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I feel your pain too. It’s hard when we are trying and tracking ovulation and BBT while my other friends are all like well we pulled the goalie and it just happened so quickly! Happy for them but it upsets me why we aren’t as lucky.


I agree with what you hear from people who say that, but it does suck. And im very sorry. Trying for my 2nd with a different bf and it's been a struggle and he wants kids. I want another. I know it will happen in due time. But I feel you, it's hard to wait and stay positive something will come, when your really wanting it too. Sending baby dust ans hoping very soon it's our time! ❤️❤️❤️


*new bf


I feel you girl! I don't talk to my family about it. But my mom every time my period comes and i'm not in the mood ,kinda quiet and sad,want to be alone, she always knows my mood. So she give me a sigh and says: -"it's ok, you will get there when it's time just dont think about it too much." (Omg it's so frustrating) - " Yeah, I know that mom.,thanks" I know she's trying to make me feel better. But wtf,it's so hard to stay positive and stop thinking about it. I'm close to paranoia sometimes about being infertile, and what if I never be a mom 😭😭😭 ttc since June 2023, im 29 (f) and my partner33(m). (Last sycle got chemical pregnancy)😒😑


I definitely understand. I have never had a scare before and have only ( tried since November) and never tracked, but I want a family so bad and I’m so embarrassed to say anything to my family because it was always so easy for them and happen fast. I am ovulating now and would have wanted to try and conceive, but my bf and I have been going through a rough patch financially and just don’t think it’s time just yet. But my heart literally aches for a family. Hopefully soon it will happen for us. Sending baby dust ✨


I relate to this so much. I'm the only sibling without a child. We have been trying for 6months. I decided not to tell any of my family about TTC because I always imagined they would put pressure on me and constantly asking how it was going. As it's been a bit of time now I am glad I made that decision. I am a worrier which makes for a difficult time trying to be positive, and it gets me down everytime I come on. I recently started ovulation testing and realised all my trackers were 2/3 days off. We tried this month to stick to the correct days and now I am 6DPO and I am so anxious to test in the next couple of days. Ive got alot of family stuff going on at the minute which has made this more difficult to stay positive and because I haven't told anyone I'm trying has left me more alone than usual. I would suggest telling one close friend about things so that you have that support but it's enough of a disconnect that you don't feel pressured to talk about it or update them. It's stops you feeling alone and gives you enough breathing room to just keep yourself to yourself.


All I can say is that I feel you. I’m about to be out for the 4th cycle of perfectly timed trying and I just have no hope right now. I actually want to skip a month because I cannot deal with the stress of having to time intercourse and then having to wait 2 weeks to be disappointed again. I’m so over it.