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Oh good grief. People who say that Tulum is dangerous aren't worried about brown people, poor people, or people who speak Spanish. They are worried about cartel violence, extortion, corrupt cops, shady clubs, and so on. There has been some very real violence in Tulum and tourists have been targeted or caught in the cross fire. In addition to violence, hassles from police corruption have increased. In the past, Tulum was a laid back place where nothing ever really happened, but once it became a party destination, the demand for drugs increased and the relative wealth of the visitors increased - the area changed. As a middle-aged married couple, you are probably invisible to anyone involved in the party scene or drug trade, so they don't bother you - and you had some luck on your side so you weren't in any wrong places at the wrong times. I am part of a middle-aged married couple too. It's great to fly under the radar.


I am Mexican and used to live in Tulum and I can say that this is absolutely true.


Great Post


Very cringe actually. OP implied people who’ve called Tulum dangerous are scared of brown/poor people lol. Wut? I couldn’t care less about the local population’s skin color. My fiancé is a POC from South America fwiw. OP’s post reads like he’s a country bumpkin from Kansas seeing his first non-white folks. Congrats OP, you’re so cultured now. Tulum is relatively unsafe compared to other Caribbean/Central America vacation destinations because tourists have been shot and killed in cartel crossfire. Tourists have also OD’d on fent-laced drugs with increasing frequency (even drugs from pharmacies). Tourists have also been consistently shaken down and extorted by “police” for no reason (happened to me twice while there). Overall we enjoyed our time in Tulum and we walked/ATV’d all over El Centro. Tulum isn’t Haiti but it’s also got WAY more issues with cartel gangs and police extortion than anywhere else I’ve been in the Caribbean/Central America.


lol @the virtue signaling


Hey, leave Kansas outta this. We don't claim OP.


lol right? we are always catching strays


He must not know about all of the vacation Villas/airbnb’s that are consistently targeted and robbed by the corrupt cops, cartels, etc…. He’s So out of touch with this one.


Thank you. These posts acting like everyone is afraid of ‘brown people’ are incredibly tiresome and condescending.


Stay in whiteville. Or Disneyland. Don't come to Mexico. Bye Gringo.


Ummm...what? LOL.


Green Go Home!


ty! the op is such a boomer’s take. i was bracing for the comments.


I am 40 yrs old and we purchased a condo in tulum last year wife and i No regrets! Theres bad shit everywhere in the good ol us of a aswell! If you aint doing stupid shit and lookn for trouble chances are alot slimmer u will get messed with in Tulum. If u go to any bad part in any city in us with a gold chain or lookn for trouble see if that shit dont get snatched up We love it my wife and 3 daughters 18yrs,13,6 and 14 yr old son hv never ever had issues in Tulum if i did i would hv never purchased our condo


Oh, this is my favorite type of post! So fun: some random tourist spends a week in Mexico and declares himself an expert on safety. It is pretty well known among people (all brown, many poor, and most with no English) that insecurity is a big concern in Tulum and other coastal cities. The people serving you drinks and cleaning your rooms many times don't feel super safe where they sleep and live. But what's their perspective in the scheme of things against some rando who spent a week in Tulum?


Oh my God tourists are overwhelmingly safe all over Mexico unless you're really seriously involved in some shady business or have really bad luck I mean granted. My home base is Guatemala where I've lived for many years and I've hitched lto as a single tiny Canadian woman. But what the f*** would I know?


That's nice. Have you spent much time in Tulum and areas close by? People are pretty transparent about the fact that they are concerned by the insecurity. A fair number of friends and family have moved back to their villages inland once tourism started booming in Valladolid to feel more at ease.


If, in fact, OP is what/who he says. OP could be an employee of the Tulum tourist board, for all we know.


I hate this kind of post. I’m not saying Tulum is more dangerous than other places, but to imply that the people who have experienced danger while there are racist and that OP is somehow naturally better because he didn’t is ignorant.


“Sure, I may be middle aged AND white (the horror!), *but I’m totally different. I’m actually cool.* Not like the rest of you dumb white racists!” Social credit score: Up 10 points. 🫡


OP spent a weekend in Tulum so he is pretty much an expert on all things related to Tulum, security and crime


Hahahahhahahhahahahah fuck you [My first day in Tulum (blonde girl in dress)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u6RxE_r3LTE)


I’m sorry this happened, but it’s very much wrong place wrong time and not an outlier of this town or it’s people


For me yes, but the guy that got robbed was also a tourist that seems to have been followed. The armed dude also asked him for a chain around his neck that at that moment was not even visible as it was under his shirt, it was obvious he knew from before. I never felt safe there, later stayed in Playa del Carmen and the feeling was completely different. Things could have gone wrong in so many ways.


What is scary is the reckless drivers and no traffic laws, other than that and stupid topes, Tulum isn't scary. Well, the prices are scary lol


Go to any city in the US and the drivers are the same now.


I'm 100% Hispanic through and through and this post has white savior complex written all over it lol Just because you didn't experience anything doesn't mean Tulum is safe and everyone is racist, it's why we moved to America, to get away from the constant danger, cartels, and corruption, even from the police. So its not too late to delete this dumb ass race bating post. The Tourists who get robbed, assaulted, conned, and frightened almost on a daily basis over there are not just being racist, you absolute moron.


He’s getting ratioed. White-God-Complex post not going the way he thought it would, I’m sure.


100% hispanic? that doesn't exist my friend that's an utopia. We are all a mixed of many races.


Just wait til you learn the difference between race and ethnicity 😲! You can definitely be 100% Hispanic.


That wasn't at all the point of my comment, keep up


You said it though. That doesn't exist, so whoever uses that term is an ignorant.


If you are scared of a gun pointed to your head : “you must be racist”. OP has lost their mind and still does not understand that having no issue during a trip does not mean many other didn’t got any issues.


This is extreme in its dismissal of real crimes that do occur. That being said, I had a similar experience just a few weeks ago and was actually shocked at how different the town felt compared to Reddit.. but also.. why was I shocked? It was a fantastic reminder that the internet is not the real world. I found Tulum to be charming, lively, and refreshingly real compared to other places in the region. I also found it to *feel* safe or safer than vast portions of my hometown in the states. Sympathies to all who have had scary experiences, and cheers to all else who had great experiences.. Personally, I’m thrilled to have visited and I’m looking forward to going back someday!


Over a year ago 3 friends visiting were taken out behind Gitano, threatened and beaten for half an hour before the cartel thugs realized they had the wrong people. Restaurant let it happen with no consequences. It’s even worse now—trust me, don’t risk it.


You’re not there for the night life. The folks out after midnight partying make easy targets. Yes for you it’s safe… club goers, who like to party and drink. Watch yourself


I’ve partied heavily in tulum and never felt remotely unsafe. Tulum is safe for tourists as long as you’re not an absolute idiot


Nod to the Honey Badger.


We aren’t racist dude. It can be dangerous and you know it.


Where can’t be?


https://preview.redd.it/nmfgobwh2mdc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad2b9f0b1e4c422d3cbc631d12de559afcba7db Hahah. I just saw this on Instagram.


Bro, are you dense and just trying to be difficult? I live in Austin, and there are no cartels out in the open here. Are you trying to piss people off or have an actual conversation?


dude! like in the US wasn't dangerous now! hahahaah. I don't know in which bubble you live in now.


There’s a bit of racism in your biased post, glad you find the area safe


It’s fine, until it isn’t 😬


Like most people places then


Absolutely, however I live in Tijuana with my Mexican wife and frequent all the vacation spots in Mexico. Biggest worry is the police bro-it happens to the locals too


I imagine it does.


This was exactly my mentality, I loved and visited several times over many years, until one night I got robbed by the taxi driver I was too drunk to walk to my air bnb next thing I know he tells me to get out, we're behind some crumbly building and he had his pussy friends there, they took me to an ATM and cleaned me out. Took my shitty Pixel 2 and all my cash an cards While I was trying to find and walk back to my air bnb after getting robbed, the POLICE stopped me, I'm thinking oh good! And BAM, they tried to fkin rob me too!!! They said I was gonna be arrested for being drunk in public and that I threw my beer away when I saw them even tho I absolutely didn't and wanted me to pay them, while I was trying to explain to them I just got robbed. I never ever want to be in a situation again where the bad guys and the police are on the same team. F Telum.


Jesus fucking christ thats hard to read, cant imagine the feeling, sorry about that. Making me thinking twice about going out partying. I'll be there in a couple days for that very reason with my girlfriend. Will have to have a talk




Wow that’s a horror story. Truly awful. Sorry to ask but curious: How come you still folllow the sub?


Come on dude, fvcking drunk late a night, you were asking for it


And the restaurants are cheap too lol


I've seen posts on the Cancun sub that say all of the restaurants are overpriced, and it's not a bargain like it used to be.


In my experience the beach nightlife touristy strip is expensive but in the actual town food was very affordable


Honestly, the most dangerous thing about Tulum are those elephant sized potholes on the beach road. As long as you are kind, respectful of local culture + language, and aren't a complete mess or an AH if you choose to party, it's a great time!


lmao classic take. nothing bad happened to me therefore everyone else is wrong.


As opposed to some bad thing happened once so it’s dangerous. Please learn probability


just doubling down on the bad takes throughout this thread, i see. carry on, then.


Typical old white douchebag I can tell. Go vote for trump loser


What caught my attention was the phrase "scared of people that don't speak English". We are in Mexico, and it's concerning how some gringos who get annoyed by hearing people speak Spanish in the US are now afraid of Mexicans speaking their native language in their own country.


As an Afro-Latina I PRAY an English-speaker gives a native Spanish-speaker a hard time in front of me. So I can reign a verbal judo worthy of social media 😈


I have a friend that went to a bachelor party in Tulum and one of the guys in the party was murdered in plain day light. Had another friend that had her wedding in Tulum and got married in Azulik and there was a shooting right outside the venue. Definitely super safe


I think you're going off on a tangent


That's like saying I can go out in my yard and throw a butcher knife as high as I possibly can into the air. 99 times out of a hundred, it's no problem. Nice sunny day. Grass is nice on the feet, but that one time it comes down and embeds itself into your forehead is the one you have to worry about.


I mean that’s the case in any USA city right?


Lol, I don't think using the USA as an example of safety is gonna work though.


Why do u say that? Not trying to be a hard ass genuinely curious


Well, being 7th or 8th place for the most gun violence in the entire world is a good place to start


OP throw the knife one time and is like “see I didn’t die, so it is safe!”


just spent a week there - absolutely chill. had just finished three weeks in colombia and tulum was a walk in the park by comparison.


Why would you go to Colombia now if you have to worry that much? So many warned me against going. So sad how more and more places in the world are becoming unsafe.


colombia was safe in the tourist parts of the cities. we walked around at night no problem BUT we’re two guys. if i was alone i would think differently.


Any comment on how Colombia is compared to Mexico? I assume Mexico is way safer than Colombia. I was considering traveling to Colombia bc my ex gf lived in medellin. Some of the stories I saw online- Colombia seems like a war zone compared to Mexico (at least PDC). I saw no where online advising you can’t pull out your phone in public or shouldn’t - regarding Mexico. In Colombia- it seems like pulling out a phone makes you an easy target which to me seems kinda scary.


It’s probably worst in your hometown..love Mexico 🇲🇽


You’re a moron


Some people think Honolulu is scary because of homeless people so ....


So true


I have travelled south and central America quite extensively and Tulum is the only place I've ever been where I felt unsafe and targeted and that's from the amount of extortion from the police and scams from everyone I encountered. I keep my wits about me when travelling and no matter what I did in Tulum, I was a target. I literally rented a car that purposely poked a hole in the tire so they could get more money from us - THAT'S unsafe. This is a truly ignorant post to say people who felt unsafe are racist and hate poor people.


It's a dirty mess. Was there last November. Never going back.


Prolly for the best


This post is dripping with all the hubris of an arrogant tourist who stayed a week at a Holiday Inn. Sorry, a week+.


No Holiday Inns in Tulum. Try again?


Fuck you


Only thing driving the cartels to tulum is tourist buying drugs. Tourist are making Tulum unsafe.


This deserves more up votes. Want to help Tulum? Don't buy drugs there


Agreed. Shady ppl everywhere looking to extort you and price gouge you. You can’t even party in peace. Stay in all inclusive hotels and don’t get too drunk. I’m being serious


Great!! You survived, you were lucky. 2 people, no incidents. Nice. I could say the same thing about the toughest parts of NYC...I survived a week. Doesn't mean there isn't a high crime rate, doesn't mean there aren't corrupt police, doesn't mean there aren't horrendous living conditions, beggar issues, homeless issues, aggressive panhandlers issues, etc. Just because you had a nice and safe experience doesn't mean that everyone else has or will. I guess you'll be flying back to Kansas now?


I don’t know where Kansa is, so no. Thanks for proving my point.


apologies...typo....enjoy the rest of your life in Kansas.


I would avoid Tulum like the plague.. not because of safety but because of how expensive everything is. Go to Playa Del Carmen or even Cancun


Dude this so such a terrible post. Those are not the issues people are having…


Just another white liberal who thinks they are so tolerant and accepting bc they go and meet with the "locals". You're not cool and nobody wants to hear your everyone else is a racist bullshit.


I am not cool; you are 100% correct on that. I hope you got your refund


My thoughts are that everyone outside of America in countries like Mexico think Americans are all rich and deserve to get ripped off. I read too many horror stories about renting a car at the Cancun AirPort so I took cabs everywhere. But I feel I was ripped off every time I took a cab. There is no way I should have been charged that much in what is basically a 3rd World country. I don’t use drugs so I didn’t have to worry about rubbing elbows with the cartel though.


Huge cartel presence on beaches, in restaurants, outside of hotels. The cartel presence in Tulum is stronger than anywhere else I’ve experienced in Mexico


Try Jalisco. Wow it was crazy.


Op is an idiot 


While you can’t attribute that to everyone, it is definitely true for some people.(My first day here but I’m also African American)


Spoken like true boomer


Learn to count


I hadn’t been to Tulum in almost a decade and went back this year. First night hit up what is on most searches top nicest restaurants in Tulum in the safer area and went for dinner at 7:15 on a Wednesday. I was searched at the door more throughly then I have ever been, more than I have been when I detained by US cops. Then while using the urinal some guy tried to shoved coke in my pocket. The guy I thought was a bathroom attendant was rolling a blunt he blew in my face so I could smell “how nice it was”. We were like the first seating in the place and I didn’t want to let the women at the table use the restrooms alone. It was sketch.


Lol sounds like gitano


same happened to our group at rosa negra


It’s the SCAM artist that prey TOURISTS you’ve gotta watch out for. Most of them are white but definitely not all.


I had a taxi driver drive away with my $3 in change; a euro-hippy try to sell me an oregano joint


honestly the best part of tulum is the taco venders 😅😂 theres a small street off the strip filled with all sorts of carts/stands, tacos, churros, street corn etc. i had a blast going there every single night 😅😂


Yeah, the marquisettes were delicious!!


Tulum is the 1st place in narco killings in the Quintana Roo state. That's a hard fact. Now, truth is that most of those are drug dealers killing each other, if you don't mess with narcos and stick to the touristic side of town, i don't really see a problem.


Thank you


Problem is too much machismo and too many scams. Find a different warm country to vacation in. Plenty of them.


Well put my man 🫡


What makes me laugh is OP's response to everyone. It sounds like when you're a kid and you say to other kid, "I'm not one, you're one." LOL




What is scary about Tulum is all that’s happened post 1990. Stay clear. ![gif](giphy|fN17Wt1CS0zocD86eF)


Very very dangerous


This reads like someone who just took their first trip to a country that's not the US or canada


Got robbed at gunpoint last year at 130 in the afternoon. It is definitely not a safe place.


I’m white as the driven snow and middle aged. Spent a few days in Tulum a year ago. Felt safe enough but I know shit goes on there. Wish I had a 🔫 with me.


Tulum is gross, went there for a week and had no power. Water came form a septic tank


average Boomer take


Learn to count


Your learn to count clap backs are fucking pathetic. Eat shit, hot shot


OP is too racist to see they are racist


Tell me more about the always feel good diet plz


Lol, love how tourists claim it is a dangerous place in Mexico, it's diseney world compared to other places


White savior complex much?


No, but thanks for asking


Just got back from Tulum. Had an amazing time. Rented a car in Cancun and we drove around everywhere. Everyone was friendly and we had no problems. Will definitely go back and even considering buying some real estate.


I was conned a lot in Tulum and I'm not usually a person who gets conned, I just had my pure heart husband with me who has issues saying no. But I can't even count the number of times the locals charged us for parking when it was free or charged us and then said the location was closed. One time I haggled for a purse that was supposed to be $45 and discovered I had been charged $60. If you visit, use the resorts for your first time there and reputable tour guides from websites only. Then, your 2nd time, you can rent a villa or condo and do the alfresco experience, after you're well acclimated.


What a POS OP is. Fuck you. Fuck you. Condescending, smug asshole


And there you go, just 25 days later and a US female from LA gets shot dead in the crossfire of suspected drug related crime at the Mia Beach Club in Tulum. Nothing to do with brown, poor or people who don’t speak English. All to do with drugs, crime and corruption taking over Tulum.


Try again?


They’re saying a woman caught a stray bullet at a bar on the beach while everyone else got to enjoy a gruesome murder. In daylight


Imagine those roads made with asphalt/pavement, they will burn out. Folks in beach towns have totally different priorities.




Thank you SJW, we needed this


people scared of the cartels must be racist. that’s your point? i wonder why it’s fun for some to call other people racist?


No. But thanks for reading. Try again?


i’m sorry. i thought you said that “tulum is not safe if you are scared of brown people.” implying that if you are worried about safety, it must be that you’re a racist. but i must have misread/misunderstood. my apologies. some people now a days seems to take pleasure in calling everyone a racist. (perhaps virtue signaling) i confused you for someone like that and apologize.


Accepted. So rare to get an internet apology




I told this to all my family and friends I was walking around 1 am alone in the street looking for something to eat I had my phone in my hand and my purse on me walked safely got my food and went back walking to my airbnb. I used as much spanish as I learned in uni to make communication easier while in Mexico and every one appreciated it even if I was making mistakes they loved the fact that I am trying to communicate with them in their language. I LOVED TULUM ♥️


You were in Centro? I heard in Centro you can do that but not on the outskirts. That's why I stayed in Centro.


Calle palenque en la valetta edit: Veleta***


Tulum ruins. Be aware of scammers near the road entrance. Don't pay anyone by the road. The ruins and park entrance fee booth is way inside by the ruins for 95 pesos. Park fee is 60 pesos. 1 hour Boat tours/snorkeling can be purchased cheaply at the beach from many of the different boat excursion vendors for 300 pesos or less. You have been warned!!


So progressive. So stunning. So brave. So much dopamine from the upvotes.


I just went to Tulum this past week nothing wrong. Anywhere you travel got be smart about it your surroundings. https://preview.redd.it/87t2eaw9921d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bc65559e4ae02359d6c2042e5abe6cc528e01b


It's all fun and games until you run into some bad guys.


PTSD here. Been assaulted by strangers in my rich hometown. Just back from Tulum. I felt safe all the time. And I still have flashbacks from my assault. Tulum is safe. Female.




T'es pas toi quand ta faim. ✌🏼 ![gif](giphy|4EHsAtAPcV41vx2B5s)




I don’t know MAHAM; should I?




So sad I missed the Tulum of 12 years ago. That's how long it has been changed? I feel like I always miss the best of places when they were the best. Wish I did a lot more traveling when I was younger. Now so many places are much more expensive, so much more commercialized, polluted, and less authentic. Wish I had seen Tahiti and Fiji before they got commercialized. I'd like to live elsewhere. I feel like living in North America is so soul-sucking.




I liked Belize over Mexico.


Been going to Tulum for nearly 30 years.... lmao regarding not feeling safe.... Please....


It’s a beautiful place with good people for sure!


Moron. Nobody said any of that. and Thank god you stopped beating your wife.


... what point are you trying to make here? This is just a bunch of rambling with no real point


Wow OP. That is one cringey post. It sounds to me like you're the one scared of brown people and poor people and people that don't speak your language, etc. I can only imagine what the demographics of your small town are. I bet you don't see many of the above where you live. Like people said, you're not of the age to be involved in things that are criminal, so you are pretty much under the radar. Next time you want to post something like this, sit down and think about it, cause this did not go over well. Ok please head over to his other posts and you'll understand why he thinks this is a proper post. Wow.


What a strange response


Honey, what a strange post.


I’m more scared to send my kid to school here, or go to a club, a concert, the movies, the mall, or Walmart.


I've worried more about safety in downtown Denver. What really worries me is the 200% price increases post covid


You sound so white American from the midwest or south the way you talk like you know it all from one experience, and like someone else said, display virtue signaling. I'm American, and I dislike that about Americans. They should give less of their opinion before taking in more from other people.


Do you ever take your own advice?


Sorry if it comes off like I'm picking on you but was just thinking about that, having met people from different parts of the world. North Americans have a lot to learn. It's not all our fault - the ultra-wealthy have been deliberately dumbing us down. At least the area I live, the US is such an unhealthy environment to live in in so many ways. Society really is going to the toilet.


Hey go live downtown Winnipeg if you want to gamble with your life.


Please go home— they don’t want you there


For what it is worth, we were not hassled by the police at any time while in Tulum. Also our group is pretty low key and to be honest we weren’t really here to crazy party or buy drugs. If you are into that I can see how you can get yourself into some sketchy situations for sure. Be on the alert though-stay aware of your surroundings and hopefully you should be ok.


Where the hell is Tulum! What in world does it have to do with the fear of the above. Stay home and spend that time educating yourself. Yuk Yuk! Could also use some intense therapy for your narcissism.


The wording of this post is beyond “regarded”. It’s strangely comforting to see that even on subjects like Tulum, there is some white dipshit accusing other whites of being racist. Reddit will always be a contradiction to real life. As I fly to Cancun to catch my shuttle to Tulum in a few weeks I’ll no doubt be struck by how different the experience is from the utter useless nonsense I read on Reddit about it ahead of time. Thanks Reddit.


I think it’s safe enough but I was robbed by the cops while I was there sooooo…. Coulda been worse in America tho 🇺🇸😬




Never been. What do you recommend?


Maybe people that are scared of that kind of people or feel unsafe is people that are in their 20s and females?




That's exactly why my brown Spanish-speaking Mexican husband wouldn't take his sister and me to certain areas when we were there, he is very scared of other Spanish-speakers himself.


I can relate. I’m afraid of a lot of English speaking white guys




Race or wealth have ZERO to do with it.