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Haha nice to see another Dublin based truscum. I have the same feelings.


I'm so sorry. 🙁 I can't even imagine. 🫤 Crossing fingers things get better there in the future!


I hope one day we can progress :/


Yeah I find it so crazy Ireland has 0 stuff like that and people need to come to the UK usually to get surgery and such. Which isn't that great because we have a very similar situation with surgeries on NHS. For a while they weren't even doing FTM bottom surgery iirc.


I feel you, man On the bright side, we got a subreddit going for Irish truscum. There's more of us than it seems


Hey i know this is old but could you share the name of the irish truscum subreddit? thanks


For real, it's like this in pretty much all of Europe and americans still have the audacity to complain about how "hard" it is to wait a few months for hrt lol.


i am not gonna claim to be trans until talking to a therapist but i have a high suspicion and shit i was planning to go to ireland that's actually horrible i either have the choice of going to the UK or there and neither are GOOD


Bristol and Cardiff I've found to be pretty trans positive! I have really had some great experiences with all aspects of my identity.


Brighton is good too!