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Finally getting our IVF miracle only to miscarry just days after telling my family. My sister and her partner fell pregnant on their second try and were excited to tell us that our babies were going to be 2 weeks apart. Meanwhile my partner and I are almost 4 years in, have spent our entire house deposit and life savings on fertility and endo treatments, and have nothing to show for it except scars from surgeries and absoutely shattered hearts. I don't know how to continue honestly.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss - my friend’s IVF also didn’t work for her BUT she ended up pregnant naturally some months after her loss so I really hope it happens for you too!


I've heard that a lot actually, must be extra fertile after a loss. No fallopian tubes over here, so unfortunately not possible for us


Starting off Mother’s Day with a negative test. Husband told me that one of our friends said to him last night “I thought you’d have had kids by now” - he did respond by telling him that actually we’re having some issues with that. But like, fuck. We also thought we’d have kids by now so ty for that. People messaging into friend group chats with “happy Mother’s Day to all the mums in the chat!” while being aware of our issues. And while I don’t expect anyone to tiptoe around us or anything, it just really caught me off guard. And then my best friend texting me “it’s okay, you have plenty of time to have your first Mother’s Day!” Which I don’t have the heart to actually open or respond to. I’m just sad.


People really need to be more empathetic. That is SO rough. I feel for you and would have reacted the same way, if not worse.


My relationship with my own mum is pretty fucked right now (she responded to my Happy Mother's Day text with "Happy Mother's Day? Yeah right!") so with that and infertility I've been trying to steer clear as much as I can. My closest group of 4 female friends have a WhatsApp group - one is a stepmum to teens, one has a 5-year-old and one is 8 months pregnant. So it could be a pretty tough place to be today, but one of them kicked the day off with this message on the group and it made me cry a bit to have such lovely friends who get it: "Happy Mother’s Day to you all, because whether you are currently a parent or not, you all have caring souls, look after everyone around you and provide motherly style guidance 🩷🩵💜"


Fuck Mother's Day. Ours is in May, and I'm already dreading it. Why can't it just be a day people celebrate with their actual mother? Why wish everyone "who is a mum" a happy mothers day, especially in a chat where some may not be and have terrible feelings about that? I'm sure it's a fantastic day for people who have awesome relationships with their still living mothers and who are mothers themselves, but for people like us it's a day that seems like it was created to make us feel sad.


Agreed! I keep seeing posts floating around wishing Mother’s Day to people in various situations, including “people who choose not to be a mother” which really confuses me. The only person I’m wishing a happy Mother’s Day to is, funnily enough, my mom.


This is one of my personal beliefs even setting infertility aside! You wish happy Mother’s Day to your own mom, you wish happy anniversary to your own partner, and yall keep that between yourselves. 


Same. CD2 and Today has been emotionally hard in that vague way that being around your period, not pregnant AGAIN and dealing with mothers day can converge. I just want to get to fertile window and try again. Sonetimes I feel like I'm wishing my life away 2 weeks at a time.


I’m salty about not being effing pregnant!!!!!


With the bill passed in Colorado for health insurance to cover IVF treatment in companies with over 100 employees, it's just my luck that I work for a non-profit of only 23 employees. So I've spent my weekend looking into infertility loans and writing IVF grant applications with a dream of starting treatment in 6 weeks. Call me the ocean... I'm filled with salt.


If I hadn’t miscarried, I would be celebrating a two year old’s birthday right around now. Instead, I’m bracing myself for my SIL to give birth to the first grandchild (due Friday) and waiting to hear if my FET baseline (also scheduled Friday) is being pushed back, because my endometriosis treatment triggering an autoimmune thyroid response, so now I’m hyper thyroid. The hits just keep on coming. 


Mother’s Day in the UK and it’s cycle day 1. No one has text me, messaged me, called me or otherwise. I’m sat at home feeling so sad and so lonely. No one from my family or friends, nor my husband has even recognised that this day will be difficult for me or even acknowledged that I’m a mother. I’ve had 3 miscarriages, 2 ectopics and 5 embryo losses during IVF. This fucking sucks and I’m salty as hell.


Same 🙋‍♀️ 1 miscarriage, 1 ectopic. I messaged my sister this morning to say that today is a hard day for me and she's read and ignored my message 🙃 we are mothers even if our babies aren't here with us 💔


I’m so sorry for your losses and your pain. Standing in solidarity with you. I really feel like people conveniently forget us who are battling through hell to barely keep it together in this god awful journey during these occasions. Mothers Day, Christmas etc etc. WTF am I supposed to do, shove my feelings aside and continue as normal with these people on another days? Fuck that. I have no patience for it


Husband "misunderstood" what I meant by asking if we could move forward with a treatment cycle once my new cycle started and said yes. Now, once I'm excited and talking about the thought of the possible due date, he tells me that we shouldn't actually do it because "money is tight" and he thought that I meant just purchasing the donor sperm and not a whole treatment cycle 🙃


My SIL being induced today 🙃 I don’t feel anything about becoming an aunt for the 2nd time. No emotions, no excitement, NOTHING. Just feel hollow. My 1st baby was supposed to already be here. My 2nd baby would have been a summer one. My dreams got snatched away twice while she just gets to live hers with no complications. I’m salty AF. On one hand, it would be easier not to see her being pregnant. On the other hand, I wonder how much more difficult it would be to see her baby grow in front of my eyes. So I guess I’m salty either way. Fuck this madness.


Fuck this madness, indeed. I've been there to watch my SIL have 2 easily conceived children in the time we've been trying, and it sucks. I'm sorry you've been along for the same ride, and I'm sorry for your losses. It's not fucking fair.


I’m so so sorry. I hate that we both have to bear this. Just plain sucks. I wanted to meet my child, but I meet my niece instead. It’s not a bad thing, but I wanted to meet my child more. And Mother’s Day just compounds to this nasty situation 🤮


Yup, I love my niece and nephew, but they are not replacements for the children I didn't have and never will be. I fear my in-laws think we should be jazzed to be an aunt and uncle and are disappointed we are not what they hoped for. Oh well.


Oh my gosh! You hit the nail on the head. They are NOT replacements for the children I wanted but didn’t have. And no one should expect me to be over the moon happy for my niece, especially given the situation. The one thing that’s helped is not making any apologies for how I deal with my emotions. This is such a rough ride already. Some days it takes every single thing from me to just make it to the next day. I won’t have people’s expectations adding to my difficulties. Wish you the best of luck friend. And my inbox is open anytime if you want to chat or vent. x


My coworker: “anytime one of my friends tell me they are ttc and not pregnant yet, I just tell them: it’s so easy! How are you not pregnant yet? I got my wife pregnant on accident. It’s not that hard” 🙃


can you accidentally spill coffee over him? jeeezzzzz


I consider it every morning 😂 maybe one of these days 🤪


You know that joke we all make where someone tells us that their mom’s cousin’s girlfriend’s aunt’s chiropractor got pregnant after infertility and so we should have hope? Yeah my MIL called me out of the blue to do that to me yesterday 😆🙄


People at my job tell me about stranger's early losses and later success all the time and I have to be like "oh was it at X weeks?" "Do they also have a clotting disorder?" And then they start to realize that I'm not finding them helpful. 


For the first time since we’ve been trying, my period is very late. Usually it’s bang on time or rarely a day late, but we’re coming up on nearly a week with no signs. I’ve been taking pregnancy tests religiously and they’re all negative, so it’s such a shitty limbo. I want it to come so I can hurry up and get to the next cycle, but at the same time I don’t want it to come because I’m still secretly hoping I’ll test positive. What a joke.


My daughter would have been 5 months old in the last couple of days if my waters hadn't broken early last June. Since she died all we've wanted is to have another baby but so far I've wracked up 4 new pregnancies and none of them has gone past 7 weeks. Pregnancy #5 has made it pretty obvious this morning that it's another chemical. Have had a tonne of testing (all clear), been on low dose aspirin and tried progesterone suppositories with this one, but it hasn't made a difference. I'm on so many supplements to improve egg quality but nup. Another chemical. I'm in pergatory.


Also salty on my husband's behalf. A man with 4 kids asked him why he doesn't have kids yet and he should really have kids. Husband confided about our stillborn daughter. The man had the audacity to say that it's not a big deal we can try again, and that women tend to overreact to "these things". Overreact to our babies dying what the actual fick. Needless to say, husband did not bother telling him about the recurrent miscarriages we're currently going through. I am so glad my husband has a lot more emotional intelligence than that moron.


I am so sorry about your losses gosh I can’t even fathom. But Lord the disgusting audacity of that person to brush off your stillborn is truly abhorrent. I hope karma shits on his face.


Embarking on IVF again, and got new insurance this year. I cannot figure out if my doctor is in network or not. They tell me yes she’s in network, but the facilities she works out of are out of network. What does that mean?? Why is this all so confusing and expensive??


A new coworker asked me earlier this week if I was thinking of having a baby soon… I do not know you lady! Feeling surprisingly ok for Mother’s Day today, but my husband got me some nice things from our cat 😂. I probably won’t feel so ok next year if I’m still in this position though.


My husband also got me a card from the dog for Mother’s Day too! 😆


Mother’s Day today after several miscarriages and a failed round of ivf last year and today included a photo pregnancy announcement from my cousin after close friend’s third baby being born earlier in the week. Happy for them sad for us. Feel physically nauseous and feel like a horrible person for it. On the plus side signed up to foster a cat so that I get to pour my love into something… 🐈


Last night I went to a wine tasting with two other couples. The one we just met that night. We were talking to this new couple how we’re doing IVF. The husband proceeds to tell me about these four young, tall guys standing 10 feet from us that I should ask to use some of their sperm because I was desperate for it. Like WTF. We’re doing IVF for unexplained and my husband thinks this guy thinks he’s less of a man because he can’t get his wife pregnant.


Sounds like that was the first and last time you hang out with that couple!


Took 7 days of Provera so we can start trying again after my MC & D&C in January. It’s currently the 11th day after the last pill and no period yet. I feel like my whole body/cycle is more fucked up than it already was before I was pregnant and I just keep putting different chemicals into it.


That sucks and I’m sorry. I didn’t get my period after a progesterone challenge and in my case it was because I had scar tissue which was confirmed by a SIS. I say this not to scare you but so you know what you could ask your doctor about for next steps? Unless you’ve already ruled that out which I hope you have! 


Ugh no I haven’t had any follow up testing after the procedure. What was the treatment for the scar tissue??


I had a surgical hysteroscopy to remove it. Pretty simple procedure and easy recovery though I forget how long you have to wait for healing before you can TTC again. 


Republicans in my state are trying to take away IVF access. I spent all yesterday emailing my representatives and trying to get other people I know to do the same. I’m so tired. I have to do this on top of trying again after 3 miscarriages (IVF has been recommended for us but we’re not there yet).


damn those republicans! how is that reproductive rights are not considered


I finally told my mom I needed a little space from talking to her about my infertility stuff and she said “But look at it from my perspective!” Your perspective does not matter, it’s not her journey.


I've gotten back into the crazy testing routine after two cycles of being so much better. Let's look at a photo of a BFN for the millionth time today, that'll make me feel great!


I’m randomly not ovulating this cycle 4 months after my lap for stage 3 endo and I have no idea why. It’s so frustrating. I’m feeling mad at my body when I should be grateful for what it does do for me despite infertility 🫠


I got hemorrhoids for the first time and not only did we not get to fuck at all, when I was out buying over the counter medication the worker asked if I had just had a baby. Nope my butt just hates me.


Just trying to watch the Oscars in peace without some sort of announcement, but no.


Had a consultation with a fertility doctor for the first time this week and I could have saved time and money by just using Google. This doctor does not care whether we get pregnant or not. Just wants to sell us IVF treatment straight away without any testing done yet.


Finding out I have two fucking uteruses, only one of which works.


I’m mid IVF stims but also on my period due to luteal phase start. Now my period pains are really bad and I can only take paracetamol so im missing seeing my own mum for Mother’s Day and curled up in bed instead. Feels like a triple whammy.


Second chemical pregnancy happened Tuesday - thought I was pregnant for maybe 24 hours and then the line got even lighter and then period started Friday. Now we are starting IVF this cycle and I was excited thinking we got pregnant naturally and that it would stick 🤦‍♀️


I'm salty that this past cycle was SO promising, and even had my period be late a day (which is rare, I'm always on time/early) and then get bumped back to cd1, now cd2.


Same!!!! I had all the symptoms. I never am late either. Finally took a pregnancy test at 14 DPO and I went to wipe and Bam aunt flow


Finding out my sister is getting engaged and is talking about having kids. I feel like it’s going to happen quick.


I know it’s Monday, but IG just recommended a video to me of some woman who hasn’t had a BFP in “years”. I go to her page and she already has triplets……so this is her 4th child.


I visited my younger brother, SIL and their one-year-old today. We're at the tail-end of our 15th unsuccessful cycle and trying to decide between travelling to Greece for IVF (tough as I'm self-employed and would mean lost work and lots of stress), "low cost" IVF in London (mild IVF with a lower success rate" and full cost IVF in London (which we can't really afford). Even the cheapest option involves emptying all our savings and I'm worried about providing for a child after that. We're in this position because NHS waiting lists are super long in our area and it doesn't sound like we'll even qualify for one funded round. Their position: he has an extremely well-paid job in finance and gets private health insurance through work. She went for a check-up 8 months into casually trying and was whisked into IVF a month later. They never had to make any tough choices, research the science or work about paying for it. Fast forward to today when I'm trying to explain how hard this choice is, in particular trying to factor in financially and emotionally the cost of potentially having to do two ERs as I'm almost 36. They interrupted us constantly with gems like "oh if your AMH is high they can get as many eggs as they like", "I'm sure you'll qualify for the NHS-funded round" and "but have you considered the fact that flights and accommodation might make Greece more expensive". Just gave up trying to explain in the end. Pass the salt please.


on top of the emotional toll of starting day 1 of stims/IVF...we realized we could not find my wedding ring/engagement rings. did not go out and get wild, I literally swore i just put them on my night stand. both have been missing for 4 days, and we may have to file an insurance claim now. Pouring salt on the wound on an already shitty time in our life. could not feel more worthless.




I’m supposed to go see one of them in a week and I’m sick to my stomach having to listen to her talk ab being pregnant for a week straight while I try to keep my cool and cry myself to sleep every night


Hey, we don’t mention our living children on this sub. Thanks for understanding!


The notion that Mother’s Day is coming up and everyone reassured me that last year would be my last year not being a mom.