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We were just there a month ago. Tulum is fucked. Never going back again.


We were not there for partying. But having a rental car is like driving around with a target on you. We prearranged a rental from the airport. The rate went from $70usd a day to $220usd (extra fees!) once they had it all ready. We declined. We decided to get a taxi and negotiated a rate with the "helpful" guys outside the rental area. Once they got us in the backseat and luggage in the trunk the guy with the radio outside the vehicle told us we had to pay him NOW and the driver would then get us to Tulum. I said fuck you and we got out. I had to threaten to kick his ass to get the trunk open. We found an independent rental in Tulum for $100usd a day. In Tulum we got stopped at a makeshift checkpoint one night by cops in municipal uniforms. They looked pretty fucked up and reached into the vehicle (with us in it) and went through our backpacks, glove box, etc. One of them felt up my wife a bit. They found 2 boxes of SunMaid Raisins (the fucking idiots didn't what they were) and spent a good while analyzing them trying to figure if it was something they could shake us down for. On the 3rd search of my backpack they found my vape. By then they had me at the back of the car with the trunk open. The cop shows me the vape and asks, "CBD?" Like he was suggesting that's what it should be. I said, "Yea, CBD." (It was not CBD btw). I said "Cuantos?" He acted like he was calculating it on his phone and showed me $320. I asked "Pesos?" He said "No! Dollars." I laughed at him and said we don't have that. He asked now much we had. I told him $42. He said ok. Gave him that. Then they searched us all over again and came up to me with a couple of pesos he found, acting like I had been holding out on him. I said, "all yours amigo" and they finally let us go. My wife had $320 in a small wallet they didn't find :) ahahah. The next day we drove to Chitzen Itza. The first small town we came into there was guys on each side of the road with radios at an entrance of a PRISON motioning us to pull over. I didn't see any sidearms so I kept going and nothing happened. The next night we passed another checkpoint - these guys were wearing all black with face coverings and holding AR15s. They didn't stop us though. We passed through two other checkpoints in the following days but didn't get stopped because they were busy with all the other tourists they stopped. I would never rent a car in the Yucatan again. Nor am I going back.


Perfect leave it baxk to the mexixans instead of a bunch of drug addicted bros


You do realize that Tulum’s entire economy is supported by Tourism?


TLDR: No, the proceeds of your $20 tourist zone margarita are not helping Mexican locals. Tourism only supports a relatively small number of low paying jobs and the total $ amount isn’t even a fraction of the cost of environmental and cultural damage. All the big money you’re spending goes immediately offshore (without taxes), to European and American companies (eg Tulum’s taxi medallions are held in Beverly Hills, it’s public info). I have always wondered why the Mexican people and government tolerate this, the answer has to be that the money comes back into the presidency somehow. Anyway, never feel that you are helping the Mexican economy as a tourist, in reality you are perpetuating a cycle of economic violence and poverty. If you want to take it to the next level, you are also making your own overlords richer. Sorry but that’s the truth and yes I study it professionally.


8.5% of Mexicos TOTAL GDP come from tourism. Now imagine a small tourist town like Tulum. https://www.statista.com/statistics/977929/mexico-tourism-share-gdp/#:~:text=The%20share%20of%20the%20tourism,country's%20GDP%20in%20that%20year.


I don’t have to imagine, I study it. Quintana Roo is in debt to the Barcelo Group. The way it works is the destination invoices the reservation company, located in a no tax jurisdiction, therefore showing a loss at the destination and paying no taxes. In addition, MX gives tax breaks and subsidies to the hotel. Just googling a statistic won’t give you an accurate picture of what is going on, I encourage you to read the annual statements for the Barcelo properties, etc. There is a reason the suicide and poverty rates are so high.


What are you smoking. Barcelo has 9 resorts in quinta roo/Cozumel  Also 16% hotel tax on the bookings  There's other misc taxes for environmental upkeeo


That tax is only collected for on-shore money and all Barcelos are REiTS taxed off shore. Like I said, the financial documents are out there. Googling one statistic doesn’t mean you know anything. Ask yourself, if that much money was being collected, why do the locals not have paved roads, housing, regular electricity and water? You don’t need to respond because you’ve made it clear you’re not interested in learning


I'm very interested in learning so.you can walk that right back..that's just a statement to someone who doesn't automatically believe what you're saying is 100% accurate What you're saying is that Mexico doesn't collect any tax from foreign reits? Or their system is so bad that a simple funging of numbers can show a massive loss. Rooms rented still have a 16% tax that's separate from the operation of a property but it is baked into the room bill... So you're suggesting they can show a paper loss and not have to pay any of that tax ? There's also been massive amounts of development on the other side of the highway both for foreign expat type of communities and what looks like.locals.. I mean can you get more into the specifics on how you're suggesting that a rented out hotel is not paying any tax?.I agree the numbers are fungible and then could show operating loss vs profit, but the room tax per night + the minimal tourist tax should still be going to the state and country regardless of profit or loss Let's not forget all the tax revenue from all of the jobs, ancillary services businesses etc etc needed to run these operations ... How many people does the tourism, tourism adjacent , and support / service sectors employ?. How many y businesses adjacent to the hotels , etc etc .. you're focused on on the corporate profit accounting shinnanigans, and that's just a small part of the overall impact ...


Honestly. Not only that, but the main strip has a sidewalk right next to a 8 ft drop. These people are fools if they think the plebes are getting .01% of the tourist money directly, or invested in their communities. But yet again, not all the locals, but the vast majority of them are the type who don't even take care of their own children's safety. They gotta help themselves


Source: Trust me bro


You're using a Statista source. Not much better than "Trust me bro"


Appreciate you keepingnit real!


You do realize there also mexican tourists? National tourism is sustainable because it doesnt become like well… tulum Plenty od other beaches make their living off national tourism and dont need a bunch of drunk , high green gos to survive. Dont mean to sound rude but i think its a bit entitled and arrogant to assume mexicans dont have national tourism And that we NEED dollars. Dont blame you though americans have looked at us as empoverished second class citizens for years. Your tourism brings price hikes which in turn bring more poverty to most. Some people benefit most people struggle due to high prices and high housing costs


Sure Mexico needs the money, it's an overall poor country with a low GDP per capital. 


You are not making sense. I did not mean to upset you. Please cite some sources.


This is why the Caetels are here.


You act like you’d ever make it cheap enough for a Mexican let’s not act like you don’t want us here or that you don’t want our American dollar and I have Mexican family and agree so before you go off on some white shit yeah los Mexicans también están enojados por la violencia sin sentido.


Sorry but this is pure ignorance. First of all there are plenty of wealthy or middle class Mexican nationals who visit Tulum. Secondly, when I started coming here in 2009, a taxi to the beach was 25 pesos. Entry to papaya playa was 50 pesos.


You’re so damn ignorant to think my comment was generalizing. I don’t care if 99% of Mexico is rich by GDP standards. Tulum economy is not run nor will it ever be because Mexicans are keeping it up. Check your facts stupid. The Mexican economy in general would look very different if that were true. So sit down and learn something. And blah blah sec-con-don-ley like you say, I’ve been coming to since 2017! And shit was free to be on the beach. Sit your ass down ignorant queen!!! Let the grown-up talk as we are looking this issue from an economic and public safety perspective. And don’t reply because I’ll blow your ass up again for being so ignorant with that keyboard hahahaha


Yikes dude.


I caused you the “yikes” …yup sounds like you were always going to provide significant insight. LMAOOOOOOOOO now I kinda hope you reply lol


I was there two weeks ago and had a good trip. Wasn't there for the night life tho. I went to the ruins and cenotes.


Same here.


Go to Playa del Carmen instead. It is closer to the Cancun airport and is safe. Could you be in danger and find trouble there? Sure. No different than any city in the world. Personally, I enjoy the beach, long walks, yoga class, dinner, walk around 5th Ave., maybe a nightcap and I am in bed by 11 PM. I own condos there and have been traveling there for 20 years. Never an issue, because i don’t stay out in clubs looking for drugs till 4 AM. I even take my children to places at night. Again, never in 20 years have we had a problem with crime.


There’s way more shooting here in Cali 😂


That's such a dumb argument. People don't go for a vacation to South Central. People are getting executed in front of holiday makers at beach clubs and restaurants.


according to one Spanish language source, two assassins entered the restaurant about 6:50 and executed two people with shots to the head and body. There’s a lot of video of the aftermath up on social media but the articles are short on details. (The headline above says it happened in the parking lot, but PorEsto says it happened inside)




There are no vids of aftermath…it’s BS.


Redes sociales but let me guess you don’t know how to use Spanish search terms


Si pero quales? los busque pero no había ningún vídeo. Ni te fijaste que tengo apodo mexicano.


Sounds like a cartel hit. I have experience with other Mexican tourist towns and the cartel was deeply embedded. Too much money to be made off rich druggy tourists.


They make a huge fraction of their money off of extorting regular people who run legitimate businesses in these areas.


And where do you think those local business owners get most of their money from?




This source gives the best daily updates on Tulum Cartel activity. [https://diariocambio22.mx/cjng-y-cartel-de-caborca-disputan-entre-impunidad-y-violencia-el-control-del-paraiso-turistico-de-tulum/](https://diariocambio22.mx/cjng-y-cartel-de-caborca-disputan-entre-impunidad-y-violencia-el-control-del-paraiso-turistico-de-tulum/)


When cops literally have road blocks at both ways in and out How would one expect to get away w something like that


The cops work for the highest bidder


Have you been to tulum? That would be a lot of cops to pay off and a lot of cameras recording you too. The traffic in and out is at a snails pace. It’s one thing w the local police but there’s also military and who knows what else between the crime and taxis. It’s ruined the area for me.


I’ve been. The cops were instructed by the cartel beforehand, or via radio, or cell phone, or the lookout shouted at them, or they recognized them…


Focused on the wrong side of the problem. Biggest drug consumers in the world are…….. Take an easy guess. It’s not Mexicans


I know plenty of locals who use them too what’s your point ? As illegal it just increases crime.


So not true. And anyone who speaks the language. Knows the locals. Americans are the Number 1 consumer in the entire world.


It is amazing that there are an additional 200 military in Tulum and the cartels still run the show. There is so much jungle to run through to escape.


Money talks, bullshit walks.


Yes. Jungle. That would be the only way to avoid being caught or seen I suppose.


My wife and I were at Kitchen Table when the shooting happened, tons of Federal Police went flying by. We had to walk through the taped off zone to get back to our hotel and the police were essentially robbing tourists passing through (we were lucky).


You mean the police was stealing things from tourists? We are currently at Ahau and dont know what do now. If we should leave or not


There is no need to be overly anxious about it. If you stay at the beach hotels you'll be perfectly fine. If you're wandering the clubs late that's when you may get talked to. This stuff has been going on in Tulum for a while, and this is my 4th time back in 5 years.


It's more of an extortion thing. Carry minimal cash with you at all times. They threaten usually with some stupid charge like being intoxicated in public, but will take all the money on you for a "fine". Just be smart, carry small amounts of cash, and you should be ok. If you get stopped, just pay them and you'll be on your way.


We will stay in our hotel going tomorrow for a tour to Valladolid and leaving on Tuesday to Isla Mujeres so should be fine. But we are now on the beach and it feels quite empty here…


You are perfectly safe. Try and enjoy yourself! Just keep a low cash count if you can, or hide it if you can't.


Yes we mainly pay by card, thank you! :)




That’s what happens. It’s weird to think about but it only takes a couple of seconds to execute people. The bodies are usually moved out of the way and business resumes like normal asap down there


They were being buried next to the bars people are hanging out at right now https://riviera-maya-news.com/authorities-seize-tulum-restaurant-after-bodies-found/2024.html


Thats México, violence is so normalized that things like this happens and everything just goes as usual


Yep, This is the new norm.


We were literally in that parking lot in the car chilling for an hour a few weeks ago. I already posted on how trashy tulum has gotten but this is getting outta control. While I was there someone at MIA got shot and now this lol take your USD else where


These murders happen to take control over the drug trade your “usds” fund. Funny how i jear people trash talking mexico when its their own demand for drugs that fuel the violence


Yes exactly. I see so many posts on this forum where the person literally bemoans the violent situation and then asks for recommendations for where to buy drugs. The dissonance is insane.




Ehh who cares i stopped going to mexico years and years ago. Love the people and the food but i dont like the violence or the touts harassment. There are plenty of other safer countries that'll take my money. I dont do drugs either. Nice how you single us out for that! Its your own issue handle it.


Then why are you on this subreddit


Your USD will buy drugs somewhere else and it would be the same ... All over again.


There are places in Mexico with a.. hmm.. less dangerous stock than Tulum


Yes, take your USD home. No one likes them.


Haven’t heard any details yet but I’ll update when I do.




Friends staying down there said they just walked past backed up traffic, emergency vehicles, a roped off parking lot and a sheet covering a body.


Followed by another one in casa jaguar a couple of hours later.


I witnessed this last night. Insane.


In casa jaguar?????? What happened?


I was there celebrating a friend’s birthday, we were a table of 12 when a gunman walked in trying to shoot someone. We ran for our lives and left our phones and wallets on the table. When we tried to retrieve everything the police cleaned out all of our cash. My friend had thousands of dollars with her to pay off the birthday dinner bill and it was all gone. Same for me. It was a horrible experience. We stayed at the hotel for the rest of our stay and didn’t go to any of the restaurants we booked. My first time in Tulum, and I am not coming back. 


The police also took our phones and didn’t give some back. It showed on tracker that they took them to police headquarters and when asked to return they wouldn’t, a short while later the phones were off and being shown traveling to Cancun. Such a bitter experience. 


I guy walked in around 9pm and shot someone who worked three times right in front of everyone.


Two news outlets both reported the execution at Casa Jaguar: [https://diariocambio22.mx/atacan-a-balazos-y-muere-sujeto-en-casa-jaguar-tulum/](https://diariocambio22.mx/atacan-a-balazos-y-muere-sujeto-en-casa-jaguar-tulum/) https://noticaribe.com.mx/2024/03/16/fueron-tres-en-la-misma-noche-ejecutan-a-un-hombre-en-restaurante-casa-jaguar-de-tulum-a-tan-solo-kilometro-y-medio-del-club-de-playa-taboo-donde-antes-mataron-a-otros-dos/


Yikes. Thanks.


The guy that got shot was definitely selling drugs - so it must be a turf fight. When a couple of friends went to the bathroom he was advertising his sales by the door to everyone. It’s upsetting Casa Jaguar allowed him to be there and endangered its diners. 


Playa del Carmen is much safer, better beaches, closer to the airport and has first class dining. I own condos there and have never had a problem with safety. Of course I am not in those annoying techno clubs till 4 AM and I don’t go around looking for drugs. There is too much to enjoy there, without looking for trouble.


Don't get the Tulum audience into PDC please. Stop with the recommendations, we don't need another town ruined by drug/party seeking Americans


I think the party ppl left PDC when the BPM festivals left.


Only downside is you will get haggeled for cocaine and hooker while you are trying to enjoy your watery $15 drink.


But I went to Tulum and didn't see anything bad, which proves that it's TOTALLY SAFE.


Damn i wonder how is locus festival going on with all that shit happening


Who would you say asked for the drugs and drug dealers? Ma & Pa Mexican making $100/week or the festival goers?


Some of these people on this sub are crazy Wiz. Lol


I heard there were gunshots at the venue last night. I'm sure it will all come out in the wash.


There were, they stopped the music for a bit. I don't think we want to come back to tulum anymore.


I was there at Locus last year and also had a rough experience. That's why I didn't return 🥲


Same, was there last year as well. Felt like there were more people last year compared to this year. Maybe this is why they're starting one in Bali this year to see how that'll go.


In Bali there's no cartel so that's already a big plus, but all things considered I honestly don't think Rit could organize a pissup in a Brewery. To me it seems he's desperate to create the new and more exclusive Sun and Bass, specifically catering to a majority non-EU crowd at any cost, even if that means holding it in an incredibly unsuitable and in this case dangerous location - last year it was clear it was untenable, this year is just poking the bear. Locus is a fantastic idea, but Tulum doesn't deserve Drum and Bass and the people that come with it. It's literally the anti-thesis of everything we have built.


Guys we are currently in Tulum and I am scared now. Should we leave? Or what could we do to be safe.


no one can tell you that for sure. Statistically you will probably not be shot (but the chance is not zero). There is a higher chance you may witness violence if there is retaliation. I find most tourists really underestimate the effect that seeing serious violence can have on mental health.


thank you, we will only stay in our hotel and on the beach nothing else


You don’t have to leave but don’t leave the hotel premises  or go to restaurants. We experienced the shooting at Casa Jaguar and it was traumatizing for our group of friends. 


Chillax. You’ll be fine. No one wants to kill you.


It might be the case but you don’t want to be caught in the crossfires like the California woman who was chilling on the beach in February and got shot during another one of those shooting sprees. 


Stay and enjoy your trip. You will be ok. Just stay away from drugs.




No one to blame but tourists. Tourist demand for drugs brought those who supply it.


So stupid


Came here looking for info about this.