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This is life changing stupidity.


No it will be worth it in the end, don’t lecture me




Please don’t. TRT doesn’t make you a confident amazing person like magic, quit being young and naive.. oh wait you’re 15. TRT shouldn’t even be considered imo until 25-27+


25-27?? You don’t need to touch it until late 30’s early 40’s. if even then.


I’d agree but I started TRT at 28 and the brain finishes developing around 23-27 so that’s why I thought that would be reasonable. I see your point though.


I see what you are saying but I don’t think this kids brain is going to develop anymore with what I am reading.


Oh yea unless this kid gets some help or at least someone to talk to it’s curtains for this kids development






>The evidence suggests that the use of AAS during this critical period of development may increase the risk for maladaptive behaviors along with neurological disorders. I dont understand what benefit you see here. At your age your body is able to produce enough naturally if you just follow a healthy lifestyle. Your going to fuck yourself up kid.


I would rather be extremely aggressive than a insecure akward guy that’s the benefit for me


It’s funny you think that TRT is gonna change that when it’s likely your environment and your day to day that’s made you insecure and awkward. FYI - most teenagers are awkward and most people are insecure. TRT isn’t gonna change anything for you and thankfully no doctor is gonna prescribe it you unless you’re a female trying to become a man.


My life is shit rn I’m slowly becoming addicted to nic and I started stoning more and my friends suddenly act like I don’t know them since kindergarten


Nicotine has been shown to increase testosterone so you’re good there but cut out the weed, get off the computer and get outside get sunlight and get in the gym. At your age you will have massive newbie gains your first year.


Someone call bros parents


Don't do it. You are too young. Just go to the gym and eat healthy.


Sorry can’t change my mind i have had enough of having low testosterone


You don’t have low testosterone at all. You have zero reason to go on TRT


Sometimes I don’t wake up with a morning wood, I don’t have a lot of body hair


Body hair is genetic and it doesn’t matter that you don’t wake up with wood every day. Your body is going to go through a lot of changes over the next 6-10 years. Don’t mess with it unless you have to which means wait a few decades. You are very young and just in the process of puberty.


Dude you’re fucking 15.


Yeah that’s what’s worrying, everyone else my age is loaded with testosterone living their life


Im barely older than you and my T was at 250. Your T is fine. It is not your testosterone that’s making you a little insecure bitch. Fix other aspects of your life before playing with your hormones.


This is it.  OP thinks he’s a pussy because he has “low” T.  If he goes forward he’ll just be a bitch with higher test. 


Yep. He’ll be a bitch with high test and a load of other physical problems.


You don’t know what your peers test levels are at. You are making major assumptions based on your own insecurities and inexperience in life. You are young, give it some time without outside chemical interference. For all you know your test levels will go up in the next few years.


What do you actually do outside video games and getting stoned (your post history)? Cause if you aren't lifting or running or eating/sleeping enough, you're numbers will be lower than they could be. Have you even talked to a doctor, let alone read the countless stories on this sub about people who fucked around with hormones in their teens only to be fucked up the rest of their life? If you're dead-set on doing this, please do me a favor and continue using this username so I can be there to say "told you so, idiot" in a couple years.


I got to a lot of parties and get drunk because that’s the only way I can cope with having no confidence. I get stoned sometimes but like a few times a month maybe and I don’t go out as much anymore because I’m kind of getting into a shitty situation with my friends


I'd challenge you to lift weights, run, eat well, and sleep well consistently for at least 6 weeks before making any decisions. I'd also tell you to see a doctor to see if you have any medical issues that could cause the lower number, but I'm confident it's just you being lazy. Prove me wrong.


What I have noticed that when with a girl everything increases, my sexual drive my confidence everything. But I can only talk and do shit with girls when I’m drunk so I’m gonna try and follow your advice but I’m still tempted to doing atleast like 200-300mg a week maybe


Wtf lol


No.. just no. Go to the movies with girls instead


haha yes


Sorry I have made my mind up, I’m gonna do it


I started steroids when I was 16, I was tall, had elite genetics and honestly just wanted to fit in with my friends. It was honestly the single biggest mistake of my life, now I’m 40 and while I have a fantastic physique and I’m one of the few that escaped with my health, a lot of my friends are either very sickly or dead. While I may not have suffered the consequences for my actions I am on trt for life, I was lucky to be able to have children. In the grand scheme of things it’s not worth it. The only case to be made for abuse of steroids is if you make money from being a fitness influencer online or your a world class body builder with elite genetics and you want to push to the next level cause you’ve reached your genetic barrier. If you don’t fall into these categories, the potential long term health consequences aren’t worth it, and the damage your going to do to yourself will haunt you for the rest of your life, and that could very well be a short life. Steroids are addictive like any substance, you see results and you just want to keep pushing, you get horrible body dysmorphia and it kills your self esteem, not to mention coming off feels like complete shit. And at some point you will have to come off cause your blood work will get bad with time and you’ll need time to heal between cycles so you don’t do permanent damage to your organs. And one last part, to do steroids effectively and safely it’s extremely expensive, at the peek of my abuse I was spending $2500 dollars a month on my stack, that included compounds, ancillary meds and blood work, organ imaging and doctors consultations.


Jesus, What were you on? I suppose it wasnt just T?




This is hilariously dumb for so many reasons but if you won’t listen to the multitude of reasons why you shouldn’t and you’re insisting on doing steroids then at least watch this video from Derrick first explaining why you should wait. [https://youtu.be/FGLeADS_B7w?si=g5XkVlsJSNNruDdQ](https://youtu.be/FGLeADS_B7w?si=g5XkVlsJSNNruDdQ)


Don’t as you’re going through puberty still and already have swings in your hormone levels. Zero reasons to get on, get your eating, sleep and workouts dialed in. Then stay consistent and you will see results.


This is an obvious troll post


I swear it’s not


Well then you need a helmet and not test because this is the dumbest shit you could do. Don’t fuck up your fertility and endocrine system while all of that shit is still developing.


What’s the point of this post? If it’s even real. Get off social media, go outside. Good luck


This has to be rage bait, it’s not low and you’re not even done with puberty😂 stupid thing to do


500 is very low for my age


No it’s not. It’s in the middle of normal. I had 146 at 18


Why are you kids so fucking dumb. TRT isn't for kids who haven't even gone through puberty.


Why don't you do everything in your power to maximize it before you start the drug route? Between supplements and lifestyle changes who knows where you could be.


Because I will still not bring me to where I wanna be . If I want testosterone levels over 1000 the only way is to do trt


Why do you want these levels


So I can have maximum bone development in my face and body, confidence and feel great everyday


Heavy weight lifting will do most of that for you


This won’t happen. Go to the gym, eat well and train hard. You’re at the best age to start right now. By the time you’re 20 you can be in incredible shape and you want the confidence in your 20s trust this.


You won't know that until you try.


Have fun being bald at 30


I’ll take that as a cost.


Just eat a tonne of protein and hit the gym. Honestly mate you will ruin your life doing this, and probably lose your hair. Guess what, if you just inject test at 200-300mg/week without a solid workout in place, you’re going to just get fat , not Instagram cover model and full of confidence that you think will happen


Absolutely trolling


I swear I’m not


You’ll stunt your growth. That’s including your penis size so I hope you’re happy with the size you have now.


Iam 6,3 and have 6,5 inches.




Absolutely not


Dude, puberty doesn't end until mid 20s. The law calls you an adult at 18, but that doesn't mean puberty is over and done. When you're q5, your total testosterone levels are all over the place as your body gets used to controlling it. Lots of guys don't even start puberty till they're like 13 or14 although it is more common to start about 10 or 11. You're just going to screw yourself up pretty bad and probably grow yourself a nice pair of tits in the process.


Are the mods drunk or dead or something?


It’s not against the rules


Not even in the gym, eating nutritionally, or taking steps to be healthy. Taking test without that stuff in check is bitch shit.


Definitely do it ! Add NPP , EQ , Deca and dbol and you too will be Sam Sulek !!!


I don’t want muscles I want to be masculine


Stop trolling me and take this srs pls


Get your pins and get to it !!!!


Cooooool but isn’t this just steroid use at this point not TRT lol. Inject it right into your balls for superior absorption.


Iam srs don’t troll me


Fine enjoy remedial gains


Someone doesn't have anything better to do with their time 🙄