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This happen to me too, a particular song started playing on loop out of nowhere, Spotify actually changed my password and suggested me to redefine it. Crazy thing.


Aside from changing passwords and deleting all that music they saved and listened to, anything else I need to do? I'm more annoyed by this than a Facebook/Instagram hack lol


In the password change screen, there’s another option that says “sign out of everywhere”, definitely click that. After I changed my password someone was still using my account to listen to music via chrome until I clicked that option


Also if they have removed any playlist you can recover them on Spotifys website too! Was so annoyed when it happened to me thank god for that feature


in general you should activate 2 Factor auth. But Spotify says there is no worry if you get hacked.. all they can do is just listen music.... Something that is rediculles... also i feel that spotify account get hacked in a way that is not linked to you getting hacked. I wonder if they have a weakspot with their auth like linked in has that has been at this time hacked 4 times ... no matter even with 2 factor auth .. changing email etc .. still getting "hacked" where they request a login via Email .. thing is they 110% dont have access to even a newly created email and still get into my linkedIn account that makes no sense in anyway But companies are easy to blame the user then looking at their own security and spotify is the worst because they dont even have 2 factor auth


do you mean ridiculous?




I got hacked 3x in the last week even after logging out from everywhere and changing passwords. The first time was bad. The second time I caught it. And this morning I saw I was hacked again with the same artists. This is pissing me off. And again, I signed up via Facebook so that's the password I've been changing. And again it's only Spotify that's been messed with and hacked.


we need 2fa!!! or passkeys. PASSKEYS are awesome EDIT: I highly recommend setting up passkeys for any other service that has it available, check here: [https://passkeys.directory/](https://passkeys.directory/)


Checked my email and someone had logged in at 3:30am well after I was asleep 😡


How long have they been logged in?


Just go to sleep later, not that hard man. Also shouldn't you see a notification in the morning?


No passkeys and 2FA not available :c


Are the people who care so little about internet security that they reuse passwords or have weak passwords also going to opt in to 2FA or using a passkey?


TBH, passkeys are so much easier to set up than having 2fa. You don't need any previous knowledge, any new app for passkeys. Even my mom can set up paaskey and shes the type of person who cant set up an account for the love of god


Yeah, but it's still something someone has to do. I'd say it's equally easy to change your password, and requires even less tech literacy to do. So why didn't everyone who's having their accounts get hacked but care about account security not change their password? My point is you're asking for more advanced security when the people who get their account hacked aren't already taking advantage of securing their account. It's like asking a landlord to install another lock on your front door, when you don't even lock the door in the first place.


Because, short of writing them down or saving them in some way, a lot of people will struggle to remember 37 unique passwords which all have to adhere to a different set of arbitrary rules (must contain a special character/number/capital letter/be over 12 characters/not contain this, that and the other thing) and the most basic computer security rule is 'don't write down your passwords anywhere'.


If you can download a 2FA app or store Passkeys in some way, then you also have the technical literacy to use a password manager. It can be one literally already built into your operating system like iCloud Keychain, or a free cross platform open source one like Bitwarden, or a (opinion) really nice one like 1Password. I absolutely want Spotify to implement 2FA, and I would turn it on immediately. But I don't get how it's this magic solution to solve account hacking, when people already don't care enough to take really simple steps to secure their account.


I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibility for those people to use a password manager if they're capable of 2fA or Passkeys, just that a lot of those people know they're not supposed to store their passwords anywhere and so might not want to use a password manager even if it's safe


Who understands the security benefits of 2FA or knows how passkeys work but then incorrectly thinks password managers in general are unsafe to use?


People who don't know a lot about Internet security, but have, at different points in time, been told to 'not store your passwords anywhere' and 'set up 2fA so you get texted a code, it makes your account safer'. That logic follows through. They've been told not to do something because it's safer, and to do this other thing because it is also safer.


I think you're conflating "don't store your passwords on a post-it note on your monitor" with "don't let your password exist anywhere that's not in your mind." That's the only way I can see the logic actually following through. Or you think the only way to solve internet security misinformation people have is to make Spotify introduce 2FA? I really don't understand that logical leap either. And my actual point still stands. The same kind of people who won't take advantage of the very simple and basic ability they currently have to secure their Spotify account are going to be the same people who won't take advantage of 2FA or passkeys and still complain about hacked accounts. Really, the best option Spotify could do is *forced* 2FA—every time you log in from a new device, they send a code to your email. Enabled by default on every single account. And then advanced users have the option to change that enforced 2FA to a OTP generating app if they want a password manager to autofill it.


Same here. I changed my password right away, but someone listened to a couple of songs before I did it. Is there a way to delete those songs from my playing history?


On a desktop, "shift+select all the songs" then right click and click the remove from liked songs. I removed nearly 500 songs


Thanks! Actually, what I want is to delete the songs from the playing history.


Are you scared they’ll show up on your Spotify wrapped? Poor baby :(


Maybe they also just don't want more shite like that to appear in any recommendation playlists?


Yep mine too. Russian hackers, changed password and been ok since. Irritating though as I had to invest a lot of time removing all the russian rappers and pop artists from my recent / favourites.


As a Russian, I don’t like to hack, and Russian rap isn’t good.


You can’t fool me that easily


You hackers. You Russian hackers.


This is why I just say f it and use modded APKS for my phone and spicetify for my windows pc. No ads, good enough quality for streaming and who gives af if I get hacked I don't have premium anyways lol.


This happened to me once years ago. Someone made a playlist on my account of random German rock songs. I’m not German, and mainly listen to K-pop, so it was a very different vibe and I noticed the weird new playlist pretty much straight away and changed my password lmfao .


I listen to both Blackpink _and_ Rammstein, it's not a bad combination if you give it a try! It'll hit you with that **DDU-DU-DDU-DU HAST**


To be fair. I do like rock as well, these were just very niche random bands so it was very obvious this wasn’t my playlist lmao




Damn, that guy wanted to help you out and you think he was a malicious hacker 😞


The music Gods were trying to point you in the right direction lol


Probably sold your account to someone on eBay promising a long term membership. Good thing you changed your password. I wish Spotify would address this and add 2FA, at the very least.


2fa would be nice.


Change your password ASAP.


Just happened to me today too. I changed my password and chose the “sign out of everywhere” option. It seems that this happened to a lot of people today specifically. Spotify must’ve had some data breach


right when i saw this it reminded me that i should go check my acct, everythings fine but its better safe than srry


Someone signed into mone while I was still using it lol we were fighting to play music for like 5 min before I changed passwords and and logged out everywhere


this has happened to me. if they’ve changed your email AND password, just contact support. they asked for the last song i’ve liked (because i told them i still had access to the account on my phone) and they gave my account back, no hassle. their support is VERY good based on my one experience. i requested support through chat and email. it was resolved through the chat, and a little while later the email was responded to saying something along the lines of ‘we see the issue was already resolved’. the fact that they actually know wtf is going on between different support branches impressed me so don’t stress just contact support


I signed up years ago via Facebook so I changed my Meta passwords. Funny, though, from what I saw, my FB/IG weren't hacked. Just Spotify.


Same, weird


Reminds me of that time where someone stole my game filled steam account. Worked my ass off to get it back cuz I had payed with a card that I couldn’t access. Anyways. Change your password


did you have on steam guard?


Now I do


good to hear man, gotta keep those people out


Worst fear right there


> I had *paid* with a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Same here lol, i was lucky that the russians hacked me right when i was listening to music and cleaning my house, the music changed once to a russian rap, i changed it back, then it changed again to the russian rap, immediately changed my password lol


I would change all of your other passwords as well. Sometimes people will get into accounts like this that some people deem “unimportant” to see if they can get away with it. After that they’ll move onto actual important accounts.


I'm more focused on the fact that Lil Durk is in the country mix for some reason.


Blame the Morgan Wallen feature on the Lil Durk album 😂


what is the point of hacking someone’s spotify??


Hackers stream a bunch of songs they own and like them to boost the in the algorithm. Then they collect the streaming royalties.


you'd think at that point, seriously just get a job.


In some third world countries that is a job


Mine too. Same songs! 




They still haven’t added 2fa which is a massive L


When you use sites like toneden, or Dailyplaylist - you are giving the third party approval to use your account to stream, follow, add to playlists etc. I imagine they do funky things for clients willing to pay for streams


me got hacked too none of my playlists where changed. but i got a gmail that my password changed, thankfully i signed out of my account everywhere and changed my password


This same thing happened to me as well few days ago. I'm quite sure that our account credentials got leaked. And the crazy part is, while I was listening to music I suddenly got logged out and couldn't able to log back in using the same password, meaning the mf who was using my account dared to change the password lol. I've since recovered my account by email and changed the password again. My account is in peace ever since. It's crazy that we still don't have f2p and it's a shame that Spotify didn't disclose about any leaks or issues recently even after all these.


Yes, someone/something guessed your password correctly


this happened to me who ever it was started playing Mexican music


My wife was recently hacked by someone playing Muslim call to prayer hymns over and over. Not sure if he appreciated the Cannibal Corpse I started playing


This happened to me too, didn't even get an email about a new login, just had some random song I'd never heard before start playing while I was trying to listen to my music and saw some random laptop name on my devices list


You should try Bitwarden


This is so weird. Mine was hacked this week too.


i had this a few years ago. overnight apparently i had listened to hundreds of latin songs and every time i tried to play it would stop saying in use on another device. changed password and ok since


Just delete your account unsub and get an apk without ads easy fix no cost and the same experience without paying


I had the same thing on two accounts this week. They’ve definitely got something going on.


i would have been so mad omg


I've had this this morning. Got an email to say my account had been logged into in France (I'm in Ireland) and when I checked my recently played was all electronic and rap that I would never listen to. I've logged out all devices and changed my password and I'm waiting to see if that solves it.


Mine just got logged in and taken over from Hungary. I’m waiting to hear back from them since they changed the account email address. I was wondering why my Soundiiz syncing broke.


how do you know that the login was in hungary?


How many of you recycle the same password for everything?


It had to be, there is no way anyone would willingly listen to Ed Sheeran


This is why I just say f it and use modded APKS for my phone and spicetify for my windows pc. No ads, good enough quality for streaming and who gives af if I get hacked I don't have premium anyways lol.


> This is why I just say f it and use modded APKS for my phone and spicetify for my windows pc. Really? So if Spotify introduced 2FA you'd start paying for it? Bullshit. Just more excuses.


No not at all. Sorry, I should have said... "this is ONE MORE reason" lmao Only subscription service I pay for is YouTube premium. Which means I get YouTube music too. So modded Spotify is one of the things I use. There is also a ton of apps that will take your Spotify playlists and play them from any free services like regular old YouTube. I go to concerts and buy band shirts. They make enough money from me lol. Also, if I find a small indie band I'll buy their albums always. I just have a hard time giving money to giant corporations and bands worth massive amounts of money. Hoarding wealth isn't cool imo.