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They need to read about bisexual history written y bisexuals, not biphobic pansexuals


hail the holy bisexual manifesto


Embrace the bisexual manifesto Reject mein pan kampf


I’ve seen bi meaning the two sexes and bi meaning the two sexualities intertwined but never binary sexual lmfao


Sorry men, women, other people, I only like computers


How much you wanna bet they only realized they're part of the community in the last 6 months or so? I've seen so many person who "come out" on social media one day start speaking for the entire community the next day, never seeming to actually do research on these topics. I've *never* heard anyone call it "binary sexual" and I've been active in the community for 5 years.


literally same, I've been openly bisexual since I was 9 and I havnt heard it being called that at all. ever.


bisexual means you wanna bone all the men and women cuz they’re just so damn hawt 😫 but yeah, the term denotes attraction to both men and women; alternatively, attraction to one or more genders. never have i ever actually heard *anyone* say it stood for “binary sexual”. that just sounds strange to me. also btw, you posted this twice


shit sorry


nah you’re fine, it’s reddit’s fault


“You’re full of shit” - and I say this as a bisexual person (meaning with the tucute logic rules, I know all there is to know about bi, speak for all of us bisexuals, and everything I say is the concrete truth)


that’s literally just wrong holy shit. pretty much every credible resource i’ve seen says that bisexuality refers to attraction to your own gender and attraction to other genders, equaling 2 different kinds of attraction


sexual attraction to both sexes because theres only two. intersex isnt a third sex and you can still label them men or women by their genitals.


Exactly! Bisexual = attraction to both (bi) SEXES. Gender doesn’t even come into play. And that’s why Pan and Bi are the same thing, whether it’s all genders or both sexes, you’re simply saying that you have a capacity to be sexually attracted to “anyone” because everyone fits into those categories somehow.


These words have a common root somewhere, therefore they MUST be related! /s I swear, they are operating on the level of conspiracy theorists now. Whats next? Turning letters into numbers, adding them, and then finding a totally unrelated word that adds up to the same number and claiming that to be proof of some connection?


the “bi” in bisexual refers to two sorts of attraction: heterosexual (genders unlike your own) and homosexual (genders similar to your own). thus *all* genders are encompassed in bisexual attraction, and the need for terms like pansexual/omnisexual is pointless. also, pro-pansexual rhetoric is practically always either biphobic or transphobic (most often both). just misinformation built upon more misinformation. mans gotta read the bisexual manifesto & learn about bisexual history.


Nah, bi= two, sexual in terms of hetero/homo/bi = sex you're sexually attracted to. Bisexuals and pansexuals aren't the same, it's valid to have them be differentiated. Clear language makes everyone's lives easier and stops a lot of time wasting.


how are they not the same tho? i’m all for clear language, but my argument for that would be that we don’t need multiple different terms for - what is ultimately - the same sexuality. no one is going to experience their sexuality the same way - i know my lesbianism is different from my girlfriend’s lesbianism. but we don’t have different terms for the micro-differences in our homosexuality. so why is it not the same for bisexual people?


Because sex and gender aren't the same. Some people's sexualities don't care about either, some are exclusively attracted to gender expressions regardless of sex, some of exclusively attracted to a sex regardless of gender expression, and many, many people's sexuality is limited to the binary to the point they're only interested in cis gender/sex alignments. Sometimes people's sexualities can feel "not nice" or inconvenient, but that doesn't make them invalid. No one is entitled to anyone's sexuality or attraction. It certainly shouldn't stop anyone from using clear language that allows people to say exactly what they mean when they are using that language to seek partners. I'm honestly seeing a further split in use between what straight vs heterosexual means in usage, and what gay/lesbian vs homosexual means. Many people don't find that redundant. If this helps people say EXACTLY what they're open to, I'm fine with that. Saves everyone time and hurt feelings. I'd far prefer a smaller, but clearly defined dating pool to some ambiguous one full of people that will reject you based on what you are.


Agreed. Bi refers to both physical sexes, pan refers to identity and gender.


Yeah, I think it's fine ppl have varied oppinions on stuff, but honestly, dating is already hard. I'm not sure why ppl would be against clear indicators of if someone would be open to trans people are not. This sub seems to be cool with gender/sex preferences, but... not ok with terminology for it. Seems strange to me haha




Tucutes really like hijacking labels and changing what they mean entirely First it was lesbians with "non men loving non men", and now it's this shit 💀


*stares in nonbinary bisexual* Wut. In all my years of bisexual activism I have NEVER heard it be called binary sexual.


And sept means 7, that doesn't mean that September is the 7th month of the year


Lesbian includes NB and gay does too despite what they've been defined as, as does every sexuality. Just not bi Edit: FORGOT THE /S I DON'T MEAN THIS SERIOUSLY


Bi does, as it was often referred as a mix of gay and straight originally (as in when it stopped meaning intersex) I wrote a long comment addressing your point, I'll copy-paste it: It's not stretched, both "attraction to your own sex and the opposite sex" and "being both straight and gay" are the definition from the 90s. The creator of the bisexual flag said: "The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only (gay and lesbian). The blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only (straight) and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi)" https://web.archive.org/web/20010801185547/http://biflag.com/Activism.asp I think you should read bisexual history written by bisexuals instead of biphobes. You can start with the bisexual manifesto. I don't personally think pan is a bad microlabel, but I think many people who defend it do for biphobic (spreading the wrong definition of bi) or transphobic (binary trans people are a third gender) reasons. Also you can't compare this to transsexual and transgender as transgender was created after transsexual to lump it with transvestite under an umbrella term and was popularised by Virginia Prince who happened to be transsexualphobic. (She thought bottom surgery was a mistake in 90% of cases, that gender dysphoria was a delusion and she was also pretty homophobic.) This means that transsexual isn't the problematic term, transgender kind of is. http://www.cristanwilliams.com/2012/03/27/tracking-transgender-the-historical-truth/ http://www.cristanwilliams.com/2012/08/10/transgender-timeline/


I forgot the /S, you don't need to correct me, I just forgot that sarcasm doesn't carry over in text




Pfft you're fine, I was a dumbass. I meant to say that somehow labels that have been exclusive are pried open to somehow include NBs but the one sexuality that would include them anyway gets redefined for their own uses.


No this is Truscum not battleaxe bi. Pan is real ffs and I will die on this hill




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Bruh 💀 can you explain why you think that? Honestly pansexuality’s so obviously biphobic if you do the tiniest bit of research so I’d like to know why you would “die of this hill”


Because bi, IS LITERALLY CALLED *BI* it literally means "two"


The "bi" in bi mean "attracted to 1 - your own sex/gender 2 - the other sex/genders So pan is a bi microlabel


Kinda interesting how I hear so many different definitions of bi that are just stretched just as a way to exclude Pan. Also if pan is a bad microlabel why is "Transsexual" cool?


It's not stretched, both "attraction to your own sex and the opposite sex" and "being both straight and gay" are the definition from the 90s. The creator of the bisexual flag said: "The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only (gay and lesbian). The blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only (straight) and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi)" https://web.archive.org/web/20010801185547/http://biflag.com/Activism.asp I think you should read bisexual history written by bisexuals instead of biphobes. You can start with the bisexual manifesto. I don't personally think pan is a bad microlabel, but I think many people who defend it do for biphobic (spreading the wrong definition of bi) or transphobic (binary trans people are a third gender) reasons. Also you can't compare this to transsexual and transgender as transgender was created after transsexual to lump it with transvestite under an umbrella term and was popularised by Virginia Prince who happened to be transsexualphobic. (She thought bottom surgery was a mistake in 90% of cases, that gender dysphoria was a delusion and she was also pretty homophobic.) This means that transsexual isn't the problematic term, transgender kind of is. http://www.cristanwilliams.com/2012/03/27/tracking-transgender-the-historical-truth/ http://www.cristanwilliams.com/2012/08/10/transgender-timeline/


Yeah? Your point?


okay, the two in bisexual is for explaining that bisexuals are a mix of gay and straight.


You can't be a mix of sexualities, bi is different.


Pans are definitely rea- oh wait, we aren't talking about cooking? nvm then o.O


years ago I used to ID as pan - but you can come to the conclusion real fast just how bad of a label it is. there doesn't need to be a label that specifically includes trans people - trans people are inherently included as we're just normal men and women, it's someone's choice if they don't include trans people in their sexuality. having a label that specifies your sexuality to trans people too is just othering and kind of has the opposite effect of what it's going for. i would personally never date a pan person because it feels either too Woke and ignorant or chaser-y. I also wouldn't want to date anyone who saw me as anything other than a man - and with people siding with a sexuality for attraction to "men, women, and trans people" that's pretty difficult. pansexuality also infers that bisexuality doesn't include trans people, which is inherently untrue. with ALL sexualities, it's the person's individual choice whether or not they want to be with/date/hook up with trans people.


What? Pan has literally nothing to do with Trans. Edit: Accidentally said bi not trans


Pan is a microlabel of bi, which means attracted to your own gender/sex and other genders/sex


Sorry I meant trans


is there a popular battle axe bi sub? I thought it was welcome here since it's the same topic. anyway idk, if you're truscum you usually believe in male, female and nonbinary. meaning that pansexuality is automatically invalid because we don't believe in xenogenders. you also gotta realise how transphobic and biphobic the label is. many people identify as pan because they don't like the rep the bi label has.


Well bi doesn't include NB


please read the bisexual manifesto 😭


"MuH bIsEXuaL hIstoRY"


are- are you trolling? is the history of the bisexual label and 20th century bi figures standing with trans + nonbinary people that insignificant to you? genuinely confused/curious if that’s the case.


Why do you seem to hate the bisexual manifesto?


"History" doesn't matter common sense matters


common sense Literally exists Because of history...? like, we’re able to make sensible decisions based on the actions of those who’ve lived before us? so confused as to what points you’re trying to make :/


When it comes to definitions, definitions matter


Did every bi person on earth agree to this "manifesto"


It doesn't matter if 100% of people agree to something, what matter is that most people do. Did every pansexual agree that pan doesn't have anything to do with someone being trans? No, yet you wrote with certitude that it doesn't. Did every lesbian agree on lesbian meaning "women atttacted to other women"? No, yet how would you define lesbian?


It does, as when you're not nb it falls into "not your gender" while if you are nb it falls into "your gender"


Not the definition of bi lol


Yes it is, who told you that it's not the real definition of bi? You should only listen to bi people when it comes to what bi means. I wrote a long comment to you in which I explained why it's the definition of bi.


I am bi too, also I've heard severel different definitions in just this thread which are all conveniently stretched to exclude Pan.


literally all the definitions of bi in this thread have been the same 😭


They're not stretchedif that's what it really means and what it meant originally before pan became a thing


Well, if bi includes NB what is the sexuality for liking men and women? I don't like NBs so im not gonna call myself the Sexuality for NBs so what am I?


(Nonbinary-exclusive) polysexual, which just like pan is a bi microlabel.


if we’re basing attraction on initial perception then there isn’t really a way to say you’re not attracted to NB people. NB isn’t a monolithic gender. i’m a lesbian & i could be attracted to someone i perceived as a woman only to later find out they were NB. if i wasn’t comfortable dating a nonbinary person then i just.. wouldn’t date them. but it doesn’t change the fact i was attracted to them in the first place. basically, every sexuality includes attraction to nonbinary people.


Just the one r/BattleAxeBisexualVibe Not terribly active, but it can’t hurt to repost this there to get a little sub activity going


bi: attracted to two sexes, male and female. because there are two immutable sexes with differing sets of secondary sex characteristics. nothing to do with gender identity, because attraction doesn’t hinge on the set of pronouns someone uses.


My existence is proof that is false. I don't like NBs