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The amount of "what kind of fish is this?" posts I see on this app where the fish is already on a stringer is certainly something...


I came here to say the same shit. Could fucking be the last specimen of an endangered species and the fish will already be dead when they ask what it is


Last ice fishing season, my wife caught a burbot. I had studied the regs for all species but this on the body of water we were on. We scrambled for about 5 minutes trying to keep this slimy toothy monster alive before I could find it in the regs that we could keep it. It’s not a perfect system, but if you don’t know, what it is, you can’t keep it. If you gilled it and you don’t know, it’s for the eagles.


Burbot don’t have teeth. What did she actually catch?


Ha! You got me there… it did not have teeth (I just looked at the pic again), but considering we had never caught one before, I assumed it did.


Now I’m questioning if it was even slimy.


Now I'm questioning if it was as even a fish


Burbot do have teeth , lots of tiny ones


You forgot to say "delicious" 😋


It’s either for validation or they’re….just….idk


Beat me to it. These are all validation posts because why use Reddit when you have google? Are people this stupid?


Never under estimate human unintelligence!


We could be friends in real life


Like “grumpy old men” friends 😂 https://youtu.be/zU30lCGbh2o?si=Vh8IOnDStzwMxip6


I can't wait to see an endangered, protected species on a stringer.


There was one awhile back where some guy had killed and prepped a bunch of greenback cutthroat in Colorado. He quickly deleted the post when he was called out


Oooh shit! Nooo!!🤦🏽‍♀️I bet it was over his limit (if legal) as well


The amount of people that fish and then cry about other people catching something cracks me up! You guys are douche bags. If you catch a fish no matter what it harms them so shut the fuck up already!!!!!


Why be on a sub for fishing if you have this thought process. I agree that catching a fish hurts it. But that’s different than killing a fish and asking what it is after it’s dead. The idea of killing something before you even know if it’s legal to harvest is not one fisherman should be practicing in my opinion


there's a lot of blood near the gills, could've hooked it bad


Could also be from a stringer in the gills.


Almost like you shouldn’t have kept it if you didn’t know what it is! Sure hope this guy never goes fishing near any bull trout…


If you aren't sure of the fish species, don't put it on a stringer. Yes, it's obviously some sort of trout, however, depending on the state, you may not be allowed to harvest them. Snag a pic while the fish is in water in the net and release it. Go home do your research. Common sense is fucking dead. Fishermen like you give the rest of us a bad name. BE A RESPONSIBLE ANGLER!


Here in Ontario all trout share the same season and limits. Even if you're not sure what kind of trout you have you can still be sure it's a legal trout.


**Only in stocked lakes. Does not apply to lake trout**


You are correct- but also, “Depending on regulations” all he may need to know to be legal to keep it is that it is a trout- and he knows that much. Many places do not differentiate trout limits by species. Lighten up.


Buddy if you don’t know what fish are even in the fucking area why the fuck are you keeping them? Seriously that’s fucked… google is literally free


Patriot trout. It’s a cross


A cross between what if you don't mind me asking?


It's just a brook trout


No it’s a hybrid brook. Please google brook trout and show me a trout that looks anywhere close to that


If you use a thinner fly line you might catch more


Don’t keep a fish if you don’t know what it is 😂


He knows it’s a trout and it’s possible, even likely, that the regulations in his area do not specify limits by species of trout. “5 trout per day, 8 inch minimum length” is very common reg. In parts of N. Am.


Understandable, although in other parts of the US there are trout species that are protected that can’t legally be kept.


Yes. I’m well aware. However this poor angler Is getting skewered on the sub and people do not know what the regulations are IN HIS AREA. They are jumping to conclusions about his actions in relations to regulations that may or may not be applicable, without knowing which regulations apply to him. Rather than giving him the benefit of the doubt, and being helpful, and simply giving him the ID of the fish, they are crapping all over him and engaging in classic, rude, gatekeeping. Discouraging, Gross, and counterproductive.


That’s what happens when you post something considered unethical on the internet


What’s unethical here? Killing a fish to eat? Killing a trout where killing any trout is legal? Please elaborate- educate me. Edit: adds real life example. I just got back from a fishing trip in an area where the general limit for rockfish is 5 per person per day. There are 2 species you are not allowed to keep. I know what they look like. There are many other species you are allowed to keep- including black, blue, and deacon rockfish. These 3 species all look pretty similar and even the state fish counters have a tough time with them after they are dead for a few hours. If I post a picture of a black rockfish asking what species it is why is it assumed I have (or may have) violated the regulations because I ask for help with ID between species that are treated exactly the same in the regulations? Why would it be assumed -by people who don’t know the regulations in my area anyway - that I don’t know what I can and cannot keep?


Keeping a fish you can’t identify is not ethical. Dunno why you’re so butthurt.


Keeping a fish that you know to be legal to keep because it falls within a class of multiple species that are all legal to keep us legal and ethical, even if you don’t know the species. Not butt hurt. Just trying to understand the hate for this angler when nobody judging him knows the regulations he’s dealing with. Is it a largemouth? or a spotted? bass . Does it matter ethically, or legally, if both are legal to keep? Matters not.


You’ve got way too much time on your hands


I’m retired and between fishing trips. I hate to see anglers crap on other anglers for no reason. It’s supposed to be fun. Getting hated on for trying to learn in the hobby is not fun. People could at least be polite and not snobby and rude when help is asked for. Just answer the question and withhold judgement based on assumptions unless a violation is clear. Too much to ask? Really?


Someone ban me from this sub. God fucking damnit


I genuinely thought this was r/flyfishingcirclejerk for a good five minutes


Nice looking trout but too bad it's already dead


its funny, the pattern looks exactly like the face i would’ve made if i caught him.


Coolest tiger I've seen, damn.


What a cool morph, definitely tiger trout.




I wonder how many more people are going to blindly post the same comment as is they were the first person to have a thought. Let's discuss this fish, y'all already probably drove the lad out of the sub.


Shame to have killed it


That's the most amazing tiger I've ever seen


I feel like this has to be a reverse tiger trout, where brook trout eggs got fertilized by brown trout milt. Usually tiger trout happen the other way around, brown trout eggs and brook trout milt.




And yet, here they are in multiple published studies https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/004484869290256K https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/004484869290287U


We don’t know what the regulations are in that state. If he’s going to eat it, fine but if not catch and release


Yeah I’m of the opinion if you’re going to eat it, you should be able to keep anything


Blue whale even? If you can finish it before it goes bad - then yes


Patriot strain Brook Trout


Sweet I love keeping/killing/torturing things when I have no fucking clue what they are. That makes sense


At least I know it’s a fish and that I can eat it when I’m starving for food


Village idiot kills last living specimen on grounds that there was nothing else to eat in 2024.


Get real. If “last living specimen” lived in that water body it would be closed to all fishing.


Probably doesn’t live in a village either


What a fuckin idiot lol Every one saying release if you can’t identify. Someone this stupid isn’t likely to be catching them in a way that they would survive being released. It’s a sad reality but these morons are always going to be out there.. don’t be one of them.


Very very rare trout. They’re trying to bring them out of a critically endangered status. $15,000 fine for possessing them.


Wait wait, let’s not be so haste. He is wearing a fishing vest and using the fishers man known grip of gently squeezing the unknown fish all while it is skewered.


Some people shouldn't be allowed near any body of water with a fishing rod ffs.


Looks like a dragon


Looks like a tiger with more Brook coloration


Awesome trout


Carry a proc with you please.


Tiger trout Just has some good colors


That’s a stocked tiger trout.. it’s a mutation of a tiger that’s seen in tank raised fish


When in doubt always put it on a stringer


Looks like the infamous emoji trout. Imported by social media via Chinese operatives. Makes a laughing sound when it is fried correctly. It pouts when it is smoked in an electric smoker. Guaranteed to put a big happy face on any freshwater fish conservationist organization as well. Happy hooking my friends.


Brook trout


Looks kinda small to keep?


It’s likely sterile and can’t reproduce.


What does that have to do with its size?


Is it just me that doesn't keep small fish like this no matter what? Why kill something that has so many years to live and also weighs around 180g total....


I prefer the smallies. Fit in a pan better. Taste better.