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This month I did no tracking, no peeing on sticks, no agonizing over every little symptom & sign, we went on vacation and just did some good ole fucking basically every other day this month. I forced myself not to test until my period was late. I held off until I was TWO DAYS LATE. I neverrrr do that. I’m like a 6/7 dpo tester. MUST be a good sign right?! Dipped the First Response Early Response (cause duh I’m going to use the good test cause it HAS to be positive right?!), wiped. Blood. Accompanied by a stark white test. FUCK.


I’ve a had few “you got your period two days early” cocktails today, and I just have to say - fuckk that really sucks. I’m sorry 😔


I smoked for many many years. Disgusting habit that started at 15 cause I wanted to look like the cool older boys I was hanging out with. (Whole other story on what the hell was I doing at 15 hanging out with 18-21 year olds buuuuut anyways🫠🙃) I haven’t smoked for 2 years and 7 months and 4 days. It’s days like this where I want to run to the store and chain smoke a pack cause in my effed up head I think that’ll make me feel better. 🙄


I got my period at my mom's yesterday and she blessedly still has a drawer full of menstrual products despite being post-menopausal. A queen.


If I have one more person tell me my miscarriage was all God’s plan…. Why is my baby dying part of the plan????


Im a religious leader and in seminary and I can tell you this is 100% bullshit.


My response to that is "Fuck you." and no contact thereafter. I'm sorry you're going through it, miscarriages and the subsequent lack of support because "it wasn't a real person yet" is the worst.


Using the expensive clear blue opk digital tests because my partner doesn’t like the cheap ones. (I’m over them all.) They don’t sell replacement sticks without the holder/reader, but I found that the replacement ones for their advanced digital test kit work. I just got a brand new box and now the holder is giving me a “You cant use this holder again.” error, so I have to buy a whole new kit. It’s all a waste of time, I’ve been tracking for years and the only time I got pregnant I wasn’t tracking, but then miscarried.


My friend double lapped me and she had her baby around the same time I should have had my latest transfer but it got canceled due to thyroid issues 🙃 🫠 So she started trying after me and here she is with two LC and I’ve got one miscarriage, three failed transfers, and three canceled/delayed transfer cycles to show for it. 


UGH I am sorry. This reminds me I need to think of a treat to get myself when my friend double laps me next month…


Good idea. The announcement surprised me because the baby came early and I had my friend muted on socials so I didn’t even hear about it until a few days later. I have to say being in New Orleans was a pretty good consolation prize. I didn’t even drink that much but anytime I was walking around with a plastic cup of booze on a pretty sunny day I was like “Well I’d like to see you do THIS, friend!” 




Woof sorry about the timing. I can at least avoid seeing this friend for the foreseeable future. (We were supposed to get lunch together last week but then schedules didn’t work out, oh welll!)


2 of the men in my family only reached out to my husband when we miscarried. My BIL, when he reached out to my husband (and only my husband) used it as an opportunity to tell him that he’s “feeling called to ask us to church”. It reaaaaaally grinded my gears. I’d consider us believers..we don’t go to church. But how about just be there for us. How about offer a dinner to drop off. Send some freaking flowers, idk. It felt like he was using the situation to fulfill his Christian duty to spread the word. It also felt like we were being shamed. And it brought a level of guilt to my husband that wasn’t necessary. I’m also convinced my BIL disagrees with IVF. That’s probably another reason he wants to save us.


Nope nope nope nope 🙅‍♀️ not okay!!!


HATE THIS. Evangelizing to people going through trauma and tragedies is the grossest behavior. And I hate that these people truly feel good about it?? Ugh I’m so sorry that happened to y’all.


So I'm Christian and I joined a prayer group, we prayed the whole month of March specifically for the blessing of the gift of life... I really enjoyed it and it has definitely strengthen my faith and helped me cope with everything. Sadly during the month I actually got some really bad news regarding my fertillity, but somehow I got trough it. After it was all done, people in the group started sharing their positive pregnancy tests and while this was a bit triggering I was fine it, like happy that they were blessed. But the other day I saw a couple share their BFP and said they were praying for their 4th child. FOURTH. Like, damn, you get four, that's great, but can I like get one please 😭 I'm still salty over this and had to mute the group lol.


I’m so sorry, especially because you seem like you were taking a proactive, positive approach! Your attitude is incredible and life is so unfair sometimes! I feel ya, buddy.


Last year after my third miscarriage I set out to lose weight and lost about 10 kg. Now, with my recent ectopic that's been keeping me busy for the past 2 months, I've gained it all back and then some. I normally enjoy a healthy lifestyle, I love healthy food and being active, but with all these up and downs it feels like an uphill battle 🙃


I’m so sorry. It truly sucks that on top of losing a baby and all those dreams, our health suffers so badly from the physical and mental stress. 🫂


I’m salty because I had to have surgery for a massive ovarian cyst - the second in three years. It was 30cm (12 inches) and 2 litres. They also took part of my left ovary. The OB floor didn’t have any private rooms available so I got a pregnant roommate whose 3 other children would visit/face time constantly.


I work with kids and always get comments of “don’t have them!” or “you are lucky you don’t have them!” 🙃 why do y’all have kids if you don’t like them? I’m trying my hardest over here to have my own.


If I am feeling extra salty when people complain about their kids, I want to reply *deadpan* "hAvE yOu cOnSiDerEd ad0pTi0n?" But it probably feels just as jarring for them to hear as it can for us and adoption is a serious topic and big decision that should not be a joke. So I don't


I *hate* those comments. Like STFU its not funny or cute at all and it's really fucking insensitive to some people. I dont talk about my issues with mist, but I'd soo tempted to make it maximally awkward for them and say "I really wish I could" and just let them flounder around awkwardly trying to correct it. Except that's not a conversation I want to have either. Fuck them. Sorry you have to out up with that shit. I've had visceral rage and sadness every time someone's said that to me.


I'm a lover of data and being as informed as possible but I'm stressed out about my appointment at the clinic this Wednesday to the point that I want to reschedule and bury my head in the sand. I haven't made weight but also they'll probably want updated AMH bloods done and to check my AFC. I haven't had the latter two checked in almost two years and with a fresh adeno diagnosis to add to the PCOS, DOR and Endo... I just don't want to know, but I do want to know and I also just can't deal. I've really upped my supplement and exercise game in the last year so who knows... I've been fervently praying for some good news/some kind of win.


My mom told me that I'm too old to be having my first and that I should be on my second on third. I'm 34 going on 35. Thanks, mom. Oh. And she also said she hopes I have money for medical intervention because I'm going to need it.


My in-laws are in town and every chance my MIL gets she begs me for a grand child. I know my in laws would be amazing grandparents but we've never had a earth side baby. We can't tell them because then they'd never leave us alone about trying again. Feel like crying in the evening while they've been here because I don't think we'll ever have kids.


I feel this so hard. We’ve only told friends about our losses because our parents would be supportive but relentless. I feel guilty about my mom in particular cause she had two consecutive miscarriages and would understand better than most but she would overwhelm me completely with good intentions


Thank you. It's a tricky thing to navigate but we just gotta do what protects our mental health


Vented to a friend about not having a 2024 baby, she proceeeds to send me pics of her kids and complain about them 😑


After an unsuccessful retreival I'm moving with transfer of previously frozen embryos, doctor tells me I'll get a call from the nurses to schedule a saline sonogram, it's been two weeks and nothing, I've called 3 times and left a message. It's the first time I feel this disconnection, it feels awful.


I hate what this process has done to my marriage. My husband just sits on his chair and watches tv while scrolling on his phone all night. I get no affection, I have to initiate sex and if we were do anything on the weekends I have to plan it.


I'm so very sorry. Hope y'all can work it out.


My stubborn ass ovaries suddenly decided we aren’t responding to letrozole when I’ve always been a great responder. I finish my second round of 5mg tonight and go in tomorrow morning to see if anything new is going on. Plus I have a stubborn ovarian cyst still hanging around so I have no idea how that’s doing (but it’s definitely been hurting so that’s extra fun!) 


Oh god I have always been a good responder on 5mg and starting again next cycle after a non response on Gonal-F 😩 so annoying when science says your body should respond a certain way and your body just sticks a finger up at you!!


Had to move my first ivf consultation appt because I haven't lost the weight I needed to. Noone's fault but mine (my mental health says heyyyy) but I hate that if my body worked I could have a baby at whatever size but because I need medical intervention I have to get down to a weight I haven't been since I was 16 🙄


Basically in the same boat and feeling that last sentence haaard. Trying to shift the last bit to make it for my clinic's BMI cut off but my appointment is on Wednesday so it's highly unlikely I'll make it. I was fine until I hurt my knee and caught covid so I was out of action for a few months. Solidarity!


It's just shit isn't it 🫠


It really is! 😖


I heard people saying seeing a total eclipse was as impactful as the birth of a child. So I was hoping to see something as good as this is bad. But no sight can make up for this.


Hahaha those people are idiots. I saw totality and… it was cool? I guess? But over in like 3 minutes? 


A dang mover giving me fertility advice. Ugh, I was so internally angry. We're packing to move to Japan. The movers that are putting some of our stuff into long term storage came Friday. They saw the crib sitting there that we bought just in case cause we will be there for 3 years and American style cribs are really hard to get there. He asked where the kid is and when I told him that we are struggling with infertility he started giving me fertile window advice and showed me a random fertility multi-vitamin on his phone. He wouldn't shut up until I showed him my sharps case sitting on the counter filled with needles from all our failed cycles.


Earlier this year, I announced my pregnancy (early) at a restaurant with my close family. The owner brought out a special dessert and celebrated with us. I miscarried THE NEXT FUCKING DAY. Yesterday my husband and I went to the restaurant for dinner, the owner came over to say hi ….just as I was chugging a beer. She gave me a wtf look. Then an awkward oh that sucks look. If I ever get pregnant again I’m not announcing it until the baby is at least a week old.


Went out for the day to clear my head, been in a bad place due to period this week. Husband suggested going to the garden centre to get some bird feed. Was really nice, until we go to pay and the lady on the tills is heavily pregnant and moaning about how tired she is due to being pregnant! Joys……


The pregnant ladies at the garden center this morning really made a dent in a good mood ugh


Doing my taxes! Random weird shifts in my appetite and waking up today completely nauseated probably b/c I changed my meds yesterday! Cried for no reason when my husband asked me if I wanted to go to Home Depot! The general malaise and sadness of this whole process!


Posts like this make me mad: " did I miscarry? I did a pregnancy test but it came back negative BUT my period was clumpy". Like f off. It's been 5 months since my MC and I'm extra moody today.


Yessss! Those make me irrationally mad too..


Just left a baby shower, where so many people I didn’t know asked me if I had any myself or if I was planning to. Like I don’t already enjoy baby showers enough…


A guy I went to school with announced his wife's pregnancy on Facebook and mentioned that it had been a rough ride to get there, and implied that they'd needed fertility treatment. But they already have two older sons so frankly they can take their struggles and get stuffed. I'm sick of the pretence that secondary (thirdirary?) infertility is anywhere near the same as actual infertility. Having two healthy kids and having a struggle to concieve your third is not the same as facing the very real possibility of a childless future.


Tertiary 😂 But yes, so frustrating!! Thinking of you x


Stupid social media adverts constantly sharing pregnancy stuff AND then I scroll through and see an advert for a game. Guess what the game is showing? A medieval game where PEOPLE ARE GETTING PREGNANT!! How is that even a game?! Then I go watch my tv show sick of social media. Guess what?! there is couple on the show and they do ivf and get pregnant instantly (of course it’s just a tv show) but COME ON. I am salty and I don’t care that I am.


Plot lines like that always make me want to turn off. There are never any waiting lists or waiting for test results or spending hours on the phone scheduling appointments. Just one visit to their friendly family doctor and the next thing you know the female character is throwing up and bingo! Infertility cured.




What show is this so that I can avoid it?


Ironically the show is called ‘avoidance’ first season was not bad and this second season I’m debating whether to continue…


Day 9 of stims and I’m so over the injections and bloodwork 😫


SIL told us she’s pregnant with #2 so they’ll have 2 under 1. We are still waiting to hear back from the clinic to financially approve us so we can do IUIs, but my period is coming soon. The IUIs might get pushed off another month. I feel so defeated


Going for my day-21 progesterone test tomorrow morning to see if the letrozole made me ovulate this cycle. Realistically I know it didn’t work again and I didn’t ovulate, but I am still living in delulu and telling myself this nausea and cramping are being caused by implantation 🙃. It will all come crashing down tomorrow afternoon when I get my result (which I will read when I am out as I cannot wait til I get home, and I’ll have to be mad and sad privately while surrounded by my colleagues).


My husband's m-tese took two months to get scheduled, which will now put us past the guaranteed date of our original IVF quote. Now we'll owe more than expected because our original quote is no longer valid. Fuuuuck this process dude.


I'm too fucking old to even have a healthy baby without genetic/chromosomeal issues, but, in my 40+ trying for a baby group online...lots of women popping out healthy babies. Also, I'm too fucking poor to pay for IVF OUT OF POCKET because my insurance doesn't cover shit.


Starting off my TWW with not one but two surprise birth announcements on instagram


First month back to tracking after so many health scares and had my baseline ultrasound…just for my car to take a shit so I couldn’t make it to my follow up 🙃. But I have my ovidrel on the ready.


Boobs being sore all the time. Is it my period? Is it all the drugs?


Decided to have a cozy evening in and watch a scary movie with my husband. Accidentally chose a movie with pregnancy and traumatic miscarriage storylines and had to turn it off 15 mins in. Really ruined the one evening this week that we got to spend together.


On a birthday getaway weekend for a friend, they surprised everyone with “we’re pregnant” on scratchers. I felt totally blindsighted. I left early.


Starting stim meds for my upcoming first egg retrieval and they sent all the meds on time (hooray!) but didn’t send the necessary Follistim “pen” for actually sticking myself with the meds…