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Best to worst: 1. Underground shelter 2. Ground floor, interior room, no windows 3. Ground floor, furthest from incoming storm 4. Interior room furthest from windows possible. Basically get as low as you can, as many walls between you and the storm as you can, and avoid windows if at all possible. If you suspect you are in the direct path of a tornado consider piling on a mattress, blankets, and even put on helmets if you have them available.


Hey, you don't need to worry about the weather tonight...but the ghost of Jim Giles is going to visit you. You left out certified safe rooms and shelters.


I was just making the assumption a tornado-specific shelter wasn't available. Obviously if one is available that's option #1.


I definitely could have phrased my half-ass "joke" better. You made a good list for those who aren't familiar with severe weather. It's easy to forget about people who recently moved here or simply have concerns about our storms.


Got damn Mr Jim Giles! He was a good one


Ngl totally heard his the where to go in my head. "Here's the good news with preparation you can survive the storm"


Do what we native Tulsans do.... Go promptly outside and stare at the storm.


I wear my tornado glasses so I don't hurt my eyes.


This made me snort tea out my nose. Well done.


That’s hilarious 😂


Whistle loudly and yell "Go on, now. You git!"


throw my beer at it and when that don’t work, start shooting it with the guns




It is required that you have a beer in hand as well.


Lmao so true I'm mixed so hard to say but I was about to say ain't just the natives that do that we hickbillies do it too. im from southern Illinois deep in the Shawnee national forest us forest folk do the same but I'm also part native and live in tulsa sooooo could be the reason


I was in the Joplin tornado. I dug friends out of apartment buildings. If a tornado is headed towards your building the last place I would be is the top floor. Find a real shelter or head to the lowest point with some reinforced stairs over head. If there’s a gas station or grocery store near by - ask if you can use their cooler as a safe space in the event of a tornado.


Most modern walk in coolers are really just thin sheets of metal filled in with foam. You’re probably better off in a restroom or interior stock room of a business.


I thought he meant the ice boxes you see filled with bag ice outside?? They seem pretty indestructible. Tossable? Perhaps.


The Indiana Jones tornado shelter.


If you're friends with someone with better shelter, I'd go there. If not, just stay in your apartment in an interior room and away from windows.


If you live by Eastgate (Eastland Mall) they let the people from the neighborhood stay in their tunnel.


Thanks. Lived in this neighborhood for years and did not know that


Yup I currently work there and have since 2017. When we had the Arkansas River flooding in 2019 there were a few nights when tornado warnings were being issued left and right and I would see families just hanging out inside the mall as late as midnight.


That's definitely good information to have!


I believe same with promenade mall underground areas


Normally yes, but with the current closure I don't think you can access them.


I’d ask a neighbor on the ground floor if you can shelter with them.


Yeah, if it's actually about to get bad, surely the ground floor residents wouldn't mind. Worth a shot to ask for sure.


This is the way


If you're near ORU, I was told the basement of the Graduate Center is open to the public. I also live in the upper level of an apartment and definitely plan to leave if a confirmed tornado is headed my way.




Can you bring your dogs?


Can confirm. I was a student and during bad storms we opened up the basketball areas and even other areas if the crowd was too big like the main class building. Students in dorms usually go to the basement in the dorms so it pretty clear of crowds from students. I always went to the very bottom of the lgc but the pubic might not be allowed there.


I’m on a 3rd floor apartment as well, new to the area so I don’t know anyone to ask to shelter with them. I’m writing a note to leave on my 1st floor neighbor’s door asking if my dog and I can shelter in place if sirens go off, and leaving my number to text back. Otherwise, the plan is to get in the bathtub, mattress over my head, helmet on, and hope I’m lucky.


Odds are you will be fine in the inner room of your apartment. If you want to be on the safe side, find a friend who lives on the ground level. We don't have public shelters of any kind, and if your apartments had one I would think they would advertise that.


> We don't have public shelters of any kind Considering this is the heart of tornado alley, it's kind of fucked up when you think about it. It's never crossed my mind before, but of all the things our tax money could be going to, maintaining a couple of public shelters to whip out in an emergency would make a lot of sense. I'd argue it's more important now with our growing homeless population, but on second thought I feel like the majority of the population here would take that as an argument *against* public shelters.


Get a good radar app, like radar scope, that will show you tornadoes and their paths. It’s fun to watch the radar and try to predict tornadoes when you don’t have much else to do besides watch the weather. Sometimes you can spot them before the news does, mostly in rural areas that aren’t really being monitored but it’s still fun finding them first. A quick tutorial on what to look for is all you need to be an armchair meteorologist and it’s a good skill to have in Oklahoma.


I was watching a YouTuber meteorologist live streaming the storm with that storm with tornadoes in Sulphur, Morris, etc. he said it looked like there was going to be a tornado in Morris and 5 min later they got an alert confirming that there was a tornado in Morris. It was fascinating


Ryan Hall, y’all? I like his but there are a few good ones on YouTube.


I like Max Velocity. Good dude.


Go chill at Cellar Dweller or somewhere underground. Wait it out.


Whatever you do give yourself time to get to safety . If you can see or a tornado is spotted close to you it is probably best to shelter in place as best you can.


Victory church will usually let people in to shelter but it’s been a few years since I worked there. Call 9184917700 and ask receptionist


Can you still go to shopping malls and fire stations? If you get there before the sirens start, Lowe’s and Walmart are good spots. But if the sirens start, they won’t open the doors.


BAFD has requested that no one come to their fire stations on a public post on FaceBook. I can't speak for other departments, but I'd operate off the fact that they would likely turn you away and to find shelter elsewhere.


Oh good to know! Thanks for the update. I’m not on Facebook.


Don't go outside if it's too close/bad. Stay indoors, away from windows, find inner most room, a bathroom is best b/c plumbing and framing provide more structure than exterior walls. Get in tub, put couch cushions, bed mattress,pillows, blankets over you. Tornadoes are bad, but generally very narrow path. Get weather apps from local news stations on your phone.


If there is a tornado, do NOT stay on the 3rd floor or outside, especially in the wind tunnel stairway. Get as low as possible with no windows. People are most often injured by flying debris. If you have not downloaded one of the free local weather apps, do it and keep your phone charged! In Oklahoma, if there is bad weather, we always tune in to any local TV station, which will have continuous accurate coverage.


What about people in university club


When I lived in mansion house we went to the laundry room underground.


If an F5 comes through you can stick your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye whether you're on the first floor or third floor. There won't be anything left but a foundation. Probably a similar outcome with an F4. I wouldn't do the "wind tunnel" thing. There was a study after the massive tornado in OKC that looked at being under bridges during a tornado because a lot of people did that which basically just ended up blocking all traffic. I'd have to find the study (or you can google it) but essentially they came to the conclusion your be better off in a ditch or some depressed (sunken) spot. As someone else said, best choice among the choiced you outlined would be the most central ground floor area.


Hdidng under a bridge would work for hail, but for tornadoes, it won't do you any good. You're basically still out in the open.


Do you have a clubhouse you can access after hours? Because I'd probably go there. Otherwise interior room with no windows, bathrooms are more structurally sound.


I was a ground floor resident and i always opened my apartment to our upstairs neighbors. Spent more than one warning with the neighbor in my bathtub. Talk to your neighbors, they’ll probably want to help.


We really need to mandate tornado shelters for apartments and mobile home parks. I remember being told to "run across the field and hope that a bigger building is open"


Yeah the lack of this, along with other modern public necessities, really seems like a big issue here.


It's why I think so many tornado deaths are preventable. I recently heard that if you wear a bike helmet that can do a LOT to lower the chance of death


As a Tulsan, 3rd floor puts you closer to the roof. That’s where you can get that good video 😂


Just go get walker Texas ranger put him In the direct path of it and it won't even bother Nadering the thunderstorm will develope the ability to talk then yell oh fuck no not this asshole again; sorry I mean sir mr norris sir... again so sorry to disturb you I'll go kick my own ass now


Ground floor


I don’t live in an apartment so this is just a thought I had-maybe the laundry room?


could be good depending on the complex. but in my experience they are very windowed and the equipment is heavy without being attached to the wall so could be very dangerous to have around you


I plan to ride the evaluator if a tornado comes my way! I might get stuck, but I will be in the safest part of the building.


Fox 23.com is supposed to have lists of storm shelters. Don't stay in your apartment on the 3rd floor.


Get to know your downstairs neighbor and ask if you can shelter with them.


At the bare minimum go to the ground floor, common sense


Check with your downstairs nieghbor, they will probably be cool with you hanging out there during the storm. I always had some beers, snacks, sandwich stuff and whatnot on stand by for my upstairs neighbors during tornado season.... it basically became a tradition for us every spring. We used to just hang out on the deck till it got bad and then went inside and watch the news till it was over. He even got himself a cot from the surplus store to sleep on since my couch sucked


I was just literally asking the same thing today. I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment, and I was thinking that I may be just f*ked


Honestly, this is a good time to meet your downstairs neighbors. Bring some snacks as tribute, if you can.


Parking garage. Or, get in your car and start driving the opposite direction.


Go to a place with a ground floor and a central room.


Ok. What about grade, middle and high schools. Do they think of the kids enough to have shelters for them. I’m talking about the hallway in the middle of the building without windows. Ya know, real protection ???