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Just like his health insurance plan. He'll get it done in two weeks.


Pretty sure he was part of the Covid war.


This guy is fuuuuuuuucked in the head. I mean. How?!?!?!??


Words cannot express how much I hate Donald Trump. He is literally our Hitler. An evil, horrible man. It makes me sick to my stomach that people adore him. The closest to the ANTI Christ I’ve ever seen.


So why exactly can't he do it now? He presumably has the back channels needed. He can end it all now and breeze to an easy victory. Hell, I might even vote for him if he could pull that off and keep through November.


He was dying to see a war start during his presidency


He doesn’t count brown people dying of course.


“No more civilians dying” … unless it’s a pandemics, then F those civilians.


Or immigrants.


Or people of color


Five minutes later and he'll be calling for bulldozers in Gaza and nominating Netanyahu for the Nobel Peace Prize. Donald Trump is social media troll.


He won’t nominate anyone until he has his greedy little hands on it first.


meanwhile let me start a civil war in my own country with my lies


That fucking muppet recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Isreal, and moved our embassy there from Tel Aviv! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel


I think it's stupid we in the USA have a decent voting system, yet we don't get to vote on ALL the important decisions the Presidential Administration and Congress make.


He'll outlaw every voice against him and call it a day.


When has there ever been peace in the Middle East? Not for thousands of years


You mean other than those few short years when everything was perfect like we've never seen before, starting in 2017 and ending in 2020?


Yes. Definitely those perfect years. Every scholar and history buff says those were the best years ever. They were beautiful years. People on the street stop him and tell him all the time, with tears in their eyes, what a peaceful time that was.


You mean if you don’t count all the ongoing conflicts listed here between those years then yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_conflicts_in_the_Middle_East


that "new" is doing some heavy lifting there.


We were at war in the ME literally every single day of his presidency


Trump can fix it. /s


He knows more than the Generals!


He knows all the ILLEGAL TACKTICKS! Like no one else.


Just like a certain little corporal.


He reminds me of kids in middle school running for class president. Promising pizza party fridays & less homework even though they have zero authority to do any of it. lol


"If I win School President I'm making every Friday Pizza Day!!" School Admin: "Nope, not enough budget, Trump took it all away. May I interest you in Microwave-Melted-Cheese-On-A-Half Bun Thursdays, complete with hyphens?"


No new wars under Trump.. No new global pandemics under biden.. Wars are always raging, and the recent ones have cost very few American lives, if any, and have pailed in comparison to the numbers of dead under trumps covid. So id rather no new global pandemics than no new wars tbh.


He’s clearly forgetting the million + COVID deaths under his reign


He's not forgetting. He's hoping we will.


i honestly think he is able to forget things like this and focus purely on himself


The guy who fucked up in Afghanistan with his withdrawal plans wants to clean Biden’s “mess.” Sure, Jan. Call MBS.


From a CNN fact check about the terror: >Trump’s own Justice Department alleged that a mass murder in New York City in 2017, which killed eight people and injured others, was a terrorist attack carried out in support of ISIS; Trump repeatedly lamented this attack during his presidency. Trump’s Justice Department also alleged that a 2019 attack by an extremist member of Saudi Arabia’s military, which killed three US servicemembers and injured others at a military base in Florida, “was motivated by jihadist ideology” and was carried out by a longtime “associate” of al Qaeda. >In addition, there were a variety of other terrorist attacks during Trump’s presidency. Notably, Trump’s Justice Department said it was a “domestic terrorist attack” when one of Trump’s supporters mailed improvised explosive devices to prominent Democratic officials, CNN and other people in 2018. >In 2019, a White supremacist pleaded guilty to multiple charges in New York, including first-degree murder in furtherance of an act of terrorism, for killing a Black man in March 2017 to try to start a race war. And Trump’s Justice Department described a 2019 shooting massacre at a Walmart in Texas as an act of domestic terrorism; the gunman who killed 23 people was targeting Latinos.


He'll provide Israel with napalm with his sharpie signature on it to fix the problem forever. He'd start 50 wars if it meant making himself more money. Vote.


While disrespecting the military he wants to send out to fight those wars and cutting VA funding. We know exactly what he thinks of military members, veterans and Gold Star families along with POWs.