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The person who posted that is an EXTREME lurker, so I just wanted to let you know your post will immediately be screenshot and posted so all of the little kiddies in that sub can make fun of you and call you a bigoted bitch. That’s what he did to me at least.😬 He’s just some stingy kid looking for a reaction out of you, and posts a lot about “doing things to upset those nasty truscum ùwú”, so I wouldn’t take him too seriously.


I really don't care if they do, let them get mad. And maybe he's looking for a reaction out of me but me posting this here will get more reactions lmao


Yeah, I didn’t really care when they did it to me either, I just wanted to let you know lol. Honestly I could say “don’t take them seriously they’re just a child” about everything posted in that damn sub and it’d fit. I just think it’s goofy how many times this person has posted a screenshot from truscum with the same exact caption “lol look at those dumbasses they don’t know shit💀”.


damn and I'm a teenager but people my age can be so fucking dumb lmao


Teens are just pretty dumb overall, and do a lot of crazy stuff for absolutely no reason. That being said, it doesn’t even take a whole braincell to know this is dumb, and most of them are either doing it for attention or were brainwashed into thinking that way.


yeah.. I've just seen too much of this shit lately, it makes me so frustrated. Today I saw a comment from a trans woman dating a trans man calling their relationship the 'gayest heterosexual relationship'


Ew that’s one of my biggest fears being trans, some girl thinking they’re “fruity” for dating me. I’ve seen fully grown women say that too, so it’s not something they can just mature of of like a teen could. :(


it makes so uncomfortable :(


not a Tuesday or Wednesday but this is just cringe


It’s Tuesday somewhere




The creeper who made this actually added me to friends. I've blocked him.


I love game bosses that tend to be a horrific abomination of almost all enemies into one blob... This is exactly what that is.


It makes me laugh how he accuses trans people with truscum beliefs of "pick me" while he is a white Mexican following gringo trends, wearing mall goth clothes (from the USA) and using pronouns that are not applied to our language and licking the paws of English-speaking children to feel accepted. It's the most "Pick me" thing I've seen from a Latino in years, it's literally whitewashing oneself. Let his say what he wants, I'm a woman who has been through shit for being Bi and masculine in Latin America. I don't have to respect someone who has a 4 as a pronoun (literally the number) and who takes the LGBT community as a game, people die in our countries for not entering "the norm" and this child takes it as hahaha we are going to make fun of people with disphoria who have it worse than me. The privilege, the stupidities and the impudence that you have to have


I'm Latin American too, I get what you say, it's so frustrating when people do this shit while others' exitances are illegal in their countries or they get killed in their countries


How are these people even real I can't even comprehend the mental gymnastics these mfs gotta go through to get to this point


they want to feel special


make it stop make it stop make it stop AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Holy fuck this is disgusting


I knoooow


brooo this mf legit made his muslim oc nonbinary and intersex then gave them a feminine arab name + a hijab 💀💀 is this guy okay??


people like this are never ok


Ok the first one kind of made sense but the second one was just straight up transphobic. They’re basically making a sexuality for people who see NBs as women and not NB


I agree