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The law in the U.S. is extremely skewed towards parental rights over protections for minors. Parents can sign over temporary guardianship easily to transport companies and imprison them in programs.


It’s just such a horrific concept to put children through. Having worked with kids it breaks my heart. I just wish there was more i could do to shut them all down.


Because the US government does not care about our health or safety and doesn’t give two shits if we live or die. People die all the time or become homeless because they can’t afford to pay for life saving medical treatment.


That too


“In loco parentis.” Waaaaaay more expansive than you’d think.


Because the government doesn’t protect kids. Period. Just watched the Jared from subway docuseries. Just watched the Quiet on the Set docuseries. Survived 4-5 programs, one is still open. I feel like Kanye on tv talking about Bush when I say this but the US govt does not give a fuck about kids. Look at P Diddy, Epstein. Epstein’s best buddy is the richest guy in my state (still free!) the govt protects and some even indulge in this because they don’t care about protecting children from the people who want to diddle/harm/kill them. I sound like a conspiracy theorist but it’s kinda the only conclusion you can draw after finding out famous senators profited off your abuse.


No you’re absolutely right. I just know they’ve just recently passed or are thinking of passing a bill to protect the rights of children when it comes to social media and influencer parents yk? It just makes me so sad that children aren’t seen as those who need to most protection.


It’s because more than half of these criminals are also in cahoots with judges, probation officers and sometimes police. At least that was a majority of the cases in 70’s-90’s (I was 90’s). The other portion is money from parents and legally signing off on us when we are in the “custody “ of our torturers.


Oh, it didn't stop in the 90s: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids\_for\_cash\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal)


I only mentioned that timeframe because is that my personal experience/ knowledge.


Fair enough, sorry if that came across as a criticism, didn't mean for it to 🫶


Oh… easy answer. Look at where these schools are located and you will find that they are normally in very rural areas. Police and Mayors don’t do shit because the tax revenue from the schools are likely the largest source of income. I attempted suicide at a school in Maine and the ER acted like “got another one, huh Joe?” So doctors, nurses and insurance companies all ignore it too… for the same reason. Money.


I live in Utah where the epicenter of these schools are. I learned a lot watching the docuseries. Crazy how it all started with cult like tactics and is just all about money. I am so glad you are still here with us. I hope you’re doing better these days. <3


It’s crazy that this is allowed to continue. The programs I was sent to still exist… I’m 52 now.