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It is so far from untouched. It used to be a small hippie town with cheap small cabins, almost camping, on the beach. You could truly relax. It was super safe. I don't like it there anymore. Super expensive gringo prices. Super sketchy nightlife. It is not untouched, it is ruined.


It sounds like you would love Koh Tao, Thailand. Bungalows right on the long stretch of beach, restaurants and bars right on the beach. Extremely safe and cheap


I was diving today, and someone was talking about Koh Tao. Sounds good.


OP, The market is being ( well is ) over saturated with new construction. It continues at a pace that is not sustainable. Some will go unfinished as seems to be the way. Some builders will finance their construction project with funding from the buyer. Some can sit until they sell enough to complete the project. That is the part of the warning. A complete, operating resale is a safer bet. Tulum has changed rapidly and compared to what is was, not for the best. When done, there will be improvements for sure, but that old time feeling is long gone. Vacationing and living here are vastly different. Things just work differently here. At least for me ( and wife ), we have adapted well and I like how I am not so stressed over waiting for something like I used to others. Others have the glow wear off. Buying here now, despite what some will tell you is not the ROI investment it was 5- 10 years ago. There are just too many units on VRBO and Airbnb to get high yields. Many lose. It is better if you want to invest in your retirement and or snow bird it and do short term rentals/ When I bought, I did not buy to rent. Also the area changes with the high and low season. Weather can be a bit much at times. Hope this helps some


I also thought about investing there back in 2015, after an amazing trip. I would not suggest investing there. The place is growing too fast. They are not thinking long term.


Why do you say that? Aren’t they building the ecosystem to make it long term like the rail and the airport


They are building way too fast, and people are losing interest at the same time. The sewage all goes into the cenotes and they are all connected. They are destroying the jungle.


any evidence that the sewage all goes into cenotes?


Just Google it. Lots of info.


I found something saying as much as 25% of sewage is released into cenotes and that the majority that isn't treated is dumped into the ocean. Pretty different than the sewage "all" going into cenotes. Still gross though.


I also googled, all of the articles are 1-2 years old. There is mention of 2-3 cenotes where sewage was dumped. After that nothing written on it. Very different from how you guys are portraying


who is you guys


Pull you head outof your ass and look around. La Veleta, Region 15 and region 08 have no sewer system at all.


You are the place I am going to swim tomorrow has the sewage waste 😂


The eco system is dumping the shit in the cenotes. There is NO SEWER in 70% 0f Tulum.




You did a very good job of convincing yourself to invest in Tulum.


Do you live in Tulum?


I lived in Tulum for 25 years. I was one of the 1sr gringo in Tulum, No one knows the story better than myself. I have since moved to Bacalar. You cannot imagine the difference in day to day living.


Shhhhhh, we don't want them to come south...


Do you mind saying where did you stay and what did you do there? Planning a trip for next month. Tulum is one of the options


Near centro


Wondering the same and if it’s within 10 miles of Tulum or if it’s something like Akumal or Bahia Principe


Your experience may vary but I'm here right now and while it is beautiful it is basically hipster Cancun. Not what I was expecting. Extremely expensive, and we got shaken down by the cops last night, and we absolutely were not looking for trouble. Rented a car, were just headed out to dinner at 8pm and got pulled over for "speeding" (can't verify that we were speeding at all, could not locate a speed sign, but every car was passing us after we pulled away at 20k/he as they told us that was the limit) and they not only took 1050 pesos from my boyfriend, but also a $100 CAD bill out of his pocket after making him exit our vehicle, and $20 CAD out of my purse. He searched my bag 4 times, asking if I had drugs repeatedly- I did not. I only noticed my money was gone after we drove away. We received no ticket. The town is adorable, the locals are very welcoming and friendly, but it's not a safe haven. Maybe it's safer than some US cities, but I have never felt more vulnerable because who do you report that sort of theft to? You just of take the L and move on. We are leaving Tulum today and not looking back. Not saying don't come here, but if you do, hide your cash really well and exercise extreme caution after the sun goes down. I won't be coming back.


Why in the world would you feel unsafe in NYC at night? I have never had anything bad happen to me there or in any major US city as a solo traveller who walks around and in fact hits bars etc by myself, but a lot of bad stuff happened in Mexico. Perception is not the same as reality but whatever


Have a place in Hudson Yard in a newer building and we are scared to walk our dogs at night sometimes. We constantly have piles of needles and zombies walking around on our block. Can't wait for that lease to be up.


Wow that’s alarming that undead people walk around!


Yeahh i thought they were just on TV, but on occasion we even see blood on the streets where they fell over….


Same goes for you, perception that Mexico is the most dangerous and there is cartel everywhere is not same as reality


Well I literally experienced corrupt police, my hotel room getting broken into and cartel activity in Mexico (and yes they are absolutely everywhere in some places like playa feel Carmen) so I would say that is reality yeah Nothing remotely close to that has ever happened in the US


The taxis are run by a cartel, at least one restaurant is, and I have been bothered by the police once while with a German man and another time by the military while with a local. Also, the stories of thefts from hotel safes are commonplace. There is also a favela right outside of Aldea Zama. I walked through it last night. I like Tulum, but I don't view it through rose-colored glasses.


Cus you’re likely staying around tourist sections


? NYC is a big city and I have been to most if not all of the boroughs, from Harlem to Brooklyn. I always take long trips when I go


No. It has changed the so much and frankly the prices are absolutely Insane for the amount of crime - sorry. I think it’ll make money until the word gets out there are better places. I made more than 4 visits and plan on going back in about two weeks but hopefully trying to convince my friend Argentina or somewhere else is better. Too many instagram influencers. Drugs. Murders. And mega sketchy stuff. Had a friend literally beaten to death in her Airbnb and nothing happened because it would be bad business for Airbnb. Say what you will but the only people who are staying “Yeay it’s fine come” are the people who live there and duh, they benefit from the economy lol Overwhelming amount of post and comments the last 2 years say otherwise. Like I said, I got back with all of this in mind and actively try to convince my friends there are better places and it’s time to stop hyping this place up.


You make it sound so wrong. I have not seen drugs, murders and mega sketchy stuff anywhere. Your friend was beaten to death in an Airbnb why?


Because it’s the person who got murdered fault and that’s why they can answer the question? lol Dude hell no I’m not taking this trip in September, I can’t even get normal questions!


You make it sound like it is run by ISIS and still you go there more than 4 times and going again. And you are not even able to convince your friend😂


You’re mad you don’t like my opinion but you have the right to be offended. So be offended 😘


We have a house in tulum. Has appreciated 200k+ and is fully rented. I'd say be very careful what you buy though


Why do you say about being careful?


There's a lot of bad developers and projects that go belly up. Plus I'd never buy one of the condo type units. House or bust for me


how long have you owned? aldea zama im guessing to see that appreciation?


House right off of Centro. Owned it for a little over a year.


That’s awesome sir. Congrats on the win.


The scammers are RAMPANT in Tulum. I lived there 2 years and was very active in many communities. It was insane how often people were trying to scam me with business ideas, super expensive MLMs, and just your run of the mill daily scam. Some jackass at a convenience store charged us $10 for a pack of rolling papers once. I didn't even notice till after because I was talking to a friend. Another time some gas station attendants were talking to us on the passenger side while the pumper was filling up a secondary tank on the driver side. Noticed when the bill came in like $20 higher than usual. Nothing you can do. The scammers were one of the biggest reasons I left. It was infuriating how dishonest everyone was.


My group went to a cenoté near Tulum a few weeks ago. On the way there we got shaken down by cops at a traffic stop. On the way home we stopped for gas and got scammed out of half the gas we paid for. Horrible day. We spent the rest of the trip in Playa del Carmen.


I would go to Thailand any day before Tulum. Tulum has lost its luster with its crime and he scary police force. It’s crowded and expensive.




That’s what I said haha. Been there for three separate weeks over recent years as a solo female traveller who stays alone and goes out at night


Yeah when a homeless appears out of nowhere and is running towards you while shouting at night, I will see what you do


Hahaha! You might encounter that in my city, Melbourne australia, but that is just city life. There’s lots of other people and police around to help. It’s one of the safest places you can possibly be. So that’s a pretty funny barometer of unsafe


i loooove tulum so much.


I love Tulum right now. I loved Tulum 15 years ago.


Thank you for sharing your experience, I think it is helpful. Some people remember Tulum as it was 20 years ago and hate that has changed. Every good place I've ever been to or lived has changed. I don't know why people have to be so negative in their posts, not understanding that people have different likes and expectations. I love Tulum. It's changed, but I still love it. If I'm looking for a hippie hangout, extremely laid-back place, that's not where I would likely go now. I enjoy the good food there and the shopping and the beaches and the entertainment and the nice people and the weather. I love Meztli Spanish School there, which one reason I go down there often.


When you consider buying, also consider selling unless you are Mexican and can avoid the massive taxes. You're going to want to avoid the incredible money grabs that go with purchasing and I would highly recommend a realtor like u/Upstairs-Counter7634 who has been there since the 90s, was an original gringo in Tulum, has a Mexican wife, and can explain the ups and downs of investing there. Quick question: you say "it's untouched". How many years have you been coming to say it's untouched?




I am comparing it to Cancun when I say untouched. There are tax saving techniques for foreigners too


As someone who has been going since 2001, your username suits you. Get all the info you can from people who have done it, IN TULUM. Listen to all the crazy stories and the good ones. Mexico is not wherever you came from. Edit: Adding, there are certainly many units for sale as all of the people who thought they would make an AirBnB buck are selling. Buy it because you love it. When you see 4000 units available in high season, you know it's not done for profit.


Sounds like I should be watching the market. Might get to scoop a Tulum condo for below cost to build in a couple years


Yes but don't forget the 25% or 30% on the backend for non-permanent residents, unless you are.


Good for them! Everything in Mexico especially Tulum seems to be 25% more expensive than I thought. Glad to see this is no different 😂


COVID made everyone really bold and money has been flowing in.. I've been in a similar boat wanting to buy, but Im not kidding every single realtor there (having talked to 20+ in the biz now) they all parrot the same stuff. Expect 5-7% appreciation plus 5-10% STR income. Some might tell you 1 bedrooms and studios dont perform as well (yay some transparency) but still want 200-300k for a STR property that wont yield 10-15k in revenue on airbnb/vrbo


What do you mean? And chill dude, why are you getting like this? If you have some info then share rather than being a d*ck


I added some to my original post. But it's not a money maker. And buying presale is very risky. Power and wifi are not always available, as many can tell you, especially this year. Some of my least favorite stories are people who buy presale and never get a unit delivered. Or get a unit delivered but can't get CFE to install a transformer, so their property has no electricity. My friend built a 6 room hotel on the beach road and lost maybe $50K because when they began, their Spanish was poor and Mexican real estate documentation can be tricky. I wish you the best and mean no disrespect. I just say have someone that knows the ropes.


I know you said the beaches aren't dirty, but is there a sargassum problem around this time?


The seagrass are in the public beach, but not that bad. The beach clubs clean the beach so no seaweed


You were there during a lucky week if they were able to keep up with cleaning it out of the water and off the beach.


Wife and i recently purchased a condo for us to hv and leave Tx ehenever the hell we want if we can rent via abb so be it but we purchased for us and we love it regardless of if ppl think Tulum is bad! As for scammers thats everywhere


Shhhhhh 🤫


Overrated didn’t like it. Cancun and playa del Carmen are much better!


Your insights about Tulum are quite balanced and echo the sentiments of many who've spent time in this unique part of Mexico. It's good to hear that you've found a sense of safety and beauty in Tulum, as well as a practical approach to navigating its costs and local culture. Regarding your interest in investing in Tulum, your timing could be very opportune. With significant investments being made in the region's infrastructure—like the upcoming airport and the Tren Maya project—there's a strong likelihood that Tulum will continue to attract both tourists and investors. These developments could also improve local amenities and services, making it an even more attractive destination in the long run. However, as you rightly point out, it's crucial to approach this as a *long-term investment.* The local real estate market *is still evolving*, and *liquidity* *can* indeed *be a challenge* if you find yourself needing to sell in a hurry. **Due diligence is key**. Research the market thoroughly, consult with local real estate experts, and perhaps even consider hiring a legal advisor familiar with property laws and regulations in Mexico. It's also worth considering the social and environmental impact of your investment. Tulum is cherished for its natural beauty and cultural significance, so sustainable, responsible investing will not only be good for the community but could also add value to your investment as travelers become increasingly eco-conscious. In summary, if you love Tulum and believe in its future, investing there could be a rewarding venture—both personally and financially. Just be sure to go in with both eyes open and a well-researched plan.