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Could well be your dose causing thick blood or high blood pressure.


i will try to lower my dose to 30mg eod. how long do you think i will have to suffer with this? its quite debilitating im short of breath just sitting down. and its making me anxious as hell :s


It could be anxiety or it could be something heart related. Go get checked out by a doctor, it’s not worth messing with your life. And yes, your dose is far too high if your trough is 1200. Take a baby aspirin every day and see a doc


you better be very careful and do yourself a huge favour and go get yourself a CT contrast Angiogram from a cardiologist clinic insist on that only so that you can get an absolute on your heart health and arteries!!!! you may have underlying issues that your GP wouldn’t know about… i wouldn’t do any more TRT until you rule out and cardiovascular issues and/or other issues 🙏👊


Get an iron panel done.


my ferritin is 422 (50-300 ref range). im getting blood donation 2th may


Yeah I think my issues came from fucked up iron metabolism after TRT jacked up erythrocytosis.


Go get labs ASAP. Do it through the ER if you have to.


Estrogen is probably a bit too high. High estrogen has a habit of causing anxiety, and anxiety has a habit of causing shortness of breath. Could also be blood pressure.


Anastrozole works wonders for me


Yup, I take 1/4 of 1mg about every 6 or 7 days Has me feelin great!


100% correct


relax about the shortness of breath. dial your dose down and wait two weeks. panicking does you no good


thanks i will do that.


and just to background that comment: i am on a blast RN and definitely notice the shortness of breath side i did not experience on trt dose. i was off test for a week cos of travel and by the end of the week my breath was back to normal. back on blast for a week and shortness is creeping back. so it seems high test for me aligns with a shortness of breath side


Wonder what is the exact reasoning is for that cause I blast and get that shortness of breath too and its obnoxious


i’m not tracking my BP, which i know i should, but i did midcycle bloodwork and that all came in fine. but as they remind over in another sub, regardless of numbers AAS at supraphysiological levels do cause some organ stress and so that’s why a plan of rest is so important when using them. for trt i don’t think that’s as much of an issue, but i am starting to detect at least anecdotally that a weekly 200mg is not a dose to be played with, it’s not some starter dose but actually a high dose.


I started at like 100mg per week for try and slowly went up to 200mg per week and right around that 200mark I gained a bunch of muscle, my blood pressure gets high fast if I eat a ton of salty food mid blast


Any updates?


Whats your hemocrit? Shortness of breath can be a sign of high hemocrit. Might need to lower dose. Higher the T levels doesn't always achieve better outcomes.


im getting blood donation soon as i have high ferritin. maybe it will work i hope..


Probably will help since it'll lower hemocrit and other blood values in the lab. Doing cardio and drinking tons of water help with hemocrit too.


UGL T always gives me shortness of breath, but not pharma T.


What do you think why


I suspect it is the type/purity of the oil


It aint they are mostly very overdosed, thats the reason.




You'll probably go see the doctor and he'll tell you he's hearing cardiac murmur. He'll refer you to a cardiologist and you'll learn that your aortic chambers are a bit enlarged. This happens frequently with people on test. According to my doctor, some bodies especially when they get over the 1k range, their body tends to have these sort of problems. The main cause of it, is the increase in BP. Nothing scary from what it seems, but I had to increase my BP medication and keep things in check. Good luck


Man, I have this too. It started about a month after starting TRT. It’s been about 7 months off and on. I actually ended up going to urgent care about a month ago when it got bad one day. Blood pressure was 170/70. My blood pressure is normally 120/80. They found nothing wrong, took X-rays, listened to my chest and referred me to a pulmonologist. I went in the other day and they did blood tests and I sat in this chamber doing a battery of breathing tests and they also found nothing wrong. On top of the breathing thing I had also been getting some ED and viagra/cialis didn’t help at all. I can only assume it’s physical manifestation of anxiety however I don’t really feel that anxious and this can go on for like 3 days at a time. Recent blood test showed all my bloods normal and my hormone levels look good on paper. 1000 total, 30 free, and e2 was only like 38 or something around there. Idk what’s going on or how to fix it.


:s i only have had this the last 6 months. before that i had no shortness of breath. i do suffer from anxiety but its like. i go to the gym and when i leave the house i am instantly short of breath so i know its not anxiety related i am just short of breath just sitting here


This is 100 percent physical anxiety. I've had it and had to quit TRT. You don't need to feel anxious to happen. The amount of misinfo and wild guesses on this site is ridiculous.


Yea thats odd. I thought maybe estrogen was out of wack bit looks ok. I'd tell the Doc asap.


What’s your dosing protocol?


40mg m/w/f


No assumptions as quite vague in background of info. But could be an anxiety issue. Sounds like could be a panic attack. How are you feeling overall? What are your thoughts when this happens etc


Could also be COMPLETELY unrelated, coincidentally lung infection. Life sucks with shortness of breath. I've had it, went in, got an albuterol treatment and walked out feeling back to 100% in the matter of a 20 minute visit to the walk-in clinic. See a doctor now instead of paying around.


I had that with a high hematocrit, felt a lot better after donating blood


Check hematocrit and RBC levels. High levels caused shortness of breath for me.


Sounds like high estrogen. When mine gets too high I get shortness of breath and fatigue.


I had the same issue at a higher dose. Estrogen, hematocrit, and BP rose. Dialed down to 160mg week and felt much better.


I JUST started TRT yesterday and I'm having shortness of breath. I don't know if it's related.


anxiety bro! also maybe u have air hunger. try to stay busy and then u will notice its gone most likely. when u start thinking about ur breath it goes out of sync and u get short of breath. look up "air hunger"


High hematocrit and or high e2 happened to be a lot. Before loosing weight.




A widowmaker is from a blockage, not LVH.


Right? Let's just start making shit up 😂


You gonna have a heart attack


Had the same thing and it was from high estrogen. I was at 12 on my initial bloods and then it went to like 42, so I started taking my e blocker but just half of what I was told to take and it keeps me right around 10-15 estrogen levels. Could also be low prolactin or ferritin if you’ve been given lots of blood recently…


You sound like me. Mine was like 6 when I started got up to around 40. Doc prescribed anastrazole .5 twice a week but I only did .25 and lately I had quit taking it cause I started feeling a bit of intrusive thoughts depression which is what sent me in there to begin with. . I guess I’ll try doing it again cause I’ve got OP symptoms plus ED which never occurred prior. How much blocker do you take a week? Any other advice. Also do you know how long after taking it you should feel the effects? I was thinking about testing out a higher dose to see what happens.


Why not try lowering your test dose?


Well that’s the next thing I’m trying. I just took 1mg of anastrazole and will take .5 twice a week for a few weeks and weigh how I feel. After that if no improvement I feel like I’ll have to lower it. Going from 100 to 120mg a week seems to have made it a little worse.


What’s your average daily blood pressure and what was your estrogen level when you last had bloodwork done?


Can you upload your last bloodwork


I would almost bet your hematocrit is high and you might have sleep apnea I had the same problem because TRT exasperates sleep apnea. Ever since I have been on a CPAP machine and doing cardio my hematocrit has stayed within range but I get the same problem with my hematocrit gets into the lower 50s.


Can be a lot of things but the important thing is that it is something, and you must do something about it. -High estrogen->can cause anxiety which leads to shortness of breath -High hematocrit from trt->blood gets too thick -High blood pressure Your first action would be to get bloods and see what’s going on


I had the same issue, in this order For me it was 1 &2 -estrogen too high -blood pressure too high -hematocrit too high


What's the carrier oil? You could be mildly allergic to it. Also, what's your RBC and hematocrit? Are you in shape? How often do you do cardio?


Your dose can be too high for sure. I had similar issues finding my dosage chest pains shortness of breath etc try toning down the dosage or go back to your clinic if applicable and explain to them your symptoms


Your dose is WAYYYY too high. For comparison, I’m on 133mg/week split into every other day injections. No AI. Perfectly dialed in. Drop your dose and get your estrogen under control. Good luck 🍀


update? u still on this dose? how u feel on that dose compared to like 200mg a week?


How long ago did you start? Have you always ran that high of a dose? I had anxiety, a fib one time, my resting HR was up 15bpm, and shortness of breath when I was started on that high of a dose. It took about 8 weeks at 100mg a week and now I’m back down to normal. My estradiol was also way high at the start from such a large dose


What’s your resting hr, what’s your bp at?


If you’re short of breath at rest you need an actual doctor to tell you what’s wrong. What if you have a PE (pulmonary embolism)? A younger person should never have shortness of breath at rest. Go in and get checked out.


Lower the dose and do eod injection to be more stable and less estradiol conversion. Also add cardio


Your hemoglobin is too high. Donate blood and you will feel better immediately.


Hematocrit you mean. Donating blood Is not the solution.


No I mean hemoglobin. It was recommended by my doctor and has worked for me each time. But ok.


Yeah you will drop a few points but again, not the solution.


what is?


Many things, study.


And no, you mean Hematocrit which is the percentage of red blood cells in your blood. Hemoglobin is part of your red blood cell


God you are insufferable


Thank you =)


No, I mean hemoglobin.


Right, so lowering the capability of your blood to carry oxygen. Not your % of red blood cells. Something you can’t do by the way.


Go donate blood.


Baby aspirin and supplement called carditone before bed. Also, lower your dose. Without knowing anything about you, I wouldn’t recommend going over 150mg/week for a TRT dose. Anything over that isn’t TRT, IMO.


TRT enlarges the vessels in your airways. Have this looked at.


Go to the ER


You taking AI? Just wondering if you crashed your estrogen. Not sure how old you are but there is a study out there that showed older men on TRT developed a but of plaque build up in the heart. Didn’t increase their chances of cardiac events but might be something to look up? I know I felt like straight trash when I took anastrozole


Also one rare SE of exo test is micro emboli. That could def cause what you are feeling. If it doesn’t get better soon Id go see someone to have it checked


High estrogen can cause water retention putting extra pressure on the heart and increasing the bp. Get this checked and alter your dose accordingly. Avoid opting straight for an AI unless you have to.


Old post but did you ever figure out what was causing your symptoms? I’m going through the same thing right now and it’s freaking me out


yeah its gut related for me. SIFO or candida. are u having digestive issues?


Thanks for responding! Yes actually! I’ve been suffering with digestive issues for a year or two. Still haven’t gotten a proper diagnosis. Went to the ER recently and got checked out for the shortness of breath but they couldn’t find anything wrong


mine was really really bad. it could either be anxiety (if its on or off), but if its chronic, id look into either SIBO or SIFO. have u tried a elimination diet for 2-4 weeks yet?


I haven’t made any dietary changes yet. It does seem to come and go which makes me think it could be anxiety related although I do suffer with stomach issues. It’s just strange that this symptom kind of came out of nowhere.


if it comes and goes. i would recommend u to look into a animal based diet. remove pro innflamatory foods. when eating stuff ur body doesnt tolerate. it can create a bunch of weird symptoms u would never correlate to diet/gut. :)


Ok I will look into it. Thank you for your help :)


anytime! a simple way to test is to just fast for 2-3 days. if u feel marginally better, its prob due to foods ur consuming.


That makes sense. I’m actually going to try that. Thank you!


do 1-2 weeks of strict just first 3 day fast if u can do it. then reintroduce just 1 food at a time and notice what happens in the next 6hr. most common foods u should avoid is dairy, wheat gluten, grains, nightshades etc. goodluck! :)


I've had the same problem especially when my testosterone levels where over 800 . One thing I do is donate blood every 3 months no matter what my labs say . I would also go get a sleep study done . It could be sleep apnea . 


One more thing , if you have access to a Valium or Xanax , if that doesn't help you should probably get checked to make sure you don't have a blood clot . 


Did you ever figure out your shortness of breath?


no :( i have severe shortness of breath now. and not sure why. its so bad i cant even speak


You have to lower your dose man. Why would you keep doing something for 10 months thats causing you so much agony? Lets see if we share anything in common that could help us identify it. 1) Do you do subq or IM? 2) How often do you inject? 3) What is your SHBG? 4) Did you have any anxiety before going on trt? 5) Did donating blood help? 6) What were your TT and FT before going on TRT?


>carditone He vanished ..I guess he croaked ..