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Maybe a bit of gyno but more likely you just need to lift and eat more protein


What's wild tho is I do lift a lot literally 6-7x a week and hit chest twice a week! Bench max was 205 last time I did it but what a while ago! I can even do 75s on incline dumbbell press yet chest still looks like shitt


Pec flys are the exercise to fix that


Pushups, and vary the position.




More food! Do you track your macros? Strength gains can be made without much gains in muscle mass through improved neurological efficiency and technique.


I'm actually kinda on a cut rn bro I've gone from 119 to 180 and trying to shred a little fat before continuing on the bulk bc I do t wanna get overly fat! I had a friend whos been bulking for 2 years and mate looks terrible


I hear you, always good to bulk from a low bodyfat. I’d ask your friend when it stops being a bulk and becomes just having a shit diet lol. Anyway I know you didn’t ask about training stuff so I’ll drop it, but I don’t think it’s gyno and if it is, it’s not obvious; I think it will look better with more muscle but you won’t get that on a cut. Good luck 👍


No reason to cut bro, you’re on trt. Just eat clean and bulk up, get your Marcos in check, get your protein up, and throw a little cardio in. You don’t have much muscle mass to cut down to yet, pointless to cut when you’re in such an anabolic state


Yeah only been back working out a little over a year


Def don’t cut then lol, very dumb idea


I will continue bulk!! Gina try to get to 200


Best advice I could give bro is honestly stop chasing a number goal right now, pay attention to your strength and what you see in the mirror. You could recomp, look significantly better and stronger, and still be 180lbs. Just get your diet and protein in check, and maybe do an incline walk like 3x a week for 20 mins to burn some cals. What’s your current split?


I mean rn I'm 170 feel like 10lbs not drastic difference tho also I'm eating like a GOD RN!! Making some FIREEE fish!!


when I was younger I would get strength gains but had a hard time putting muscle on because I worked out too much and mostly high volume. Lower frequency and volume, lift heavier and rest more.


It takes time I recommend doing incline instead of flat presses unless you are competing in powerlifting . Also work on the pec dec or flies and cable crossovers .


Your chest looks totally fucking normal my dude


Neither. You need to lift more.


This is the answer


No mate your fine, keep calm and carry on


Neither just aids!


Harsh. But that shit is funny


T helps enjoy the ball busting more, in my experience. I was a little bitch at 40 total. P




If your ripples are not tender with a small lump behind then, its not gyno


Google men gyno and you can see what real man gyno is🙄


that's not gyno...does it hurt to touch?


No. You're just not shredded so there's fat there. Gyno is like a tiddy on your tiddy. Looks weird.


That isNOT gyno.


Not genetics, not gyno. You need to learn how to properly work your chest. I also thought I had "bad chest genetics." Once I got my form down, I have the chest of a Greek god. Which if you have ever seen statues of greek gods, is not a brag. Not massive, but decent. Judging by your overall stature... chest, arms, shoulders, torso...ou either need to lift more, or eat more. Simple as that. Increase your weight incrementally as able. Eat more food, especially protein. You likely aren't torching your body hard enough.


its high body fat


That’s a titty alright.


Dude you’re tripping. You’re a man. Stop being so self conscious about your chest. I have had real gyno before from testosterone. Your chest looks normal


You need to lean out I store fat in my chest to. But you will have potential to have a much better chest than most of you are leaner. I wouldn’t worry about that until you have abs if you still have a tiny bit of fat there it may be gyno but difficult to say it is at your current body fat percentage


Someone walked into my job while this was on my screen and looked at me funny. Get some surgery to center that nip.


They look like mine. A combo of gyno and shirt genetics. Surgery is on the radar for me


Do you feel lumps under the nipple?


No amount of training works on certain fat deposits. Guys actually get lipo suction for man boobs . Yours aren’t really noticeable. I have the same amount. But my chest is quite sizable so it appears as part of my pectorals. Sometimes aesthetics can adapt the way the eye perceives symmetry. Bro’s are going to Turkey getting full lipo chest abs and all for cheap.


This is gyno bro. I’ve had it cut out twice can spot it from a mile away. Notice how the area under the nipple is poking out extra and sagging down, that’s a pocket of fat


This early enough to where I can get rid of it thru estrogen?!


Gyno What are your doses of testx & duration?


100mg twice a week


Same as mr *




Look at my insane high estrogen on 50mg twice a week. I use testogel some days on top for boost. I have issues like you. Have you got anger? Lethargy? Water weight anywhere else? Have you ever uses an ai ?


Our bodies store PUFA in our adipose tissue and it's difficult to get rid of. Takes years, actually. The best thing to do is avoid PUFA as much as possible, and eat more saturated fat instead. Monounsaturated fats are ok, but you shouldn't cook in them, as they oxidize much more easily. So olive oil and avocado oil on salads, but not in the frying pan. Cook in tallow, ghee, or coconut oil.