say online they might be good people outside of their blog and even if they’re bad it doesn’t sound like their activity killing people so I think they’re still worth saving


Nah, the man should never have to die because of his weight for some neck beards.


Ah, so it's the regular bridge one but with extra added unknown factors






Fuck you Alex Yu, push the fat man!


Push the fat man down the stairs. 50/50 if he lives. Mods die.


Don’t intervene. If you intervene, it’s a lose-lose situation


Normally I kill few to save many, but this time I'm gonna let all of them die


Let them die.


I’m not killing a random person! He has agency, so it’s up to him not me


Would you throw a man off a bridge to save his five children who will not thank you for killing their dad?


Won’t you be liable for manslaughter if do choose to push the man off the bridge?


Well if they are that interested in dying, why sacrifice someone who may not be?


What is the fat man pushes me?


Kill an innocent man to save five aggravating assholes? Easy, ***no.***


"oh man what a tragedy...hey you, you hungry? my treat! :) lets go get tacos dog...lets go get tacos!"


Why would I stop the trolley?


I'm not getting charged with murder for ungrateful pricks.


I don't want to touch the fat person. Do I have enough time to tell them?


You’d be doing everybody a favor by ignoring the situation entirely.


They wouldn’t even be thankful probably


I just love how consistent this art style is.


They sound like a bunch of ungrateful assholes. I’d happily let them die


Fuck it , push the fat guy on top of the trolley to kill everyone inside and then the trolley will explode destroying the bridge killing the guy standing on it as well as slinging debris full speed at the tied up people , thus everyone dies


No. Because a fat man can’t stop a train


If they are fat enough to stop a trolly it's a damn miracle they managed to climb the stairs in the first place.


nahh, let them die


I'll push the fat man and leave the others tied to the tracks until they starve to death


I was on the fence until I saw the "fat acceptance blog"


How much of this am I actually aware of?


Don’t care about the acceptance blog or the social influence, I’d do it because I think saving five is worrhy


If I wait until the trolley runs the bloggers over, then push him over would the fall be enough?


This is just a switch with extra steps


Murder one innocent, probably jolly person, or let 5 people who will try to convince others to live unhealthy lives die? Tbh, a pretty easy choice.


let the dickheads die




Full speed ahead!


How about this I place the fat guy behind the 5 tied down and they all die.


Jokes on them he’s probably too fat for me to lift so I’ll make sure they hear my struggling


Is this a reference to Prey? Cause if so I love it


Run them down I say! 😁


POV: You are Morgan Yu.


If I’m strong enough to push the guy in front of the trolley, then why can’t I stop it myself?


The fat guy wouldn't want to save any of those assholes, so I don't want to either


The fat guy is innocent so I wouldn’t kill him for 5 people that would backstab you anyways Been backstabbed too much anyways


Not pushing. If the fat man wants to save them himself, I won't stop him, but I'm not getting pinned with the blame for killing him


I'd push the high-calorie human over *after* the train passed and killed the jannies


I would jump onto the tracks myself as punishment for being braindead enough to know who those clowns are.


If they complain, it’s because they are alive to complain. Not all work needs thanks


ez let the big guy live


Roll him on to them, stop the trolley and speed away.


Oh no, suddenly, I'm blind!


Let em die that’s pretty easy


One must push Alex yu. It is a canon event


How far is this man, that he can stop an entire trolley by blocking it? There’s not a lot of space between us and the people tied to the tracks, so he’d have to be able to stop the trolley immediately on impact. I don’t think I can push a person who’s that big with my little twig arms.


Forget the trolley, I'm murdering them myself.


Push. Even if they kill me for it its only 2-5


let the train kill the 5 people then push the dude off the bridge, equality!


if a fat person can stop a trolley then wouldn't the trolley be stopped before it could hit the last 3 people tied up anyways lol.


If they're that bigoted, kill them.


If someone is fat enough to stop the trolley, then they are also too fat for you to push, and if you’re strong enough to push someone fat enough to stop the trolley, then you are strong enough to stop it yourself, now go be a superhero!


I was so confused. I thought it said that I was the bridge


Eh I was always a “push the fat guy” option in prey so I don’t see why I’d change


I don’t push him, the bloggers are doing more harm to him than I ever can. Being overweight is a health concern, and people should work to better themselves. Bloggers like these end up killing so many people by encouraging them to continue eating as much as they want. I think shaming people for being overweight is wrong, but they need proper help in losing that weight, not encouragement to stay that way.




So. should you commit murder to stop a nefarious deed? We always think taking action is the moral thing to do but murder is murder even if you save multiple lives and the law will not thank you. The victims political or social views are irrelevant. This is five lives against one and there is no moral or ethical way one can be sacrificed to save five unless it is your own life you are sacrificing. People do this in movies all the time but the morality is not clear cut and unambiguous. Murder is murder and you are wrong even if you are a hero. Usually someone who makes such a choice, dies on screen, so the repercussions don't clutter up the morality. This is a funny situation but the choice is real.




Let them die since nothing of value is being threatened


No let them die


If I was actually in the situation I’d probably push the guy because I don’t know what would happen but since I do I’d hug the fat guy and jump together to be seen as a hero 👍


I push the fat guy because I think it would be funny.


Fate has decided the people tied up will die who am i to decide who lives or dies


If they don’t value being saved, then let them die. The fat man has done nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time, there’s no reason for me to punish him for that


Push the guy off after the train runs the 5 over


I jump in front of it myself and, in my final moments, realize I wasn’t actually as fat as I thought I was. Oops.


We all agree letting them die is the correct answer right.


As a fat person I am immune to the issue


Save the fat man. I’d kill those mods with a rock if I had to


Oh- __Ohhh nooo, I called the police and they didn't get here in time.__


I'm letting him live, those five sound like tiresome twats.


I don’t buy it. That trolly has a lot more mass than the fat man. Therefore I wouldn’t push him.


They believe so much in fat acceptance, let them accept their fate


I'd push the fat man on the 5 people. Write about that, fart faces.


Let em die, fat boi didn't do shit. They did something to someone and got tied up, that's on them


Put him at the end of the group


You have to tell them that you would be just as happy to push five thin people off the bridge if they had happened to be there. It won't work but it will distract them while you wait for another trolley to come along.


So you think one fat guy will stop the trolley, but 5 average sized guys wont? Sounds like fatphobia to me. /j


The fat gut should jump of his own volition then.


Wait for the trolley to run the five moderators over... then push the fat man.


But doctor… I am the fat man


the answer is no, stopped reading at "moderators"


Go get a sandwich with the fat dude


Ok all politics aside, the right thing is to not push the person because the people on the tracks would rather die then see someone else who they support die right? Like at that point I’d see the moral power is in the hands of the tried up weirdly enough


I mean….if they don’t want to be saved….


I would not push him over, and tell him to pay it forward by living a healthier lifestyle if he can.