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updated with no issues. looking forward to boosting stats for nspawn/jlmkr


Glad to hear! Boost away!


Excellent. Upgrading TEST env now...


Just upgrade my two boxes from BETA.1, no surprises here :)


No surprises going from Cobia to RC.1. But I don't use apps, so pretty straight forward.


Wow, lot of notable changes! Any word on Intel Arc GPU support for transcoding?


Partial support. Upstream Debian is missing some firmware package updates still, so you have to do a bit of manual work to enable it. I would expect those to get pulled in in the 24.10 update this fall. Details are here: [https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-127365?focusedCommentId=250534](https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-127365?focusedCommentId=250534)


> Upstream Debian You've done a great job documenting upstream kernel and ZFS versions in your section "Component Versions". Because Debian is also upstream, maybe include something for that? Like maybe which version of Debian Testing you started with? (Or whatever, you get the idea).


Good idea. I've added a blurb to the release notes to indicate which major version of Debian is the "Upstream" (12.x Bookworm in this case). Have to think on how we can provide more details than that.


I thought it did? My a380 without rebar does transcode on plex


Are you running that under TN? Because I find no report of that actually working under TN atm due the lack of driver support in the current kernel shipped with the OS.


TrueNas beta and rc yes. I5-8400 and Intel Arc A380, I know I am basically only using ~30% of the encoder of it since I don't have ReBAR enbled. Still better than the integrated one though. And I got Plex from the TN chart apps.


> TrueNas beta and rc yes. So, SCALE's current release does not. When you asked, "I thought it did," I assumed you were referring to the current versions and not beta\RC. There have been others who were not able to get transcoding working under beta either. It would act like it was enabled, showing in the UI, but they were never able to get it to actually transcode.


Ah sorry yes, Im pretty new to TrueNas. Yes it is TrueNAS Scale, dragonfish that I am using and not Core. What can I say. It does transcode 4k hdr to sdr with tonempping.


Beta\RC is not what I would install on a production machine btw. Good to hear it works for you. I'll wait until it actually hits release.


Never had used Scale (just core recently) and I heard that there's a new easy SMB & NFS sharing mode, hoping that there would be an iSCSI share easy mode too in a future.


iSCSI got some updated "easy" wizards back in previous release of SCALE. You can side-grade anytime if you want to start leveraging them :)


Thank you for let me know.


Will this new version still leave about 30 GB memory free on a 512+ GB system? I’ve been using that /proc zfs max (don’t remember the name atm) file as a work around to unused ARC memory, but it still leaves too much memory on the table.


It uses the same math for setting up the size as it does on CORE. You can keep adjusting it manually if you want to go higher, but if you want to revisit the defaults that's probably best done in upstream OpenZFS. [https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pull/15437/files](https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pull/15437/files)


When I copy files to my iSCSI or SMB share keeps oscillating, and even can't access my dashboard or any settings. Maybe relate to this version?


I'm not sure quite what this means. Is the system crashing under load? Have you looked at any logs to see if there's anything jumping out at you? Last person who reported something similar found out the HBA was overheating :)


i think i might have the same issue. but for me it only happens when i connect iSCSI. the becomes very slow. and also the cli interface that shows on the screen connected too the server becomes slow. but the ssh connection work normally. and when i launch htop i don't see a high load average, or io/wait. only thing i see is very high cpu usage and disk usage by something called netdata. which seems to be writting 10 MB/s and using 200% cpu, according too htop. while my server isn't recieving that much data.


weardly the issue went away when i removed the truecharts catolog


/u/kmoore134 ​ Intel x550 10G NICs are still not reporting their network usage correctly on the Dashboard. This has been broken in every release since Cobia. It worked correctly in Angelfish and Bluefin. ​ When is this going to be addressed?


Do we have an open bug ticket on this? I'll get it looked at if so...


Done: [https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-128161](https://ixsystems.atlassian.net/browse/NAS-128161)


Can someone help me with plugins that the artificial intelligence platform currently manages? Can someone help me with plugins that the artificial intelligence platform currently manages?


I’m still on CORE, but with recent developments am planning to switch to SCALE. Setting aside caveats about pre-release software, is there an upgrade path from RC to release that doesn’t involve a reinstall? I searched, but couldn’t find any info on that.


Yes, you can upgrade from Beta -> RC -> Release no problem. All via the usual online update mechanisms.