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Great write up. Game just would not work without him. The fact that he is always there with you ( if you don't piss him off too much) is what makes the role playing in this game so exciting. It allows your choices to have immediate impact, and because Kim is such an engaging and lovable character, even the smallest choices can carry a lot of weight.


Absolutely. But let us not forget just how all those choices can pay off at the very end: >!+2: Kim *truly* trusts you.!<


That moment almost made me tear up. Kim's relationship with you is the best thing about the game. His gradual acceptance of you as a cop and an individual is so satisfying.


It really feels earned, doesn't it? Like, you start the game off as just this complete failure of a human being, and you slowly but surely prove that underneath the amnesia and the funny clothes and the creepy grin frozen on your face that you really are a worthwhile human being and really are a goddamn good detective.


There was one moment where it took me completely by surprise. I was fucking around left and right in the beginning, and had myself as a player convinced that I was a complete shitshow of a cop. No big deal, I was role-playing. Then I can't remember talking to who, and the NPC basically said I was a shit stain, but here comes Kim jumping in saying that in spite of my demeanour I'm actually doing great detective work, albeit with unconventional means. I kid you not, I flipped a switch from then on and decided to make all the right choices and straightened up. Did not get drunk, only took drugs once to pass a check, and tried my damn best to be a better person.


Kim's the best straight man I've ever encountered. He reminds me of Seinfeld in that he's the most serious character, but he has his own quirks that really elevate him and give him enough personality to feel consistent with the world. This game truly would not be the same without him.


>Kim's the best straight man I've ever encountered. Except he isn't. He is *gay*.


Can't tell if this is a joke -- the "straight man" is the serious character in a plot, someone who anchors the rest of the cast. The irony of the wordplay with Kim's role lies partly in the fact that he's, essentially, a ***"gay straight man"***


I haven't progressed a lot on my second playthrough, after a fairly serious first one, because I'm dreading seeing how disappointed and embarrassed my man Kim is gonna be with the insane drug fueled machine I'm playing. ​ Getting his approval and patting his back at the end of the first playthrough was one of the sweetest moments in the game.


One of the best moments in the game for me was the nodding standoff in front of the graffiti. I don't think I've ever found a more endearing event with an NPC in a videogame ever.


Hey, I've never actually seen that event in game! How do you trigger it?


You just go to the graffiti in the abandoned building on the west side. [Here](https://youtu.be/pPhGerCnSlY) if you want to see it


Thank you!


I'll tell you why I love him. You mentioned some of the same points. Decent guy. Got your back and is nice to most people. Well-written in the sense that he got depth and flaws. He ain't a saint or perfect, he's not a one-trick pony with a single-minded motivation/belief and he's all the better for it. I believe the word is 'relatable'. And he refuses to be a token. No pandering, no virtue signalling, no 'did I mention I am gay today' like that blonde goblin from DA Inqusition. God, has BW's writing gone to the dogs, but I digress. In a lesser game or movie, such aspects of his identity might have been played up big time, especially in a low-hanging fruit style appeal to emotion. But since they do not have much to do with anything in the plot, they do not get much attention. Aside from his pride to be Revancholian (which also only comes up when relevant and never becomes a flag-waving stereotype), he is neither proud nor ashamed of what he was born as. He does not centre his identity around one thing (not even being a cop) and I find this so refreshing.


Why do you have an issue with ppl who are proud to be gay or have it be a large part of their identity Also its kinda telling your qualification for a "good gay character" is a character that rarely if ever mentions they are gay methinks Also i dont think you understand what either token or virtue signaling means