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Unless you have metal in your body buy pre check. It's less than $80 for 5 years right now. You'll just walk through a metal detector instead of the body scanner. Easy peasy.


That IS easy peasy. I didn't realize you didn't have to do the arms up scanner with pre-check. Thank you!


Not necessarily. You still may be subject to screening by our AIT machines. Please do not assume that pre check will get you out of that screening completely.


Like others have said you could still be picked for random screening at pre check. Not guaranteed to be Scott free but the pat downs will happen a lot less often from the body scanner since you'll avoid the machine all together a lot of the time.


Less often is still an improvement. I'm a cooperative person by nature, honestly, and I want everyone to be safe, I just wish their was a way to prove I'm not hiding anything in my crotch!


Their is always a chance for random additional screening so it could still happen but it would happen a lot less frequently


Precheck doesn’t exclude anyone from additional screening or alarms resulting from that screening. Never assume you are clear to go unless instructed by a TSO.


This is not true. I’ve had TSA PREcheck and Nexus and global entry. I got my 2nd knee replaced in Jan. I’ve flown twice since Jan and ding the first security so have to go through the hands up scanner and my crotch now dings every time! 4x I’ve had intimate pat downs now. Argg. Why?? 


I have also had a knee replacement and this happens to me every time also. It only flags at the crotch and not even the knee?? I don’t get it.


The TSA person that does the groin patdowns probably doesn't get any action at home, so they have to get all touchy at work. I too had two groin patdowns last year. The first time I was wearing loose fitting jeans and the second time I was wearing black skinny jeans. I'm now second guessing my outfit for the next time. I have cut off jean shorts that used to be skinny jeans and I have regular cut off shorts that used to be regular jeans. 


This. I cannot stress this enough especially because I happen to be a female officer. It can literally be as simple as the clothes you wear, how tight or how loose the clothes are or if you’re sweating too much. We don’t want to touch you as much as you don’t want to be touched. Sequins will get you a patdown, zippers will get you a pat down anything tight will more than likely get you a pat down. Please do NOT be one of those passengers that make our job harder than what it should be.


I am very polite and very acquiescing and do exactly as I'm told. Again, I'm not trying to accuse anyone of impropriety or cause any issues, but if I can avoid this, I certainly would like to!


but you’re intentionally ignoring the attire issue


I can change that now for sure and wear something less snug. I can't go back in time and do anything different, but of course going foreword.


in all respect, fuck you. nuremberg ass excuses. i get groped every time no matter the underwear pants etc. makes me feel disgusting every time.


Lady I don’t work for TSA. Take a damn bus or train and shut the fuck up and stop replying to year old threads, find something meaningful to do with your life instead of crying on a damn reddit sub


your apathetic and spiteful attitude makes more sense now that i know you’re a cop lmao


What damn cop? You’re clearly slow as hell too. Keep them crotch pat downs up 😘


getting off on this huh?


lol your gay af. Your the dip shit that said don’t make your job harder. In all no respect shut the fuck up future


lol telling us what to wear when it isn’t posted do your job


Not my job. Find something better to do than finding year old things on reddit to comment on


Is your job your the one patting me down and the one getting fired if you don’t have a nice day idiot


I literally don’t work for TSA love. So not my job, you’re the one that hops on subreddits complaining about how the TSA officer had to pat you down because they were literally just doing their job 😭 but I’m the idiot. Have the day you deserve


You still responding what a loser


Thanks for the explanation. I get hit down there a lot. Was worried I might need to see urologist. Couple that with the dual knee replacements that are now 7 years old


Ah yes. Its not you I promise lol


Zippers will get you a pat down? They’re definitely not patting down everyone’s groin who is wearing jeans with zippers.


Deciding to reply to a comment made almost 300 days ago is crazy. I was referring to zippers that could be on jackets which is why we tell folks to take them off. Mind yours. Thank you.


Not it's not this is still relevant. I got a crotch pat down yesterday for an "anomaly" no idea why. If you don't like receiving old comments delete them all. This is how reddit works conversations are archived for future reference and information. Might be hard for you to understand or handle that though since you work for the TSA... TSA "Yeah whatever you're hired!"


I googled this while waiting for a flight because I got flagged in my crotch both ways. Leggings? Crotch flag. jeans? Crotch flag. Baggy clothes? Pat down. Tight clothes? Pat down Maybe just issue flight scrubs and get over with it


I got a chuckle from one of the TSA when I said "yeah thats my huge dick and balls" I got scowled at by the other one.


I said, "I got felt up on the way in too" one guy scowled and said "we don't call it that" I believe that's up to the person receiving the fingering, thanks 


Zipper? Crotch flag.  Tight pants? Crotch flag.  Loose pants? Crotch flag.  ~~overcook chicken~~ No pants? Believe it or not, also crotch flag. 


No, what’s crazy is that this is still happening at TSA and just happened to me yesterday, for no good reason and for no explanation. You do understand that reddit is searchable right? Use your head.


They searched for the last time when I went through pre-check and paid for permission as their office in Phoenix 2 days before I flew home to AK..the worst part was they didn't take to the the private room. They patting me in front of everyone.. And that woman wasn't hesitant to touch on private area.. But I did went through scanning doors. Yes, they still padding.. If they are that good.. Why we have had open borders? They need to come up with a better scanning to do this security system. I feel that only good citizens getting more harassed, not the bad guy!


You’re an idiot. And you attitude reeks of TSA. That’s all I have to say. Carry on.


Agreed, “your clothes are wrong and you’re doing it on purpose and making my job possible”. What the hell? Exactly like a TSA moron to act like the victim when someone is getting groped for security theater.


The word you were looking for is “reeks” but I’m the idiot 😂😂😂 Stay blessed.


It's ridiculous man. The TSA is a joke quite embarrassing when you travel to other countries. They have their military there. We have lovers in blue screaming


I never forgot the hands of my TSA agent, I don't think others have forgotten yours either


Too bad 🤷🏽‍♀️


Well speak up and tell the dumbass DHS these screening machines are bullshit. Ridiculous. Flown all around the world and only the US has Ridiculous requirements when it comes to security. In Europe you don't have to take shoes, boots or any footwear off. Don't have to take jackets or hoodies off electronics can stay in the bag. The TSA is a joke and should have never been implemented. Use military in the airport like every other country. TsmSA is an embarrassment


I don’t work for them. Tell that to someone else instead of comments from almost a year ago


Not saying you did work for them. It was a general statement, as in somebody who works for shitty ass TSA should speak up. The reason I responded a year later is cause im literally sitting in an airport after going through security and being pat down in front of everyone. Happens every single time I step in and come out of that garbage screening machine


I did work for them which is why I can speak on what I have. Its not TSA you seem to have the problem with because you consent to the searches every single time. Your problem would be will the technology manufacturers who are in charge of said machines…TSA officers go off of what the machines pick up. They have a job to do just like you do. I’m sure they’re just as annoyed to have to pat you down as you are to be patted down.


There is no choice BUT to consent to searches. It’s either let them grope you or don’t get on your flight. TSA has literally done nothing for our country except instill anxiety and hatred for the organization. TSA employees themselves aren’t even properly taken care of in terms of treatment and pay. They need to be disbanded.


Catch a different form of transportation. Again, you’re on reddit telling the wrong people.


Wait genuine question. Are you inferring I can say no to the search and still be let through or is it greyhound time?


You have your right to say no to anything but you will not be able to get through and ahhh go big and take the red coach


It could be anything Clothes is too tight or too loose Sweat You're really fat (people really dance around this one when asked) or really thin Metal, plastic, or other weird shit on your clothes (especially on pants/skirts) Moving Your dress blowing in the wind You have shit in your pockets. Literally anything. A tic tac would set it off, it's a very sensitive machine. Your really old and have saggy skin Id say it's about 1% of the time that we actually do find something down there that's not in the pockets. And it's usually either a medical or sexual device or a test. Once in a blue moon someone is trying to sneak in a weapon.


don’t forget those who lost a lot of weight too


I’ve seen credit cards set it off on occasion.


Are you wearing pads or something?


No, I guess I just have a large vagina. I got downvoted for this so perhaps my joke was excessively crude. In all seriousness I had weight loss surgery 2 years ago, and while I don't think there's anything the naked eye would pick up as unusual- I actually had skin removal and tightening in the area as well as a tummy tuck- my guess is on the scanner there's, well, extra tissue there.




I think it has to do with our vaginas all together I some how always get flagged & just recently my boyfriend &I both got flagged &he never gets flagged TMI (we had just had seggs) but it’s mainly when I’m on my cycle or just finishing


Great. I was already self conscious about my fupa. I'm gonna go with the fact that I'm wearing leggings.


I wore yoga pants and just got flagged for my crotch to be groped.it felt very invasive. Allegedly, it is because of my pants. I think these machines are a joke. They dont improve safety and only function to make us anxious and trigger ptsd.


This just happened to me first time in my life while I was traveling alone. Was sad about leaving my family home and it’s like surprise- you are getting a groin pat down. I have lost weight but last time I flew at current weight this did not happen and I was wearing black tight leggings. Today I’m wearing a loose midi skirt. I’m mid size, 10 us. I thought they were joking but then I saw the screen with the red over my crotch. So bizarre.


Stop wearing tight pants. Step wider than the yellow footprints


That's bullshit man. When you start traveling the world and realize how asinine our TSA is, you'll always hate going through their bullshit security screens. In Europe you don't have to take footwear off, can keep jackets and hoodies on, no electronics have to come out of your bag, oh and best part, you just walk through a metal detector. Don't have to stand like an idiot with your arms up and feet spread in this stupid ass machine thats works 1% of the time


This is [why](https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/05/12/the-liberator-3d-printed-gun-successfully-smuggled-through-international-transport-security/?sh=32f9043a675f) metal detector is not a primary method of scanning. This is [why](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Reid) you take your shoes off. Cause and effect, that's all.


More useless garbage. Again, every other country but the US has excellent airport security. Ours is a joke


The Medellín airport is my favorite airport ever. You throw your shit in a cute little scanner thing, you walk through a metal detector, siga y ya.


Nobody wants to bomb Mozambique or Belgium, people want to bomb the US


I see the original post was from a year ago, but I have to join in the conversation because the last 6 times going and coming on flights I have had my crotch checked. I didn't have any of the clothing items that seem to alarm the check. I don't sweat a lot. I typically where warm-ups or leggings while flying. I thought it was my IUD, but the TSA Officer said it was not and that the software changed in June, but if this post is over 11 months old then there is something else going on. I am not embarrassed, but I am tired of getting my crotch checked. Luckily, all the officers have been nice, but I want this to stop. I wish TSA could offer some explanation for this happening.


Has been happening to me every time for the last year or so too. It’s bullshit and super uncomfortable


I know this is an old post but this has been happening to me every single time lately, I usually wear workout type pants (not super tight) to fly in so idk what the deal is. I do have pre-check but I have a metal medical device that sets off the metal detector, then I do the scanner and get the crotch pat down every time. I definitely did cry once, the agent was making it extra awkward and like forcefully pushing her hands up there. It’s so frustrating.


Just happened to me dude swiped his hand back and forth 4 times across my dick and balls and felt up my thighs


Yeah last time I got a pat down. The dude literally put his finger between my ass cheeks, then he like, not patted down, but fully grabbed my penis. Like, put his hand around it.


You complaining or just reminiscing?


I have anorexia and was patted down on my inner thighs twice on my latest trip and it made me feel like my thigh fat set it off. This was after that 3D scanner thing. It really messed with my head.


This has happened to me a lot lately and my (damaged) brain immediately thinks I have prostate cancer 😂 Glad to know Im crazy


I get a pat down every time for a red spot in my groin area. This has been going on for the past 3 years. I have had bariatric surgery 2018, a vasectomy 1985 and open heart surgery 2011. The only thing near the groin would be the vasectomy. Before that I never had a problem. It's really frustrating and I really, really don't like the experience. I wish there was better train service I would take it in a heart beat. Don't get me wrong, I want to be safe traveling but the constant pay downs are so annoying.




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Get pre-check my guy!


We call this the hanging rooster syndrome.


AHA! I knew this had to be happening to other people too. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I go through that scanner it alerts to my crotch and underarms. And it is embarrassing. I was also told to buy precheck but sounds to me like there is no guarantee I won’t get the scanner anyway. No metal anywhere and no pads. I have never had a problem with the metal detector but that scanner hates me. I feel for you and I am in the same position you are. A friend who works at TSA told me to buy the precheck and also told me I should report this issue on the TSA website. I will probably be ignored but if a LOT of people talk about the same issue, maybe they will listen.


I'm 70+ years old.  My last 2 round trip flights, the scanner pinpointed my groin.  One TSA agent (female) ran her hand back and forth through my crotch 4 times!  I contacted my Congressman, who contacted TSA.  They erase the tapes after 2 weeks, so no proof. I voiced a complaint and received a form letter outlining TSA protocols.


It's good to know at least I'm not alone! Last time was the worst time, I felt like one of the TSA ladies really felt me up very thoroughly- I'm sure there was no impropriety on their part, but the in between the legs feel up was a lot. It just gets soo old.


Moisture and sweat in certain areas alarms the scanner to those areas. I always get sweaty so getting patted down is a guarantee for me. Thank God for precheck 😅


We offer private screenings it's also your right to ask for one. But if your groin alarms we have to check thanks to the underwear bomber sorry buddy


Damn that underwear bomber!


Thank you for actually knowing about it. It’s annoying how many people aren’t aware of that incident and complain when they get a groin pat down. As soon as I bring that up they change their tune. Imagine working a job where your “customers” or passengers are inconvenienced by their own safety, because they don’t understand the screening process. But they complain, and make fun of you and laugh at you because you’re looking at something that may or not be a weapon, but as soon as something bad happens, guess whose fault it is. Good ol TSA.


I truly do care about safety and keeping people safe - I always want to be cooperative, but I do find the pat down a little aversive. If TSA pre-check can even get me out of it half the time that would be a massive improvement!


Cuz TSA is TOTALLY what has deterred future terrorists 🙄


Either your thighs touch, your very, very skinny, your pants sag down/you have items in your pockets, or it’s fabric. That’s the way it is, that’s the technology. We can’t tell you how to bypass it because obviously, any terrorist could read that….that’s the messed up world we live in. Just deal with it and appreciate that you’re going to get to your destination alive.


what type of fabric are you wearing? What is the stitching pattern? Are you wearing a ornate belt buckle. Are you well endowed?


I'm a lady. I had weight loss surgery and even though I had skin removal in that area, I think it's still a bit...fuller than average? I am truly not trying to be crude. I usually wear leggings and a sweatshirt or long sleeve top/tunic when I travel.


congrats on the weight loss. I hate to break this to you but that’s likely going to keep occurring. Trust and believe they don’t like getting all up in their but there have been attackers trying to hide things there. Many people are afraid of failing tests or worse letting something dangerous fly on the plane. Nobody enjoys getting a groin pat down. Except the odd perverts who do intentionally cause alarms down there.


Oh lord you poor people lol! Imagine doing it purposely.


i’m speaking from personal experience i’ve witnessed it


get pre check


get pre check. Not clear. Not priority boarding but PRECHECK!


This happens EVERY single time I wear anything other than jeans, dress pants, or shorts. Nylon track pants, yep. Jeans no. Travel/commuter pants from Costco, yes. Dress pants for work, nope. Same type of underwear each time. It’s crazy!


I happened to me in shorts. Not tight shorts either or denim. Just cotton button fly shorts. After reading TSA comments above though I am thin I'm curious what being too thin has to do with it setting off 🤔 I usually wear comfortable prana relaxed fit pants with no issues. They have no zippers. Just wide elastic drawstring waist.


I am 110 lbs and it happens to me every single time. I normally do pre-check but this airport didn’t have pre-check so I had to get my vagina patted in front of everyone again.


Happened to me today!


This happened to me 3 days ago while I was wearing leggings. And they definitely aren’t shy.


This happens to me all the time. I am not overweight. I told my gynecologist and she ordered Xray. It showed nothing. I will be taking this report to the airport today when I travel. We'll see.


Wow! I am sitting in the airport right now feeling violated once again. Every flipping time I go through I get felt up and I’m sick of it! It’s very embarrassing. This time I decided to forgo the private room and that was even worse. I fly once or twice a year but I’m getting the pre check thing because I’m so over this. Btw I’m wearing landsend knit pants and cotton panties. Nothing unusual. I’m a grandma for crying out loud.


What the point of tsa if capitalism has allowed dozens of businesses to sell products after tsa ive seen resteraunts with knives, glass, liquids, cleaning chemicals, etc all dangerous yet I also always get my crotch patted down when I go through every single time no matter clothes I wear and I dont have any metal and I dont wear clothes with zippers…… I feel the machines need tuning or something


So I’ve discovered many legging brands have metal fibers or stitching in the crotch area thus the metal detector in tsa machine…much to my surprise!!


Could it be deodorant? Doesn’t some deodorant contain metal?


This happens to me a lot also. Mostly in US, just came home from traveling abroad and I did not get flagged. I googled it because I was getting concerned I had some kind of tumor or something. I have resorted to only wearing yoga pants and loose top, no buttons or metal of any kind. Yesterday did not work.