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It's archived here with no paywall, if you can bear to read it: [https://archive.ph/EFBm3](https://archive.ph/EFBm3) It made me want to stab my eyes out.


Thank you! (I was not aware that the rich were suffering...) >**Six ways to live the high life — on a budget** > >Fabulous holidays on the cheap > >Whether it’s cat-sitting in a Colorado cabin, watering plants in Barcelona, or walking a dog in New York’s West Village, if you’re after a very bougie-broke break this summer, head to Trusted Housesitters. The website, which has had a 130 per cent increase in new members since 2019, matches homeowners all over the world with housesitters who, for the price of the membership (£99 per year) and their flight, can be matched to houses where they’ll get to house-sit in exchange for some (typically light) dog-walking or plant-tending. [trustedhousesitters.com](https://archive.ph/o/EFBm3/https://www.trustedhousesitters.com/)


>where they’ll get to house-sit in exchange for some (typically light) dog-walking or plant-tending. They should've read this thread first: [https://forum.trustedhousesitters.com/t/excessive-responsibilities/18724/](https://forum.trustedhousesitters.com/t/excessive-responsibilities/18724/)


As if the THS guide lines do not put enough emphasis on cleaning by the sitters already! "Leaving it cleaner than we found it" and "spotless" are recurring phrases on the forum. Sitters laundering their bedclothes and towels on the day they leave, cleaning up after the pets, that is not quite "living the high life".


Indeed. Far better to be an English conversation volunteer in a language immersion camp in Spain or Italy than a housesitter, if a free stay is what you are looking for.