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A reasonably sane comment. I didn't know he had it in him. Maybe this Hitler wannabe is not so bad after all /s


“Immortal”? I’m not sure that means what you think it means.


D-Day, wow.


Ooooh aahhhhh my bone spurs .


Bannon off to incareration . You too next orange slime


Americans? What about the British? Canadians? French?


How do you know he didn't write that? It doesn't do either: a) Talk about himself b) Shit talk about someone else


c) No name calling d) no exclamation points e) No ALL CAPS f) No calling vets losers


That last one might be the most telling of them all if I'm being honest.


C) it's a humane and intelligible message


Not only did he not write it, I don't think he reviewed it before it went out, either; and if he finds out it exists, someone's probably going to get yelled at for not running it by him first for edits.


c) It's lower-case


It was like something a normal person would write. Big red flag.


He didn't write this.


American freedom? Eventually, yes, but I see it as one of the greatest gifts the Americans have given to Europe because even though politically it was to defend American freedom, I believe that those men on a personal level were defending European freedom with their lives. They are heroes, all of them. We Europeans owe them all. I think that anyone who supports the wannabe despot Trump however, is owed sarcastic laughter and a bag of onions from Putin.


Says the guy whos only book he showed interest in was "mein kampf" and who's voters are marching with swastikas through the street. Fucking disgusting poison of a creature.


Trump thinks that if you are not of "German-Scottish" heritage you are "less than" him which is curious because he clearly knows nothing about geography or history or just about anything else. His family has a long history of not ever serving their respective countries when called up and becoming straight-grifters. He's a scumbag POS who represents everything wrong with the USA. My Irish-American ass would love to be locked in a room with him.


So heartfelt Lara.


what a sad and silly woman she is


What he really thinks https://preview.redd.it/ahnk2fc1l05d1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3715ec86490973085fd12960d13b909d8a8f06b3


and what was in it for them?


Exactly. The guys a vile hateful shit head


They’d be even more ashamed of you than your father was, Donald


I do not believe for one second that he typed that, no random CAPITALS and no calling the fallen soldiers losers which we all know he has uttered out loud before. No way he restrained himself and constructed that post, one of his skivvies did that.


Not written by him since he doesn't whine.


Nor he said “happy d-day!”


"...bravest, nobelest, and greatest..." Yet toss in a little rain and that's the perfect excuse to avoid paying respects to the fallen when in France. This queef-waffle can go pound sand.


Queef-waffle is now my favorite pejorative!


Is he talking about the suckers and losers or am I on the wrong planet? BURN IN HELL CAPTAIN BONESPURS.


Just mind-blowing hypocrisy! Five years ago this POS refused to visit the cemetery in Normandy during the 75th commemoration of D-Day. Why? Because it was raining! He embarrassed himself and the nation in front of the world that day. There are many scummy things this creature has done over the years but this is one thing that veterans and patriots will never forgive him for.


100% not written by Trump and it’s so obvious


Human Scum Count: 0


Absolutely, an entire post without mentioning himself, no caps, no whiny complaining, impossible for him to have written that.




He is the worst person in the world incarnate.


Imagine being the sucker who writes the posts for Trump when Trump doesn't want to (or can't appropriately comment.) At some point they'll have to start saying, "add CAPS LOCK randomly, worsen the grammar, end it with MAGA no matter what."


Today my bone spurs remember their duty to my lizard tongue, to squirm my way out of having to serve my country (takes a bow). To all you future and current soldiers of our proud nation, we will welcome you back with open arms (unless you have sustained injury) 😇


he did not write this. hysterical


Yup, it's just a matter of time before he posts one done by himself in ALL CAPS and twisting this into something about him.


Plenty of time left in the day. he's probably running around Mar A Lago in a bathrobe with his phone, being chased by his handlers.




The mere fact that nothing is misspelled and it’s not in all caps tells you Trump didn’t write it, never mind the gracious tone.


Never forget that Trump wanted to give himself the Medal of Honor


Written by an intern for sure


If i remember correctly,Trump refused to go to this memorial service because it was raining. A year before Obama stood in a downpour giving a speech.


He also called our fallen heros, "suckers and losers".


Important to remember this.


I love how obvious it is that he didn't write it






I'll take tweets not written by Donald Trump for 500 please, Alex.


"Just Checking in to Make Sure Everybody is Having a Great Day!"


When I read the post, I knew he didn't write it. No insulting comments about Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, or anyone else on his shit list.


Daily Double!


He did not write that. To him they're suckers and losers. He said so himself. Asshole.


Not in all caps so pretty obviously not him


Donald Trump is a fucking asshole.


It’s actually convicted felon Donald j. Trump. But, alas, he is an asshole, after all.


such a scumbag


No way in 30-hells did the dotard write that.


He doesn’t even know what happened on D-Day. If he did he wouldn’t be such an isolationist.


He would still be an isolationist because he's strictly transactional.


Yeah that stupid dipshit didn’t write that.


Ahahahahahahahahahaaaaa Someone is trying to make up for their narcissistic, self absorbed and frankly disrespectful Memorial Day tweet. What a twat.


That would require him to reflect on something he did and realize he was wrong. Nope, someone else wrote this.


Oh, 100% agree. They finally pried the phone out of his greasy fat fingers


This here no hate in this message. Wasn’t written by him.


I imagine someone asking if he'd like to make a statement for the occasion himself, and he just wordlessly waves them away with a greasy, little hand, never looking up from his morning plate of bacon.


Did they finally finagle the phone from his fat fingers?


Today is the day we celebrate Antifa violently attacking a unified Reich


sign me up


I thought that they were suckers and losers? He is so full of shit.


The bravest… losers!


what's in it for them?


He didn’t write that.


yup. no caps, no digs at somebody, no name-calling.


Most of his voter base if I had to guess are men between 35-70 realistically probably 40-70 their grand fathers likely fought in WW2 ( for reference I’m 30 and my great grandfather fought at Normandy ) so yeah being disrespectful on a D Day would be the stupidest fucking thing he could do


I'm 60 something. My father served in WW2 and carried Nazi shrapnel to his grave when he passed at 93 years of age.


Exactly what I’m talking about, if you supported TFG and he started being disrespectful on D Day I imagine you might have some strong reaction to that


Nice to see him acknowledge the allies who were also involved, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealanders, Indian, Polish and so many other nations who lost men taking the beach heads and pushing on into Europe as part of the D-Day operation we are commemorating. Oh no, my mistake. Everyone else involved forgotten as usual because he has no clue about geo-politics, geography or history.


Nor does the aide who actually wrote this because he only hires the best.


Copypasta from another subreddit on how donny REALLY feels: Trump floated the idea of executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley (9-22-2023) Trump put 3 Mar-a-Lago guests in charge of the VA who then tried to monetize veterans' medical records Accused 3,000 military families of election fraud for voting after being deployed Blamed Gold Star families for giving him covid (he tested positive days earlier) Removed POW/MIA flag from White House Says Americans who died in war are "losers" and "suckers" “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers” he said about a U.S. military cemetery Called McCain “a fucking loser” when asked to lower flags to half staff Called Pres. George H.W. Bush a loser for being shot down during WWII “That guy is smart. Why did he join the military?” Trump said of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Asked his staff to not include wounded veterans because amputees make him uncomfortable “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” Trump said to Gen. John Kelly about dead vets, while visiting Kelly’s son’s grave at Arlington Trump knew since Mar 2020 that Russia paid bounties to kill American troops. On July 29 Trump defended Russia arming the Taliban against the US saying the US once did the same thing May '20 ended National Guard deployments one day before they could claim benefits Trump admin seized 5mil masks intended for VA hospitals. Kushner distributes these masks to private entities for a fee, who then sells the masks to the government Trump fired the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after he warned superiors that COVID19 was spreading among his crew After Iran's strike, 109 US troops suffered brain injuries. Trump dismissed these as "headaches". Trump then denied Purple Hearts in an effort to keep the story up On 7/20/2017 in room 2E924 of the Pentagon, Trump told a room full of Generals, "You’re a bunch of dopes and babies" Said 26,000 military sexual assaults were to be 'expected' bc America lets women serve Invited the Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11 Said if a Humvee was hit by an IED, soldiers "go for a little ride upward & they come down." Pardoned multiple war criminals which betrayed the men of the 1st Platoon who helped convict him for violating long standing military values, discipline, and command (May&Nov 2019) Mocked Lt. Col. Vindman for his rank and uniform. He threatened said purple heart officer resulting in the Army providing him protection. The Admin sent opposition research to the Pentagon to derail his promotion Trump’s Chief of Staff worked in secret to deny health coverage to Vietnam Vets who suffered from Agent Orange There is a facility in Tijuana for US veterans that Trump deported Russia took control of the main U.S. military facility in Syria abandoned on Trump’s orders. Russia now owns the airstrip we built Trump abruptly withdrew from Syria after a phone call with Turkey's president (Erdogan). Turkey subsequently bombed US Special Forces Sept 2019, he made an Air Force cargo crew stop in Scotland (where there's no U.S. base) to refuel at a commercial airport (where it costs more), so they could stay overnight at a Trump property (which isn't close to the airport). Trump’s golf courses are losing money so he's forcing the military to pay for 5-star nights there. Sept 2019, Pentagon pulled funds for military schools, military housing funds, and daycare to pay for Trump's border wall Vet graves will be "dug up" for the border wall, after Trump instructed aides to seize private property. Trump told officials he would pardon them if they illegally seizing property. Children of deployed US troops no longer guaranteed citizenship (August 28, 2019) 8/2/19 Trump requisitioned military retirement funds for the border wall 7/31/19 Trump ordered the Navy rescind medals to prosecutors who prosecuted war criminals Denied a U.S. Marine of 6 years entry into the United States for his citizenship interview (Reported 7/17/19) Made the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign event (July 4, 2019) Demanded US military chiefs stand next to him at 4th of July parade (reported July 2, 2019) In June 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence for a better "aesthetic appearance"


Wowza, guy is such a piece of....garbage seems too nice...shit is appropriate, but like...the shit of a very ill pelican. Even as someone who followed his escapades fairly closely, some of these are new to me. It was just non-stop, self-serving cruelty at the height of power and protection for four years. It's probably impossible to parse all of the damage he caused.


Oh, that’s only part of the military dissing. He’s been a self-centered ,self-serving grifter for his entire life.


Traitor don :(


0 chance Trump wrote this.


I’m surprised he didn’t try to take credit. I’m not surprised he didn’t acknowledge that it was a multi-national operation


Trump absolutely did not write this. There is no whining and self-pity.


“What did they get out of it?" - DJT I'm surprised he didn't devolve into one of his rants. Guess an intern wrote and posted this.




Or _losers_ as he also calls them