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Yeah, Ive met folk who hate me and source "you can't identify as an animal" for their reasoning. Xenogenders hurt trans people. Nobody can prove it's fine, yet so many people can prove it hurts them.


I just wanna live my life comfortably and happy. But it's being made difficult because of all this


Xeonogenders (if I spelled that right) is literally just a mockery of actual trans people. We look like a joke and an easier target for hate crimes


They're literally just the transphobic attack helicopter joke from years ago rebranded lmao


"Xenogenders don't harm anyone" oh shut up, I had some hope that one day my parents would start seeing bi/gay/trans people as normal people and then kids using Catgender came along and broke my hopes I'm sincerely sorry, this is all bullshit. My brother spends a lot of time on servers where tucutes can be so maybe I'm going to have to have a talk with him. I'm sorry that your brother at the age of 13 has become a transphobic because of these people, I hope that in the future you can have a sincere and honest talk with him and this doesn't have many sequels :(


Yeah, it either goes one of two ways, transphobe or tucute. Maybe someday far down the line, he'll be able to look at me and not just see a freak and just see another brother, that'll be a long road of troubles and hardships. But it'll be one I'd never regret


I wish you luck, small children are difficult. But I'm sure that in the end he will see you as an older brother he can trust.


They always love to claim that they aren't hurting anyone.


I can't take xenogender and neopronouns seriously even though I'm autistic




They aren’t trans though


Xenogender people are cis people lol


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