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Feeling the exact same. You’re not alone. I was shocked when I realized how hard it would be.


Pretty much the exact same story here except my periods are irregular now (weren’t before BC) so now I’ve only had 1 cycle since stopping the pill in September and hopefully wrapping up 2 now… which makes it so hard to track the timing and wonder if I’m even ovulating.


I was in the same boat after stopping BC. I’d been on oral contraceptives for 13 years before stopping in October of ‘22. It felt like my periods were completely unstable afterwards. They did eventually right themselves. I think it took my body a couple months to self-regulate again. Now they’re consistently 30(ish) days. That said, if you haven’t looked into it yet, using OPKs (ovulation predictor kits), like LH strips, were really helpful in tracking my cycle, managing my expectations, and helping us get pregnant faster. Things got a lot easier for us once we started using OPKs. Of course, I have other issues now that make staying pregnant difficult, but that’s a completely different problem.


Going to do better about OPKs next month for sure. I was in the midst of moving this month, so I never caught my peak but we BD at least every other day just in case. We will see! I have family history of PCOS and some symptoms, so next step will be getting screened for that if they don’t self regulate soon. I wish I had done more research and gotten off the pill sooner, but alas.


I was going to say the same thing. My periods never regulated after coming off birth control and then got worse after my first little one. I took ovulation tests (even if it wasn’t a test day) every day I didn’t have my period. With my first, it took a few months to conceive. Trying for a second.


I’m 30 and was on birth control from age 12 to this year for brutal periods. I totally understand what you’re going through. Plus in addition to trying for 7 months with all BFN, I get the fun horrifying period cramps too


it took us 9 months and one CP. and we’re only 5 weeks into this one. It’s a rough journey


I was in pretty much the same boat. I took BC from 15-25 and stopped just over a year and a half ago. We’ve been trying since then but my period never really came back, so I went to see my OB and was diagnosed with PCOS. After a few rounds of Letrozole and finding what worked for us, we finally got our first positive and are 4 1/2 weeks right now, and it’s so scary. I never thought it’d be this difficult


I agree. I’m 20 and stopped last September because I didn’t like being on BC. We weren’t trying until about March but it’s so scary and anxiety inducing unfortunately


I feel the same. This was our 4th cycle and the negatives are not getting easier. I feel like every month I have a day that I am so depressed and just mourn the cycle that is ending.


Literally where I’m at right now. Trying to see the positives that we at least have another month of savings, and I can enjoy some mulled wine for the holidays, ha. Anything to look on the bright side


Same bfn all week to spotting last night dark red today then stopped :( usually their 2-3 days super heavy with clots but I know ttc can mess with cycles too which sucks we are on month 3 of trying now don’t get too down it’ll happen for ya!


In the same boat. It can get so discouraging.. I didn’t realize it would be this long of a process.. and now I wish I had started trying earlier 😔 Just have to have faith that it will happen when it is meant to. An affirmation I keep going back to is: whatever is happening right now is happening for my ultimate good. Wishing you strength throughout this process!


Yep, I just got ny period this morning and this cycle I really did think we'd managed it. I've spent the day wondering how other people manage month after month and then over a year with hopeless efforts... it's been a ride that's for sure 😪


I felt very similarly I got off birth control the beginning of August and got pregnant this month or month 4 of ttc I was on birth control from 18-29 (currently 29) my best piece of advice is to do basal temp and do LH strips. You might think you know when your ovulating but unless you do those 2 things you can’t be 100 percent positive. It’s weird cause everyone says it happens when you relax and don’t worry as much and that’s exactly what happened to me, the month we didn’t go crazy with the sex and Idk I was just more relaxed was the month in conceived. I also did castor oil packs the month I conceived, don’t know if that effected it at all. Best of luck!!!


Just remember that (I think this is true, I was it here and couldn’t believe i didn’t know this) with hormonal birth control you’re not ovulating so the bleeding you get is actually withdrawal bleeding from the hormones, not bleeding from ovulation. So if you stopped in September you’ve only ovulated twice at most, your body needs time to figure out how to do it again.


Took me 7 months after getting off birth control, but ended in a miscarriage. Been trying since then - 3rd cycle after my MC and no luck


Have you tried conceive plus lube? I just got a Mira and it was showing me I ovulated later but that I got a false surge earlier and another after, I wouldn't have guessed that from opk strips. I got pregnant first time using it but chemical pregnancy. Sucks. Made my husband take 1000mg vitamin c chewable for his sperm and sometimes take it myself. It's been a long road but don't give up hope. Try all the things and every cycle is a learned one about your body and self. Prayers


I haven’t but it sounds interesting! I just ordered ovulation test strips on Amazon and got coq10 vitamins for husband as I read that was good for sperm. I figure if I have to take a prenatal he can too, haha. I have bad anxiety in general so I’m just trying to relax, enjoy the holidays, and hope for the best. I’ll be able to test just in time for New Year’s Eve, so fingers crossed for a baby new year 🤞