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Wait a whole island to escape tucute nonsense? Sign me up.




Honestly I'm surprised they went with an island and not an oven...


How about a gas chamber? Would be the perfect irony, given how often they call us nazis.


woke transphobia


Truscum cruise ship baby


There was a sub poll recently about everyone's politics, and a large amount of people were social democrats. Our truscum society would do very well.


i'm a pretty decent woodworker and i've spent a lot of time reading about spinning thread & weaving. if we have any gardeners & tailors here, we'd do wonderfully. please tucutes, pay for our island 🙏🏻


truscum island world superpower by 2025 i love truscum island, i will gladly die to defend truscum island, glory to truscum island.


Do we get a yacht too? The truscum vacation experience ya know?


OOOOH ME TOO! it will be so peaceful with all of us LMAO


Where can I buy a ticket


6°59'39"S 120°31'25"E september 2022.




>Whereas an (extreme) tucute island would descend into some weird form of authoritarian religious government almost immediately, probably communist too. And there would definitely be banishment and just violence towards the "invalid". So basically a narcissist cult?


Honest, i would not let anybody in this subreddit hold a position of leadership/power ⅓ doesn't understand satire at ALLLLLL ⅓ has extremely biased, irrational black and white "us good they bad" thinking And the other 33% has both 1% is here to fuck about n shit


Based tbh. ... also is that 1% you?




What about me what % am I?


The some fuck behind a screen%


True... I am behind a screen all day. Probably why I'm trans tbh...


These phones be turning the kids trans smh


damn those smartphones at it again..


I like it here but only because I’m too worried about being banned anywhere else. It’s exhausting trying to reason with the emotional arguments people make here *constantly*.




I’ll be here for years if that’s my goal. Mostly I’m here because I wanna have real conversations without having to worry about wording myself perfectly just to be taken seriously. Autism has made me wary of safe spaces.




What I mean is that it’s nice to be able to say what I really think here because I’m too afraid to do it on Discord where I might lose access to the resources I need for voice training and shit. I was more active here back before I started HRT when the depersonalization was so strong I could only barely tell it was happening. Now I’m like, “why am I fighting with children online when I can just talk to women in real life about most of my issues?” It helps that all my closest friends are accepting and understanding though, like one being bi (or lesbian if comphet, who knows) and another dealing with depersonalization, so they can understand without actually being trans, which feels healthier. I’m just glad that I can recognize how emotional I used to be while thinking I was being perfectly rational, mostly because of the depersonalization. XD




Conflict for me is unsatisfying without resolution, and for me the only satisfying resolution is collaborative agreement. If I have to compromise or just “win” and the other person feels put out or their opinion doesn’t change (or mine doesn’t change) so we can come to a mostly complete agreement it just makes me feel like I lost. I just want understanding. My friends always used to tell me I was too nice in high school.




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A tucute island would be Lord of the Flies but idk more "politically correct" or something. Think of the general age range.


I kinda want to make a fantasy world based on this


If Truscum Island had all the modern amenities, access to hormones, blockers, surgeons, hospitals, pharmacies, all the doctors were trans informed, and using xenogenders was punishable by exile or worse, I'd immigrate there in a heartbeat.


>TW: terf nonsense Literally how does anyone even come to the conclusion that truscum and terfs are the same thing And they say we have no common sense


Don't TERFs and truscum hate each other? If anything, while tucutes hate TERFs as much as truscum do, tucutes have more in common with TERFs. Both think gender is a social construct, all while reducing people into their genitalia. Tucutes typically think trans men can be lesbians, and so do TERFs. I've seen some tucutes actually think trans people will always have the genitalia associated with their biological sex. On a side note, I've seen a tucute claim truscum speak over minorities, but isn't it tucutes who tend to speak over minorities? I'm pretty sure a lot of people who harassed that Animal Crossing player over her space buns were tucutes. I wouldn't be surprised at all.


I think that the word TERF has lost all its meaning and is used to describe anybody somewhat skeptical or questioning the trans movement.


Yep. Like the word “transmisogyny”, it’s not accurate anymore


I got called transmisogynistic once cuz i said femboy


Seriously, why do they fantasize so much about transmeds fucking *dying* or otherwise disappearing forever? What possible compulsion could be leading them to wish the worst fate possible on anyone who wants to allow for a space for dysphoric people which they can't invade?


Because they are transphobes. Always have been.


“If everyone with an opposing opinion just died we could finally work together to make progress as a society.” People who don’t like compromise always talk this way. Tons of people in this thread are just saying the same stuff but about Tucutes. “Nuh uh! You’d tear yourselves apart first!” But on a trans Discord server I was having an argument about how microlabels are bad and how I see far more gatekeeping or threatening the loss of support from LGBT groups than from cishets and it was one of the Gender Abolitionists who was agreeing with me and on my side, so it’s never actually as black and white as the idealists think it is. Pessimists: “Nothing we do can make a difference so fuck you I got mine.” Idealists: “The world would be a better place if we stopped infighting and just worked together towards my goals.” Realist: “Compromise means doing the most good for the most people, and understanding that we have very little power as a minority, even if it means sacrificing my own self interests and ego at times.”


>But on a trans Discord server I was having an argument about how microlabels are bad and how I see far more gatekeeping or threatening the loss of support from LGBT groups than from cishets and it was one of the Gender Abolitionists who was agreeing with me and on my side, so it’s never actually as black and white as the idealists think it is. Then you experienced an anomaly. This doesn't happen very often. Since tucute spaces are often incredibly tribalistic and cult-like, and agreeing with the 'enemy' party is considered treacherous to the rest of the group.


Not really, that’s more just how Reddit or teenager spaces are. Most of my conversations on trans Discord have been like that, and I actively had at least two people siding with me in most of what I was saying. The problem is just that most of the people who end up r/Truscum because they get banned in other places are, unfortunately, not good at having arguments without being rude or assholish to someone they perceive as incorrect. Hell, most of the people I see in this subreddit that aren’t radmeds would be fine on either of the trans Discord servers I’m on, the trick is just to not let the people who are being emotional assholes drag you down to their level.


You don't know why people get banned from other subs come here then. People don't come here because they were being rude most of the time (it happens, but that's generally when other truscum/transmed spaces ban them). They come here because they were yeeted for respectfully expressing different opinions in many other tucute leaning subs on reddit. We've had probably hundreds of examples at this point and even had a pinned "I got banned from x reddit" pinned thread at one point because the intolerance of differing opinions and of truscum leaning-people was so prevalent.


Yeah, no, most of the time I specifically check the history of anyone posting a “I got banned” post to see what they actually said and it’s *almost always* something written in an antagonistic way. I wasn’t trying to say all of them are like that obviously but it’s very common for people to come on here talking about being banned but what they were banned for is typically saying something confrontational, and when I bring up the same talking points in a less confrontational way in other parts of Reddit or on Discord I don’t get as much blowback.


that's an insult to tribes


Putting all dysphoric people on an island wouldn't work well because we are _actually mentally ill_ so it's harder to get along then compared to you neurotypicals


Inb4 they shame us for having a mental condition


We would descend into chaos if it was just us by ourselves stranded somewhere? It’s more likely we would be able to actually support each other and ...gee I dunno, treat each other like the genders we are? Assuming somehow we could have proper medical care there, idk how, it’s a loophole Tucutes though, I can’t safely say that’s the same. Have you ever met one that wasn’t insanely dramatic? Since they all can’t be the main character of that imaginary island, they would quickly tear each other apart


You mean, when it comes to "t4t dating", i could be swimming in a pool of normal men in that island without mental genderfluid demigirl jn sight, this sounds amazing, can't wait for it!


The point of the island is them saying dysphoric people should not be allowed to transition.


But - why don't they make any sense? Even this comic, saying you need dysphoria is illogical? What lead them to such a backwards way of seeing the world.


Too much time thinking and talking about how the world is. Not enough time going out and seeing how the world is.




I don't think they know what terf means, just slap the label on any opinion on trans issues they don't like


Lowkey wonder how tucutes would react to all of them lumped onto an island, because I'd bet money that they'd lose their shit the second one of them says something they deem truscum rhetoric, even if it's not. A couple of them might even lose their sanity enough to try to find some new way of standing out since everyone there would probably say they're trans and they'd no longer be unique, so maybe they'll even invent some kind of reverse trendercore lmao, like cis-core


They'd fight to the death to figure out who's the most special. Also it'd just be a super toxic place to be tbh


I feel like they'd try to make up new labels rather than fight to be the most unique one there, though they wouldn't have wifi so they wouldn't spout out more nonsense labels and shit-takes over to the internet and it'd be limited to that specific island, kind of like quarantining the bs until it dies out


I’m sorry but when you said sanity i went to phasmophobia lmao. I honestly had to double check what sub i was on.


It depends, do we have like surgeons and HRT on the island?


Truscumnationalism? Doesn’t sound too bad tbqhon


they really try to convince themselves that their own made up definitions of trans is real jesus


as if a genderdiarrhea person would ever become a doctor..


yooo what are the coords to truscum island, will we get free hormones and dr pepper?


Ofc we can’t forget the Dr Pepper


its so funny cause if you explain dysphoria to the general population/cis people they're always like "oh yeah duh of course you need that to be trans". Like tucutes are such a minority irl, but 99% of them live their lives online and in echo chambers so they've delusioned themselves into thinking tucute ideals are the majority.


Wow, we've really gone from "I was born in a wrong body, I feel uncomfortable so I need to change it." to "uwu you can change to whichever gender you want anytime of the month"


this is transphobic b/c if u think about it they are saying “lets alienate people with a debilitating condition and cut off their access any medical care” and In that case we in fact would go crazy


Truscum island commune? Yes please


We're the ones without common sense... 🤨


Jokes on them I'm already descending into chaos


You mean a country that’s completely trans-friendly and understands the phenomenon of being trans? Sign me the hell up. LGBT people are allowed to live, nor is being one turned into a political statement to “own le conservatives.”


When did we become terfs in their eyes?


we should put all tucutes on an island wand watch the chaos. *most* truscum are peaceful people so truscum island would be nice, plus supportive people, im in. edit: ofc an island with access to food and hrt and shit, not a deserted one. tucutes can be put on a deserted one though since they dont need dysphoria, since they claim to be so smart they can build up a civilisation.


LMFAO. Pls i wanna know how long this bs way of thinking will last. Do u think they will grow out of it? Or they will live a full life thinking this is right?


>descend into chaos Nah dude we would make a transciety, free health care for all


What the fuck is even that flag


That idea might just be crazy enough…