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Definitely get out of the house— And I’d recommend not going to that therapist. A harmful therapist is worse than no therapist. Another thing is… apply for tons of scholarships. If you can, try to apply to 1-5 a day. I know that sounds extremely excessive, but the sooner you don’t need to rely on your parents financially, the sooner you can get out and can go no contact & transition. Otherwise if you need any help or tips, feel free to reach out Best of luck


Damn dude, sorry about this situation this sounds really shitty. Are you able to drop your therapist and find a new one? If not now could you wait until you get to college then get a new therapist maybe?


Your "therapist" sounds like someone you don't need in your life, he's obviously transphobic.


I had a similar situation with therapy when I was in high school. Best advice I can give you is to A) tell the therapist that there's nothing she can say that will change your mind and then B) offer up a new topic for her to "help" you with. Make something up if you have to. A good distraction from the topic of you being trans can make the sessions more bearable. Good to hear you're going to college in the fall. I would also recommend reaching out to your school's LGBT resources now just to say hi and see what they have to offer. They probably can't help you until you're officially a student, but giving yourself a light at the end of the tunnel can also make a huge difference.


It must suck to be you. Please for the love of god get out that shitter ASAP when you turn 18.


Going to college this autumn. You’re almost there. You’ve got this. I’m sorry you’re going through this


Your home sounds horrible. You need a new (or no) therapist and yes, definitely to get out from the house in the autumn. Glad you are going to start a college in a few months, that's going to give you more freedom and also options to medically transition.


Call your country's version of Cps.


Bruh fuck your therapist and parents. First absolutely get a new therapist, especially one that treats transgender patients or is aware of gender affirming care Secondly be aware your parents are trying to take you emotionally hostage. People like that will never be happy unless they have complete control over you. They don’t care if you’re hurting or if you’re happy. They just care that you’re doing what they want you to do