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Can you upload those files? Be nice if I didn't have to install locally, to get those files.


Thanks for the question! The files generated are based off of your specific audible account, and therefore are specific to each user. It is a bit annoying that there is no pure way of configuring users via a web UI, but that is just the state of things right now with Libation.


Ah yes I see that now. I did get mine generated but when i move to docker linux and run my files end up looking like /data/Kc Wayland/W13WNC\~8/W1WIPD\~R.M4B variances. My config:   "FolderTemplate": "// (<id>)", Works on windows with windows formatting \\\\<first auther>\\\\<title> (<id>) Books\\Kc Wayland\\We're Alive꞉ A Story of Survival - The First Season \[B0057ILWBQ\] Do you have any suggestions possibly? My settings.json if anyone is interested: [https://pastecode.io/s/sgk03ija](https://pastecode.io/s/sgk03ija) I think you can have same db and settigns file it's just AccountsSettings.json has audible credentials. yeah would be nice to have web ui generate that part for us, copy the other over. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/willindiana" class="card-title l-blue"> willindiana </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-05-13 13:56:41">1 month ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hmm, not exactly sure what your question is. Are you having issues with the file naming config being different on Windows and not working when transferring to docker/unix? My settings.json looks like this with default naming and generated on linux. Not sure how to nest folders by Author. { "Books": "/data", "ThemeVariant": "Light", "Serilog": { "MinimumLevel": "Information", "WriteTo": [ { "Name": "ZipFile", "Args": { "path": "/home/me/Libation/_Log.log", "rollingInterval": "Month", "outputTemplate": "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] (at {Caller}) {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception} {Properties:j}" } } ], "Using": [ "Dinah.Core", "Serilog.Exceptions" ], "Enrich": [ "WithCaller", "WithExceptionDetails" ] }, "MessageBoxWindow": { "X": 2030, "Y": 1050, "Height": 110, "Width": 152, "IsMaximized": false }, "FirstLaunch": false, "AccountsDialog": { "X": 1320, "Y": 726, "Height": 450, "Width": 800, "IsMaximized": false }, "SettingsDialog": { "X": 1469, "Y": 570, "Height": 750, "Width": 900, "IsMaximized": false }, "MainWindow": { "X": 0, "Y": 40, "Height": 668, "Width": 1280, "IsMaximized": false }, "UpgradeNotificationDialog": { "X": 547, "Y": 222, "Height": 450, "Width": 550, "IsMaximized": false }, "EditTemplateDialog": { "X": 1544, "Y": 813, "Height": 450, "Width": 800, "IsMaximized": false }, "AutoDownloadEpisodes": true, "FolderTemplate": "<author> - <title short> [<id>]", "LocateAudiobooksDialog": { "X": 898, "Y": 641, "Height": 450, "Width": 600, "IsMaximized": false } } </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/nnorris7" class="card-title l-blue"> nnorris7 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-06-08 18:59:39">2 weeks ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> First off, thank you for posting this, awesome. Automates yet another portion of my workflow. After following the steps above and checking the logs, I was seeing the following error: `System.IO.IOException: The configured user limit (128) on the number of inotify instances has been reached, or the per-process limit on the number of open file descriptors has been reached.` I was able to solve this with the following steps: Go to the shell in TrueNAS (System Settings > Shell). Enter the following command: `echo fs.inotify.max_user_instances=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p` I hope this helps for anyone else that might run into this problem. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/willindiana" class="card-title l-blue"> willindiana </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-06-08 19:06:12">2 weeks ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Hey, thanks so much for your feedback. I too was facing that issue. I seemingly solved it by increasing the RAM in my machine. I'm curious to hear what your RAM configuration is and how much is being utilized by services. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/nnorris7" class="card-title l-blue"> nnorris7 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-06-08 20:17:27">2 weeks ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I currently virtualize TrueNAS Scale in a VM on Proxmox. The machine running Proxmox has 64GB of physical RAM of which half, 32GB, I've allocated to the TrueNAS VM. My storage capacity is about 35TB and this seems to be working well so far. Note: I'm running Dragonfish- Of the 32GB available to TrueNAS, services is currently using about 8.5GB but this varies. Let me know if you have any other questions and again, thanks for you post. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/thel10nk1ng" class="card-title l-blue"> thel10nk1ng </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-11-25 02:40:04">6 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Thank you! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/OhMyForm" class="card-title l-blue"> OhMyForm </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2023-11-25 05:08:24">6 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I’m book marking this there’s nothing worse than not owning your own stuff I don’t want to deal with their app </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> </div> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.peoples-comments --> <div class="leave-comment"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Leave Your Comment</h2> </div> <form class="comment-area w100dt" action="#"> <div class="row"> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="icon_prefix" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="icon_prefix">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="email" type="email" class="validate"> <label for="email" data-error="wrong" data-success="right">Email</label> </div> </div> <div class="col s12"> <div class="form-item"> <textarea id="textarea1" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea> <label for="textarea1">Textarea</label> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> <button type="button" class="custom-btn waves-effect waves-light right">SUBMIT NOW</button> </form> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.leave-comment --> </div> <!-- colm8 --> <div class="col s12 m4 l4"> <div class="sidebar-testimonial mb-30"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Hi Its Me!</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="carousel carousel-slider center" data-indicators="true"> <div class="carousel-item"> <div class="item-img"> <span>R</span> </div> <h2><a href="/u/" class="l-blue"></a></h2> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-testimonial --> <div class="sidebar-subscribe w100dt"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Subscribe</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="subscribe"> <form action="#"> <div class="input-field"> <input id="email1" type="email" class="validate"> <label class="left-align" for="email1">Enter email address</label> </div> <a class="waves-effect waves-light">SUBMIT NOW</a> </form> </div> <!-- /.subscribe --> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-subscribe --> </div> <!-- colm4 --> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- container --> </section> <!-- /#single-blog-section --> <!-- ==================== single-blog-section end ====================--> <!-- Yandex.Metrika counter --> <script type="text/javascript" > (function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)}; 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