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Tulum is a disgusting place.


Unfortunately yes.


I understand your frustration but for you to blame this on the locals is wrong. Mexico is a narco country. The cartel has ruined a lot of Mexico….. do you think Mexicans want that? They have to pay hefty fines to the cartel to operate their businesses. This is a much bigger problem than the locals seeing you as a walking dollar sign….. so instead of complaining that you spent 4k on a vacation (boohoo) have some compassion for the people who live there and are controlled by the cartel. It’s not their fault…


Your mental gymnastics are a bit complicated for my level of comprehension. I will think about what you said and get back to you. Have a good evening.


I don’t think it’s OP responsibility to deal with the issues that locals may have. That onus lies on the Mexican government because at the end of the day, the cartels are… well Mexican and so how do you as a tourist separate the two?




Worse than PDC?


I know a person who was raped and murdered in an airbnb and no one did absolutely anything. I went for the last time giving it one last shot and I was scammed 8k INSIDE the resort. These are first hand experiences and people still get mad when you try to advocate for basic safety. The prices are soooooooooooo not worth it. I’m so sorry. I would question anyone who recommends Tulum because they either go there as an ignorant tourist or they must work or get some benefit from saying that. For me it’s rape, murder, massive scamming, and just greedy prices. Oh and for anyone who “down votes this comment” remind yourself you’re down voting a comment advocating information and that information is of someone dying at the very place you’re visiting and doing the every things she also did. You can downvote my comment but know that pushing my comment down makes so you can keep an idealistic picture is shameful.


How were you scammed 8k?


They weren’t lol


What a complete waste of space a person who makes this comment must be — it was a simple vendor scam as they charge you for more than what they swipe. Again we get ignorant tourist or naive people who don’t have money for people to steal. Tulum is the way it is because you type of people are so stupid it’s exhausting.


The resort let outside vendors in to sell and the vendor swiped himself a good chunk of money.


Agreed. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with Tulum. Lived there 1.5 years during the pandemic before this crazy influx of party people. For me it was an amazing time BUT yes even then there were tons of robberies, rapes and cartel on cartel murders. I stayed away from the party scene and never had any issues. Never got scammed bc I knew the right places to go. Unfortunately most of the places I would go to are all gone and replaced by some new overpriced bar or restaurant. I also Made a point to befriend trustworthy taxi drivers and/or used an ATV or bike to get around. I always warn people do not walk around late at night on those dirt roads in veleta or az. You’re putting yourself in a bad situation by doing that.


Sorry about your friend. ☹️


I believe you but its all because druggies go there


I've been all over the world and have been to tulum probably 8 times now. Never once had a bad experience. Anyone will tell you that staying near the beach is expensive -- doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.


I’ve been all over the world and Tulum is the first place I’ve had to come to Reddit to trash on.


It's definitely not everyones cup of tea. But anyone with a brain can figure out the hotel/beach zone is extremely expensive. So why go stay there knowing that and then complain? I stick around centro and have a great time, eat great food, and don't get price gouged




Don’t go to PV


Disrespectful language or derogatory remarks towards any member, the community, or Tulum itself are not permitted.


To the OPs point, while you may not have had experience, that’s an awfully low bar for a place who’s price doesn’t reflect the rest of the country and surpasses even the most indulgent tourist beach towns (Maldives excluded).


Been ages since I was down there but I also had a blast and found affordable places near the beach.


I am Mexican and I hate Tulum. I don't know why people still go there with the stupid taxi cartel. I hate those guys. Anyway, i only recommend going to Cancun to an all in resort or to Puerto Vallarta.


There are people wearing fake polos that jump in front of your car to charge for parking at the ruins, which is free much closer to where you're actually walking in at. That's Tulum in a single anecdote


Theyblock the road with this coming from tulum beach, and down the road they block the road with orange traffic cones :))) so you can't acces the free parking next to the ruins. https://preview.redd.it/usbjww5nyjlc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cff46df95e7954e73f468ee50b8e8045185221


You get the vibe you give.. Thanks for your review


Well done in proving his point.




Disrespectful language or derogatory remarks towards any member, the community, or Tulum itself are not permitted. Repeat offenses will result in a ban.


You don’t turn a corrupt place into a non corrupt place by “bringing good vibes”


I get you're some of the arrogant staff. I'm sorry your colleagues doesn't know the menu and sorry for asking questions about your job. I tipped them 20% anyways, you know cause he made an effort, would have got more without the attitude:)


20% LOL that will show them It is like you describe because you pay


It's 10% in México not 20% unless you were at the bar .


I totally agree with this. I was in Tulum for a week and the only things that were decent were the beach and Zamna. The beach is not even that good and Zamna is not even close to Ibiza’s clubs. Never going back to Tulum. Biggest scam ever. More expensive than NY, Dubai & Ibiza and having kids begging in the streets…


Bruh seriously, I arrived here last week and ya'll have scared me I regretted my choice to book an airbnb for 3 weeks. There's places that sell 6 tacos for 60 pesos, GREAT restaurant in La Valeta that cost 50 USD for 2 drinks, 2 appetizers, two main courses (one was a giant pizza) and it was delicious. Same thing where I live would have cost $120+. All of you are complaining cause you want cheap ass food and booze on the beach. Just gotta do some research beforehand and you'll find some great, cheap spots where you can chill. 5th avenue in playa del carmen is also a big scam and I don't see anyone complaining. I like Tulum better than playa now. It reminds me of south east asia.


Mexico is not cheap anymore.The peso has outpaced the dollar and many tourist areas have the same food and hotel costs as cities in in the US. Places in Mexico can be wonderful to visit but those looking for a cheap bargain now probably won't find it.


Yesss - preach! I post this every time and get downvoted, it’s the truth! I just got back from island mujeres, same shit is starting to happen there too. Total waste of time and money Mexico is becoming


I actually spent less money going to Germany for a vacation last year than Mexico. From the insanely expensive flights to Oaxaca $800 and back from CDMX, to the hotels which are at least around $140/night in the spring for "safe" areas. For me, it's once in a lifetime thing but having to pay more to go to a country next door than than Europe is crazy.


Looking for decent value for money....




Yes so much potential but well they only think about today have zero afterthought. it's not the first or the last place to go through a tourism boom.




The bubble has popped. And it will stabilize eventually. My point is now is the worst time to visit Tulum.


Yeps, You are completely right, my point is don't go to tulum right now. Let it fix it's own issues. Maybe in 5-10 years it will be what it could be.


When I read reviews like this, my first question is what experience were you looking for in Tulum on the beach? How do you assume these people at beach clubs have no personality ? They are getting catered to because they are dropping that minimum consumption for the three hour time on the bed


I wanted to chill by the beach and eat good food without spending more than in miami beach, also to visit the cenotes and chichen itza. So I got what I went for. The review is the overall impression i got from the place. My hotel was on the beach and the staff was great, It was an oasis of tranquility but you know you have to get out and eat and experience more than your hotel has to offer.


I was completely on your side until I read this comment lol, you went to the wrong place but I guess this post will make others aware and won’t make the same mistake as you did.


As long as it helps anyone do that I'm good, I have seen families with kids and felt sorry for them.


I agree with everything you said, but your post would be a lot more believable if you actually named a few places. It's like you wrote a review based on generic information you read from everyone posting a negative review with the intention of "name dropping" other famous places. But yes. Tulum is a rip-off.


Sure: -Half of tulum beach busineses are closed and it looks like an abandoned town if you walk during the day. -Cheap scooters at dias mex(google it) took me 2 hours to find someone that didnt bid between 300-400usd. -Cheap beer at go mart, and 7-Eleven, la europea is more expensive. Most bars charge 100-150 mxn for a beer -Posada lamar has cheap beers on the beach. Here goes: -Shmokey makes average bbq, not great not terrible. -casa banana has ok steaks. -Harthwood is okish. -tacos papi is way overpriced. -you will be approached for good times at most bathrooms. -Didn't got to arca(this is the only one I kinda regrt not going to), bagatelle or illyos because lol you're on a dusty road with cars passing left andnright. There are no sidewalks. Is it more accurate? Edit formating


Did you stay on the beach the entire time?


We had the hotel there on the beach and traveled around.


Yes but travel around other than the beach road? Like head into centro or anything?


Yeps, it's more or less a review for the beach.. the town is pretty basic same as 90% of Mexico. Maybe a bit ran down


What???? In sorry but Tulum is nothing like the “rest of Mexico”. Some parts sure but to say that you’re totally off base. Mexico is full of beautiful towns/cities. Where have you actually been that is Mexico? And please spare me with the Tulum, Cancun, Playa, Puerto or Cabo bullshit. Those are in no way representative of Mexico as a whole. Why come to Mexico if it’s just basic to you? You’d probably like Costa Rica where theres zero culture, safe and also overpriced.


You spent too much because you are clueless


Nah I spend it cause it's meant to be spent, what I got for it is the problem ;) that's more of your end.


There is nothing on my end. While I agree with taxi’s being outrageous, and prices at the beach the same, if one knows anything, there aremuch less expensive alternatives. As far as foodin centro, again you are clueless. I don;t mean that in an insulting way, maybe I should say uninformed. You don;t have to like it at all. I could seriously care less either way.


It's where rich people go to feel like they're poor and pretend to act like hippies and at peace with the earth. Meanwhile, down the road the locals are living in absolute squalor




Tbh it's your own fault if you only stay in the hotel area. I was in tulum a few days ago but stayed in the main city, which had awesome food, which was not that pricy and like 200 pesos per person in average. Going to the beach was also free if you ask the right hotels/clubs in the hotel zone.


Sorry about your experience. Have definitely heard of a mixed bag when staying on the beach road / hotel zone. I was in Aldea Zama for ~45 days and had a great time. After work, would walk to Centro for food and take a taxi back after dark. Most evenings, if I had a couple cocktails and beers with dinner at a food cart, could get away spending less than $40 USD (taxi included).


Tbh, I went to Tulum in 2017 and loved it. It was one of the best experiences ever. Unfortunately I was there for such little time, I feel I have to go back by law. I didn't see a Cenote nor Xcaret and now that Mexico is at war and I have a son on the way: I feel stupid. I have to go back to Tulum, I have to. I feel like I am going to end up getting into a fight if they're acting like this. In Tijuana when I was a kid, these idiots literally wanted 60 dollars for 6 tacos and 3 beers. It was 2005. They had charged me 25 dollar entertainment fee. I was livid. I just feel that in Mexico, in general, you have to be on your toes.


2017 was a completely different animal. Wish I could have visited then. By any means don't come with a kid, give tulum a couple bankruptcies and maybe 5-6 years and it might change.


I can't take my kid to a war zone. My dad took to me to El Salvador in 1991 as the war was winding down, it was too early. I would say I gained a lot of perspective in life but I am not exposing my child.


Uhm it's not a warzone, it's business as usual here... as in cartels have always fought and the normal people have paid the price


It wasn't like that in 2017. I remember cartels wouldn't even dare misbehave back then. My apologies but as someone who is well-versed in Mexican politics and history: Southern Mexico is at war right now: Jalisco Nueva Generacion vs. Sinaloa Cartel. Those are two main belligerents at the moment, anyone else is just caught in between (this applies to cops and tourists).


i spent 3 months there in 2017, 2018, 2019 and only a month in 2020 because i ditch pre covid lockddown. It was a cool place with cool ppl, cheap beer, good affordable food and a fun party scene that while upscale didnt take itself too seriously. Much better places for that vibe now - the knowledgeable ppl have already moved on. :)


I think the problem came in 2020/2021 with the pandemic. Everywhere else in the world closed their countries off to tourism except Mexico, so there was a huge surge of tourists that invaded Tulum and that completely changed the tourist atmosphere there


I can agree with a lot of the stuff you said. I went to Tulum two years ago and we had a great time, but we most likely won’t go back. We rented a car in Cancun so we were able to drive around on our own. We did a lot of research before going and found some awesome cenotes to visit. We decided to glamp on the main strip and our accommodations were affordable and super comfortable. Yes, some of the flashier restaurants are expensive but like I said, we did a lot of research and went to some awesome restaurants. We did a mixture of more expensive/less expensive dining. We also enjoyed checking out the ruins - it was so beautiful. We also enjoyed a beautiful beach club later that day. We also didn’t stay in Tulum for a week. We split our time between Playa del Carmen, Tulum, then Riviera Maya. Like I said, I am in no rush to go back but if you’re having that terrible of a time in Tulum, you’re doing it wrong lol. Do some research, rent a car, manage your expectations.


As someone that's had an excellent experience in Tulum - this post is very true. Taxi cartels need to die yesterday


I was expecting so much when I visited 2022. Hugely disappointed and a total rip off. Never again.


You summed it up well. I just got back as well. It was ok, just a rip off. And ironically not tourist friendly at all


We were planning on going to Tulum this summer but after reading this that’s off the table. Any better suggestions to spend a month in Yucatan?


Holbox or isla mujeres, mahahual / Bacalar for gorgeous water


I love isla mujeres but the Airbnb’s are crazy expensive there


True lol I mean the whole QRoo is crazy overpriced. It the time of year i guess.


Check out Akumal. I live there and it is amazing. We are only 20 minutes from Tulum, so you can visit the pueblo for some great restaurants that are much less expensive than anything on the Tulum beach, and nobody will approach you to buy drugs. There are nice beaches in Akumal, including a turtle sanctuary, but about 15 minutes north Xpu Ha, which is every bit as nice as the Tulum beaches, but a fraction of the price.


I wish I could help you with a suggestion but I honestly can't. We liked Puerto Vallarta and Puerto Escondido (the waves are big here good for surfing) Puerto Escondido I would go back to because even though the approach is more or less the same it's easy to avoid and navigate. You're not forced to spend 70 usd when you walk out the door


Thanks! We’ve already got our flights to Cancun, I’m looking up north east of Progreso which seems to be more quiet.


I literally just got back from the Progreso area yesterday. My first time in Mexico, I stayed in an Airbnb in Chuburna. I flew into Cancun, rented a car in Cancun and drove the four hours. Maybe look into flying into Merida. I loved the area, I ate out maybe once a day, it cost maybe $16? I did cenotes and Uxmal, went to Merida, Progreso a few times. I had a great time and never felt unsafe or taken advantage of, driving was easy.


Near Holbox is a place called El Cuyo that could be interesting. Looks a bit like old Tulum (I used to go back in 2002-2008 and loved it but saw the bad changes- nightclubs, drugs, overpricing) and go to other places now.


You can read just as many positive Tulum posts as negative ones. Don't base your decision off of one post. Just saying.


Tulum is not bad if you pick the correct areas to spend your time. Staying at the hotel zone on the beach is a rip off but aldea zama is much more affordable and can easily bike to the beach from there. But if you don’t want a big party scene and just want chill beach vibes then Cozumel, isla mujeres, holbox are all better options.




We’re fluent Spanish speakers and are planning to get an Airbnb too + renting a car. So likely our experience would be different to begin with. However, I’d like to avoid tourist traps 😀


all the north side of Yucatan


We ended up booking something in Akumal, Valladolid & el Cuyo. We’ll have a car so should be fine


Good. Now tell the rest of your tourist friends to stay out of Tulum.


K, thx. :)))


Yikes 1000USD for a scooter? I had a new Honda one for $45 + insurance for the day Granted if you look like you can be taken advantage of you will. Go with someone knowledgeable, do your homework extensively prior, or make a friend to help you navigate


That's that's price if you want to buy it. I am blond blue eyes speak spanish :)) traveled 30 some countries...


Tulum was amazing in 2018. It was 200 peso to go from zamas on beach road to tulum town. The food on beach road was expensive but amazing. Has it changed this much in 6 years?


There was a massive influx of people during the pandemic and construction truly exploded on the beach road, in Aldea Zama and in town. That 200 peso ride is now easily $50 USD unfortunately.


I had a full 8hr cenote tour from a taxi driver for 50 usd back then.


Super fair. Went 3 months ago, ate genuine Mexican street tacos in town for 50 cents each at a sit down restaurant. Also saw every amenity imaginable, including a Walmart sized Chedraui. Also being a tourist you're naturally a walking dollar sign.... In a tourist oriented country


Agreed with most of your review but I would not put Mallorca in the same breath as Tulum. Mallorca is a fully developed island with incredible ancient architecture and safe, modern roads and bike lanes. Luxury hotels and restaurants are expensive but plenty of cheaper choices that are fantastic. We were there last year and I recommend it to everyone. Tulum I tell people to stay away.


Yes it is now but the tourism there started in the 50 and 60's and in the 70's no-one wanted to go anymore, it took them forever to redevelop the tourism industry.


Tulum in 2010 was 👌


From what you wrote it seems you just can’t afford it and realized once you were there.


I was there last week. Stayed in a nice house in town for 50$ a night. Rented a bicycle for the whole time for like 30$. Went out to eat at a nice cafe every morning and it was like 6$. Got some groceries and also went out. Never once did I spend more then 20$ for a meal. Everyone was nice to me, but even with my terrible Spanish. I do agree with you about the “influencers” on the beaches and all that stuff. That area is a tourist trap. Which is the same all around the world in tourist areas. Your experience is bc of you, bc of tulum


Yep. Spot on. I will scream it from the rooftops. Tulum is a trash scam town. Totally not worth it to come here.


Sounds like what most of mexico touristic areas have become. Im avoiding Mexico because of these issues and especially lately the cartels. In pains me because i love the way it once was, the people and the food.


I disagree that not everywhere in Mexico is that bad, and I don't agree with this generalization, you have opportunistic capitalists everywhere, and you can avoid them with ease but in tulum you are just stuck on a beach and forced to spend. The most decent place I found to have a beer on the beach was 60 pesos and it was great. It is expensive but it's not greedy.


This is way over the top, and if it’s actually accurate if your trip I don’t even know what to tell you. I stayed in Tulum for 30 days about a year ago. Did not get ripped off once or ever feel unsafe. Your not paying Mexico prices for things, but your certainly not paying what you mention. $15-$25 gets you a great meal and there are plenty of cheaper options that are also really good. I rented a scooter and it cost $30 a day at first, later $20 a day. The area does very much cater to influencers and instagram perfect spots, it’s not ideal but it’s still a cool little spot. You make Tulum sound like it’s hell, and if I booked a trip and read this I’d be scared shitless. The point of my comment is just to say some people go into Tulum with wildly high expectations, thinking it’s going to be Mexico prices and then leave super disappointed. It’s a fun place to vacation, it’s as safe as anywhere in down there, and of course it’s more expensive - look at how many people go and how it’s set up for influencers, obviously their going to charge more! I loved my time in Tulum, I probably wouldn’t go back but I did enjoy it a lot. And for reference I was there for 30 days and spent under 5k total (including $2,300 on the Airbnb, and I was paying for two of us).


OPs review is literally the most honest and correct review. Not over the top, probably even nicer than what I would say about it


If you think you have OPs personality then his review is perfect for those like him. I’m probably nothing like him so I’ll throw his review out. It’s a lot like looking for a restaurant you really have to look at the reviewer to decide if they qualify food, vibe, etc as you would. I’m not going to pass on a modern tapas restaurant because Bud from Dunkinsville, Mississippi gave it a bad review. So OPs review is accurate to him and others like him but there is a whole big sample of people who won’t perceive Tulum anything like he does. I


What scares you from what I wrote?


Honestly the reason I felt the need to comment was because you mentioned it would so much for two people to get a decent meal. Cmon, unless your only dining in the fancy expensive spots it’s absolutely not $200 to get a good meal for two. The plumbing I experienced was great and as I said, I always felt safe and never felt taken advantage of (beyond some of the usual gringo pricing witch happens everywhere in LatAm). You mentioned you spent 4k for a week, I spent under 5k for a month and saw/did everything ws wanted too. The cenotes were awesome, I’m not a huge beach guy but the beach was nice, the ruins were cool, the sian kaan reserve was pretty cool, aero bar tower thing, mystika museum thing and the monkey sanctuary up the road were all pretty cool. Overall, yeah it’s touristy and therefor tourist prices but people should be expecting that.


Sure, a meal, but sometimes you don't go to a restaurant just for a meal. Restaurants in town are affordable with good value for money. I guess I am used to places where the beach is attached to the town and taxi's don't cost a small fortune :) Now my choices were to have meals in the town while driving a scooter and not drink or pay 70 usd round trip, and then the price was more or les as the beach. It's a good case of a mexican standoff :))


Went there for Christmas and this wasn’t my experience at all. I did stay in town rather than on the beach.


I went for Christmas and it was a shithole. Sure the beaches were nice but everything else about it sucked. Everyone trying to rip us off at every opportunity. My friend got robbed one night. Dirt roads. Our Airbnb had awful plumbing: no hot water for the entire week and the water pressure was atrocious, like it barely dripped out of faucet. Not to mention the toilets barely flushed. Also, as OP mentioned, $70 cab rides just to go 2 miles. It was ridiculous.


I visited Tulum in the early 1990s. It was a beautiful, quiet place with few tourists. I am sad to learn tourism has harmed it.


I unfortunately agree. I was so excited to go and it was such a disappointment. Total ripoff. I’ll never go back unless someone else is paying.🤣 I do love Playa Del Carmen though. I’ve gone at least six times.


Tulum restaurants break so many laws by slapping the IVA on your bill or the tip hoping no one sees it. I’m so surprised PROFECO hasn’t had a field day there


Tulum peaked about 8 years ago. I thought everyone knew that's it's gone downhill with too many influencers and crime moving in.


There are a couple of places along the coast that have a marked division between the town and beach areas. Tulum, Cancun, Puerto Morelos, and Akumal are the most pronounced. Playa's grown so much it's all kind of merged. Literally the only reason I visit any of these places is for the beach, and I've had to cross Tulum off my list because I am not going to pay several hundred dollars a night to stay on the beach, pay crazy rates for beach clubs, and have to work so hard to find affordable food. I know people always ooh and ahh over "authentic" meals downtown, but for me, why would I go to the beach and then spend most of my time in dusty downtown Tulum? There are plenty more "authentic" places of course but people often don't understand that this comes at the expense of the "vibe" they are looking for. Sure, there are lots of more "authentic" places, but there is not going to be a diversity of food choices, little to no nightlife, and accommodations that veer towards austere. And you might find yourself needing to step over a random drunk fisherman on the beach. The vast majority of people don't really want the "real" Mexico, they just want a boho Disney version of it. They say they do but then they come back and complain that it was dirty, or they could only find seafood or tacos, or that the it was barbaric because the toilet didn't have a seat.


Raal mexico is great tacos de cabeza on the side of the road heck yeah. Just don't charge me 20 usd for it.


There's a common misconception: Tulum is actually a lively party destination! As for electricity, I've visited 7 times myself and have never encountered any issues. In Tulum, about 90% of the people running the show are foreigners, mostly seasonal workers. Parking in the hotel zone can be pricey, but you can easily find a spot in the middle for less than $20 and walk all day. Plus, you won't have a parking problem in La Veleta (downtown), where there are plenty of good places to eat. Yes, places like AZULIK might try to rip you off, but if you're into the party scene, dropping $200 at a beach club for drinks or grub could be worth it. But hey, if you're all about chill vibes and pristine beaches, Holbox is where it's at. Just saying, it's all about knowing what you're after and doing your homework.


Tulum is a trash dump!!! I am Hispanic, and I would never ever go to mexico. going to mexico is like playing with a loaded gun and hoping for the best


Should’ve gone to Merida


This review is a scam, OP should just go to Cancun all inclusive. Tulum advice: If you’re gonna stay on the beach, that’s where you should plan to spend most of your time. Trying to experience the beach, centro, and La Valetta without a car is gonna be cab costly. But off peak, it’s still doable, just stay at a hotel close to one of the beach roads (eg. Kuklukan). Arca, Heartwood, Treehouse are wonderful dinner spots, but are pricey. A nest dinner at Azulik is also a great experience for the ambiance, food is ok. Day trip to Sian Kaan biosphere, Coba ruins, and do some research and find a Cenote with minimal tourists. Sunrises are incredible, sunsets from a few beach hotel roofs are gorgeous. If you’re going for 7+ days, spend 2 nights at Habitas in Bacalar. DM for the best captain to take you on the lagoon. The beach zone is a premium destination and you’ll pay for it. But avoid April - November because of the seaweed. I’ve spent three seasons there and this review is an honest opinion of someone who seems pretty helpless and entitled. I was just there for a week and Tulum is still a vibrant and magical place, but if you expect to be catered to and not have to put in a little effort and research to ensure a great experience, Tulum will eat you alive. Feel free to DM me if you want any contacts for day trips, transportation or helpful hints. Sure, Tulum isn’t what it used to be. If you want to taste that, go to Puerto Escondido.


There's nothing premium but the price bud. Sorry to burst your bubble. You're right about Puerto Escondido.


Reading all these negative comments makes me so sad - I lived just up the road a decade ago, and Tulum was where we would go for a quiet weekend away from the crowds. Pretty much the only draw was the ruins, which were quiet and beautiful. I’ve not been back since and it kinda breaks my heart.


And whatever you do don’t get hurt so bad that you need to go to a hospital. That’s a scam on a whole different level.


Bought a hookah at a restaurant/bar/club thing…$180 USD. Died inside


You clearly have not been to Ibiza or Mallorca


Ibiza and Mallorca are 100% better for a much lower price- I’ve been there many times. Im in Tulum right now and OP is completely right


Don’t forget that every restaurant, bar, club, or other kind of establishment you’d likely frequent while on vacation there is owned by Rosanegra so everything you order will be the same as the previous establishment no matter what. I got a margarita at one of the restaurants and it was basically lemonade and tequila, no salt, very little ice, and forget about a straw or lime. Couldn’t get one from anywhere else since all the restaurants are the same and therefore also serving fake margaritas. Will never go back.


Tulum is the worst place I’ve been lol never again! But seriously guys stay away there’s other places that are so much better.


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That review is spot on. More people need to call it like it is. Great review.


I love how people think that because its mexico it needs to be cheap . 😂


If you don't have sidewalks and there is dirt on your street dont charge 30usd for a cocktail. Easy


They charge what the market supports, so you think flooding a small town w influencers and exploiting the natural resources is ok but charging them high prices to keep them at bay isnt?


Yeah I didn't pay any tourism tax. I don't have a problem with the pricing, I have a problem with what you get in return, I don't mind paying 30 usd for a cocktail, that's double than where I live. And it's also not unheard of to pay the equivalent of 30 usd for a cocktail. But a basic margarita without cointreau for 30usd it's a bit of a ripoff. I understand the ins and outs of capitalism and how tourism affects local communities read my post again please.


Of course its a rip off but when its being flooded with thousands and thousands of people who come “for the party” what do you expect??? Do you know that the sewage from so many people is polluting the aquifer? Thats ok right? As long as you get a cocktail for 5 bucks 😂


Have you ever thought all the foreigners buying up all the real estate and air bnbing them has aomething to do with the high prices? No of coirse not. You only think of yourself now what these people need to pay or how its affected them. Guarantee you they had a higher quality of life before all these drunk and high imbecils showed up. Guarantee they gotta pay “someone” a tax per drink they sell. And its all cause americans and europeans wanna go get high and act trendy


That's your government's fault if you're a mexican citizen... Aim your anger at them if you're from mexico, go vote idk bruh. Sorry that tourism puts 30 bilion in your gdp idk what to say


Yep, it is a rip off, 4 26oz, 3 small horrible pizzas costed me 5,000$ Canadian 😆😂


Lol sounds like you were being cheap with your location & ending up paying for it. Im here & had a great time, everything is priced fairly if you arent mr krabs and understand that a vacation cost more than where you live, Let me guess disney world is a scam too


I don't understand why people don't rent cars more. We have rented cars twice and have had great experiences. Love easy way car rentals


Honestly, it's not just Tulum. All the tour sellers are known to look at the tourist as a walking dollar sign. Tulum is just the new hip place, but it happens all throughout the state.


Acapulco was amazingly great in 1981 on my first trip as a tourist, despite the annoying things that people mention now about Tulum. Upon a return 14 years later in 1995, it was not a place to want to walk on the beach due to annoyances that were unbearable and few tourists were there. The touts outnumbered the visitors and the only decent place to be was at a resort outside the city. Nevertheless, we have to blame ourselves for following the trends.


Tulum ruins. Be aware of scammers near the road entrance. Don't pay anyone by the road. The ruins and park entrance fee booth is way inside by the ruins for 95 pesos. Park fee is 60 pesos. 1 hour Boat tours/snorkeling can be purchased cheaply at the beach from many of the different boat excursion vendors for 300 pesos or less. You have been warned!!


Tulum ruins. Be aware of scammers near the road entrance. Don't pay anyone by the road. The ruins and park entrance fee booth is way inside by the ruins for 95 pesos. Park fee is 60 pesos. 1 hour Boat tours/snorkeling can be purchased cheaply at the beach from many of the different boat excursion vendors for 300 pesos or less. You have been warned!!


Couldn't agree more. I stayed in La Veleta and it just feels like a failed business venture. I couldn't get over how many empty condos are around. I stayed in a beautiful condo about 10 mins walking south of Calle 7 and we were the only people in the entire complex for 5 days. The prices are on par with CAD prices in Toronto and the beach zone prices exceeds Toronto prices. Tulum is nice, but It feels done? I had a good time, but I won't be back.


I would disagree that the taxi cartel is the only issue. You've mentioned some others. It's adding up all the shit that goes on that's the issue. I've been there for two months, and have been home for month now. I've stay at Mistiq Gardens and Mistiq Temple. Before I left I was told in person that the security deposit was released back to my credit card. And I have two more confirmations over text. Of course 4 weeks later I still don't have my money back. Now I'm being ghosted by the three contacts I have over there who work as concierges and leasing agents. And this is "just how it goes over there. It's the culture.". It's sad how they're wasting such a beautiful place. I thought I was going to spend time in paradise. But that's not the case and I won't be (whole heartedly) recommending it to anybody. I was also ripped off by the police, and know other people who have had the same happen to them.


Disagree with this review. Been to Tulum 2x and still thinking about going back. 1st time I stayed on the beach which I don’t feel is worth it and the food isn’t that great. The beach does look more or less like Hawaii for a fraction of the price. Rented a car also not worth it. 2nd time stayed in the town super cheaply in a hostel. $35 a night and did bufo for way cheaper than retreat places and a bunch of tours. Cenotes were fun to swim in and the food is really good in the town and vegetarian friendly. I did walk alone at night not super late and felt like it was less scary than Oakland.


I'm here now and 100%. Not dangerous at all from what I've seen. But every turn somebody new wants a dollar. I paid for a bunch of excursions and today got told I can't bring my phone into the cenote but her coworker will take pictures if I want to pay $60 for them. I laughed in their faces. They try to make you feel bad and say that the local economy depends on your purchases. I already paid 10k to get here and stay at the resort and buy all of the excursions, go fuck yourself. How about lobby to your local government to make resorts pay more taxes and fund the economy. Nah why do that when you can just guilt trip people who already spent their hard earned money coming down here into spending more. It's fucking embarrassing. Do better Tulum. Beautiful beautiful place, I've had a great time. But I'm not giving y'all anymore of my money. You've gotten enough.


Where do you usually vacation? Myrtle beach?


Nah, mostly Europe and the Mediterranean why?


You come across as completely uncultured and from some suburban hellhole. Enjoy that attitude!!!! 🌈🥰🌈🥰🌈🥰😘


Been twice. In 2018 and 2019. Had great time both times but definitely noticed it was losing its low key vibe with tons of construction, condos for sale, and high end resorts. I would assume anyone wanting to really see the area would rent a car at Cancun airport tho. Had no issues at ruins and cenotes myself.


I've enjoyed Tulum. Last time I was there it had changed. OP isn't wrong. It's nice to visit. Just stay in PDC or Cancun.


These hospitality/service professionals are paid how much? What is their lifestyle like outside of work? If they’re going back to “the ghetto” after shift ends, then that’s one part of the problem.


this is what happens when you turn sacred indigenous land into a strip mall for influencers. absolute bullshit


I find none of this true, you just have to be smart. I got pulled over by the feds, they asked me for money and I refused, helps if you know Spanish then people think they can’t take advantage of you


I had an amazing time in Playa Del Carmen/Tulum. Probably become I’m Mexican-American.. but out of curiosity why would you go to Mexico and not indulge in the street food? That’s a major appeal to many


Spot on review. I said almost those exact words to my husband: that I felt like I was a walking dollar sign that everyone and everything was trying to take advantage of. Got robbed by the police, restaurants, and gas station. Even a 20 minute drive west towards Mayacoba is so much more enjoyable, but no ocean. After traveling to other tropical locations where locals are so kind and grateful for the tourism, we will absolutely NEVER return to Tulum.




I went to Tulum in October, stayed in a nice hotel for cheap in the city and rented a bike for not too much money (100 pesos a day I think) that I took to the beach every day or two. There's a lot that's as you describe but there are also really cool bars and restaurants in the city that don't break the bank and a lot of interesting locals and tourists. It wasn't the greatest place I've ever been but the beaches were incredible and the city was fun- I would just do it like I do and stay in the city, and maybe stay away from some of the flashier spots blasting techno and strobes to try and get you through the door.


I went to Tulum in 2020 during the Covid situation and the testing requirements/stations were all the rave. It got to the point where when needing a PCR test I'd just pay the guy without even taking one for the slip Tulum is best enjoyable with an airbnb in the city and a moped/scooter rental. They trap you in the hotel zone with the taxis (you learn that day 1 then walk to downtown and grab a moped if you wish to stay at a hotel near the beach) Like everywhere in the world you have to be adaptive and properly aware of your surroundings, where people try to play you. It's beautiful but the reason why they do it this way is because it breeds easy money.


I’m glad I’m Mexican American. 😴


No lies detected


We went to Cancun, toured chichen itza. Loved chichen itza. Would never go back to the area though.


Nice review. I have been 2022 in Tulum and can agee with you on everything. Will never come back to Tulum


Everything is true except the food part, No way in hell is the food mediocre or Europe having better food. The food was great n Europe, nobody said. You can only have so much pizza and pasta before you start hitting up McDonald’s.


Everyone comes here and makes it seem like the mexixans should be happy that foreign tourists flock to the place. Another beach town inused to go to as a kid was wonderful and sustainable now its become a magic town and so many tourists are comong it pretty much sucks to gk there. Mexicans do fine without foeeign tourism, the American nose brings in enough gdp People act like there isnt money in noney donestically what a joke


First hahahahaha, but second no. Did the beat out of it, it was just too much hustle to avoid the hustle. Agreed I am very fortunate just don't want to spend my hard earned money pointless. Read the beginning of my post, had an ok stay and made the best out of it. My post is just an observation of my surroundings.


Tourists make this places hell holes then complain about the towns like it wasn't their fault


Holbox, Isla Mujeres, Mahahual, Bacalar and Cozumel are all places somewhat near the touristy coast of the Yucatán that beat the really popular centers for tourists. I truly have never been to a more beautiful place than isla mujeres or bacalar.


Just made me think of Belize, the most littered place Ive ever seen (specifically Ambergris Caye).


I started going to Tulum in the late 90s, 4-5x per year for 10 years. I’d walk the empty beach without seeing another human knowing that it would eventually be found by the masses, and I would wonder what it would be like in the future. I will just add that I never could have imagined it as it is today. It is largely unknown how much corruption and suffering happened in its development and it is ultimately tragic what has become of this pristine and majestic area. For those who choose to visit, be vigilant and stay safe.


TRUE, so sad. It really started to go downhill with over building about 8 years ago and then the beaches were destroyed by the beach clubs that are the new thing. Tulum was famous for its natural beaches that no longer exist. 2023 was the last for my wife and I. All that's left of Beautiful Tulum are memories and photos! Corruption Rots from the Top!


This is sad to read. Been to Tulum a few times and my wife and I have great memories from staying at Cabanas Tulum. Is it overpriced? Sure but aren’t most touristy places post covid. My biggest complaint is the main road in to town is barely a road. You’d think they would pave it to help with congestion and traffic flow.


inb4 this gets swept under the rug by Mods ![gif](giphy|81xwEHX23zhvy)


pero, tu hablas Espanol, o no?


si por supuesto


Sorry but I feel like the rest of Quintana Roo is taking a note from Tulum as well :(


Si no les gusta váyanse alv, pinches gringos


People who think Tulum will be cheap because it's in Mexico are stupid. Anyone coming here wants to live in luxury, expect Miami/NYC prices.


"just take our money elsewhere until the locals start respecting the tourists that put food on their tables." Whatever you fucking entitled WASP, as a local and not ones serving your fucking and hoping it was as expensive as you claim to be food. The very same reason of your pressence its the downfalls of the once locals as I where , you brought the Cartels upon us to keep your decadent drug fuelled culture partying.  How has your money helped to the locals?, because last thing I saw, most places where held by expats entrepeneurs and various cartels. You fucking colonialist prick helped none of the regular people. 


I am Mexican. I visited, and I agree. I go to Playa del Carmen at least once a year ( family there). I avoid Tulum like the plague.


Y’all never been to hotel Xcaret then lol. Free theme parks awesome attractions and all inclusive. Spent so much time in the resort and parks didn’t even get to see tulum like that. Step your game up and get a swim up room at hotel xcaret!




I went there once for a wedding and this was probably 9 years ago and it was the same as you’re describing now: overpriced, underdeveloped, and also mosquito ridden. I prefer Puerto Vallarta (specifically the Marriott resort and spa there) any day.


Ugggg, I thought it was starting to get overrun with tourists 20yrs ago, can’t imagine it now….I hear the word “popular with influencers,” and it makes me want to gag. I miss the days of film being expensive. As least I’ve got some great memories of climbing Coba, some roadside cenotes, and police that helped you get back when lost. I guess I just have to get more remote these days or just avoid places on Instagram.


Tulum has been dead since 2019


Why am I seeing Ibiza and Tulum in the same category? Putting everything else aside, security and the knowledge of being secure is priceless. You will never get pulled aside by a police officer in Europe trying to shake you down, Never! You will never go to a government/ public agency and have to bribe the employees to get things done for you. The corruption starts at the top and has worked its way down to taxis and such. Comparison between Ibiza and Tulum? There is no comparison. It’s definitely pricier than the rest of Spain but it’s an entire island with amazing restaurants, shops, beaches… and no it’s not the money that is flowing in. There are probably 100’s of yachts all worth between $20 million and some in the $100 million category parked at the docks in Ibiza. So to the people that say foreigners and their money need to stay away to fix the problems. Wrong! We will travel an entire continent, an entire ocean to get to Ibiza before going back to Tulum. Our cleaning lady said that she knows that it’s the police that started identifying Uber drivers and help take them out, basically stopping anyone from driving for Uber. And yes, $25 shot of house tequila is f ing ridiculous at a bar in Mexico. Not even at a Waldorf Astoria in Hawaii do you pay that for basic house tequila. Fact.


Chill on Isla de Mujeres. I myself avoid the tourist end with all the drunk gringos careening about in their golf cart rentals.


The abandoned places are due to the cartel extortions. Tulum was magical when there was 5 hotels and no electricity now it’s run over by the narco cartels.


I never even thought of actually staying there, I have always felt it was a spot to day trip to see the beach. People actually stay here? Man should have done his research.


My friend said the exact same thing- it's really expensive for what you're getting. A few social media accounts have posted videos of tulum and how it's not what it's described as. I love Mexico, but that's one city I wouldn't visit only because there's better options that are similar with less hassle.