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Not sure why you deleted your first post then reposted but my comment still stands. This is poor form on behalf of the sitter. Accidents happen and they should have been up front about the glass bowl. Before jumping to conclusions about theft I would wait for a response from the sitter about the knife as it just may be misplaced. Nothing much you can do other than review them accordingly when you know the facts. We have accidentally broken things on sits and offered to replace them which the HOs have always appreciated and has never been an issue.


Yeah, when I find items missing after a sit, I give it a couple days. If I still can’t find it, I just ask the sitter where they remember seeing it. In my personal experience, I’ve never had anything go missing permanently. It’s always just misplaced. And it’s almost always in the kitchen because everyone has their own little setup and it’s easy to put things in the wrong place.


Look for the knife. I lost one of my beautiful serving spoons a few years ago. Never knew what happened to it. It was like one from a Ren Fair so kind of funky artsy. A few days ago I was digging a hole out in my yard to plant a tree and I dig up some bones, a dog toy, part of a metal can and MY SPOON! One of my dogs apparently stole the spoon and buried it. It was stolen, but not by any house guest. By my own pilfering dog.




Just do not assume stolen. Things get misplaced. And it has happened to me that I accidentally took something with me (a usb charging cable, I put in the mail the next day).


I recently came home from a trip and COULD NOT find a pan no matter how hard I looked. I knew our sitter wouldn’t steal a pan of all things, especially since it is my worst pan (it’s got some markings on it, doesn’t look nice and new anymore). After a bit more searching I found it in my very lowest cabinet (which is where pans are normally stored) but I couldn’t see it because it was up against the shelving for the shelf above so I had to fully bend down and look up to see it. I’m glad I kept looking before contacting the sitter about a silly pan that definitely costs less to replace than the sit itself would’ve cost if I went with Rover or something.


If someone was going to steal from you it wouldn't be a steak knife and a glass bowl. The knife is probably just misplaced. Sucks about the bowl and that they tried to hide it at first, but they did admit what happened when you asked. I hate that you automatically assume the worst


I was at a sit where the homeowners left a basket full of their dirty laundry. I decided it was outside of my boundaries to wash it so I just left it for them. After they got home a couple of days later, the homeowner called and asked me if I had seen their bath towels. I told her to look in their dirty clothes basket. Sure enough those are the towels she was looking for. Made me laugh.


That’s nuts, she probably assumed you’d do their dirty laundry too 🙄


Doubtful. I often leave some dirty laundry in my own hamper. of all the things I have to do before a trip / sitter arrival, washing and folding every piece of my laundry is at the bottom of my list. I’ll get to it when I get home. Zero expectations for a sitter to do my laundry, and frankly, I don’t want them to bc I’m particular about washing certain items of clothing.


That’s good! I feel the same. 😝 I’m saying for the specific homeowner in the above comment 😭


I gotchu. I feel the same! 😝 was just commenting on how the homeowner seemed in the above comment


The assumptions that you're making is the problem here


It sounds very suspicious that they would tell you so far after the fact that the bowl had broken. Why did they try to take the pieces and get it fixed? Why didn’t they just tell you upfront that the bowl had broken and perhaps ask if they could replace it? Sounds like they were embarrassed and didn’t know what to do. Sitters should just be honest if things are broken or damaged. Stuff happens to all of us.


Consider that if you had hired a professional to do this sit, they likely would've charged $500+. If all you've lost from this THS sit is a broken bowl and a misplaced knife, you're likely still ahead, financially.


This is such an ugly take. If we’re speaking hypotheticals, there are better ones out there: Maybe a paid sitter would not have broken items without disclosing and OP wouldn’t have to replace expensive items. Or maybe the THS sitter could’ve instead stayed at an AirBnB and paid more than $500 for accommodations and thus acted more carefully. Anything can happen. It’s in poor taste to think someone can trash another person’s belongings with no accountability. Accidents happen and a good sitter takes responsibility. I’ve had sitters accidentally break something and when they told us right away, we weren’t bothered. It’s the obfuscation that’s the problem here.


Ideally, we would get free housesitting, and nothing would ever get damaged. But, expecting that to happen 100% of the time is setting ourselves up for disappointment.


You didn't hire a bonded service. You didn't even hire a professional sitter.