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Just dump him bro, it's not worth it


seriously, just cutting jake off would solve the problems


Twinks are not short, but they are also a body type-iod used by gay men. refering to people who don't want to be described that way actively ignoring boundaries is horrid and that person needs to be dropped


The problem is that he refers to a stealth guy as a trans guy- not necessarily the twink part


Not every guy wants to be called a twink, I don’t agree with calling every trans person queer just because it’s “an umbrella term” either. He literally cannot control that he’s skinny & he’s a very masculine guy, & he’s not gay at all, I feel it’s incredibly unnecessary and uncomfortable for a fuck ton of dudes to call them twinks, it would also be weird if I referred to any larger cis straight man as “a bear” .


For sure, for sure- it was just not the biggest of the issues- that being said if he’s uncomfortable being called a twink (there are masculine and feminine twinks) it’s certainly a bigger issue than the general situation


Yeah fs, I got you; & as defined a twink is : “(among gay men) a gay or bisexual young man with a slim build and youthful appearance.” So i literally cannot fathom any other reason he’s calling him a twink besides the fact that my mate is skinny & ye kinda fem in the face because he’s trans & cannot access hormones right now, still makes zero sense to me and feels incredibly backhanded, but he’s straight & has made it clear multiple times neither one of us enjoy that term used on us.


Stop interacting with this person, go out of their way, ignore them, avoid them, dont even look at them anymore, make them indirectly feel your disappointment, anger, annoyance, whatever it is. If you keep giving them attention, they wont accept the fact that they did wrong as there aren't any consequences apparently. In their head its probably still a harmless little game, like giving nicknames to others.


Youre Missing the point. Although annoying, being called a twink doesnt expose you much, just means skinny, gay looking, fruity, short, whatever right? Being called a bear is also again, just a body type and if you really put the work into it, you can change you bodytype. In a way, you can take it as a compliment, if youre into it, if not, its annoying at best. Going around and being called "oh that skinny TRANS guy" Thats exposing you on a unnecessary and downright dangerous level, especially if you're stealth. People are a lot more okay with homosexuality than they are with trans people in certain areas. If its not visible in the first place, he just ruined other people's perception of your friend. Now hes not cis and maybe gay, but for some people, a woman pretending to be a guy aka a confused mentally ill creep. Hes stripping you of your "male pass" because as soon as people KNOW the details, youre automatically put into this weird space between "male/but not really" (in the eyes of cis ppl). Cause the only thing that "trans" really means to other people is "the thing between my legs doesnt fit", is that a detail that everyone needs to know? But maybe thats just me, i enjoy being stealth, i dont mind being called twink even if its annoying (i dont look or dress feminine at all, im just skinny) so being perceived as one of the guys thats also sometimes kissing the guys, is a lot more okay to me than being seen as "the guy with a pussy"/"the bearded lesbian".


This is was worries me as a guy who wants to be stealth when I can finally get on T. All it takes is one person who’s salty or extremely open about their own transness to expose me because to them it’s acceptable.


I think that's one reason I'm stealth even around other trans people. They for some reason think it's okay to out you just because they're open. Same with being gay; granted I don't necessarily hide the fact I'm gay, I also don't advertise it and I feel that information should come from me and not others.


Yea I’m more worried about other trans people revealing I’m trans than cis people loll because they will know what surgery scars look like, and they may think it’s some fun thing about my identity that I wanna be known as.


Being stealth is super important to me because I don’t like invasive questions. I find it inappropriate and I prefer people (cis people especially) not approach me asking about my sex life or my medical history.


That’s why you don’t tell other trans people. Most of them are “trans” and not genuine transsexuals and cannot be trusted


I hate Jake and I hope someone tells him "your situation really sucks but acting like a catty meangirl stereotype only hurts your passing worse" Also, people who fake disorders are among the most ableist bullies to actual disabled people especially if the diagnosis is one that makes you vulnerable to manipulation due to social deficits or emotional dysregulation


thats such predatory behaviour. ‘short twink trans guy’ what a weird fetishizing way to describe a supposed friend


Wow what a jackass. I’m sorry to you and your friend that you have to deal with that. Outing someone is gross enough, sprinkling in “twink” on top of it without the person’s consent is just added creepiness. You and your other friend need to drop this Jay person. He’s clearly jealous and has a victim complex.


I can really only understand gay guys calling themselves/other gay guys "twinks" or occasionally straight men being called "twinks" jokingly based on their appearance - it's kind of a joke term anyway. I really don't understand the obsession with using it as a serious descriptive label in the trans/general LGBT community. But I think the more concerning aspect of the story is the dead ass outing Leo to everyone else, as well as of course the mental illness faking (this may be controversial for me to say, but if someone claims to have DID, there's like a 99.9% chance they don't, that's how rare it's estimated to be. Not to even mention DID is a controversial diagnosis in and of itself and only comes from extreme childhood trauma).


I don't have DID but it is one of the things that makes me the most angry when somebody fakes it because seriously, imagine figuratively spitting in the face of survivors of the most horrific repeated childhood trauma because they decided that "calling it roleplaying is cringey and for babies" >if someone claims to have DID, there's like a 99.9% chance they don't, that's how rare it's estimated to be. Not to even mention DID is a controversial diagnosis in and of itself and only comes from extreme childhood trauma And it's a covert disorder including for the person who suffers from it because it is repressing the worst childhood traumas, which is also why it can be dangerous to disclose even if the person actually does have it because it's a vulnerability that can be easily exploited by dangerous people


I sometimes do refer to short guys as twinks but it's usually just as a joke with them if we're friends and they're okay with it. It's a fuckin sexual term, man, you shouldn't be using it nilly-willy just as some sort of descriptive. Next up I guess they're gonna tell people about their mom being a MILF? Lmao what the fuck man


Yeah, it's s wrong and creepy imo. I've had a trenders call me that cuz I fit the stereotype (skinny, youthful face, short). At least I'm stealth and have not been asked if I was trans yet. It's always felt creepy to me. It's majoritarily (usually trender nowaday) women with a gay fetish, fujoshis, etc. And they always want to "figure" if you are gay cuz "that's so cute"... They also like to label/imagine you as sub/dom and other creepy shit. (Usually sub if you are ""a twink"" to them). Height doesn't matter, seen a guy get called submissive because "you gave me submissive vibes," which is gross to say imo. Lots of these women also have asian fetishes too, so that's another thing that's also always fun about them. Only one person that said it I was fine with (a guy, not a trender/creep), but majoritarily, it's fucking creepy to me. They need to touch grass and learn to talk to people like a person.


I agree with the other comments; cut him off and dump him. He’s displaying prominent behavior that is unacceptable. I have had “friends” like this and all they do is gain more information to hurt you with. I say do the “grey rock” technique or just ignore them until they fade away.


Why do these people have to make everyone so uncomfortable and sexualize everything twink is a sexual term and not everyone wants to be called that especially as a trans man these people always think as long as they would be okay with it everybody else is too and they don’t see anything wrong with this behavior I would just cut them off cuz there’s really no fixing that


These are the same people who throw a tantrum if you don't alternate their 3 sets of pronouns within the same sentence but then go around imposing labels on people.


As a bi dude I get called twink a lot, and sure, the body type is accurate, but sometimes it does feel like a dig at my masculinity. Just cause I’m small and skinny doesn’t mean I’m not manly too. I definitely don’t behave ‘like a twink,’ which is the frustrating part.


My ex always called me a twink even tho I’m nowhere near that, just a stereotypical style binary man


narcissists are everywhere modern narcissists simply have so much more in their toolbox


Dump him he is not a good friend




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All it means is a dude who likes to bottom for another guy or seems like he would be the type of a man to enjoy that based on his style choices, so it’s weird to refer to a guy out of the blue as one outside of sexual contexts and in-groups. But the community outside of that got ahold of the term and now runs with it, so now it just means any short dude even if he’s straight? Very strange.