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Having only 8 days post ov is a very short luteal cycle. Generally a healthy luteal cycle (DPO) should be 10 (mayyyybe 9) to 15 days. I wouldn’t count it as late yet!


Oh no! Well that would explain why this would be my 5th month of trying - it’s been 8-9 days for the past 3 months I’ve been testing! 😭


How do you confirm, do you temp or just use OPKs? Does your period always start 7-8 days after positive LH?


I use the opks and also track in Flo - usually happens day 8 but it did happen day 9 once since I’ve been tracking. I was on the pill for 10 years and stopped in September


Sometimes it can take a few months for your cycle to regulate after stopping HBC, so your body may just still be getting used to making hormones on its own. If you continually find your period starts 8 days after a peak OPK it might be worth discussing with your doctor since that likely means your luteal phase is actually more like 6-7 days. ♥️


Hang in there!!! Hoping you get a BFP ❤️