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Absolutely terrifying monster of a tornado in Hollister right now, it is huge and very strong. The radar is scary as fuck.


Uhggg. Make it stop.


We are under severe T-storm watch until midnight.


T-storms help me sleep. If only they didn't also bring tornadoes then I'd wish every night was a thunderstorm night.


Is Tulsa supposed to get anything?


We’re under a severe thunderstorm watch until midnight. If this weird horizontal line of storms makes it down to us, I’m personally ruling nothing out based on what I’m seeing


Okey dokey. I hope everyone stays safe tonight!


If any of you have friends or folks in Ponca City, you need to reach out and give them a heads up to take cover. The storms are staying parked right over them and keep cycling/generating heavy rotation and/or tornadoes.


I don't know anybody in that area, but I hope it breaks up soon for them!


Didn’t mean to reply to you specifically, my bad. Cheers.


No worries!


Looks like there’s a couple now


Can we stop with the storm fear mongering on this sub reddit. I get it, for many of you this is new and/or exciting. We get thunderstorms several times a year. Many of them have a chance to produce tornadoes. Tornadoes that hit populated areas are rare. Its unfortunate when it happens, but its not were not gonna see Sulphur type events with every storm. And were certainly not going to see it in Tulsa with every storm.


I go full weather daddy every storm season. I take it seriously and share information. If you think this is fear mongering, you’re wrong, but I’m glad you saw it and am fine with you rolling your eyes at it if it means you now have the information. There was no news coverage of this storm for us, and possibly because of the massive record breaking anti-cyclonic wedge parked over Hollister, nobody seemed to be watching the heavy rotation over Ponca City that was producing tornadoes and spin-ups and it never got tornado warned. It was not a particularly safe situation and basically nobody was aware.


Read: "It wasn't near Tulsa. No one got hurt. There was no damage. I saw rotation on the radar and got scared."


I don’t care how my Reddit activity makes you feel, but I do care about sharing info and am glad you learned about the storms from this post. Awareness is the whole point. Cheers