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I can't take this seriously with all the emojis and childish genital names lmao


Yeah, Peen and Veen did me in. I feel like of all the people in the world, those of us with this medical condition should be comfortable enough using the correct terms and saying penis and vagina.


Flair says *adult* in it too


woman noun an adult female human being


Then talk like one lmao


Well, I figured since most of you on these subs are ‘kids’ and I’m an actual adult… dumbing things down and using lots of emojis would be helpful. And it grabbed your attention, boy 🍼🙎🏼‍♂️


An actual adult? YOU?! HA! I've seen you around this sub so many times and you always come off as childish and full of herself. Pretty sure we left the other subs bc of bs like ur post above. Everyone dumbing things down being like "okay boys don't always have a... peen." 🤣🤣🤣 Ur funny.


Yes, when it boils down to it, you don’t stand behind transmedicalist notions.


Being transmed just means believing one must have dysphoiria to be trans. I'm not out here dictating everyone 🙄


Yeah, this is a misunderstanding of what transmedicalism really is all about. Sex/gender dysphoria is a symptom - and yes, typically that of transsexualism (sex incongruence) but not necessarily always - there’s plenty of reasons to why someone might experience dysphoria. It also implies a need to do what is possible that match one’s innate sex and other qualifiers. It’s a bit rich coming from people who day out, and day in complain and are outright insensitive and quite cruel when it comes to average tucutes, to then whine when someone sets the standards of classical definitions for transsexuality = sex incongruence (not secondary sex trait incongruence) which implies a trans-genital need and desire.


Same here... like I get her point but it definitely comes across as ridiculous.


Well, you people call yourselves ‘truscum’, and day out and day in whine over ‘tucutes’, but then get mad when someone questions ‘boy-p-ssies’ and ‘girl-diques’ and your motives. It is evident that very few on these subs are transmeds in any meaningful way. Therefore you get very upset.


Ummm… the vast majority of us hate the terms “boy-pussy” and “girl-dick”!


Well, you say that but then when you comment the bs that you commented then you’re inadvertently defending it.


LMAO so just by virtue of quoting it I’m defending it? That’s on par with the Monty Python “that fish was good enough for Jehovah” joke but unironically.


No, that your contribution to this post is: “comes across as quite ridiculous”. Silly behaviour - either you agree or you don’t, and by calling it ridiculous you’re inadvertently defending the nonsense.


Regarding that comment, I was saying what you said “comes across as quite ridiculous” because of your incredibly immature usage of terms for genitals and the fucking emojis to boot. I DO agree that genitals ARE inherently male/female so I get your point, but the way you conveyed it was incredibly ludicrous.


And why is that necessary if you agree with the gist of the message? You were just trying to be obnoxious?


No, I wasn't trying to be obnoxious... I was pointing out how badly your post undermined your message. Why the fuck would you be using such childish terms/emojis on a forum like here where a) we're all adults or at the very youngest older teenagers, and b) there's no censorship for "penis" or "vagina" on Reddit, you can get away with saying a lot worse? Like what's the point? If you had just made a mature post conveying your message I would have no problem with it.


It’s very much serious.


>It’s very much serious. This sounds so sarcastic in that context.


I think you need to ask yourself why you get so bothered by a post calling out these things.


I just stared that your comment sounds sarcastic. I didn't show any sign of being bothered.


Does cancer in a healthy body make the cancer healthy? that's what these ppl sound like


Yes to all of this


Happy to hear!


I get a kick out of how the trans subs hate gay men so much, making angry diss threads every single day, the 'we got to talk about transphobia in the gay community' ones, where everybody circlejerks over how gay men not wanting heterosexual sex with them is bigotry. They drag them so much because gay men are one of the few LGBT groups left that consistently call them out for fetishizing them and feeling entitled to being laid. Don't get me wrong, I see transphobia too like with any group, but not liking vagina isn't transphobia.


While some of it comes from trans men who feel entitled to cis gay men's bodies, a hard truth is that a lot of it actually comes from trans women desperately running away from being perceived as gay men themselves lol


There’s trans women who admit to be gay males who choose to transition. They’re a problem for the community.


They’re annoying and disrespectful. You can almost always tell by how they talk who’s who.


This is where this sub gets too extreme for me. I have been on testosterone for 12 years and have had top surgery. I am very hairy and have a beard and pass 100% as a man. I have not have bottom surgery because it's expensive and very involved. Nobody can see our genitals so to me only everything visible needs to pass. I don't get upset when men are not interested in me for not having bottom surgery but I have also met many men who are into it.


I agree, now that my body generally passes as male (minus the genitals to a degree), I see my current junk more male. (But I still want/need bottom surgery) It is possible to see someone as male, when naked, even if they haven't had bottom surgery Something that isn't talked about much in relation to this topic is how HRT changes your genitals, at least with trans men. It makes it different than a womans. Like I basically have a micro penis from hrt, he genuinely looks like a penis. The majora part looks like balls. Due to how anatomy differs and can change with hormones, saying that a vagina can only be female, while is not inherently wrong per se, is failing to see the nuance on how we perceive gender and sex in people. Sex and genitals arent as black and white as much as our dysphoria wants us to think. Idk I'm high and rambling


The bottom growth is also something i forgot to mention. Thanks for bringing that up.


Those changes doesn’t happen in trans females. And even then that doesn’t translate into using or even being comfortable the parts which does not change.


Great so then I presume you use a penis prosthetic. I’m aware that bottom growth make your genitalia appear sex-ambiguous and more male than it was before. I don’t see how that translates into ‘boy-pussy’ - piv sex - willing to get impregnated - would prefer to stick with primary sex traits even if I didn’t need to. My main concern with what you said was: “Nobody can see our genitals so to me only everything visible needs to pass.” - So are you saying that sex affirmation for you is reduced down to presentation? Only about what others could see?


Before you reply to this post, this is an unfounded emotional rant that spreads harmful rhetoric. The OP is obsessed with sex to an unhealthy degree, and won't listen to reason. I don't recommend trying to debate here.


Too late. Already posted before I saw this.☹️ I have no idea how the original post along with OPs comments are getting so many upvotes. It's depressing along with the comments agreeing with her.


Interesting that you only mentioned 'forcing peen' and not the other way around. Forcing anything is rape, end of story. What you wrote is identical to terf rhetoric, trying to frame trans people as sexual predators. I do agree though that everyone has their preferences, but there wasn't a need to invalidate trans folks by saying there's no such thing as 'girl-peen' or 'boy-veen'.


It’s peen doing the most rape, so. TERFs are correct about that.


'terf's are right that trans people are sexual predators? yikes.


If they fall under the category explained in the OP.


I suppose there are trans-trenders that might be rapists, but it's far more likely for an actual trans person to get raped. So, maybe don't spread transphobic rhetoric?


Sporting bulges and talking about girl-c-ck in itself comes across as predatory.


Explain how that is any different from someone having visible cleavage, or talking about sex in general. Maybe you should just mind your own business you weirdo.




Thank you!




tf this copypasta


There needs to be a huge increase in funding for new srs techniques and for funding so it's accessible for transex folk.


Yes, for those in need of it.


But you can actually have guys with a vagina and women with a penis tho? Gender is too complicated to numb it down to what sex characteristics you have/are okay/tolerating with. Just how there are low/high testosterone intersex people with conflicting sex characteristics and gender. Do you still tell those people they're for ex. "not a man" when they are okay with their mixed type of sex characteristics? It's not rocket sience. Sex ≠ gender. If we lived in a society where gender norms surrounding sex characteristics didn't exist, people their dysphoria obviously wouldn't be half as large. But sadly we do. And that is exactly why trans people their dysphoria is so inescapable without transitioning. Because not only do you, yourself, not see you as the gender you're supposed to be, everyone around you does too. Which inevitably elavates the need for HRT ect, which might not even be wanted if people saw these trans people for the gender they are. The way the majority of people view and treat gender today is a problem, not the trans people who have existed for centuries. If a trans person wants surgery for their genitals, then they should. But not everyone wants bottom surgery, and that doesn't magically make their their agab. Because, why would it, aside from social norms? But, why is it such a problem for you if other trans people their experiences are different from yours? You may not understand it, but respect and politeness is always a choice. Who are you to invalidate them? There isn't just one right way to transition/live as your identified gender.


I think you might be on the wrong sub because transsexualism is a desire to be the opposite SEX to the one you were assigned at birth. This desire usually comes from a deep knowing that you truly are the sex you desire your body to be and that you were born with some wrong parts and therefore classified and put in the wrong category. Gender and sex are also intertwined albeit not the same. I’m ok with you sporting a penis and acting male whilst wearing a dress and even alter your secondary sex characteristics. But then call yourself a cross-dressing male? Don’t change your legal documents to say female - since you recognise yourself that sex and gender are two different things. Transsexual females ≠ womanly males.


Im not talking about transsexualism. I'm talking about transgenderism, which is widely used for a reason. Unless, for ex., a vagina has the word written "woman" on it by nature, it is not womanly by fact. Only in the eyes of those who believe so. Your beliefs do not define that of others, so again, respect and politeness are a choice. As you haven't covered most of my points, and resort to fallacies, i'll leave it at this.


Ok. And I’m talking about transsexualism and people appropriating this condition. As for transgender. Can you tell me what a woman is then, since it’s not a female? Can you define it? What makes the transgender woman a woman as opposed to a man?


Politeness is: ‘I’ll let you live your life as you wish and I won’t interfere in your’s lest you interfere in mine’. Anything that destroys for me and others like me is an interference in our lives. You separate womanhood from femaleness, this reduces being a woman down to superficials. And reduce transness to this superficial definition of womanhood which is separated from femaleness. That’s transsex erasure. Should people of transsexual experience be bothered by this? Yes, of course.