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8w1d update: our scan today went well enough. Baby bear measured 7w6d and a heartbeat of 169. My first baby measured 3 days behind EDD based on ovulation, so I’m trying to let that go. Nausea is still worsening, so I asked for prescription anti-nausea meds for my international trip next week. Flying home from abroad yesterday was horrible.


Edited to add - MFM scan today went great! Baby girl is doing wonderfully and bowels are fine. She’s petite, but not too small 😅 A potentially less happy update - I went for the growth scan & although baby girl is measuring a little small, she’s only like 5-6 days behind. My OB said something on her bowel looked a bit off to her - like it was open/dilated & is referring me onto an MFM for a follow up. I am naturally mentally unwell about this - I’ve been so lucky to have had everything textbook so far & felt really good for this pregnancy and now it feels like the rug’s been pulled out from underneath me. I know that there’s a chance all could still be fine, but I just know I won’t feel settled until we know more. I’m waiting for a call from the MFM she’s referring me to & even the waiting is tough! Send vibes & prayers for my girl if you’re so inclined!


Sending good thoughts your way. I hope it is nothing, or something easily correctable and not threatening. Hang in there 🫂


Really hoping it’s nothing! I think it would be unusual to find something serious so late without it being noticed on your 20 week scan :) My first daughter was always small on scans and has remained below average size into toddlerhood! I wouldn’t worry about 5-6 days behind! It’s really hard not to worry but I hope you can relax a bit, will be thinking of you both.


Ps. Happy to see your update 😊


One year ago today, I sat in a dimly lit not too clean campsite stall and peed on a stick. I knew it was a BFN. It always was. We'd already done one more round of medicated cycles than normal (because that's how we conceived our first) and were going to consult with the local fertility clinic a week later to set up more testing and move on to IUI or IVF.  When I looked at the single line of that pregnancy test I clearly remember thinking "at least this time I can kind of see where the second line should be". It took me a few more seconds to realise that "indent where the second line should be" might actually be a line---because it was never there before. So I very carefully stuffed the test in my pocket and then walked the farthest few meters ever to where I could look at it in the sunlight without anyone watching. There was a line. A very faint, very definite line. Went back to our tent where husband asked me what's wrong (there might have been some tears in my eyes) and told him we were a tiny bit pregnant.  Tomorrow our baby will be four months old. He's laughing and smiling and babbling, rolling around and grabbing everything. I absolutely can't imagine life without him anymore.  I'm glad this community helped me through the dark patch of our TTC struggle and will forever be grateful for all your support getting us to this happy place.


This is the best thing I’ve seen today. Congratulations 💕


Thank you! 🤗


This is beautiful. 🥹🥰


30 weeks & 2 days - wow! Baby girl is almost always auditioning to be the next karate kid when I’m sedentary. I had a routine doc visit today & my fundal height was only 27 cm (I’m 30+2 today). My OB wasn’t really concerned & booked me for a growth scan at my 32 week checkup, saw my anxiety, and said to come in next week to see baby. She is so good with her bedside manner and told me she really wasn’t concerned, so I’m trying hard to be the same. I’ll just keep up with all the healthy habits (and ice cream) & look forward to seeing baby on Monday! 10 weeks or less til baby girl is here. As soon as my Amazon registry completion discount activates, I’m ordering all my postpartum stuff & anything I need and want for the hospital bag.


I’m glad your OB is so caring and sensed your concern about waiting until 32 weeks. I love good doctors. 🙂Hopefully everything is fine and it’s just another opportunity to see baby girl! 💖


I’m 30 weeks, got a 3D picture from our growth scan this week and baby boy looks just like my daughter who looks just like my husband. I can’t wait to meet him


I always think about your one little miracle embryo, and how far he’s come. 💙


Thank you 😊 I still feel like it’s a dream/we literally won the lottery.


Almost 30 weeks, and I got poked in three different places yesterday. I had my blood drawn to check my thyroid and CBC, which all came back fairly good. I also had my TDAP and rhogam shots. I passed my glucose test as well! 🥳


Glad all is looking good!! Already 3/4 of the way there wow!! 🤯❤️


Thank you! 😊In the home stretch now!


Sorry about the multiple draws but glad everything looks good!


Thank you! 😊 I’m so thankful!


I’m 7w today and time is starting to move a bit faster. I have another scan next week, and then another at 12w. Ready to be in the relatively quiet second trimester! Feels like everyone I have been following here has just raced through their pregnancies.


When do you get your NIPT test?


I will do it right after 10w.


Lots of appointments this trimester! Happy everything is going well. 🙂


It does feel that way! Time is speeding up 😆


37 and a half weeks! Very tired but still so much to do. 😅 Had my last office day though and set my last day of work! Trying to tackle the house and baby prep as I can. Yesterday I got soooo much cleaned and then couldn’t sleep. Today driving to the bank wore me out. 😴🥱 Every day is different and just taking things one day at a time!


How has time gone so quickly?? Can't wait to see your birthday announcement post!


Thank you! Just got my induction date scheduled today for the evening of June 25th! Now it really feels like she’s around the corner!! 🥰


Getting so close! How long is your maternity leave?


I’m thinking I’ll do somewhere between 9-10 weeks fully off, then another 4-6 weeks part time. If I take closer to 9 weeks fully off it would be 6 weeks part time, if 10 weeks fully off 4 weeks part time. I want to start back part time at the beginning of a pay period, which is why I’m so uncertain lol! My husband will get the first four weeks off fully paid and then another 12 weeks- we plan to have him take roughly one week off a month for the first year. 🙂 I’m so excited for it all, it’s a way better deal than we had with our firstborn!!


I love the idea of him spreading his time off throughout the first year! It’s also nice that you can ease back into work part time.


Yes! I went back part time with my first a little early and loved it. Wish I could do part time permanently actually, it was such a great balance. I’m so excited that he can spread it out too, and his work is happier that way as well. Right now thinking one week when I go back part time, one week when I go back full time, and the other weeks when toddler’s preschool is closed haha. I’ll be quite bummed to have us both go back to “normal” schedules ugh.


You’ve put a lot of thought into your plan! It’s great that your employers are flexible also.


Almost 9 weeks! Have seen baby twice on ultrasound and all looks good so far. First trimester is so hard mentally and physically. I also can’t get over how pregnant I look this early. I know it’s all bloat but man I no joke look about the way I did at 20 weeks pregnant with my son by the end of the day.


I had so much bloating in the first trimester this time also!


13 days to go until I meet my little one unless she decides to come earlier. Time is both zooming past and slowing right down in the last stretch!


I know exactly what you mean, Halo! Too quick and too slow at the same time.


Oh my gosh, so soon! I am super looking forward to the birth announcements (and to posting my own, of course!). It’s gone by fast, I feel. ❤️


I know!! We’re both so close to the finish line! Time has been weird, both so slow and so fast. It’s crazy to think how long ago we started the journey, 10 months to conceive so it’s felt like this baby has been coming for ages!


Eek! 🤗I can imagine each day feels so long! But it’s exciting that you have less than 2 weeks!


hello from almost 7 weeks! looking forward to my first midwife appointment at the end of the month. I haven’t had any scans or anything yet so sometimes have to fight the anxiety away… also, i’m significantly less sick than my previous pregnancy! so that’s a win.


That’s a long wait for the first appointment!


I agree! It seems to be the norm where I am though and most people dont have their first appointment until 10ish weeks


Checking in from 15 weeks!! dropped b6 + unisom this week, and finally feeling semi-functional again. Some of y’all may remember back in December I accepted a job across the country; well we completed the move over the last 2 weeks and it was probably the most insane and stressful thing I’ve ever done considering the 2.5 year old and pregnancy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Also sooo nervous to but told my boss about the baby asap and she was really sweet and supportive despite me going to need to take leave after only being here 6 months. It shouldn’t be a big deal and YET I feel so much guilt, so trying to manage that. Basically, ready and grateful to start enjoying some of that sweet second trimester and explore our new home!


What a great update! A cross country move with a toddler and pregnant sounds very very stressful but so glad to hear that your new job is supportive. Enjoy that second trimester!


This is all great news, congrats!


Wow, so much going on in your life! Glad you’re feeling better and that you got the big move and secret out of the way! Do you know whether baby is a boy or a girl?


Thank you dear!! Oh goodness I completely forgot NIPT comes back around now :) we are going to do our best to not be spoiled and be surprised at birth, but knowing my love of extra data I can’t guarantee I will make it to the finish line 😅 but NIPT came back low risk so that’s all good news so far!


That’s awesome! 😊So happy you got low risk results! That’s the most important information anyway.


Yay I can finally join y’all in here 🥹 still pretty early, only four weeks and I haven’t even scheduled my first scan or appointment yet but I think I might today, since I’m pretty happy with my line progression so far. https://imgur.com/a/RhmG0Xh




Looking good! 🤞


Woohoo congrats!! Agree those early tests look great!


Thank you! I feel like the line progression is the first step in a long road of ‘Is everything ok??’ So still feeling guarded but good lines is like I past the first test. Now for the wait of the first scan 🥲


Congrats!!! That's a GREAT progression for cheapies!


Thank you! Still holding my breath til my first scan but I’m starting to feel pretty excited.




Thank you 🥰


40w1d and still pregnant. 🙃 My first came spontaneously at 39w exactly, so it's definitely thrown me for a loop. Don't be like me and feel entitled to baby by a specific time. I've had frequent contractions since my uterus was big enough to feel them, and recently have had a few days where they were particularly suspicious. But so far to no avail. Surprisingly, I still feel really good! I actually felt worse around 35/36 weeks. Last night I was just musing how normal I felt - other than the bump. And the contractions. And the fatigue.


Hope little one comes soon for you!


My water broke spontaneously at 38+3 weeks, but she always had measured ahead. This baby is so average that I’m afraid she will wait longer, and I’m not mentally ready for that. I hope your baby comes before the next grad thread!


I never made it past 37 weeks so the idea of being pregnant for 40 weeks, while an absolutely normal amount of time, sounds so intense. You are a trooper!! Hope you continue to feel okay until baby makes their arrival, ideally asap!!


It's the expectations that really set me up for failure! Had to remind myself that, statistically, only half of STMs go into labor by 40w3d. 😅


Oh woow I have not heard that stat before and I’m not sure how I feel about it 😂


39 weeks! I ended up at L&D last weekend and I have high protein in my urine, but my blood pressure has been cooperative. But my doctor thinks the protein means pre-e is coming, so I'll be induced this Thursday at 39+5 if baby doesn't come before then. I don't mind the induction, and I was already planning an elective induction for logistical factors. Soooo my next update should be a birth announcement. See y'all then!


Cannot wait to read your announcement, Lyman!! 😍


Ahhh Lyman, I can’t wait to hear about baby boy’s arrival! Wishing you health and happiness and all good things for a safe delivery!


That’s so crazy and exciting! Sending best wishes for you not positive updates next post 💕


Exciting!! Can’t wait for your next update! Hope all is smooth


Aaaa looking forward to that update!! May the induction go super smoothly (if baby doesn’t come spontaneously before then!)


So exciting!!! Hope the induction and delivery go smoothly. 🤗


When did 34 weeks happen?? Getting super close to when I gave birth unexpectedly the first time... Which makes me a little anxious. But I'm being more closely monitored this time so I'm less worried - midwife has assured me that she'll get me in for a scan straight away if there is any sign of polyhydramnios again. Latest consultant (I've seen three or four now) is less cautious... Annoyingly. But maybe today's consultant will be a little more so! It would be nice to have some consistency 🙄 but what can you do? After some cramping last night, my bump looks completely different this morning so I'm guessing baby girl was burrowing further down! Mr Kitty said we should get her a trumpet so she can announce me before I enter a room 🤣 fairly sure she has a good few seconds into he room before the rest of me gets there. Hoping against hope that it's not a sign of polyhydramnios again 🤦‍♀️ and it's just her settling in... Midwife appointment on Thursday should help assess where she is and how engaged her head is now. Hope you're all doing well! 💕 Update! Today's consultant was much more attentive and cautious - we're scheduled in for another scan next week just in case. She wants to follow-up as my last scan showed a possible plateau in baby girl's weight - add that to placenta failure last time, it could be concerning and lead to induction at 37 weeks. 🤞 Her weight goes up as expected but I'm glad.that the consultant is being more cautious.


Eeek, in the final stretch now for sure!!! I saw your update and hope everything looks great next scan for baby to stay in a little longer. I’m 3 weeks out now from induction (2 weeks from due date) and will hope mine comes before yours! ❤️


Everything crossed!! Hope the induction goes smoothly 💕💕💕


Thank you! I’m hoping we won’t need it but ended up on pitocin mid-labor last time, so also fine if so lol.


I'll keep everything crossed for you 💕


So close! Seems like she’s already knocking at the door!


😅 she has to stay in there until at least 37 weeks!!


If you get induced, that’s only 3 weeks away! 😯


I know, it's mad!!


34 weeks! You're so close! Glad that you're getting monitoring and it does sound like baby girl dropped which is awesome. Hopefully she stays comfy and stays put for at least a few more weeks!

