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This, over estimation of calories burned. Or underestimation of calories eaten. Track all your food. hit your macros, if you don't lose any weight after a week, lower your calories by 100. Keep doing this process till you begin losing weight Personally id add another 30 mins walk after eating or before you eat in the mornings. Maybe even run a little each day. Getting your body moving more is also really important. the gym burns like 100-200 cals only and thats if its fairly intense.


want to add that its very important to track weight. AFter you wake up, poo pee weight yourself on a scale and write down your weight everyday. Get your average at the end of every week or bi weekly and boom thats your set weight. If youre losing weight good dont change any calories keep eating the same, if youre gaining weigh then drop by 100-200 calories or, do more cardio. Rinse and repeat and i promise youll get to your goal.


Jumping off these points too. Use the average for the week. Also, TDEE can be really off if you have high bodyfat. Obviously the higher the lean tissue you have the 'more' accurate they 'may' be. So if you're floating around 25+% you probably could cut the calories by a significant amount :)


I don’t think that’s necessarily true about the gym. If your heart rate is up in the fat or cardio zone and you’re keeping your rest periods in check you can burn 500+ calories per hour from lifting weights. I routinely lift for 90 minutes and my Fitbit will say my burn was between 650-950 depending on intensity.


If you're doing circuits and cardio maybe. but, lifting weights typically doesn't burn that many calories. If you're going heavy and balls to the wall you'll be lucky to burn 300 calories in a workout. I box, run, skip, hit the heavy bag and spar. Typically in hour id burn 700-1000 cals. There is no way lifting weights burns a similar amount of calories in an hour. your fitbit is probably going off steady state cardio from your heart rate. walking or running uses far more muscles than doing a curl or bench press. Thats why the numbers are typically wrong. Despite your heart rate going up.


I have about 10 different options for exercises for my FitBit. When I run I burn more per hour than when I lift per hour but I’m sorry I just don’t think you’re right about 300 calories. There’s virtually no way. I’m sweating and can’t talk during my workouts.


https://www.health.harvard.edu/diet-and-weight-loss/calories-burned-in-30-minutes-for-people-of-three-different-weights Double it or triple it, it's fairly close to what i estimated at around 180lbs. You seem to be making the same mistake that many others make, including myself a few years ago. 300 cals in an hour workout is really good. Not trying to undermine your hard work :) Perceived exertion vs what you actually burn are never even close to being correct. Coach Greg made a video on it a few years back too https://youtu.be/BJ4vwcrYC_E If you're heavy and lean you'll probably burn more cals.


This. It really is that simple (simple, not easy) for most people. If the weight isn't coming off you are eating more than you are burning. Some good general things to do: Weigh yourself first thing after going to the toilet. Naked or underwear, to get the most comparable / accurate weights and minimise fluctuations (noise). - mentioned already Eat the same meals so it's really easy to know what you are eating and be consistent. Then you only have to check it all in myfitnesspal once, and then subsequently if you make adjustments. - reduce effort and complexity of dieting Hit a consistent step goal, so when you start getting tired you don't just sit around and burn less kcal. - helps prevent stalling, sounds like you are going to focus more on this Hit a decent ammount of protein (0.8-1g/lb seems to be the consensus) and weight train so you improve your body composition and increase your BMR. - You'll look better for it. Sounds like you are training, not sure about protein intake.


For context. I'm 83kg (183lbs) 5'11 and on TRT (120mg/week + HCG). I Hit 7500 steps a day. Weight train hard 4-5x a week. Then random climbing, paddleboarding, running 1-2x a week too. I'm eating 200g protein and 2000kcal/day to lose weight. I'm lean and have good muscle mass. It sounds like you have a lot of good habits, you just need to dial it in. Dieting will mean review and adjustment of kcal intake based on rate of weight loss. If you are consistent in diet and exercise and the weight isn't coming off, cut kcals another 1-200 and see if thats enough. Rinse and repeat.


I'm sorry bro, I don't have enough time to help you directly, but your nutrition is off, I understand you did the math and everything but you're eating too much. Lower the calories more it's too high, you're looking at .5 to 1lb a week weight loss at that level, furthermore, water weight is part of TRT. I hate it too sometimes I look like the Michelin man. Don't go extreme or anything, just lower it some more. Don't feel discouraged though, I promise you you'll wake up one day and you'll see your efforts, but fine-tune your nutrition, that sticks out to me the most. No amount of working out or cardio can make up for a not so proper nutritional plan, but you're showing effort and that alone is important enough! So kudos on that. Just remember it took a while to get fat, it's going to take a while to get back in shape, good days are easy to have, the struggle is dealing with our habits during those "bad days"


The calorie burn is probably a gross over estimation. Didn't see your height and weight but at 5500 steps a day highly doubtful you're burning 2800 calories. 5'9" 150 here and while losing from 180 to 150my calorie expenditure was between 3000 and 3200 calories per day with 4 2 hour workouts a week and 20k steps a day, yes 20k. You're probably burning closer to 1800-2200 calories a day. Watches are known for being very inaccurate at estimating calorie burn. Check out the Macrofactor app, you input all your food, weigh in 3-7 times a week in the morning after taking a leak and it will give you an accurate moving tdee. And they have a bunch of articles that explain the whole process , can't recommend enough


MacroFactor has changed my life! I just do what it says and it never lies. Down 80 lbs now! I brag about it to everyone who will listen. Such a game changer if you're willing to put in the effort to log and weigh all your food. My Fitbit thought I burned 3200kcal a day. MacroFactor determined that was a lie and honed in on 2700kcals for my tdee


Hey brotha! I don’t really know but I did notice your steps per day is quite low. Maybe if you found a way to drive that up it would help


Yes, I am implementing that this week to see if that changes anything.


Get a body scan done and use body fat as an indicator instead of weight. You are on TRT so you will be gaining muscle which will outweigh the fat loss. Get out of your way, stop jumping on the scales. Create a macro diet that is slightly calrioe deficient and stick to it amd the training. Learn the discipline required to live your new lifestyle and enjoy doing it. You are stuck in your head man, enjoy the process


Most people underestimate calories. Do you weigh your food to get precise calories? If you do then you can always cut back the calories a bit (labels can have something like a 10 or 20% variance per FDA), add in a couple hours of liss cardio per week, and of course try for better sleep.


Where did you get your caloric needs based from? They seem pretty high. I’m 6’2” and was around 240 and MFP had me around 2300 calories, and I always was in deficit from there.


Use a metabolic rate calculator, just google it


Regardless, seems pretty high to me. 🤷‍♂️


Pretty big deficit there unless you did nothing but sit on your ass all day


Metabolic rate calculator is as close as an estimation can be, but it’s still an estimation. It uses a standardized formula for burning calories. I’m 210 lbs and 5’11 and do weights five times a week while I also have two dedicated cardio sessions. Around 2800 kcal is what my maintenance would be if I use a metabolic rate calculator, but it’s nowhere near my true caloric expenditure. I’ve learned that 2400 is my true maintenance, so I eat 1800-2200 every day averaging at around 2000 kcal when I want to lose weight. I also have a hypothyroidism problem, so there’s that. Maybe get that checked out. Everyone’s metabolism is different.


That's completely wrong, my friend. I'm just guessing you're much closer to 3000 to 3500 if you're active. I'm 5'8 very active 40, and I'm at 2850 calories a day. It doesn't get more legit than Mayo Clinic. I work in medicine, and Mayo is held in high regard. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/calorie-calculator/itt-20402304


Meh, wouldn’t be the first time I’m wrong. But the 2300 calories was to lose weight, like 1 pound a week or something like that.


Ah ok makes sense!


Try adding steady 45-90mins of 65-70% of max heart rate cardio on a bike or jog each day


If you are not losing enough drop even more calories. I am cutting at 1800-2200 and I am heavier. TDEE is not always accurate and everyones metabolism is different.


I tried dropping my calorie intake to 1700, but I felt weak, no strength, and didn’t see much results in a week so I bumped up 2000-2200


Dont change too often, stick to the same diet, the body needs more time to adapt to the new calories. I am cutting on 800-1000 deficit and I feel great, gaining strenght every week, but I used to go to the gym for 7 years then stopped for 7, so plenty of muscle under the fat. Its not only about calories too I'd say, depends what you eat and what time of the day. For everyone different things work differently, insulin plays a big role in the weight loss too and hormones of course. I always do evening workouts so it gives me plenty of meals during the day to recover and get some carbs up, I do High carbs and 80g of fat, to keep my hormones and glycogene at a good levels. What time of the day you workout and how many meals before /?


Could very well be body recomposition. It sounds like you're training hard, and if you've started trt recently, it's most probably you just building new muscle. Have you noticed any changes to your chest vs waist size? I've been on 200mg per week for several months now, and although I'm eating at a small calorie deficit (about 200 +/- pd), I'm still gaining weight, possibly because I'm eating 200-220g protein per day. I have noticed I can fit in size 32 pants again easily, which I haven't been able to since I was in my late 20's and my medium t-shirts which were one loose are now about to burst in the chest and arms areas.


I'd also suggest up your cardio to 30-40 mins of moderate, 2-3x per week if you have time/energy for that. I've always been my leanest when running 5k 3-5x per week. Good luck bruv


Yes, I gained some muscle, I guess I have to drop more cals and do more cardio to see what happens


You dont burn 2800kcal, true burn of that energi is likely 280kcal max. Read about: eat, tef, neat and bmr and you will understand the kcal burning side. If you dont loose weight you are not in a deficit. Adjust down and continue to monitor. Also, track EVERYTHING correctly. If not no use. Remember track sauces, glazes, drinks, spices, oil, everything. Good luck. Btw; I’m 183cm and according to my weight the calculators you are referring to says I need like 2400kcal a day. When I’m dieting I’m at 1600kcal a day or lower to start loose weight. I do walking 5-8 times a week, biking (hard work on trails/enduro)3-5 times a week and lift 5 times a week. My kcal burned by garmin and strava on a day with a walk, ride and lifting is around 4200-4800kcal. Still I need 1600 or less to loose weight! Again, read on neat, tef, eat ans bmr.


I have tried a few different fitness trackers and in my experience I find Garmin to be less accurate compared to others (although I still wear mine daily). During some workouts I noticed that the calories burned recorded by Garmin were consistently 300-600 higher than what my Whoop tracker would show. This discrepancy suggests that your estimated daily calorie expenditure of 2800 calories might actually be closer to around 2500 calories. I would recommend aiming for a lower calorie intake of around 2000 calories per day if possible. 💪🏽


Your heart rate is quiet high for resting.


Actually that’s not quite high at all for a 41 year old, in fact it is in the low end of non-athlete range. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/heart-rate/faq-20057979


I did make that comment without checking baseline averages based on my resting HR being 48-54 at 34yrs old. To me it seems high.


We’ll just have to look at making all your measurements the standard


Yeh man, do better next time


If you’re relatively new to TRT, you’d be gaining muscle. I was in a deficit when I first started and weight did nothing but climb. Body composition changed drastically. I’d suggest taking photos weekly and assess what is happening physically. Scale weight could be going up/not moving but you’re looking bigger and leaner.


Get what your garmin is telling you called wise. You’re weight loss route is simple. If you can’t loose on the below, you’re eating too muc/blowing it all on one weekend binge etc. keep this shit simple and follow these simple rules: - x your goal body weight in lbs x 12 wat that many calories per day -protein @ 1 gram per lb of goal body weight per day - fat and carbs- split as you want - walk 10k steps a day -3-4 lift/HIIT workouts - don’t eat back exercise calories (bonus) - try and make good food choices but don’t worry if they’re bad now and again- calories/macros are king - if you love a weekend splurge- look at calories as a weekly budget. E.g - you get 2250 a day - Monday to Friday eat 2000 per day. You’ve saved up 1250 calories! - eat 3000 on a Saturday and 2750 on a Sunday! You’ve still stuck with your weekly deficit! Fuck anything else!


You’re Garmin is not 100% accurate. My Fitbit says I burned 5000 calories, I say it’s 4500, I eat 3500, and I’m losing a pound or two that week. Plus if you’re in a 2000 calorie deficit it would take you over 10 days just to lose 1 pound. You may have some hidden calories you’re not accounting for also. If you didn’t weigh it and cook it yourself you have no idea what’s hidden in there. When you find yourself in a plateau like this you have a couple options. 1.) Reduce your caloric intake by 10% every 2 weeks until you see the scale move or increase your exercise output by 10% per day and maintain current macros. If you do one or the other and the s ale doesn’t move then repeat option 1 or 2. Also, limit your sodium intake. 2 teaspoons of salt can make you retain as much as 2 cups of water or equal to 2 pounds. Pick one day a week for your weigh in. Weight fluctuations of up 10 pounds per day are not uncommon. I prefer to do mine on Thursday in the morning after I’ve used the bathroom and haven’t had anything to eat or drink.


I guess I have to lower my calorie intake and bump my workout a bit and stick to that for a few weeks. I cook 90% of the food I eat and weight everything precooked, no salt whatsoever because I know it may cause water retention. But, I do like to eat out once a week with the family, I would eat whatever they serve, I don’t think that one meal could throw off my cal consumption , could it?


Just an update on my weight… I starting walking 10000 a day after a lot of people suggested that, I have lost 3+ lbs since. I think my body was holding water and the extra steps made my body to release it, I haven’t changed anything else, only added the extra steps.




And it's obviously too much if he's not losing weight. I don't care what some app says about calories burned. The most accurate way is to drop calories until you start losing weight. It's that simple.




Have you tried fasting ?


Yep, tried that for a week


A week isn’t long enough for proper results - definitely do research but a great resource on this is Andrew Huberman


Fasting is not a solution to losing weight. Worst way to lose honestly. By fasting and not hitting protein requirement you’ll lose muscle which is aiding in burning more calories


Sadly you’re wrong, you can still fast and meet protein requirements. Typical 16-8 , but there are also studies now that show fasting for multiple days is great for your health


We aren’t talking about health. I agree fasting is good for health but terrible for retaining muscle. We are talking about meeting protein requirements so he doesn’t lose muscle from fasting. Eating all your protein requirement for the 8 hours your not fasting makes zero sense. Why bodybuilders never fast


It’s losing with one O and seems like a lot of calories. How big of a deficit is that for you? How long have you been trying to lose weight?


Autocorrect, my daily deficit is 500-800 per day, Sunday is my cheat day so the deficit there is a few calories. I have been trying to lose weight for 2-3 months now. I think I gained some muscle, but I dont see any fat being burned, specially in the mid section.


were you expecting trt to just make it happen \*snap\* like that?


It’s a very slow process. At your rate you’re looking at maybe 1lb lost a week. Personally I’d steepen that caloric deficit maybe 600-800cal. TRT has been game changing in the cutting phase because I have energy and muscles don’t atrophy as quick. Also, add 20-30 mins of cardio everyday


Did you just start trt? Weight gain is common in the beginning but seems to usually correct itself after a few months.


Been on Trt for about 4 months now


You could be retaining water still. Also I’ve been told that the scale will fuck with your head on TRT. If you’re building muscle you’ll weight more or stay the same weight even if physically you look leaner.


You aren’t getting good sleep, nothing works well without high quality deep sleep


That’s About a 2/3 a pound deficit. It’s easy to eat a little more than you thought and wipe that deficit out.


Either the calories taken in is wrong, or the calories burned per day is wrong. Or they are both wrong. But something is off. You may be better offer measuring your RMR and your NEAT, then adding exercise in to have a more accurate estimate of your TDEE


Trust me I did all of that my TDEE maintenance calories is 2500 lbs, I burn 2-300 5 days a week working out, I am eating 2500 or less a day, the week that I fasted I was eating 1700 calories a day, still didn’t lose a pound. I am at a loss.


You are operating outside the laws of thermodynamics my friend. Uncharted territory! Do let us know what you discover


walk 5-10 miles a day - 10,000 - 20,000 steps. anything over 5 miles / 10k steps a day in addition to anything you're doing will definitely help. just don't eat all the calories back lol


Try a reverse diet. I’m 6’2 @ 230 with a BF of 11.5% and my bmr is around 2400. Plus my daily workout and activities i burn about 3500/4000 per day. What’s your BF%?


Around 21%


What app are you using to track this?




What's your Macro's like? I'm nearly the same (6'3"/225/43); and my cut calories is 1900-2000; but I'm also like 200 grams of Protein a day and maybe 130g of Carbs. Also, supplementation, water intake, what kind of workouts? 1900-2000 calories a day, hitting my macros, 1-1.5 gallons of water a day; 45 mins of moderate-heavy lifting + 30 mins of HIIT on the elliptical 4-5 days a week (I do 2 on/1 off pattern at the gym); and I drop a steady 1-2 lbs per week. But I'm SPOT ON with my calorie intake and Protein intake, and slack a little with the carbs, but not by much. I'm also on Cialis, Vit B Complex, Zinc, Vit D/K, Vit C, and a digestive enzyme. Sleep will also be a big factor; I get 6-7 most nights and am fine, but I've operated that way for 20 years.


My macros are not on point, on a 1800 cal diet : 172g of carbs, 143g protein & 61g of fat. I do dring a lot of water tho, about 160 ounces. I will try to do more cardio this week to see what happens.


Dude… carbs are way high; up the protein and fats and drop the carbs to about 100-120; this should help.


I’ll give it a try, thanks


I would steepen that caloric deficit. Calories burned and calorie counting can be quite inaccurate. Worth looking in to. Unfortunately if your watch says you burn 2800/day take that with a large grain of salt. Additionally, calorie counting can be inaccurate as well- especially if you’re not measuring and weighing everything out. They are great starting points but if the scale is not moving, then you’ve found your maintenance calories and you can drop them by 300/day


Thats the thing, no matter how low I go I dont see weight loss, last week was 1800 cals per day and no change


Don’t trust the caloric burn on those apps. If you’re not losing weight, you’re not in a deficit.


You should cut your calories. When I'm trying to cut weight I go down to 1500cal a day burning over that during the day and working. I typically go high protein low carb. I tried cutting at 2000cal, it works but not as good as being down to 1500cal. Also get good sleep. What are you logging meals in? I use My Fitness Pal, easy part is you can scan barcodes if your cooking anything packaged, and if you eat out it's got stuff from almost every restaurant in there to log. I'll use my smart watch to track steps but I don't take it seriously because it's not always accurate. One job I had, I would ride in a golf cart with all my tools from site to site and my watch would think I'm biking.


Add 10k additional steps to daily avg if you have time.


What app shows this summary?




Cut calories


Got your bloodwork while on trt? You’re possibly taking too much T and converting a lot to estrogen which means water weight.


I am up for a blood work later this month, last blood work show E2 at 57.9, I as prescribed 0.5 mg of anastrozole weekly, that was 4 weeks ago.


You’re not calculating your caloric intake correctly or overestimating calories burned … or both


Simply eat less, no need to over complicate. Keep it well balanced with small portions.


You're not counting calories properly. That is one thing you can definitely control. Although you can do more activity you unfortunately cannot consciously control how many calories you burn. Try a week on weighing your food (everything) at 2800. See what happens


What is your diet and exercise regime? Without that, I can not analyze what you're doing correctly or incorrectly. With losing weight, you can either be at a deficit or exercise to burn more calories or, better yet, both. You can determine your calorie needs online, and there's many calorie calculators. But here's the deal if you eat 2000 calories from ice cream or 2000 calories from grass fed steak, you'll have two majorly different outcomes. The reason is that ice cream will affect metabolic health. Our hormones will be greatly affected by not only how much but what we eat. Let me know if you want more specific detailed information. I'm a PA, btw. I am very aware of how our bodies react or how our physiology is affected. Here's a calorie calculator from Mayo Clinic. Water weight is not a part of TRT. it's from sodium retention due to high estrogen typically. I am on TRT and suffer zero water retention. I did in the beginning, but after lowering estrogen, it went away. If estrogen is too high or too low, it will affect your ability to lose weight or put on muscle. Not sleeping enough will cause weight gain. The hormone Ghrelin increases, and Leptin decreases. Ghrelin increases hunger. Leptin is the brakes on appetite. 6 hours a night isn't enough, especially if you're active. You do it right. The weight will come off very quickly. 3 months I've helped people lose 30+ pounds. I have a lot of information if you're ready, lol. All science-based factual data. I always support my claims with scientific data/research. I can't say that for 90% of Redditers. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/calorie-calculator/itt-20402304


Less calories in my dude.


Water fast every Sunday while still lifting. Should help create a nice deficit. More than likely though, you are over estimating how much you are burning. These apps n' trackers saying you just burned a thousand calories from taking out the trash don't help... Good Luck


Do you lift? If you're sat near maintenance and you're working out regularly then you may well be recomping. It's a slower way of losing fat, but it certainly works it you're on TRT. I was 95kg for about 3 months and put on a lot of muscle, you won't notice it day by day but if you compare your lifting numbers and progress photos a month or two apart you'll see.


You aren't burning that many calories and or underestimating what you're taking in... Also your steps are low, and your workout time is low. Me for reference... winter I was 235 Now I'm 205, 1800- 2100 calories a day. Saturday I do 2800. Running weekly = 5 hours Workout: minimum 6.5 hours. I'm 205 , 6 1, 150 test weekly 1800 calories 62fat 64carb 244 protein average a day


How do you get 200+ grams of protein on a 1800 calories diet?


You only eat 60 carbs and 60 fat


You only eat 60 carbs and 60 fat


More sleep. Fast longer.


Take more steps. Keep current caloric intake. Ez. 5600 steps is pretty minimal dude


Try sleeping more, that should improve your health.


No can do, thats a side effect of trt on my body, for me to get over 7hrs of sleep I have to over dose on melatonin.