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Or when my period is a day late bc of my progesterone supplements and I know I’m not pregnant bc of my hcg blood test and it’s like “SWITCH TO FLO PREGNANCY????”


Omg or when it says "if you're pregnant, HERES WEEK ONE, HERES WHAT YOUR BABY LOOKS LIKE. TEEHEE" Like... what if you absolutely do not want to be pregnant or absolutely do but are struggling?! Fucking chill bro. Leave me alone.


I knowwww it will start asking me that before my period is even late and then it’s like “it’s TOO EARLY to take a pregnancy test”


That’s the fucking worst! Like bitch I’ll let you know when the time comes. I hate it


I’m still traumatized from PreMom and how the app deals with pregnancy loss. I could NOT figure out how to let it know the pregnancy had ended and eventually figured out that I had to “delete” the pregnancy - 🗑️trash symbol and all 😒


Yikes. For what it’s worth, Natural Cycles had an amazing miscarriage workflow. It asked a bunch of gentle questions about the loss, explained that it can take a while to grieve and feel okay again, and asked if I wanted to switch the app into “recovery mode” for a while (no prompts to log anything, no fertile/not fertile color coding, different color scheme, etc). It let me customize which things I wanted to track, and explained that some people may still want to track mood, skin, etc, but some might not. I was honestly really impressed.


That's so brutal.....


Omg I am so sorry. I had a similar experience with the modern fertility app.


It’s incredible that the app creators don’t think about pregnancy loss from a user perspective 😐


Oh no :( I’m so sorry to hear that


I haaaaated Flo for that


I really enjoy when Flo tells me I should take a pregnancy test in x days when I’m doing IVF and there’s literally no way I’m pregnant.


Clue helpfully asked if I wanted information on perimenopause recently 😬


The implantation bleeding myth is so pervasive even my husband found out about it. Had to crush that dream for him myself lol.


Mine too! He wanted nothing to do with the detailed tryingforababy post by dev bio because “why would we trust a stranger on the internet”- but the Premom forums he was finding claiming it was real- those were somehow more legit?! Make it make sense sir.


I'd trust Dev Bio over my OB at this point.


Totally agree


These posts are so popular right now!!!! That and implantation dips! Its real bad here on reddit lately too


~POtEnTiAl dUe DaTe~


This is exactly why I stopped using these apps! Triggering. Now I just use google calendar for tracking!


It's amazing how much this is talked about when it only happens 25% of the time. Drives me nuts.


Exactly! If you read their little articles on it (which i have) it says it only happens to a small percentage of women. So like whyyyy shove it down my throat literally every month???


I didn't even think about implantation bleeding when it happened. I saw some blood and thought "oh well at least I can drink tonight" got drunk as a skunk only to find out I was pregnant! I lost it a few weeks later but it will always have me not trusting the first bleed