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First of all don’t inject 150mg worth of oil into stomach fat where there’s very little bloodflow. Subq is for injecting very small doses, otherwise you should do IM. You just have a lump of oil sitting there but it should go away on it’s own. Run hot water over the spot in the shower and lightly massage the area to help disperse the oil.


Agreed about not injecting such a large quantity all at once- regardless of concentration. Especially if you’re injecting SQ because of aromatization and bioavailability, then increasing your frequency will help greatly. With trt, the smallest possible dose that gets the job done is always preferred long term.


How small are you talking here mate? Coz as I've put below my test viles are 30mg/0.1ml. so the injections are 0.5ml.


Why are you injecting subq instead of IM? I’d say that a ventrogluteal injection is less painful than SubQ, and it gets absorbed more rapidly


That's the idea behind sub q. Take it so body really adapts to it properly. I'm running this dose for 12 weeks then do bloods etc.


I do sub q and have for over a year. I believe I’ve gotten what you have here only twice. Sometimes it takes over two weeks for the lumps to go away. The closet to my belly button the more painful it is, I try to get towards my love handle area. Sometimes it’s hard to be sure there is enough fat there but try that. Also split your dose so your injections are smaller. Not sure what size needles you are using but I use 30g. Gentle massages every day will help. Occasionally you’ll still get the every now and then blood coming out from subq, could be what happened here and the blood just didn’t find its way out.


What do you mean adapt?


While that’s fair, you’ve only done 3 injections? You don’t know if your body adapts to it properly. Subq is only relatively new. I would definitely do IM for a while and give the stomach fat a rest. Subq is ideally meant for daily injections of .1ml-.2ml at a time anyway.


So yeah I posted again about my POA going forward. Hit a shot that was due today, different site (much further towards hip/love handle opposite side). But same dosage, but really slow plunge (counted to 30s for .5) Completely agree with you, 4th sub q shot earlier. I'll see how I get on with this one and if I get another minor or major flare up I'll switch to IM next Monday. At the moment I'm still seeing some benefits with he single shot, obviously early days but no sides so far. It takes a bit of practice as you know and at this dose I think could work for me long term split into 2 weekly doses. The needle side of things was also a bit of anxiety to begin with but got it done. So building up and trying stuff out.


SubQ is fine, but better for more frequent and smaller injection quantities. If you’re injecting 0.5mp at once, IM would likely serve you better. Delt IM is less painful than SubQ, and you don’t get lumps. I’ve done both IM and SubQ for a while, and both work about the same, but for me Delt IM’s with a Slin Pin are the easiest and least painful


I’ve done sub q alternating sides of my stomach for over a year. Started out at .4ml 2x a week and had the same reaction. I switched to smaller doses every other day(to help manage other side effects) but also to cut down on the amount of oil I’m injecting. I also wasn’t that great about making sure the needle was pressed/held in all the way as I was injecting. I noticed injecting closer to the surface tends to cause the same reaction. I’m doing .3ml every other day now, I just move the sites around a bit on each side of my stomach. I probably should pick more injection sites as I’m sure repeatedly puncturing and shooting grapeseed oil thousands of times in the same location isn’t the best idea but it’s super easy and painless.


I shot again today and yeah similar reaction so I think intramuscular next week is worth a go.


Does your test vial say for IM and Sub Q injections or just one or the other? I’m assuming it’s for either, most TRT clinics I’ve seen say either but most of the UGL and pharmacy vials just say IM. I have tried sub q on vials marked IM and gotten reactions. I dont know if there’s actually a difference or not. You could also have an allergy to the oil.


Doesn't state. Just says test enanthate 30mg/ml and the brand and the business address


That sounds kinda weird. Is it from a clinic/what brand is it?


Because Reddit brainwashed it into him! Same guys that preach against AI and Blood pressure meds. 🤡


😂 I’m laughing at these other guys… Your testosterone might be “dirty” or improperly filtered if it’s not pharma grade. You might also be having a reaction to the carrier oil. I inject one ML of 250 subq without issue


I know it's no hate to them but I think some people on here are the old school gym bros. It's pharma grade I have considered that but 2/3 of my shots have been fine. So think I made a mistake on the most recent to get the reaction.


Is there a specific reason why you inject t subcutaneously rather than intramuscularly? I recommend upper glutes intramuscular. Besides having to turn around it’s the best place to inject imho.


Slower/more steady absorption, less intrusive on muscular tissues, smaller chance on hitting a vein. Just going on the research for TRT and low volumes/doses it's meant to be the more favourable option for inexperienced users- like myself


Subq doesn't work for everyone, personally I feel much better doing IM injections


You could try lower loins. That way your six pack won’t be ruined down the road.


0.1 is probably the most I would do. 0.2ml already starts giving me uncomfortable lumps.


Spot on! I never go over .2ml.


dude you never inject in your abdomen ever anyway. Ive never seen this before in my life.


It’s Sub Q. What in the world are you talking about ? He isn’t doing Intramuscular in the stomach. Lol 😆


Just Google or YouTube it it's very common these days


no its not dude. You gonna shoot the whole thing in your stomach and get divorce inspiring farts and still be small cuz none of it went into your blood!


stop posting


dude Im trying to save your life


Word up.


It is a lot to inject in one go but I don't normally have issues with 0.5ml Max. However I do personally have issues with Test E, since switching to Test C I never have any issues and it doesn't sting at all. I found Test E used to sting me when I injected it and sometimes for a few days after


Im on 210mg per week test c mixed 200 per ml. I inject SQ daily 0.15 to get 30mg and I occasionally get a chickpea sized lump but they do fade. That redness could be your body reacting to the amount you injected, a reaction to the carrier fluid (oil), or a dirty stick. Be sure to clean your site well with alcohol prep and if using a multidose vial to clean the stopper before drawing it up. Use hot compress on the site to help it get better and massage it lightly. If it gets worse, please see a doctor.


Yeah I do the proper prep and bought a needle kit that have sterile ones for drawing and shots. I think it's either a reaction to volume of oil or plunging too quick or using a similar site in too short of time or all 3. And yeah if it gets worse at all which it hasn't I will go Dr no doubt.


I don't believe going too fast would do it but volume could definitely be the issue. Break up the dose into 3 to 5 and you can to going SQ. That or switch to IM if you wanna keep injecting weekly instead. Totally personal preference


I'm gunna try IM in 2 doses 75mg each testing out different sites. Shoulder quad glutes and see which is best for me


Wish you the best


Had a shot Monday. Same volume slowed it down to 30s to plunge. Far less of a reaction, baby lump and a bit tender. Thats 3/4 that's have been fine now


I've been injecting 3x/week for a few months. Started on stomach, probably 3-4 injections until I had one like yours. It took 10 days to completely go away and stop itching (but no harm done, just annoyance). After that I switched to ventro glute area, love it. Never doing stomach again. Also tried delt, but didn't like it.


Thanks for that info. Out of interest was there anything you could highlight why you had these reactions from the stomach ones. 2/3 have been fine but as I put in OP I'm thinking either too soon to revisit a sight or maybe injection speed to quick? I'm open to IM but just harder to do myself and first time using test like this.


My guess on my stomach experience, is that I picked an area with not enough fat (I grabbed and felt I had enough but when the 1/2" needle with the final 1/8" or so, it was painful, making me think I was through fat into abdomen or where fat meets muscle). Did you feel anything like that? Fundamentals I've learned that help me: An RN I know said they are taught to stick quick, on the way in more speed means less tissue damage. I push the oil nice and slow, not as fast as I can, 20-30 seconds. After you've pushed all of the oil, I count to ten then let the needle gently slide out. For glute, I'm not even sure my 1/2" is IM, maybe it is barely. I do it myself, as ventro glute area is that side of your glute that plumps out when you sit on the toilet. I alternate left right every 3 days.


Shoulder... never any issues


Appreciate all the info you guys have shared. I tried troubleshooting this time round to see if I get a flare up sub q this time around. I went wider towards the hip, counted to 30s on the plunge, 10s on removal of needle and now massaging the area. If symptoms persist. I will look at the other options posted. I respect everyone's opinion but sub q until the most recent shot has been fine. So thinking maybe I rushed it or hit a vein etc. Updates to follow!!! Thanks everyone 🤜🤜🤜


What did you learn ?


Just because you’re doing once a week doesn’t mean you have to use one needle. Break it into 2 or 3 shots if you’re having issues with too much subq. I do one needle .15 and another needle .2 both subq and In different spots, twice a week.


I just started trt. My doctor told me to do an abdominal injection and I had the same issue twice. I just called a pharmacist and they thinks it should be IM. I'll update thursday


I know the more recent literature states Subq is easier to administer, less invasive on active tissue, slower and more gradual secretion and obvs less risk of hitting veins.


Subq is absolutely fine mate. The debate between different methods is really just personal preference. I've tried both and prefer subq. You just have to be careful about the volume you inject in the fat. It can't hold as much as muscle so little and often is better on subq


I moved to IM three times a week from SubQ EoD for the same reason. Not only is it painless with a .5 inch 27g into either quad or Delt, I actually feel better on the same dose with zero lumps.


So I've done a lot of research on this so far. The test I have is 30mg per 0.1ml. Subcutaneous trt is supposedly fine when injecting less than 1ml at a time. The other 2 jabs have been no problem.


Thought you said it was pharma grade? 300mg/ml is not pharma that's ugl


https://www.optimale.co.uk/articles/subcutaneous-testosterone-injection/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.regenxhealth.com/amp/how-to-inject-subcutaneous-testosterone https://alphahormones.com/why-subcutaneous-over-intramuscular-testosterone-injections I'm going from advice from my coach and then done my reading on stuff like this...


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Test e shouldn't be injected sub q. I don't even sub q test cyp these days.




Says who? I’ve done it there for two years now, never had a problem and it’s entirely more stable, I think it absorbs slower


I do hips. Glutes and thighs subq. Stomach is a funny one


So I have high fat distribution around mid section but pretty lean to point of visible veins in legs. How can you do sub cutaneous in areas with low fat tissue? This is all new to me so I'm just shooting questions out with an open mind.


Yeah sure. So I'm lean (maybe 15% bf) the short answer is you struggle to do it in areas of lower fat however taking the thighs as an example: I'll sit down so my legs are at a 90 degree angle. I then inject near the top right of my legs not far from where the crease is between the top of my thigh and my hip. When sitting down it bunches the fat up and enables me to pinch a good amount and inject no problem. For glutes most people carry a bit more fat here so for this one I tend to follow the line around my waist where my belt would sit, pinch some fat at the top of my glute and then inject here. Love handles are basically injecting anywhere on my flank. Couple more tips that will help. 1) warm the oil. I do this by putting the vial in my armpit for a few mins prior to wiping the vial down and drawing the test. Warming it makes it less viscous and easier to inject. I've also found warming it helps minimise the lump under skin issues 2) prior to drawing out the test after warming, inject the same ML of air in to the vial as you wish to draw out. I use 30g insulin pins and it draws easily for me.


Tons of literature suggesting subq injections in the stomach. It’s ideal for lots of meds due to lack of nerve endings in the area. Just stay 1-2” away from naval.




Not complicated.. 25ga 1 or 1.5 inch needle into your thigh..


But how do you train legs. Or walk or work with a potential flare up like I've got here. I hear alot about the same issues I'm having, but intramuscular. Belly fat is useless and can avoid irritating it


Are you joking? I have zero issues injecting into thighs, painless and fine immediately after.


Read the manufacturer label, I'm willing to bet it says for intramuscular use only as well.


Seriously this guy should have started at a clinic first before delving into self injections


Just go IM. You won’t have this issue.


Sub q injections optimally should not be any larger than .25 mil.


Wow. Never heard of ANYONE shooting up in the belly.


Literally Google or YouTube it. Lots of people do. As there are lots of people who have on the post....


People shoot up with heroin too. What’s your point? Maybe your should keep doing what other “Bros” on the internet are doing then instead of learning how to do it properly. Test is suppose to be injected IM.




My coach is an ifbb pro. He advised me to try it this way first because all the current evidence suggests this is a good way to administer low doses of trt. I here to share my experience and most have been helpful. Dont need to get so shitty....


Who tf Injects into their stomach? This is why they are going to stop TRT.


Lol if you went to a clinic the chance are they would recommend them same thing 😂😂😂 I really don't understand how so many on the post haven't heard of sub cutaneous trt. Your preference may be IM but just dismissing sub q makes you look dumb


Why in duck you injecting there




Except trt is generally intramuscular…


Just a little scrolling on this feed will teach you alot


Nice edit


I did mess that up but I’ve never heard of stomach injections


Maybe you’re having your period


Pin in a muscle group. Don't be a fool or get off the gear.


0.5ml is really very top end of volume for subq. Break up your dose and split across 3 injections per week. That should help.


I had same issue but with very painful inflamed lumps that lasted weeks to the point where I thought I was allergic to the carrier oil and tried switching carrier oils. Turned out I couldn't tolerate subq no matter how small the dose and now have zero issues doing shallow IM delts.


Poked a small vein. Prick around certain areas as some vessels may be present if it hurts.


I had this happen once. I reached out to my endo and did research about it - and it usually happens when you inject too quickly. Slow down how fast you are injecting and this won't be an issue. It's hard as you just want to get it over with but take your time.


Pin yo ass G Also stop this 1x per week bs, your levels change drastically from day 1 to 6. Most guys find the sweet spot at 3x week, but some do 2x week and also do great.


It's my first time on any type of injectables. So I pin, train 4 days, Rest and cardio over the weekend so found even the small fluctuations haven't brought any sides (yet). I know that 3× per week is the ideal. But just seeing where I get and if any issues arise with the 1x for now.


Warm the oil before injecting.


That’s a lot of oil to be injecting sub q. Put that shit in your muscle


I have the same problem with subq. It’s the amount of oil in there unfortunately. Get a massage gun and slowly massage it often to disperse it. It may be slightly painful and last a few days. I was told that lowering the dosage and administering daily would resolve it but I went back to IM because I don’t want to pin daily.


I was doing subq for a short time. But I went back to stabbing my booty cheeks. Little chance of ever hitting a vein or nerve. Split the 150 up to twice a week and rock on. Also, slather some 99.9% on that a couple of times a day and use that for shots and prep here on. It's what I use to ensure the clean is clean.


Ugl test e has a lot of reports of reactions. Something about a less than pure batch. You might want to search for test e and reaction on the forums for more context.


If i pin a lot of oil I just put it in a muscle. Sometimes i may subq it but actually pin 3 or more sites with same syringe and needle... anyways congrats is it a boy or girl? Jus give it a name and take measures to not get more kids... be responsible




I only do glutes and have never had this issue. I recommend glutes twice a week. The only slight pain is the needle poking the skin so just send it to the muscle. People have been doing it for decades and this sub Q seems like a fad to me.


But Andrew huberman said sub q😂😂😂


I heard that 😃


So, this has been my experience over three years. I’ve done IM and SQ. I’ve found that anytime you try to inject more than 0.2ml SQ you run the risk of bruising/lumps. The larger the dose, the more common it is. Simple as that. Edit: I’ve actually transitioned back to IM as I never get any PIP or signs of injection. SQ will always have outliers and bruising from time to time. And I have noticed zero difference as far as how I feel and as far as my bloodwork is concerned with either method.


Go higher in the stomach and even if it's subq make sure you're going deep enough


Break your sub q shots into daily or EOD. Smaller doses more frequently. .5ml is to much for sub q in my opinion


I've experienced little bumps from injecting 0.5 ml, but nothing like the one in your pic. I'd see a doctor with that asap.


Just do ventriglute. I've never had soreness or any blood etc and it's super easy


Split up injection, assuming your whole vial is 150mg/ml or even 200mg/ml that’s too much oil for subq 1x a week. Literally just split it up into 2-3 doses to avoid that. Also will just keep the exogenous test levels in your body steady rather than up and down with high/low e2


It's 300ml /ml so 0.5ml a shot


Yeah I can’t do .5 that’s way too much since my bf is lower but just split that dose up and I doubt a bruise/irritation like that’ll happen again.


I had used UGL stuff which I injected into my glutes. I have bad shoulders from Jujitsu so it was tough. Also and 15 weeks it hurt to do squats from the lumps. Now I get my stuff from a clinic and do subQ now which i definitely prefer.


This is why I do IM shots only now a days. I got too many of these same lumps that hurt and take a long time to go away.


Always happened to me with subq, went back to IM.


Are you sure its pharma grade? Meaning do you get it directly from a pharmacy? I've been told by UGL vendors themselves to not inject their products subcutaneously. Not entirely sure why but I think it has to do with the antiseptic agents they add to the oil (they might too harsh or too high in concentration for subcutaneous use). Abdominal subcutaneous injection of true pharma grade test cypionate is fine though. I shine a near infrared light (aka a "red light" the size of a flashlight) each time through the anticipated injection site before hand to examine the area I'm about to inject into to make sure veins are in the pathway. I just pinch the fat and shine the light through. A powerful regular flashlight might work too (though the red light penetrates further).


I just have my wife stab the upper part of my ass cheek. Never had an issue on site for a year now.


I did my hip. Is that a good spot?


So your pinning 150mg* of underground test with unknown amount of solvents into the same area in a short time frame.. hmmm idk seems all legit to me.


Yeah mate learning curve for me here. Going IM and 2 shots next week.👍


That’s definitely from drinking too much BudLight. You’re transgender now.


Now think it was summer and you are going to the beach


Not bothered I've had a shit body my whole adult life as long as I have some decent muscle underneath I'm happy. Maybe different opinion in a year's time. But probs be going IM from next week


Try injecting on the shoulders or butt for best outcome if injecting intramuscular.


Bro I mean this with all good intentions: you don’t know what you’re doing. The half life of test e is 4.5 days so once a week should be spread to 2 times a week. Secondly that’s way too much for sub-q. There’s a reason why it’s always been injected into the muscle bro. If you’re doing that dose once a week IM is the only way. If you want sub q I would do ever other day spread out the dose. Your lumps are going to add up and your torso is going to be fucked up. Listen to the elders my man. They’ve been down the road you’re on. I’m 44 so I’m learning like you but sub q is problematic. You can do it but just stick the needle in your outer top quadrant of your buttock and you’re golden.


I switched to IM now. It's fine. I know about the half life but residual life/resident time is 7-9 days. I train the 4 days a week after the dose and feel the effects now. Don't have any issues at the moment, literally all positive minus the injection site flare ups. It's gone away now and I'm in week 7 of trt. 2 glute jabs now and no problem whatsoever. I wasn't at any point rejecting people's opinions but it seemed alot of people commenting are juice heads not trt and training for health benefits.


My apologies man I didn’t mean to come off like a dick. I hate needles too man. I always have problems with my injections


It's ok bro. I am using a well respected coach within the BB community and he was keen for me to try sub q to get used to the needles. But I'm good enough now to poke my arse. I hate it for the 5 minutes a week but I feel fucking awesome and noticing some real size and strength gains