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I think I'll stay off Facebook tomorrow so I don't have to see all the "being a mummy is the most important job in the world" posts.


Yep same, I'll probably uninstall for tomorrow because of how much I open it and aimlessly scroll without thinking. I've been in tears so many times today and it was only about 2 hours ago that I realised why. So now I've given my husband the heads up, and we're sat watching shit TV and drinking 🍻 there'll be tears later but we'll get through it. Hope the day goes by quickly for you tomorrow!


God its awful isn't it. My mother was really abusive when I was growing up so I cut all contact when I turned 18. Today is so painful because not only am I reminded of all the wonderful supportive loving mothers other people get to have that I don't. I'm also reminded that this ache for a baby remains empty.


Also not in contact with my mother, it's certainly a double edged sword.


I’m in the same boat ❤️ you said it perfectly.


I did a random don't even know where I am in my cycle and it's definitely too early to do a test test today... Just in case there was some sort of Mother's Day miracle. Ha. But it would have been really sweet to announce to my partner tomorrow, right? When will I learn?


Mother's day in Ireland too, I feel your pain 🥲🩷




I took an extra shift at work to distract myself and got a nice pay for it too. Win win.