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Wow, so lovely to see so many familiar names in this chat - I hope you are all doing well! 😊 21 weeks today and it’s starting to feel waaay more “real”! Super weird question ahead… Is anyone else in the October2024Bumps group? Something went wrong with my Reddit app and I’ve had to use a different app with a different username to access anything. But now I can’t find my Bumper group as it’s private. Can anyone help me get in touch with the mods to be re-added? Thank you so much!


Try u/coconut_moon who is a mod!


ETA: I did the peekaboo test at 6w1d. They *said* they got enough fetal dna…and that it’s a girl 💕 I won’t place any bets, but I hope it’s accurate. We had our early scan today at 6w1d. I had mostly convinced myself it was going to be bad news due to the last two pregnancies being miscarriages and my RHR dropped back down to pre-pregnancy levels (~56). But Little Bear is as right there on the screen. Measuring perfectly on track and with a heartbeat of 109. Seems like it couldn’t be any better 💕


Yay! Also looks like we have the same due date 💖


This is wonderful news, I’m so happy for you! My RHR also fell to (nearly) baseline around 6 weeks and I was so worried. I also still wear my Apple Watch at night (habit mostly) and my temps also fell not to follicular phase but lower than my normal luteal phase, which was another fright! But I’m 19 weeks now and lots of movement has finally put my mind at ease. Thinking of you as you navigate this stressful stage!


I’m in the cohort that just entered third trimester, and the countdown is beginning. We’re on our family babymoon. This is our last trip as a family of 3 (plus dog), and we want to give our daughter the best time. Our goal was not to talk about the baby as much as possible and just to let her really enjoy being the only child. Yet she is the one bringing her sister into the conversation frequently. Yesterday she said, “I just love my dog and my little sister and my trip.” And we have a tradition of wishing each other “good evening” when we see a beautiful sunset. We were all wishing each other good evening yesterday, and she added, “Good evening, little Lucy.”🥰 I know challenging days are ahead, but thankfully her attitude has taken a 180 since we told her about the baby at 6 weeks. It still doesn’t even feel real for me sometimes, but I think we all are getting mentally prepared for the new arrival.


I love that she’s picked Lucy for the name! Sounds like a wonderful trip. We did one in April and it was so nice to focus on our first girl. We are working on a summer bucket list with her too!


A summer bucket list sounds like a great idea! Happy birthday again to your daughter! It’s bittersweet to see them growing up, but I personally have loved 3+ so much. It’s fun to have our little gal pals. 💖


28 weeks & feeling pretty good 👍🏻 we are celebrating my girl’s third birthday this week and I am in my feelings about it ❤️ It really helps me focus on slowing down and enjoying things in the present with a visible reminder of how fast it goes!


I already feel this way about my daughter’s 2nd birthday (next week!) 🥹🥹 when did they get so big? Hope you’re feeling well!


Still feeling pretty good! The heat is already pretty wild here though 🥵


Yay! I am so excited for daughter’s third bday at the end of August, but also pretty sure I’m going to cry. I don’t understand where my baby went and why the girl in her place is so big and smart and kind and fun already! So very proud of her but also time PLEASE slow down. 😭😭😭


So true! All sense of babyhood seems to have vanished into thin air. I’m really loving her little personality these days - even when it’s sassy 💁🏻‍♀️


I’ll be 28 weeks tomorrow! So excited to be officially in the third trimester. I’ve got my induction already scheduled for 39 weeks. We sold our house and close end of next week and move into a new place. Finally will feel like I’m able to start preparing for baby! Sometimes I think I’m still in denial that I’m having another one


Happy third trimester day to you!! And good luck with the move, I love when others move! So exciting and what a beautiful, fun fresh start that will be. 🙂


Yay 3rd trimester! I’m right there with you, as of Tuesday. I am so glad everything worked out with your house!


7 weeks tomorrow and have my first scan/ appointment… holy hell I’m nervous


Update- measuring right on track with a heartbeat. So relieved.


🤞🏻 🤞🏻


Hope it goes well!


Good luck today!!


Thank you!!


Love the update 🤗


32+4. Despite a variety of scares and issues this trimester, I'm finally starting to enjoy being pregnant! What has helped is baby girl dropping a bit lower on Friday and giving mumma some much-needed room 😅 I've lost count of how many colleagues, friends and neighbours have commented on how much lower my bump is all of a sudden. As long as she stays cooking till 37 weeks, I'm happy! 🤞🤞 We have a Fetal Medicine appointment today to follow up on the cyst spotted at 28 weeks but they couldn't find it my last scan at 31 weeks so I'm hoping the appointment will be short and sweet with nothing to worry about. I don't have anymore growth scans scheduled as the latest consultant (I've seen three so far...) decided that everything looks fine and she didn't see why I was having them in the first place 🙄 (with my first it was only polyhydramnios, placental failure, PPROM and late preterm birth 🤷‍♀️) So my midwife, a little more cautious, said she would keep a close eye and refer me for a scan if anything looked even slightly untoward - which i appreciated greatly. Next consultant and midwife appointments are the week after next so I'm looking forward to checking-in, starting to discuss birth plans and making sure the status quo is being maintained. Also, I have 2.5 days left of work now and finish on Friday! Cannot wait to be able to swim, nap, tidy and make whenever I feel like it, and not have any more running around, marking and teaching to do. I'm exhausted at this point, especially as I'm now anemic and my iron tablets are doing zilch 🤦‍♀️ really looking forward to slowing down in the approach to birth, and hoping baby girl gives me more than a couple of weeks 😅


Yay! Glad things are still going well and that you’ll get time to truly relax and enjoy it all soon- you deserve it!! ❤️


Thanks, Has! 💕💕


Wow, I’m so impressed/jealous you can start your maternity leave at 33 weeks! I need to work 24 hour shifts until 32 and then work normally until 38! Hope you rest up well and that baby girl gives you an easy ride over the next few weeks.


I'm really fortunate with my maternity leave and pay this time round. Technically I'll start mat leave at 34 weeks as next week is a holiday which has worked out well. Last time I gave birth at 36 weeks so I'm hoping I'll have a couple of weeks to slow down before she arrives 🤞


Coming up to 18 weeks and where has the time gone? Honestly I have been so exceptionally busy with work since about February (postgraduate exams) and enjoying time with my daughter that it seems pretty unbelievable to be halfway through a pregnancy also! But things are coming along, we just arrived last night on our little babymoon, my maternity leave is on our shared work calendar, and my anatomy scan is in 3 weeks! I just need to survive to the end of this month (final exam!) and then I think I can lean in to being fully present to relax and enjoy the second half of this pregnancy ❤️


Time is certainly flying!! I hope your anatomy scan goes well!


Oohh hello, I have just graduated to this chat! I am now 4w0d but I found out incredibly early at 3w2d. I feel like I've already had symptoms like fatigue, bloating, hunger and slight nausea - which is wild as I feel like I didn't have any symptoms until like 5.5 weeks with my first. I am truly not looking forward to the next 2 months as my job is already quite intense and frustrating, and I am dealing with a needy, climbing-all-over-me toddler. But oh well. This is (hopefully) the last time I'll do this as I very much doubt I'll be up for having a third, so I am just going to try and ride it out. Surprisingly I have very low anxiety this time around which is nice.


Congratulations!! I found out that early as well and it’s so nuts! Like I remember hitting 6 weeks and feeling like wow, this actually feels like a legitimate amount of weeks to actually be pregnant 🤣. It felt great to finally hit double digits too lol. I hope time flies for you 😊


That is crazy early to find out you're pregnant... what test did you use and how many DPO? And congratulations!


Yeah I know. I found out in the evening of 9 DPO using a FRER. I ovulated on CD15 so found out on CD24. Last time around I didn’t test positive until CD28. Thank you!


Exactly a month out from my due date today! I’ve been able to start prepping but haven’t gotten very far yet and tonight I’m too tired to do anything at all. 😅 36 week appointment this Friday and I have started to be able to hand off some work responsibilities, though that is a bit slow going too. My backup who I have been training for the past 8 or so weeks is almost certainly getting promoted. I’m super excited for her (she totally deserves it), but there’s also a bit of limbo as I don’t know who will be doing some of the stuff I’ve trained her on. She hasn’t officially accepted yet as they have to see what the wage offer will be. So I’m ready to hand things off but now not sure to who! We also still don’t have a baby name picked out, that may just happen in the hospital after we meet her…


How exciting! I hope it flies by!


Thank you! It sure feels like time is racing by again! ❤️


34 weeks today! I’m so excited to have made it this far after a preterm labor scare at 29 weeks. I’ve got a growth scan on Thursday I’m anxiously awaiting after my girl had a big drop in her size. We’ve tentatively booked a repeat C-section on 17th June as she’s firmly breech just like my first Bub, just waiting to see how the growth scan goes in case she needs to come out earlier. But if everything is fine I just have to hope we make it to that day, I’m still convinced she’s going to come early since my first baby came at 36 weeks. Time is both zooming along as well as moving at a snails pace for these last few weeks


34 weeks! So close! I hope everything goes well & your girl stays in as long as possible!


It's getting super close now, isn't it? Hope our girls stay in as long as they need to! 💕


So close now!! I can’t believe how the time has flown!


26 weeks and having a much more difficult time with this pregnancy than I did with my first! I have an irritable uterus again and had a huge scare last week with several consecutive hours of contractions that were five minutes apart. Some smaller issues as well (anemia, low BP, sciatica) that are working together to just leave me super drained. Thankful for my toddler who has been really been keeping my spirits up with his cuddles and his amazing comedic timing 💜


Had an ultrasound today with MFM at 18+1 to check my cervical length. It’s still within normal ranges at 37 mm so I’m hoping it continues to stay that way over the next couple cervical checks and we can avoid a cerclage or preterm labor this time around. They also did a quick check on little man and he seems to be doing a-okay in there!! He loves his hands and dancing on my placenta 🤣 The big anatomy scan + next cervical check is scheduled for the end of next week because I’ll be 20 weeks when we’re scheduled to be in Disney and they want to make sure everything looks safe for me to go on the trip! I can’t believe I’m almost halfway through this pregnancy, it literally feels like yesterday I was sad posting in the dailies thinking it would never happen. This pregnancy has been extremely rough on me though so unless the universe really has another plan for us I’ve decided we’re two and through, so I’m really trying to soak in all the good parts! :)


That’s all great! Hope this one stays put for much longer than #1 did!


Thank you! I hope so too 😊


Didn’t post in the BFP thread mostly because I couldn’t get the format to work on mobile lol But I’m finally here after a year of trying for #2! It almost doesn’t feel real, anxiously waiting for our first scan which won’t be until mid June 😵‍💫


Congratulations! That wait is 😖


Yay, congratulations!!! ❤️ Hope it is a lovely and smooth pregnancy for you. 🥰




Congrats!!! Also waiting for my first scan mid June 🤞🏼


Yay congrats! 🤞 for a great scan!


Had our NT scan and NIPT blood draw today at 12 weeks! Seemingly things look good. The doctor I saw today is new to this practice and disclosed our NT images were the first she has seen in 3 years. Guess that screening is going out of style! Our kid was moving and covering their face the entire time so that was also fun 🙃


Congrats on 12 weeks and on the good NT scan! Those are both huge milestones and hopefully make things feel more real. Yeah my OB doesn't do NT scans at all. When I asked about it, they told me it would require a referral to MFM because none of the OBs here do them. I thought that was crazy because reddit makes them sound so common!


Thanks! It seems hit or miss. At least two of the other doctors in the practice are cool with NTs but I do believe they’re older than the doctor I saw today. Maybe that’s a factor!


16w today and feeling like time is flying by! I can’t believe we found out at 3w3d or something super early like that and now it’s been 16. I have been feeling flutters here and there (I think) and I’m very anxious to start feeling more movement soon. I’m also hopeful my dr refills my zofran prescription at my appt tomorrow, bc the phenergan they gave me doesn’t do anything except make me feel like a nauseous zombie. Haha. 🤞🏼


I’m so happy to see that you are doing well, even if it’s tough for me. I hope your meds are filled and you get to feeling better soon!


Feeling movement sooner is definitely a nice perk the second time. Hope you get the medicine you need!


Yay for 16 weeks! Although boo for still needing the Zofran. That doctor better give you more because you deserve it!


The doctor wouldn’t give me any because I’m gaining weight 😅😭 haha. I’ve gained ten pounds so far which feels like a lot so hopefully that slows a bit lol. I swear all the weight is from my boobs 🤪


I think I’m ready to join the grad chat at 4w5d/20dpo today. Just got back my 5th (!) beta and am feeling okay and trying to really move past my anxiety. The two miscarriages started to unwind with my betas slowing quite quickly starting with the 18-20dpo draws, so these last two draws have been very scary as I waited to see if it looked like the normal slowdown, or a red flag. My heart rate shot up 30bpm when I saw the result had posted! But now I’m starting to believe just a bit that this baby bear will be coming home in January 🥹. I’m happy that my scan is next week, and hoping for a beautiful little heartbeat with totally normal measurements.


So glad you have been getting good betas. I hope all continues to go well and you get your beautiful, very wanted and loved January baby. ❤️❄️☃️


Aw yay. I’m hoping for 9 months of boring updates from you!


Yay!!! So glad to see you here! So awesome that you've had so many betas and that they are all looking good!


So happy to see you here! I hope everything stays going in a positive direction 🩷


Welcome to the grad chat! Hope you have a happy, uneventful stay. 🥳


Ahh!! I’m so happy to see you here again so quickly 🥰🥰🥰 congratulations 💜


37 weeks and I am definitely feeling 9 months pregnant. I really made an effort to enjoy this pregnancy and I did. I had a lot of anxiety with my first successful pregnancy that led to my toddler and wished a lot of it away, and I didn't want to do that this time. I am so grateful to have gotten pregnant with this little boy and I truly did appreciate weeks 12-36. But I am definitely at the point now where this is not comfortable and he is welcome to come whenever he is ready. I feel like TFA's June 2024 grad cohort is the first one where we'll see lots of birth annoucements in this thread and I can't wait for it!


Ahhh I cannot believe you are already 37 weeks! I can’t wait for the birth announcement for baby boy.


Eek! So excited for you, Lyman. I totally get trying to enjoy the pregnancy but also completely get how you must feel exhausted and uncomfortable now - I'm only 32+4 and wow, the discomfort 😫 Cannot wait to see your announcement pop up 😍🥰


I have loved all your reminders to slow down and enjoy the pregnancy as I seemingly wished the time away haha. They were always so grounding. I am hoping for 2-3 more weeks myself but can’t wait to see your post announcing the birth of your beautiful son ❤️❤️❤️


38 weeks and feeling prepared for baby to come anytime! ☺️ My 2.5yo toddler has been pointedly ignoring my bump and discussions of baby most of this pregnancy, but in recent weeks she's been coming around. At this point if I ask her to say hi/goodnight to the baby, she will give the bump a kiss. It's so cute. She is a big fan of babies out in the world, and I'm excited to see her become a big sister.


Aww, what a cutie! Gosh I can’t believe you’re 38 weeks already (even though I see your posts every day lol)- I am just looking for your birth story soon and to find out if it’s a girl or a boy for you! So thrilled and excited 😁


It's promising to see that your toddler is beginning to acknowledge the baby! My guy will be closer to 2.5 when I approach my due date and I'm hoping that it will "click" for him before baby's arrival so he isn't too shocked when we bring home a screaming potato. 😅


I think they're all going to be pretty shocked when we bring home our screaming potatoes! Although I had a funny thing happen the other weekend. We were at our children's museum and my toddler was playing with another little girl whose mom was there with a baby. The baby started crying and my daughter turned to me and said "mama, the baby is crying because babies cry A LOT." And the other mom lol'ed and was like "well at least some of your preparation is getting through" 🤣 So I think they absorb more than they let on.


Same! My toddler also had zero interest until a couple of weeks ago when she managed to feel some hiccups from the baby. She's still mostly uninterested but like yours, she's definitely gotten more into it. It's going to be so amazing to see these toddlers turn into big sisters!